Belle Hibiki

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Belle Hibiki
Face portrait of Belle
Age 20
Voice Actor Sōichirō Hoshi
Relatives Ryoga Hibiki / ?
Series Ranma 1/2
Player Dac
  • Name: Belle Hibiki
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Female/Male
  • Birthday: March 1
  • Parents: Ryoga Hibiki / Kimiko
    • Place of Birth: China
    • Nationality: None.
    • Specialty: Martial Arts
    • Hobbies: Martial Arts
    • Likes: Martial Arts
    • Dislikes: Not Martial Arts
    • Favorite Food: Tasty things. Usually with meat.
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything purely vegetable. Gross.
    • Favorite Music: N/A
    • Favorite Sport: Things where he gets to hit other things. Or people.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her friendships. Most other crap is just stuff.
    • Level of Education: He can read. Kind of. That's about it.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Male: Sōichirō Hoshi
  • Physical Stats
    • Female
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 160 lbs.
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Red
    • Male
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 210 lbs.
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Red
    • Special:


Belle's appearance has pretty much stayed constant throughout his life. He prefers to wear loose fitting clothing, traditionally a black tank top and blue trousers, both of which are faded from washing and patched or frayed in places. He's muscular - powerfully so, but not to the point where it would be gross/hinder his agility too much. His eyes and hair stand at stark contrasts to one another, the former being a light, icy blue, the color of the sky on a bright and sunny day, while his hair is almost blood red, kept short and wild.


Belle was he was a duder
Belle in his usual stuff

Prior to arriving at the inn, Belle didn't trust anybody - especially girls. That's changed a lot in a couple of years. The people she's met have gone from strangers, to rivals, to friends, and now finally to comrades. Because of his/her experiences, she no longer has a fear of women, though is still a bit awkward when trying to actually form a relationship. For Belle, any romance would have to be second place to her martial arts.

Deep down, Belle nurtures self-loathing for her actions over the years. She has previously allowed herself to become tempted to the side of evil by the promise of power. This not only hurt her friends but lead to the death of her mother, whom the desire to obtain validation from was nearly the entire reason Belle turned to the darker forces for answers. Although she keeps it hidden, that day's scars are still fresh.

Perhaps because she feels she has to make up for the wrongs she's committed, Belle is fiercely committed to protecting others. In combat she continues her 'never say die' attitude, often putting herself in mortal danger, even if it's not strictly necessary. She is confident, even sometimes arrogant, though this is rarer nowadays.

As before, Belle continues to have a tempestuous temper, and not much of a filter between brain and mouth, though there -is- one there now, even if it is only paper thin. Not nearly as tightly-wound as she used to be, though, when not actively goaded by others, Belle's attitude is often laid back and easy-going - at least when not training.


Belle's earliest memories are of the forest. Actually, most of his memories are. Belle never had much of a 'stable home' as a child, always moving from place to place, usually overland and cutting through all kinds of wilds. His father, eternally cursed with an abysmal sense of direction, never seemed to put much stock in having a house and home. Rare were the days when they would venture into the city, for which Belle was thankful - the hustle and bustle, the noise, and the smells annoyed him to no end. Cities were also the lair of Women, that strange mystery that his father often spoke in dire tones about.

The only other thing aside from hiking was martial arts. Belle's father began to instruct him from the moment Belle could form a fist. Belle learned quickly, picking up his parent's skills over the course of a few years. Towards the end of their time together, Belle was surpassing his father in sparring on a daily basis.

A few years ago, Belle's father headed off to get some beer, never to be heard from again. Ryoga's disappearances were not uncommon, however, and Belle had had to contend with his absence for months at a time before. It wasn't until the six month mark when Belle started to suspect that his dad had gotten really, truly lost, before setting off on his own.

Eventually he was pulled by the forces of the Inn, arriving into a modern world that he couldn't hope to understand. Over time he developed friendships with the people there, even an ill-fated romance, growing stronger all the time. However, it was never enough. Even when Paradigm arrived at the Inn offering their services and opportunities, he still craved more. When his mother unexpectedly showed up one day, he was reminded of his desire to become stronger above all else. Betraying PARADIGM, he joined the forces of Odio and Inspiratio, taking training directly from Orochimaru.

However, this arrangement was not a permanent one. Belle found it difficult to fit in with Inspiratio's methods. Although he had killed before, those had been beasts or mindless, crazed creatures. This came to a head in Z World, the world of Dragonballs, when a battle between Inspiratio and Paradigm forces appeared to kill Saotome Izumi, one of his closest friends and one-time love. The magic of Inspiratio was able to restore her to life, though this was a lie. This Izumi was different, it was clear, but the cracks had formed. It wasn't long before Belle betrayed Inspiratio, returning to be captured by Paradigm so that he could save the Izumi under his protection. After a period of incarceration, he and the new Izumi were allowed to walk free within the walls of the inn once more, though each was fitted with a collar that prevented them from leaving without permission and from doing violence against Paradigm agents.

