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Fate T. Harlaown
A.K.A. Fate Testarossa
Age 25
Voice Actor Mizuki Nana
Relatives Precia Testarossa (Mother, deceased)
Alicia Testarossa ("Older Sister", deceased)
Lindy Harlaown (Adoptive Mother)
Chrono Harlaown (Adoptive Brother)
Arf (Familiar)
Erio Mondial (Foster Son)
Caro Lu Rushe (Foster Daughter)
Vivio Takamachi (Goddaughter)
Series Magical Girl Lyrical Nanoha
Player Josh
  • Name: Fate Testarossa Harlaown
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday:
  • Parents: Precia Testarossa (Mother, deceased)
    • Place of Birth: Garden of Time
    • Nationality: Midchilda
    • Specialty: Investigation
    • Hobbies: Competitive Sports
    • Likes: Children, dogs, competition
    • Dislikes: People who mistreat children
    • Favorite Music: Pop
    • Favorite Sport: Volleyball, Competitive Magical Combat
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Bardiche
    • Level of Education: University, Military Training
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nana Mizuki
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 135 lbs
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Blonde


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Fate is a gentle soul who transcended a tragic past to become a strong, formidable woman. She started out in life believing she was the only daughter of the mage Precia Testarossa, and suffered repeated physical and emotional abuse from her as part of her mother's insane desperation to bring Fate's older sister back to life. After meeting Nanoha Takamachi, however, Fate learned how to stand on her own, even reaching out to try to help her dying mother after declaring her independence. As a result, she has a gentle streak and a love of all children, especially those who have been abandoned or rejected by their parents.

Fate has spent years honing her magical skill and knowledge, and it shows. She is highly confident of her abilities--though not to overconfidence. She knows her limits, knows how to overcome them when necessary, and knows how to inspire others and teach them how to excel and press past their own limitations. In her professional life, she is calm and collected, down-to-business and serious. In her personal life, she can sometimes be quite the opposite; while little surprises her in the magical world, sometimes events in the mundane world throw her curveballs which leads to confusion and indecision. However, despite this, she maintains a hidden competitive streak, and rarely backs down from a challenge, especially related to sports.


Fate Testarossa awoke on a bed in a medical clinic, with her mother, Precia Testarossa, worriedly looking over her.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Normal - Good (+2), Magical Sensors - Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Physical Endurance - Very Good (+3), Dodge/Agility/Speed - Very Good (+3) (See also superspeed power)
  • Stealth - Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Abysmal (-1)
  • Streetwise - Good (+2)
  • Intimidation - Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership - Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Very Good (+3)
  • Investigation - Amazing (+5) (Fate is a world-class, professional detective for the Time-Space Administrative Bureau)
  • Law - Very Good (+3)
  • Occult: Dimensional Magic - Amazing (+5), Magic Theory - Incredible (+4), Other Magic/Supernatural/Occult - Good (+2)
  • Politics - Good (+2)
  • Science: Magical-Science - Incredible (+4), Natural Science (Physics, Chemistry) - Good (+2)
  • Technology: Magical Repair - Very Good (+3), Other - Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Very Good (+3)
  • Survival - Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy - Very Good (+3)
  • Animal Ken - Good (+2)

Special Abilities

Barrier Jacket (防護服 / バリアジャケット)

Fate's primary form of defense, the Barrier Jacket is a magic armor protecting a mage from external harm. Unlike protection spells and other defensive magic, it is permanently active and can only be dispelled by critically damaging or destroying the Device that conjured it. The defensive capabilities of Barrier Jackets are very high and protect the mage from life-threatening conditions, however, they cannot be completely relied upon for protection.

Despite their appearance as "clothes", the Barrier Jacket fully protects the mage's body. Any appearance of an "unarmored location" is completely cosmetic. On the subject of appearance as clothes, the appearance of the Barrier Jacket is fully determined by the caster and device based on his or her personal preferences. While most rank-and-file military mages wear a common Barrier Jacket design, highly-skilled mages are given complete freedom to configure their Barrier Jacket to their personal taste.

Barrier Jackets can be tuned to enhance certain characteristics; for example, a Barrier Jacket can sacrifice defense for a speed boost. Skilled mages might have multiple forms of Barrier Jackets they can switch between at-will for maximum flexibility in combat.

