Kiryu Sabato

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Kiryu Sabato
A.K.A. The Demon Doctor
Age 29
Voice Actor Keijin UJI
Relatives Likely some bastards.
Series Taimanin Series
Player Sparda
  • Name: Kiryu Sabato
  • Age: 29
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Science. Dominance. Immortality.
  • Dislikes: Being killed.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 167lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black


He is a younger middle-aged man with, dark gray to black hair and gray eyes. He wears glasses and lab coat. Has a scar on his neck as a result of his first encounter with Naomi.


Sabato is sadistic and narcissistic, enjoys inflicting humiliation and prefers to work with little ethical restriction or care when it came to research and craft. Highly intelligent, he grew easily bored by the work Nomad gave him and felt underutilized. Sabato was always about the "craft" and held no honest alliance to any group, which made him into a dishonest and a backstabber if it let to a benefit for him. Sabato loses composure, when he feels insulted or his skills are overlooked.

He displays the typical overacting evil mad scientist vibes, with loud laughing, insults and avoids direct confrontation, unless he has a plan.

However, Sabato also tries to present himself as an honorable scientist, which almost nobody believes. When talking to coworkers or peers, he tries to act more refined and shows honest respect for skills. Regardless, he can't remember the names of most co-workers, even when trying, including his number one and two of the past Gielant and Morizawa. Forgetting them after seconds, he rather uses insulting or nice nicknames for most people.


  • Science: Amazing
  • Technology: Amazing
  • Finance: Incredible
  • Medicine: Amazing


Tentacle User: Is able to grow tentacles from his body that can perform multiple tasks from lewd to crushing.
Regeneration: Is able to heal from a lot of wounds.
Body Clone: Can create a fly with his head, that can grow to a man's size.


Medical Gear: Has a GP bag, and several needles with all sorts of different solutions, both medical, chemical and alchemical.
Collars: Collars he can put on targets which can override their central nervous systems and do various things, based on what he programs.


Text Goes Here - List useable Weaknesses, not context-sensitive flaws.