Katalin Sarkozy

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Katalin Sarkozy
A.K.A. Cathrine Bathory
Age ???
Voice Actor Kana Ueda
Relatives Elizabeth Bartley: Sire
Series Castlevania
Player Jade`
  • Name: Katalin Sarkozy
  • Age: ???
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: ???
  • Parents: ??? Elizabeth Bartley
    • Place of Birth: Gren Hungry
    • Nationality: Hungarian
    • Likes: Blood, Lots of blood
    • Dislikes: disobedent minions
    • Favorite Food: Blood, Lots of blood
    • Least Favorite Food: Garlic
    • Favorite Sport: Fencing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Locket around her neck
    • Level of Education: High.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kana Ueda
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:5'4"
    • Weight: ???
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Red
    • Special: Reeks of Copper


Seems to be a young victorian era girl. Clearly a Noble of some kind.


Regal, Out of her mind.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Very Good
  • Athletics Incredible
  • Stealth Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge : good
  • Intimidation: Very good
  • Leadership : good
  • Expression : good
  • Etiquette: Incredible
  • Performance: Good
  • Language: Romania very good
  • Language: Hungarian very good
  • Language: English Very good
  • Language: Japanese Very good
  • Language: Most NORMAL languages: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: very good
  • Law: Good
  • Occult: Incredible
  • Politics: Good

Other Skills:

  • Empathy: Good


Weapon Master:Even with out her vampiric power she is well versed in many forms of combat. Her skill combined with with strength and speed makes her a deadly foe on the battle field.

Gifts: Elementals, Teleportation, Mind Control, Flight.
Teleport: The ability to instantenously (or after a fashion) disappear and reappear somewhere else. The mechanics of this power depends mostly on the bloodline, but the effect is the same.
Elemental Control: The Gift of the Bathory bloodline, tied in to the Chernozen of the Carpathians. This Gift allows the vampire to erect barriers and create joint elemental attacks from which it's near impossible to defend, in the shape of powerful magic orbs.
Flight: The ability to defy the laws of gravity much like a vampire defies the laws of life, a vampire with this power can glide anywhere, anytime, making them much harder to hit, and much easier for them to hit a hunter.
Mind Control: The ability to override a victim's willpower, and make them act according to the user's wishes. this creates a less than willing victim, but incredibly useful for servants or pests.

Items Of Note

Rune Etched Battle Hammer: Much bigger then some one her size should be able to wei- oh wait she is a vampire.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Weakness: Blood Baths.(Requires incredible amounts of blood to survive), As well as the standard run of Vampiric weaknesses.
Sadist(1):Likes to watch her victims slowly die.
Vengeance (1): You are consumed with avenging something very important to you. When facing a chance to do this, you need to make a roll (diff 7) to resist taking your revenge. This is another specific flaw, which you should mention beforehand. (Destroying the Hunter Clans for taking the night from creatures such as herself)

NPC(s) to go with char
