Suguru Ishijima

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Suguru Ishijima
Age 22
Voice Actor Akira Kamiya
Relatives Domon Ishijima, Fuko Ishijima
Series Flame of Recca
Player Awesome
  • Name: Suguru Ishijima
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Feburary, 29
  • Parents: Domon Ishijima, Fuko Ishijima
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Pro-Wrestling and Mixed Martial Arts
    • Hobbies: Gardening
    • Likes: Plants, Flowers, Pro-Wrestling, Cute Things
    • Dislikes: Unhealthy Minded People
    • Favorite Food: Gyudon
    • Least Favorite Food: Nato
    • Favorite Music: Rock and Roll
    • Favorite Sport: Pro-Wrestling
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His Madogu
    • Level of Education: College Level Edutcation
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Akira Kamiya
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 202lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Very very very dark purple
    • Special:


Tall man with a handsome face and jaw line, usually wears loose fitting clothes that hides the physique of someone that has built their body from intense physical conditioning over the years. Attached to his ear is the Dosei no Wa.


Is a man wth a kind heart, the very definition of a gentle giant. Soft spoken, very slow to anger, and incredibly level headed. However despite this he is a man with full of self confidence in himself and his own strength, never ever doubting himself and his own skills, whenever he fails he views it as a chance to develop himself more. Despite the confidence in his own strength, he is a very shy person with a deep voice that he tries his best to use but prefers letting his actions speak for him.


Suguru was born into a very loving household, however growing up he stood out because of his height and size. Because of this he was a target for bullies who wanted to fight him to prove a point that they were the strongest. At first Suguru would just let them beat him up out of fear then one day he couldn't take it any more and the young boy snapped and defeated the bullies mercilessly. It was on that day Suguru learned that "The bigger you are the stronger you are. The stronger you are the more people fear and respected you." After this revelation Suguru became a bully himself, a full out delinquent, throwing his strength around and getting whatever he wanted because of it.

His father, Domon saw that if he continued down this path he wold surely fall into the wrong crowd so he did the only thing he knew he could do at this point. He sat the young man down, explained to him what he was doing was wrong the only way he knew beating him up. Once Suguru woke up from the tough love his father gave him he saw the light and changed his ways. He learned that no matter how strong you are there is always someone stronger than you and that there are people out there who will abuse the strength they have like he did once, so he focused his life in training his body along side his father to become a strong powerful man that can protect those who need protecting.

As the years passed and he grew into a man, his skills became stronger both physically and mentally. Once Domon saw that his song grew up into the man he always wanted him to grow up into he gave him the Dosei no Wa. With the madougu, physical strength and skills he became a force to be reckoned with and a man that carried on the Ishijima legacy in the vile criminal underworld.

Because of this he was scouted by PARADIGM...


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness (How alert you are.)
  • Athletics (Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
  • Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..)
  • Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.)
  • Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
  • Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
  • Expression
  • Etiquette
  • Performance

Mental Skills:

  • Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
  • Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science
  • Technology (repair, robotics, mechanics.. that sort of thing.)

Other Skills:

  • Driving (arguably physical, but..)
  • Survival (as in wilderness)
  • Empathy (some people have more than others)
  • Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)

Special Abilities

Ishijima Style of Grappling: A style of hand to hand combat based on a mixture of various forms of combat that relies on grappling such as Judo, Grecco/Pro-Wrestling, and Combat Sambo.

Physical Strength: Even without the use of his madougu, Suguru has immense physical strength and durability that he achieved through his natural size and years of body building and conditioning. His burning muscles is something he is very very proud of.

Mental Strength: With a strong body comes a strong mind, in this case it is true. While he isn't the smartest person (Has pretty average intelligence), his mental strength is strong. Much like his father his will power allows him to have amazing mental strength that allows him to combat against various illusions that affect the mind. However, the stronger the illusion, the more fight it takes from him to push against it.

Powers & Merits

Iron Will (5): You cannot be mind-controlled easily, and getting you to surrender is borderline impossible. When magical (or other) mind-control is attempted on you, both roll and you get a +3 bonus to your roll. It's possible to do it, but you'll fight it with every fiber of your being, and will not stay in thrall very long.

Unique Items

Dosei no Wa (Ring of Saturn): A ring that greatly increases physical strength. It also converts willpower and determination directly into physical power. The determination power can be recognized when the ring shines very bright. Its primary stone has the kanji for 'Earth' (土, Tsuchi) written on it.

Items Of Note

His madougu

Weaknesses & Flaws

Black and White (1): You see all situations in black and white, good and evil, etc. In situations where this limited, judgmental way of thinking may hinder your reaction to something or cause you to act socially inappropriate, your Social rolls are at -1 Penalty. For Suguru there is no grey area when it comes to good and evil. If you do bad things you will suffer from the sword of justice and justice always comes through in the end.

Shy (1): You're not a social butterfly, to say the least. Many social rolls are at -1 penalty, and if you're the center of attention, all rolls are at -2 penalty.

Soft-hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.

NPC(s) to go with char

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