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A.K.A. Makai Priest Hakoda
Age 29
Voice Actor Kenji Nomura
Relatives Unnamed Parents
Series Garo/Garo Makai Senki
Player Brandon
  • Name: Hakoda
  • Age: 29
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: His work, fighting horrors, ramen
  • Dislikes: going without food too long, explaining himself

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'4"
  • Weight: 221 lbs
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Hair: White


He tends to look more priestly in his mode of dress than other Makai Priests. Tan skin and disheveled silvery white hair that is generally not tended to very often. He also often forgets to shave.


He's friendly enough, but is a bit blunt in his way of speaking. He doesn't like explaining things because he doesn't think he's very good at it, but he's really quite knowledgeable, just self conscious. Can be very terse when he's in a poor mood. He is very fond of a thick, red sake consumed by some Makai Priests.


Alertness: Incredible
Atheltics: Incredible
Occult: Amazing


Elemental Magic: Hakoda is able to perform magic spells by painting seals in the air. He can cast spells of fire and earth, mostly offensive in nature. He knows the principles behind the other elements, he just can't invoke them very well. The spells are not so much named spells as they are created by the will and brush strokes of the user; each makai priest or priestess will have a unique repitoire.
Seals: Hakoda can make ofuda and other seals to attach to places or things to ward off evil.
Ritual Magic: Hakoda has access to ritual spells, such as opening gates to the Makai or other realms, creating Makai Roads, banishing horror blades, etc.
Soul Metal Mastery: As a Makai Priest, Hakoda is skilled in manipulating Soul Metal and can craft or repair the items used by Makai Knights, most notably the sentient Madougu they wear.
Gouryuu: Hakoda is knowledgeable in the crafting and maintenance of Gouryuu, makai powered golems of varying shape and size, though he prefers the hand on approach to his work.


Magic Brush: This is the crux of his abilities as a priest, and it's bristles are from the hide of a rare, legendary spirit beast.
Talismans: Ofuda, scrolls and other items used to perform some spells and seals.
Bar Chess Set: Bar Chess, a game played by Makai Knights and Priests, using their spiritual power. Sometimes the games involve wagers of portions of the player's lives. Some games between Knights and Priests can span years and in the case of the late Priest Amon and the Saejima family, generations.


Lacks a lot of the combative abilities of Makai Knights, most notably armor. Despite this, he is supremely confident in his abilities to battle horrors, sometimes to his detriment.