Drake Wyndia

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Name: Drake Wyndia Age: 17 Sex: Male B-day: August 10 Place of Birth: Wyndia Parents: Ryu and Nina Wyndia (Breath of Fire 3) Nationality: Wyndian Speciality: Transforming Hobbies: Adventuring, monster hunting, studying magic Likes: Dragons Dislikes: Dragon haters Favorite Food: Meat! Least Favorite Food: Vegetables! Most Valuable Possession: Something called the "Goo King Sword," whatever the hell a Goo King is... Level of Education: Equivalent to high school in a medieval setting Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yamaguchi Kappei

Physical Stats Height: 5'6 Weight: 140 lbs. Eyes: Blue Hair: Blue Special:


PERSONALITY: Extremely excitable and investigative, Drake was pretty much a terror for his parents and the kingdom of Wyndia. He's incredibly inquisitive, sometimes to the point of being overbearing and annoying. However, his intentions are always good and he never means any harm.

He is an eternal optimist, even in the most depressing situations.

BACKGROUND: After the defeat of the Goddess Myria in the Station floating high above the land, Ryu and Nina took time off from monster hunting to start a family. From this, Drake was born. From the start, Drake was an extremely excitable child, always wanting to run around the castle and get into tussles. Even with this energy, he wanted to study books as well, although his actual focus on either of those depended entirely on the time of day.

As he grew, he wanted to follow in his family's footsteps and fight monsters out in the wilderness. Of course, his parents didn't want him to get hurt, so they taught him basic swordfighting and magic use, which he seemed to pick up rather easily. However, in addition to this training, Drake also has access to the power of the Brood -- that is, the ability to transform into a dragon.


  • Quick Learner - Drake picks up new skills and abilities at a very increased rate and can practically recite any ability he sees from memory. Replicating it himself can be a challenge and is left up to GM (and possibly player) discretion.


Heal - Recovers light wounds on one target. Purify - Removes poison from people and objects Protect - A magical shield forms around a target and reduces their damage taken from weapons.

Cyclone - Creates a swirling tornado around a target that does wind magic damage. Frost - Hurts a blast of icy magic at a target. Jolt - Lightning leaps from Drake's hand to strike a target.

Dragon Transformations:

Drake has access to some of his father's dragon transformations. However, he must find his own sources of Dragon Genes in the world in order to become stronger.

Whelp Genes:

Holy - Transforms Drake into a small, white dragon whelp.

  • Holy Breath - A sheer concentration of holy radiance, however it seems more effective when Drake is undamaged.
  • Shining Claws - Even the claws of the tiny dragon radiate holy power!

Shadow - Transforms Drake into a small, black dragon whelp.

  • Shadow Breath - A concentrated breath of shadows, this can blind those who are not careful.
  • Poison Claws - The claws of this whelp are poisonous and can be very deadly.


  • Alertness - Novice
  • Swords - Good
  • Magic - Good
  • Martial Arts - Good
  • Athletics - Very Good
  • Expression - Very Good
  • Performance - Good
  • Computers - Abysmal
  • Science - Abysmal
  • Technology - Abysmal
  • Survival - Good
  • Animal Ken - Amazing


  • Eidetic Memory (2)
  • Concentration (1)
  • Beast Affinity (4)
  • Natural Channel (3)


  • Enemy - Myria/Deathevans (5)