Chie Satonaka

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Chie Satonaka
A.K.A. The Spunky Dragon with Deadly Legs,The Carnivore whose discarded Womanhood.
Age 18
Voice Actor Yui Horie
Series Persona 4
Player Jade
  • Name: Chie Satonaka
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: July 29, 1994
  • Parents:
    • Place of Birth: Inaba, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Martial Artist/Persona User
    • Hobbies:Training, watching Kung fu flix
    • Likes: ..Training, Kung Fu flix, Martial Arts....Steak
    • Dislikes: Bugs
    • Favorite Food: ...Steak
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music: j Pop, Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Enjoys sports in general
    • Most Valuable Possessions: a pair of yellow glasses
    • Level of Education: High school. Working on college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yui Horie/Erin Fritzgerald
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'8"
    • Weight: 125
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Brown
    • Special: She will ALWAYS be wearing green


Chie has light brown, bowl-shaped hair and brown eyes.She wears a light green, high collared athletic jacket adorned with several buttons, as well as a black undershirt and underneath her mini skirt is short black leggings. In summer, however, she is seen in a green tank top with a floral pattern as well as a colorful wristband at each arm, having wrapped her jacket around her hips


Tomboy, though a little dense sometimes. She has a bright and upbeat personality, often trying to cheer up the group by joking.


Satonaka is the childhood friend of Yukiko Amagi. Born and raised in Inaba, she had lead a pretty normal life up to the events of Persona 4. Discovering the shadow world with Yu and Yousuke was partly her and yousuke's fault. While at Junes, the store Yousuke Hanamura's father owns, Yu Narumaki is investigating why he can just meld into tv screens, Chie notices people starting to head over and panics. Rushing over to pull Yu, who is hanging partly out of the tv at the time, out of it, she slams into Yousuke who was also about to do the same thing, sending the three tumbing into the shadow world for the first time. What pulls Chie into the mix is the fact that, after the first two disappearances and then murders. Yukiko is kidnapped. Yousuke, Yu and Chie all team up in an attempt to rescue Yukiko from this strange, and rather dangerous new world they discovered.

Chie wanders off to Yukiko's castle to try and save her friend, going against Yosuke's stern warning. She soon finds herself trapped on the second floor, her jealousy of Yukiko's feminine side and her talents, as well as her wish and need to maintain control over Yukiko manifests into a shadow. Embarrassed that such feelings that she's hidden suddenly emerged out of nowhere for everyone to see, she denies it as a part of herself. The shadow gains power and individuality, threatening to kill her former self.After being saved by Yu and Yosuke, Chie comes to terms with the fact that these feelings do exist within her. The shadow then becomes her Persona, Tomoe. Although exhausted from the endeavor, the team had to pull out from the castle to allow Chie time to recover. Within a few days she was back up to fighting strength, and on top of that she now had the power of Persona at her disposal, Just like Yu and Yousuke.

After a hard fight battle with Yukiko's Shadow, They do manage to recover Yukiko, who will also join the group after she recovers. Chie's original intent was just to save Yukiko and be done with it, but after experiencing the shadow world and seeing what people are put through there, she decides to stick with the group, intending to give the one behind all this a piece of her mind, and more then likely a knuckle sandwich.

Chie and her friends became closer through training together at the Samegawa Floodplain. Over time, it's learned that Chie enjoys creating groups and titles for herself, in hopes of being feared by juveniles and protecting the weak. Hearing from a police officer that high schoolers have been bullying people in the Central Shopping District, Chie and Yu coincidentally help. They first save Chie's middle school friend, who then calls the police. The second time, Chie makes the hoodlums run off just as they attempt to steal from a little boy.

Persona 4 Arena

In her story mode at Persona 4 Arena, Chie is planning on becoming a police officer, following her decision in Persona 4, and while running by the riverbed she hears two students talking about the Midnight Channel. Concerned, she later calls Yosuke and they decide to watch the Midnight Channel that night, as rain was forecasted. There, she sees an introduction video to a fighting program called "P-1 Grandprix", featuring her and her other friends as the main fighters, a program that Teddie, oddly dressed as a General, seems to be in charge of. She is angered by the mocking title she is given, and after giving calls to Yosuke, Yukiko and Naoto they decide to meet up at Junes the next day (except Naoto, who appears to be too busy to make it. Thus, Chie decides to not tell her about the incident).