Eventually, the true nature of the new Izumi came to light when the 'real' one showed up at the inn one day. Fearing attack, the Izumi that Belle had been protecting - a fragment of the creature Tendou - fled the inn - the collar did nothing to stop her. She ripped it out of her own skin and bit Kamuro in her escape.

Over time, Belle was able to earn some measure of trust back. He had grown strong enough by this point that his mother accepted him, though when he found her and asked for her help in training, she insisted that he had to be taught in her village. The problem? Kimiko's clan was comprised entirely of female warriors - he would never learn their teachings as long as he was still a man. However, Kimiko had a plan. Telling Belle that he COULD be trained so long as he underwent a ritual of purification, she led him to the sacred place that her clan protected: the well of the Sun and Moon. The well had existed since ancient times, a magical binding to the land. The spirits there, it was said, managed the flow of seasons, of opposites, of balance, even of life and death. Kimiko was a scholar of her clan, well versed in its powers, and it was no surprise to her that when Belle submerged himself, he came out of the pool not as a man, but a woman.

After recovering from his/her shock, Belle spent the next weeks training intensely under Kimiko. Belle often wore thick layers of clothes around the inn, bundled up as if for winter even though it was summer and talking in a hoarse voice to disguise her transformation. When the truth came out she was embarrassed, but that didn't stop her. In her mind, if she got as strong as Kimiko, she could protect everyone precious to her.

It wasn't to last. Before the end of her training, the Well's energies erupted. Weakened by centuries of neglect and finally shattered by Kimiko's undoing of the seal that allowed them access, the powers of the Well overflowed, causing immense growth and hostility in animal and plant life. Part of the spirit's duty was to maintain balance, and in its eyes, in the centuries it had been sleeping, humanity had tipped that balance, and its numbers needed to be culled for planet to survive.

Paradigm agents defeated the Spirit, but not without cost. The well itself was destroyed, ending any chance for Belle to use it again to return to her male form - at least for the near future. Worse, though, was the aftermath. As the clan thanked the Paradigm agents and Kimiko spoke about how this proved that her clan didn't need to be cut off from the outside world, Orochimaru, thirsty for revenge against Belle for his betrayal of her, struck, assassinating Kimiko in an instant and then escaping.

Belle suffered in grief for a long time after that. It was only the help of her friends and her white-hot rage against Orochimaru that eventually pulled her back. As much as she claimed she was going to, however, Belle's murderous intent never calcified in her heart, and when they finally fought, Belle did so with the intent to defeat, not to kill. Orochimaru died in the battle to other agents, however, burned to ashes, and Belle found herself grieving again. So much death, and all because of her desire for power.

Since then, Belle has taken a step back from missions for Paradigm. Sometimes she entertains the thought of retiring, but events and concern for her comrades keep her from leaving. She continues to train, gaining power and techniques - even the ability to fly - though now for others' sake, not for her own.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Martial Arts: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal (-1)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2) (He's just naturally intimidating with his physique and personality, at least at first blush)
  • Ettiquette: Abysmal (-1)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal (-1)
  • Medicine: Novice. Dressing wounds, setting bones, muscle care ... The kind of shit that usually comes up in martial arts injuries. (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Animal Ken: Good (+2)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • Bakusai Tenketsu (Breaking Point Strike) - The ability to 'break' inanimate objects with a precisely timed touch. Can be used to either make the target crumble, shatter, or even explode. Does not work against organic/living creatures.
      • Bakusai Garyu [Breaking Dragon Fang]: A technique where the user uses their feet to perform Bakusai Tenketsu, riding the explosive force to dramatically accelerate a charging attack.
    • Second Layer: The ability to 'break' liquids with the same effect as the normal technique. Typically limited to explosions.
    • Third Layer: The ability to 'break' air with the same effect as the normal technique. Limited to explosions.
      • Bakusai Suisei [Breaking Comet]: A technique using the third layer. Similar to Garyu, except the user uses their feet to ricochet off the air above their opponent, descending on them like a falling comet.

  • Chakra Control - Ability to manipulate the body's natural spiritual energy. Enables chakra/ki attacks, as well as other techniques.
    • Trained in tree-walking. By concentrating ki in the feet, allows the user to stick to walls, ceilings, and other otherwise unscalable surfaces.
    • Trained in water-walking. By ejecting a set amount of ki from points in the feet, allows the user to balance out their own weight and walk along the surface of water.

