Robert Mackenzie

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Robert Mackenzie
A.K.A. Rob
Age 24
Voice Actor Seki Tomokazu
Series To aru Majustu No index
  • Name: Robert Mackenzie
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: 11/6/19xx!
  • Parents: Lynn and Rick Mackenzie
    • Place of Birth: Baltimore
    • Nationality: American of English/Scotch descent
    • Specialty: Knowing stuff!
    • Hobbies: Books. Manga, Anime.
    • Likes: Magic, Girls, Honor.
    • Dislikes: Trickery, his tendency to trip over his own two feet.
    • Favorite Food: Pizza
    • Least Favorite Food: Eggplant D:
    • Favorite Music: Rock n' Roll.
    • Favorite Sport: Football
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Index librum prohibitorum
    • Level of Education: Master's Degree in history
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Seki Tomokazu
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10
    • Weight: 200 pounds
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: perpetually boyish face


A powerfully built, if not overly tall american, he tends towards slightly nerdy clothing, and glasses. He always wears brown leather gloves on his hands. He's always accompanied by a cute little red and brown Terrier.


A rather shy, nerdy gentleman, he's a bit too credulous for his own good at times, and liable to drone on and on about the NEW AND INTERESTING THING HE HAS LEARNED TODAY.


Neither an Esper nor a magician, but familiar with them both from his world, Robert wanders to learn more about supernatural things and just generally enjoy life. He's actually an accountant who was just in japan on vacation. How he got a copy of this particular index is a question which he's been singularly unwilling to answer. (Primarily because the church of england would make his life miserable if he let it slip that he had it)


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Novice
  • Athletics Good
  • Stealth Abysmal
  • Brawling Very good
  • Firearms Novice
  • melee Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Abysmal
  • Streetwise Abysmal
  • Intimidation Good
  • Leadership Very Good
  • Expression Very good
  • Etiquette Good
  • Performance Very good (singing)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Novice
  • Investigation Novice
  • Medicine Novice
  • Law Novice
  • Occult Very good
  • Politics good
  • Science Novice
  • Language* Japanese Novice

Other Skills:

  • Driving Novice
  • Survival (as in wilderness) Novice
  • Empathy Novice
  • Animal Ken Very good

Special Abilities

Spell Recognizer. Rob's studies in magic make him one hell of a magical analyst. You cast it, he'll know it. And possibly how to defeat it.

Powers & Merits

Ability Aptitude (1): Brawling, oddly enough Code of Honor (1) Gall (2) Always do the right thing, no matter what the personal cost. Daredevil (3) A badass normal in a world of esper, demons, magicians, and other crazy shit. Luck (3) Once again, surviving shit he really shouldn't.

Unique Items

a half burned copy Index Librum Probitorum A book of some very nasty forbidden spells. unfortunately since he can't use magic they are worthless to him beyond recognition.

Items Of Note =

A fairly up to date laptop computer. Leather jacket and a carry bag with a change of clothes.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!= Low Self-Image (2) Bad sight (1) Corrective glasses Allergic (1) Cats. God damn unquiet spirits of stink and hunger. Graceless (2)

NPC(s) to go with char

His Caern Terrier, Regal