The following day she meets up with Yuu Narukami and the others at Junes, and they decide to enter the midnight channel. But upon crossing through the usual TV, they are separated and land at different locations.

She wakes up outside what seems to be Yasogami Highschool, though full of posters and cameras, wondering what was going on. At that moment, a TV screen turns on and Teddie (in General attire) greets the P-1 participants and tells them they have to fight each other to decide "who is the manliest of men". Rise serves as the show's commentator, and both of them show hostile behavior, much unlike them. Chie is confused, much more when her first opponent is Yosuke. She tries to speak with him, but Yosuke instead insults her and her dream of becoming a police officer. Not seeing another choice after Yosuke takes an offensive stance, they fight and Chie wins.

Yosuke wakes up after being defeated. Chie starts shouting at him for saying cruel things, but Yosuke does the same. Both of them are confused at this, as they don't remember saying anything to insult the other. In the end, they decide to continue to see what was really going on, but Yosuke is unable to pass through an invisible wall because of the tournament's rules, making him put his trust on Chie to solve the case and save their friends.

Chie keeps on going inside the building, fighting off Yuu and Yukiko, both of them saying cruel things about her true intentions and dreams, making her doubt herself more and more, until they turn to normal after being defeated. They all claim to have not said anything bad, and they end up sending her off, puting their trust in her just like Yosuke did. She also meets briefly a girl who claims to be student council president, but she runs off immideately.

At some point she sees a strange man wearing a cloak at a corridor. This man tries to punch an invisible wall, but upon seeing it's useless, he opens a window and jumps off. Chie, surprised, looks down and smells food at the distance. There are two choices here: One to jump down and follow the smell, or to keep going. The main story continues if the player decides to keep on going without forgeting about their objective.

Eventually she meets Teddie, fights him, believing him to be behind everything, but upon hearing his explination she decides to follow the Student Council President into the Announcement Room.

She'll catch up with the President, meeting Rise and the President. Chie reaches the conclusion that she is behind everything, as they new president is a guy, and tries to make her confess. But at that moment, what seems to be Chie's shadow appears and starts making her doubt her intentions and dreams again. With encouragement from her friends Chie manages to summon her Persona again and defeat her shadow.

Later, upon realizing that she used her Persona in the fight, something she shouldn't have been able to do, as Shadows and Personas are one being, General Teddie appears and reveals himself to be the President's Shadow. She created the tournament in order to make other experience that same thing she experienced in the past, being forced to fight her own friends. She makes the President take her real form, a metalic, robotic-like figure.

At that moment, the wall by their side suddenly breaks, an unconcious Kanji going through it after being punched by Sanada Akihiko, who is there to retrieve Labrys (refering to the President). Labrys is scared by this and runs off after remembering what she is, and her Shadow follows. Akihiko tells Chie to stay there, but Chie instead chases after Akihiko, leaving Kanji in Rise's hands.

They both enter the gym and are forced to fight by the tournament's rules. At first, Akihiko doesn't want Chie to get involved and explains he has an important and official mission, with the lives of many at stake, and his reasons surpass Chie's curiosity. But Chie answers she needs to catch up to Labrys because she needs to apologize for everything she said. That she wants to understand her and help her as a friend.

Akihiko is amazed, saying she reminds him of his friends. He proceeds to explain everything, about how he was member of a group in charge of eliminating Shadows in the real world, and that he came here with his friend Mitsuru Kirijo to retrieve Labrys, a sealed human looking weapon made to defeat Shadows. They decide to fight, as there is no other way to continue, and Chie wins. Akihiko acknowledges his defeat and puts his faith on Chie. Chie is cheered up by his words and pursuits Labrys to the Announcement Room again.

Labrys is unsure about her reasons, saying Chie only wants to retrieve her, as Akihiko said, and they are forced to fight. Labrys' Shadow appears and makes Labrys deny both of them being the same, gaining power and summoning a bull-looking Shadow. Chie fights them and wins, later talking with Labrys, telling her she is not angry, that she wants to help her and she needs to accept what she really is.