  • Impulse Form: This is Fate's current standard Barrier Jacket. It has a balanced set of characteristics, while still working overall with her high speed and maneuverability.
  • Sonic Drive / True Sonic Form (真・ソニックフォーム): Fate can transform her Barrier Jacket into an ultimate speed boost form... in this mode, she sacrifices nearly all of her armor's defensive capabilities for a huge speed boost.

Attack Magic (攻撃魔法 Kōgeki Mahō)

Melee Magic (打撃 / 斬撃 Dageki/Zangeki)

Melee magic spells are used in conjunction with Devices which have melee weapon forms. Advanced Devices have the capability of transforming into multiple forms, each with different characteristics.

Bardiche Weapon Forms
Scythe/Haken Form - Bardiche's head flips up and generates a scythe blade of light. In Haken form, the scythe has additional "blades" or "wings" projecting backward from the haft.
  • Scythe/Haken Slash - Fate's melee attack with the scythe, where the blade is enhanced in order to penetrate barrier-type magics.
Zanber Form - Bardiche Assault's head splits in two and generates a large energy blade from the top, transforming the weapon into an enormous Buster sword.
  • Jet Zanber - Fate's ultimate melee attack (thus far), she first throws a shockwave at the target, then swings Bardiche Assault in Zanber form.
Riot Blade - A compressed version of Zanber Form which apparently possesses greater cutting power.
  • Riot Zanber Stinger - Bardiche Assault splits into two Riot Blades connected by a cord of energy between the hilts.
  • Riot Zanber Calamity - Fate can also combine both of the Riot Blades to form Riot Zanber Calamity, which possesses a blade the size of the normal Zanber Form with the cutting power of the Riot Blade.
Magic-enhanced Attack (魔力付与攻撃 Maryoku Fuyo Kōgeki)

Magic-enhanced Attack-type spells use magical energy to enhance an otherwise physical attack.

  • Plasma Arm - Fate creates a barrier of lightning around her arm. Particularly used when she's in melee fighting.
Shooting Attack (射撃 Shageki)

Shooting Attacks are single- or multiple-shot attacks that fire magical energy projectiles.

  • Plasma Bullet - Fate fires a single bolt of compressed magical energy. The shot can penetrate magical barriers if they're not strong enough.
  • Arc/Haken Saber - Fate swings Bardiche, launching a spinning scythe energy blade.
  • Plasma Lancer - Fate creates multiple bolts of energy in the shape of an arrowhead and shoots them towards the enemy. Normally they travel in a straight line, but with a command, "Turn!", they stop, change direction, and relaunch towards her target.
Bombardment Attack

Bombardment Attacks are heavy beam attacks. The beams strike a wide area in a cone or straight line with long-duration beams of magical energy. The beams fire for several seconds or more and are intended to break through physical and magical barriers. Often on impact, Bombardment attacks will produce a secondary explosion.

  • Plasma Smasher - Fate fires a heavy beam attack through focusing rings of magic.
  • Plasma Zanber Breaker - Bardiche Assault in Zanber form unleashes a powerful energy blast.
  • Trident Smasher - The beam attack splits into three separate beams.
Area Attacks
  • Thunder Blade - An area is filled with energy swords, which then launch out at targets caught in the area. If one or more of these blades hit, Fate can use the command word "Break!" to cause the swords to detonate.
  • Thunder Fall - A ceremonial spell requiring chanting her personal Aria, "Arcus Cultus Aegeas". This spell creates a wide-area lightning storm of Lightning-Elemental energy, which is not subject to antimagic fields.
  • Blast Calamity - A combination spell cast by Fate and Nanoha, a barrel field is first generated by Raising Heart, then the Nanoha's mana is fed into Bardiche's blade. Fate uses their mana to release a blow of energy through a strike, followed by Nanoha's Buster and Fate's Smasher to fill the field.

Defensive Spells (防御魔法 Bōgyo Mahō)

Barrier-type Defense

Barrier Defenses can generally defend in a wide range of directions but are relatively easy to break. They work by absorbing the power of an attack in order to reduce damage.

  • Defenser/Defenser Plus - Defenser is Bardiche's Auto-Guard spell. The Defenser Plus variant creates a barrier dome around a fixed location, used often to protect others.
Shield-type Defense

Shield Defenses are significantly more difficult to penetrate, but they are monoplanar. They defend by repelling energy driven against them.