  • Emotion Blasts - This subset of ki attacks are fueled by a user's emotional state, to damage those with emotions.
    • Shishi Hokodan: Depression. A move that Belle doesn't get to use often. This blast sends a wave of heavy energy straight upwards, crashing down a second later. As Belle is drained of emotion during this time, he is immune to the effects.
    • Mouko Takabisha: Confidence. A short-range blast of cerulean energy launched from the hands. Heavy kinetic damage.
    • Yacho Tosshin: Determination. Belle's ultimate attack. The user's dominant arm crackles with red electricity, their ki spiking with a short ramp-up time. The blast is unleashed by punching towards the target, launching a straight, wide-beam attack of incredible force and heat capable of killing metahumans. This is a 'last ditch' technique, however, as it leaves him drained of 'determination' for several minutes, during which he effectively cannot take any action.

Update: Extended training with the members of Inspiratio has increased Belle's capabilities with these techniques. By scaling back the commitment of his emotions to the blasts and supplementing them with his own ki, he is able to fire off series of blasts in rapid succession. Yacho Tosshin benefits the most from this, allowing Belle a limit of three attacks before becoming drained, rather than the previous limit of one.

This modification has also allowed the creation of 'twined' attacks, where the user fires off a blast from each hand. Belle's most notable technique to come out of this development is the Yacho Tosshin version, the Yacho Soutou.

    • Yacho Soutou (Boar's Complete Annihilation): The twined version of Yacho Tosshin. Similar in appearance to the Yacho Tosshin, only involving both arms. At the time of release, Belle puts the heels of his palms together, palms out to the target, bringing the two blasts together into one. The Yacho Soutou has staggering destructive power. A miss with the technique during the final stages of its development was shown to take the peak off a mountain. While the Yacho Tosshin is dangerous and 'merely' capable of being lethal, Yacho Soutou can only be qualified as a killing technique.

  • Chakra Armor - Similar to Chakra Enhanced Strength. Instead of releasing an amount of chakra at the moment of a punch to enhance its power, the user of this technique expels a short burst of chakra at the moment of being struck, killing forward momentum of the blow and significantly lessening the damage.

  • Cursed Seal - "The Cursed Seal of Heaven is one of the strongest of Orochimaru's Cursed Seals, the other being its counterpart, the Cursed Seal of Earth. The seal consists of three tomoe (the design known as mitsudomoe), similar to the Sharingan, which, when activated, spread flame-like markings across the user's body. Like all Cursed Seals, the user receives increased chakra levels and physical capabilities when the seal is active." It was bestowed upon Belle by Orochimaru's descendant, Orochiko, and sealed by Sachiko.
    • Cursed Seal-Level 2 - The user expands to the level 2 version of the seal's effects by going through a metamorphosis, using one of Orochimaru's jutsus and being sealed inside a specially made barrel. Thereafter, the user is able to ascend to this level. Belle skin becomes a darker shade of brown, more the color of the earth, and his hair grows longer and gray in color. Level 2 forms tend to differ in the abilities they bestow. For Belle, whose existence has been focused on accumulating strength, his muscle mass increases by several fold, ballooning to grotesque levels. Bizarrely, this increased mass does not appear to affect his speed. In addition to greatly enhanced strength, Belle is also able to redistribute the mass from one area of his body to another, seemingly at will. He could, for instance, forego the increase in one arm to make the other increase by twice as much, or to redirect the mass in the rest of his body into both of his arms.

  • Bakusai Toushou (Breaking Sword Cut) - Belle's name for a technique learned by studying Nanto Suicho Ken. Drawing on the expanded perception he's developed in training the layers of the Bakusai Tenketsu, Belle was able to create an attack that cuts through the air, similar to a 'vacuum cut.' It has yet to be seen if this technique can be resisted; even the summon Susanoo was obliterated by it. The main weakness of the technique is that it requires a great deal of focus, and in normal combat takes a few seconds of concentration before it can be unleashed.

As this is a killing technique, Belle does not use it often.

General Training

  • Bakusai Tenketsu
  • Chestnuts Roasting On An Open Fire ( Kachu Tenshin Amaguriken )
  • Heightened Reflexes
  • Extreme strength training

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

  • Iron Will (5)
  • Acute Senes (Smell, Sight) (2)

Tarot Blessing

The Bound Woman tarot card.
If the Tarot card's user is in dire need and under specific circumstances, The tarot card Hero will grant assistance to them with their fight. When the tarot card Hero appears, they are a shadowed out figure that hovers behind or beside their user.. the Hero can only be visible when casting or attacking, otherwise only magic users or spiritualists will be able to see them.
  • The Bound Woman - Belle pulled the fortune of The Bound Woman champion, Alice. Alice is a powerful white mage who uses her power of faith to boost and aid her allies. Currently Alice only offers one attack for Belle:
    • Holy Attack - Alice appears with her book of spells, speaking a quick incantation which will summon forth a large Holy Attack to the adversary in front of her.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

  • Phobia: Women (1 Point)
  • Isolated Upbringing (1 Point)

NPC(s) to go with char

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