Labrys accepts her Shadow and gains her Persona. They all meet up with their friends at the roof, which seems to be the same studio they use to go back and forth from the TV world. Labrys is unsure at first because she thinks she'll be a nuisance because she is a robot, but is proven wrong by the Investigation Team. Akihiko, with Mitsuru and a girl named Aigis join them, and Mitsuru answers to Labrys fears saying she does not intend to lock her up again, making her smile.

But at that moment, Labrys suddenly stops moving, and another voice starts speaking through her. That voice seems to control Labrys and attacks the rest. They reach the conclussion that there is another person behind all this mess, a person that sees Labrys only as a tool. Chie is forced to fight Labrys and win, making the enemy withdraw. They all get out of the TV world and Mitsuru tells them to not get involved any further, not wanting them to get hurt.

The next day, she meets up with a recovered Labrys and Akihiko in front of Mitsuru's limousine. Chie now calls Akihiko Master, saying that they have similar objectives and dreams, and that he is the kind of person she wants to be. Akihiko seems annoyed at first with Chie calling him that, but later accepts it, even giving her advice, saying that a true man does not cry unless he loses his wallet. Chie entusiastically confirms this. Mitsuru comments Chie is not a man, but Akihiko says that a man's feeling goes past the boundaries of gender. Chie agrees with this.

She bids farewell to her new friend Labrys, that has decided to join Mitsuru into catching the man that did this. She meets up at Junes with her friends and they decide to keep on investigating on their own, following what they think is the best trail.

Last scene shows Chie writing a letter to her Master. She is having trouble choosing the right words, thanks him for his advice, because thanks to that she knows what to do, and decides to keep on writing later, as she is not good at it.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Good
  • Athletics Very good
  • Stealth Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Abysmal
  • Streetwise good
  • Intimidation Good
  • Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
  • Expression good
  • Etiquette novice
  • Performance (Trumpet) Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Novice
  • Investigation Good
  • Medicine novice ( a little first aid)
  • Law Novice
  • Occult Novice
  • Politics
  • Science
  • Technology

Other Skills:

  • Driving Good
  • Survival Novice
  • Empathy Good
  • Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)
  • Cooking Abysmal

Special Abilities

Trained in Jeet kun do, Wang Chun, Tae Kwon do. Her fighting style is a self taught mis-mash of those styles.

Powers & Merits


Tomoe Gozen

Tomoe Gozen
  • Name: Tomoe Gozen
  • Type: Physical/Ice, Stat buffer
  • Affects: Attack
  • Resistances: Ice
  • Weaknesses: Fire
  • Special Abilities:
    • Enhanced Defense: Tomoe Gozen increases the user's defense, and allows them to survive other types of attacks normal humans could not. It is especially resilient against physical and ice attacks, but its defenses against its weaknesses are non-existent. The Persona itself, if summoned, takes heavy damage from those. (Gameplay Wise: The Persona user can take punishment that could kill an ordinary human and survive it. It does not give them invincibility or even resistance to those things, but like a Magical Girl, they can take 'general damage' instead of 'Bullet wound to the neck'. It provides NO defense against its weaknesses.)
    • Counter: IF Chie is attacked with a melee attack Tomoe might pop out to counter the attack! If Chie successfully dodges or blocks.
  • Special Attacks:
    • Assault Dive: Instead of summoning next to Chie, Tomoe will summon above her target, falling at them with her weapon being spun like a buzzsaw or aimed down like a spear.
    • Gale Slash: Tomoe appears and flings her double bladed Naginata.!, the weapon boomerangs out at several enemies before returning. It can also target a single foe.
  • Spells: A Persona can use Tarot cards or other methods to learn spells. Each Persona has a number of 'slots' it can use to learn spells. Spells can be taught to the Persona then either upgraded to the next level, or replaced by an entirely different spell.
    • Bufu: Forms 3 large blocks of ice around the enemy which attempted to crush them.
    • Mabufu A Spell that sends a wave of flash freezing ice crossed the ground at her enemies

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Text goes here

Items Of Note

Metal greaves. Shadow World Glasses: though useless now, they were used to see through the strange fog that covered the shadow land.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

Text goes here
