Dr Social

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Sebastien Social
Doctor Social relaxing.
A.K.A. Doctor Social, Fearless Vampire Hunter
Age 27
Voice Actor Hikaru Midorikawa
Relatives Social Family.
Series Master of Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Sebastien Social
  • Age: 27
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: August 7th
  • Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Social
    • Place of Birth: London
    • Nationality: British and French
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies: Puzzles
    • Likes: Puzzles.
    • Dislikes: Vampires
    • Favorite Food: Tea
    • Least Favorite Food: Fish n Chips
    • Favorite Music: Easy listening
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing
    • Level of Education: PhD in Psychology and Psychiatry
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hikaru Midorikawa
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 170lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black


Well dressed, lanky man with an athletic build, usually pleasant to be around.


Inquisitive, calm, classy, paternal.


Sebastien Social was born to the Social family, a long line of doctors of all types. Medicine, psychology and parapsychology. In the late 1800s, the Social family heir, Ferdinand Social, was involved in the Ripper murders of Whitechapel and the House of Wax murders of midtown London, England. He got involved with Dracula, which started the Social family down the path of becoming vampire and supernatural hunters.
The Social family's skills progressed over the last century, as they learned more about vampire and fighting techniques, and they were passed on from father to son or daughter over the next few generations. Expecting many different venues, physical training, and alternative methods of fighting supernatural beings, usually through science and technology, things the supernatural would not be used to. Of course, a high standard of education was always expected, so the Social family rose to be a group of exceptional people.
Sebastien Social was no exception. Born into the family, he could've had an easy life but for most of the 20th century, there had been no Belmonts, and that meant the other Hunters had to step up the game. From a young age he had to learn many different disciplines, such as investigation, sciences and fighting techniques.. at first he resented this, but when he actually saw how incredibly dangerous vampires and other monsters could be, after losing his father to a hunt gone bad.. he picked up the pace and became one of, at least as far as he knew, the finest vampire hunters in the world.. for a family with no supernatural aptitude or ancestral weapons.
He also entered the domains of Psychology and Psychiatry. Too busy with his moonlighting activity to become a notable authority in the subjects, he nonetheless mastered those professions and has earned a PHD in one and a Doctorate in the other.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+5)
  • Streetwise: Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3)
  • Expression: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)
  • Performance: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing (+5)
  • Investigation: Incredible (+4)
  • Medicine: Incredible (+4)/Psychology Amazing (+5)
  • Law: Good (+4)
  • Occult: Amazing (+5)
  • Science: Incredible (+4)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good (+3)
  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Amazing (+5)
  • Animal Ken: Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

Vampire Hunter: Sebastien is an expert at vampire hunting. He is highly knowledgeable about different vampire bloodlines and their respective weaknesses, has practiced staking in the heart without fail (usually), knows exorcism prayers by heart, and always carries the necessary supplies to break in, stalk, track and eventually put down vampires. He is highly knowledgeable in most forms of supernatural lore.
Hunter Training: Obviously, Sebastien is capable of defending himself with weapons, even against supernatural entities.
Knife: The basic tool. This is used for very rapid close range strikes.
Sword: Used to keep one's distance from monsters. Fast enough and usually more than capable of gettting the job done.
Axe: As short a range as the knife, but slower, the axe fighting style focuses on strong and precise blows at close range, for maximum damage.
Staff: A basic weapon, one that's easy to find and disguise as a walking stick. It's not very strong but it can be used from a distance and to set up better strikes.
Ranged Weapons: Less efficient against vampires but still highly useful, He uses these to deal with servants and other irritating problems that come with hunting the supernatural, or for demolition or precise targeting.
Boomerang: An actual boomerang, Sebastian uses it as a weapon to hit from multiple angles. The types he uses are bladed.
Firearms: Sebastian is highly trained in the use of revolvers, particularly, and is a crack shot with them.
Hand Bombs: Small bombs which he lights with a flick of flint, he can throw them to explode on impact. They cause a lot of damage, and he is great with his aim.
Crossbow: Sebastian has added one weapon to his family's arsenal. When hunting vampires, he has taken to using crossbows with wooden bolts.
Scientific Hunting: The Social family have been known to use science and newer methods to hunt monsters, due to their lack of special magical powers of relics. As such, Sebastian is usually carrying some liquid nitrogen, vials of phosphorus, various acids, and even some explosives, with more specialized materials if he has an idea of what he's hunting and where. His proficiency at sciences makes him quite capable of finding ways to deal with monsters and vampires even if weapons are proving inefficient.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
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Unique Items