  • Round Shield/Multiple Round Shield - Fate erects a monoplanar barrier to repel attacks. "Multiple Round Shield" creates a cone-shaped series of shields which deflect large-scale incoming attacks.
Field-type Defense

These spells create a personal defense aura. Barrier Jackets are a form of always-active field spells, but mages and knights with strong defensive abilities can create additional layers in the form of specialized field spells.

  • Jacket Purge - This spell "unravels" in a second all the mana used to comprise her Barrier Jacket to cause a blast. It has a significant attack power and can disrupt binding spells. However, she will be vulnerable for a few moments after purging the Jacket, and she requires mana to rebuild it.

Capture (捕獲系魔法 Hokaku Kei Mahō) Spells

Bind-Type Capture

Bind-type spells directly inhibit a target's freedom of movement and the use of certain action triggers (movements necessary to activate spells) by attaching themselves to the target.

  • Lightning Bind - Fate uses magical energy to bind the target's wrists and ankles. It possesses a unique function to increase the power of lightning spells in the nearby.

Force Field (結界魔法 Kekkai Mahō) Spells

Circle-Type Force Fields
  • Floater Field - This spell creates a "repelling cushion" that slows the impact and fall of a target. Used to reduce or nullify the damage from falling or knockback.
Area-Type Force Fields
  • Temporal Force Field (Kekkai) - This spell creates a dome up to a kilometer across. Within this area, anyone who possesses magical or other "special" power, or anyone who the caster specifically designates, is shifted out of synchronization with the normal flow of time. Physical objects do remain in place, and can be damaged, but uninvolved civilians are completely removed from harm's way. After combat ends, specialized repair teams can be transported into the field to repair physical damage to buildings and objects before the field is released. Force Fields of this kind are generally inaccessible from the outside without a specific magical "encryption key", which designates the specific temporal harmonics of the altered time flow. A mage can choose to share this information and can communicate or move freely outside the effect if they know the key.

Support (補助魔法 Hojo Mahō) Spells

Decline-type Support
  • Sprite Zanber - This ability is designed to destroy force fields, binding magics, and illusions.
  • Bind Break - An escape spell that attempts to deactivate a binding spell. The time required depends on the complexity of the target magic.
Transport-type Support
  • Flight - Fate can fly.
  • Sonic Sail - Fate generates mana wings on her wrists and ankles, while in Sonic Form. These greatly boost her movement and flight speed.
  • Sonic Move - This spell allows her to move at speeds where the human eye can no longer track her. It is permanently active when she is in Sonic Form.
  • Dimensional Transfer - This spell allows the caster and targets to teleport, either within the current dimension or to other dimensions. It is a ceremonial spell and requires time to cast.
Uncategorized Support
  • Sealing - This spell is used to render dangerous magical artifacts or weapons safe and inert. A magical device affected by this spell is not usable until the seal is broken.

Powers & Merits

  • Linker Core (リンカーコア): Fate possesses a "Linker Core", a special organ in her body about the size of a marble, which allows her to store, produce, and channel mana within her body, and link it to magical spells to create a variety of effects.
    • Telepathy: Mages possess the capability to communicate telepathically, both with eachother and with their Devices.
  • Unique Ability - Lightning Elemental Affinity: On rare occasions, a Mage will have an affinity to a certain element. Fate's affinity is to lightning.
    • Superspeed: Due to Fate's elemental affinity, she has a natural superspeed ability, which operates by reflex. This affects her ability to dodge and rapidly move and maneuver in combat, in addition to actually boosting the travel time of her ranged spells themselves.
    • Lightning Elemental Spells: Fate can apply lightning elemental energy to any of her spells. Normally, Mages and Knights can only produce non-elemental magical damage.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

AMF - Anti-Magilink Field
All Mages who possess a Linker Core are susceptible to an effect called an "Anti-Magilink Field" or "AMF". An AMF creates a resistance between reality and the ability for a mage to link mana to spells. Depending on the intensity of the field, the AMF can either make casting more difficult, or it can prevent it entirely and even negate existing links, such as flight spells. There are several ways to circumvent AMFs, most of which rely on "barriers" around spell effects, or using physical attacks.
Zero Effect - Eclipse Divider (魔導殺し Madō Koroshi)
Recently, a serious threat has been uncovered in the form of the Zero Effect. These weapons and the people who wield them have the ability to completely cancel active magical effects, repel any magical attack, and break through any magical defense, making them extremely dangerous to mages and knights.

NPC(s) to go with char

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