Sayomi Ichijo

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Satomi Ichijo
Age 15
Voice Actor
Relatives Misa Hayase - Mother
Hikaru Ichijo - Father
Satoru Ichijo - Brother
Series Macross
  • Name: Sayomi Ichijo
  • Age: 15
  • Sex: Female - Measurements - (36-24-34)
  • Birthday: September 10, 20XX
  • Parents: Misa Hayase (Lisa Hayes), Hikaru Ichijo (Rick Hunter)
    • Place of Birth: (until Verified) SDF-2
    • Nationality: Japanese if Applicable..(Born in space on the newer ship)
    • Specialty: Dancing, Cooking
    • Hobbies: Singing, Performing, Dance
    • Likes: Dancing, Singing, Dreaming about daring adventures
    • Dislikes: Cruelty, Her illness,
    • Favorite Food: Cheeseburger, Fries, Fried Chicken, Orange Chicken,
    • Least Favorite Food: Plain salad
    • Favorite Music: Minmei music/Pop, Classical Symphonies
    • Favorite Sport: Swimming
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Both pictures, and her Minmei album
    • Level of Education: Beginning Highschool
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5' 2"
    • Weight: 100 lbs.
    • Eyes: Hazel
    • Hair: Light Brown
    • Special: Her hair is long, going past her shoulders, and curling inwards in a spiral, much as her mother's had.


Sayomi prefers dresses and frills. Most typically she wears babydoll and other stylish dresses, a small amount of jewelry, and stockings to heighten her overall appearance. She wears things that compliment herself, though not to expose herself. Her hair is normally kept down, coming past her shoulders, and lastly she wears a small amount of make up to round out her appearance.


Timid, Shy, honest, caring, dedicated, somewhat withdrawn... She is a pleasant girl, and prefers to please others so as to avoid conflicts. She's a gentle person and cares how she treats others. Though cool on the outside when given ridicule or harassment, it does hurt her inside, which is a reason for her withdrawal occassionally. She often envisions herself doing heroic things like her parents, but personally can't handle the stress of heated confrontations. Which scare her, and if she's unable to leave the cause of them she kneels down and cries. She's loyal to familiy and friends and will go to great lengths to please them.


Sayomi, like her brother Satoru, had both parents who were heavily credentialed to ending the war with the Zentradi. And as such, ridicule from other children and teens was a fact of life she grew accustomed to. Misa tried shielding Sayomi early on to have other interests than the military as her brother seemed more inclined to appreciate. And so she obediently did to please her mother and not cause any conflict.

Sayomi was easily one of the more beautiful young ladies in the beauty pageants and with some help from her Auntie Minmei, was quite popular in this regard, becoming accustomed to the hustle and bustle of the pageanting business and a touch of modeling on the side. It did her wonders for her esteem, but it still made her nervous to be looked at and up to by so many without someone she could trust nearby.

Sayomi learned to fight , albeit against her wishes, at the insistance of her father who felt she would need to be able to defend herself should no one be around. As accomplished a fighter as she is, she avoids fight as much as possible.

Unlike her brother, she recieved more attention from her father then he had. And her mother spent as much time as she could also, with as many `girl talks` as she could instil in the impressionable girl. Though she's not naive, she'll believe someothing told to her until disproved.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Novice - or as well as can be expected from a teenage girl. lol
  • Athletics Good
  • Stealth N/A

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Abysmal
  • Streetwise N/A
  • Intimidation Abysmal
  • Leadership N/A
  • Expression Good
  • Ettiquette Very Good
  • Performance Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Good - She lives on a space station, computers are a fact of life. ^^ Hell, they have automated drink machines. lol
  • Investigation Novice
  • Medicine Novice
  • Law N/A
  • Occult N/A
  • Politics Novice
  • Science Novice

Other Skills:

  • Driving N/A
  • Survival N/A
  • Empathy N/A
  • Animal Ken N/A

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Martial Arts - Incredible - No particular techniques, she just has a natural afinity for self defense if she can ever get over her confrontational avoidances

Knife Profeciency - Very Good - She knows how to use it for more than just cooking! ;)

Singing - Good

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Initial Merits

Ability Aptitude: Dancing (1) +1 bonus to rolls Cooking (1) +1 bonus to rolls

Graceful (2) +1 to Dex rolls

Good ole Gal (2) +1 to social rolls with her fellow folk

Pitiable (1) Carries an aura of child-likeness/innocence. Likely to be pitied and protected because of it.

Supernatural - Soothing Voice (2) +1 to social rolls in casual conversations +2 when singing, reading poetry, speeches, etc..

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Text goes here

Items Of Note

She has some Leotards (3)
Knives (3)
Swimsuits (2)
Dresses (3)
Gi (1)
CD Player
CDs : Classical (3) *Bubblegum Pop (4) Soul (1)
Shoes (2 pairs)
Fashion Magazines (4)
Make Up

  • Framed Pictures (2) - One of her parents, another of herself and her brother, Satoru
  • The pictures and 1 CD (It's Minmei's music) would be items of value to her.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Psychological Flaw:

Shy(1): You are not a social butterfly, to say the least. Many Social rolls are at -1 penalty, and if you're the center of attention, all rolls are at -2.

Physical flaw:

Permanent Wound(3): Sayomi has a condition that renders her unable to move in times of great stress, though it has happened with no stimuli at all on rare occassions. Her form stops for all intents and purposes, and though conscious she is unable to speak or move until it wears off. She is still capable of seeing, hearing, and feeling what is happening around her, so pain fully capable of effecting her in this state and all she is capable of doing is uttering small sounds of incoherence, and shedding tears.

NPC(s) to go with char