Items Of Note

Melee Weapons

Combat Knife: A military grade combat knife. It's made of titanium steel to make sure even hitting monsters or golems will not damage it. The blade is razor sharp, and he keeps it in working condition whenever he can. The knife's weight is negligeable and he carries it at his back for quick drawing. The knife is not balanced for throwing, though he has been known to use it as such in a pinch. This is basically Sebastien's most basic weapon, and he normally will not reveal it unless his enemy thinks he's completely unarmed.
Hatchet: A military combat axe. Sebastian used to have a more classic version, but he lost it on a hunt, and since it was easier to get a modern version of it, he has. It's a very precisely weighted for balance, and while it swings slowly, it packs a cleaving punch, usually breaking AND cutting into his targets. He usually carries this at his hip, for quick access, or along his back if he doesn't expect to need to fight things up close and personal. This is the best weapon to deal with zombies and other undead.
Rapier: A classically built rapier with a wide hand guard. It's a very well made rapier that he can buy multiples of. This weapon is Sebastien's standby, but he's well aware that stronger monsters are less than impressed by it, and he always has a few more on backup, at least at home or being forged and made. He carries this at his hip for quick draw when he needs it. It's a solid weapon for keeping enemies at bay, and can be used for stabbing and slashing with ease. This is Sebastian's primary weapon if he has to fight monsters up close yet keep some distance. It's light and fast, allowing him to keep on the move.

Ranged Weapons

Revolver: A specially modified Colt Python, using .357 caliber ammo, usually half of which are made of silver. It has a heavy stopping power, so even monsters immune to bullets tend to get stopped in their tracks. It's a very powerful firearm and Sebastien does not like to use it lightly. However, the revolver's reputation for accuracy and never jamming is far more important than high ammo capacity for someone in his line of work. He carries this in a shoulder holster, usually hidden from view.
Boomerang: A metal boomerang. Sebastian usually carries a few of these in case they don't return to him. He is quite adept at using them and has nearly perfect aim with them. However, they are made of sharp metal and are very dangerous to catch, but that's usually what allows him to surprise a monster with an attack on two fronts. While it lacks certain other returning weapons' properties, it's a solid weapon, and great for knocking down pests or surprising enemies. He keeps these on bandolier, in his back or at his waist.
Hand Bomb: A powerful explosive packed in a single container. It's made of black powder, is water tight, and has flint available to easily flick it on. Impacts will usually detonate them once the fuse is lit. While not as powerful as a grenade, the more compact explosion is often more useful in tighter quarters. These are the classic old style bombs and the only ones Sebastian has not chosen to modernize with, and are the most powerful part of his arsenal. They are kept in the lining of his coat, or in his satchel.
Crossbow: Sebastien's 'unique' addition to the Social arsenal. When hunting vampires, he carries a crossbow, due to it's silence, precision, ease of use, and most of all, the ability to fire wooden bolts at an enemy's heart. Specifically vampires. This is usually the weapon he chooses to fight with. Some of his bolts can be lit on fire, or tipped with explosive powder for a louder and showier attack, but that's for special occasion. This is very much his favorite weapon, and he has its special carrying case for it.


Survival Knife.

Wooden Stakes: Sebastien never goes anywhere without wooden stakes. Just in case of a vampire. He usually carries them in a reversible bandolier around his waist, or inside his vest, and has a hammer to drive them in with, as literally stabbing something with a wooden stick usually requires a bit more strength and effort than just swinging it at them.
Survival Knife: A knife made for survival, complete with compass, matches and a bit of rope, and pencils in the carrying case. This knife is used for carving or cutting things, and not for combat. It would be practically useless against monsters in any case.
Thief Tools: While he isn't a thief, sneaking into a vampire's place often requires some larceny. Sebastien has learned to pick locks, disable alarms, cut glass, and all those other wonderful things. He has an code scrambler for electronic locks as well, just put in place and let it do the work. He carries this in a case, usually in his satchel or backpack.
Field Surgery Kit: Complete first aid kit, including scalpels and syringes with all sorts of drugs, like sedatives, pain killers, anti-venom, anti-histamines and of course, thread, needles, bandages and several cans of first aid spray. If it should be in a first aid kit (and field surgery kit), it's likely to be in there.
Field Chemistry Kit: Carrying liquid nitrogen, nitroglycerin gel, phosphorous, various acids, salts, and other assorted chemical compounds to use against monsters, as well as a tank of kerosene. There is also a mixing set in there so he can quickly make the compounds he needs.
Assorted Tools: Chisel, 100 feet of rope, matches, a lighter, duct tape, wire, skeleton keys, grappling hook, cellphone, GPS, spare clothing and a hat with a skeleton key in the brim.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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