Elendriel le Blanc

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Elendriel le Blanc
Temporary pic.
A.K.A. Set
Age 26
Voice Actor
Relatives N/A
Series Original
Player Kay/Set
  • Name: Elendriel le Blanc
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: June 6th
  • Parents: Unknown
    • Place of Birth: Bordeaux, France
    • Nationality: French
    • Specialty: Acquiring Currency, Disregarding Males
    • Hobbies: Boating, visiting museums, going to wine tastings
    • Likes: Wine, classical music, priceless art, masquerade balls, all the finer things in life
    • Dislikes: Crass behavior, the willfully ignorant
    • Favorite Food: Pâté de foie gras
    • Least Favorite Food: Hot dogs
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Regatta
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: College
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5’8”
    • Weight: 137lbs
    • Eyes: Reddish-orange
    • Hair: White
    • Special: Immaculately tailored dresses and three piece suits; a delicate set of silver, rectangular spectacles that tend to hang around her neck on an intricate silver chain.


This woman has a relatively lean build, though she dresses to accentuate her form. Her waist-length white hair is either kept in a professional bun or styled in gentle waves. Her eyes are a strange reddish-orange, giving her the look of an albino, and indeed, she tends to avoid direct sunlight. Her clothing is always tasteful and tailored. She occasionally wears a string of pearls and matching earrings.


Elendriel presents herself as an intelligent, sophisticated woman. She’s respectful and kind to those she meets and it’s rare to catch her in a foul temper. However, those who have done business with her will have a wildly different story to tell of a ruthless, wickedly clever woman.


Abandoned as a child, Elendriel was taken in by a woman she refers to only as her guardian. She was taught everything she knew by this immensely skilled but incredibly bitter, vengeful woman, becoming a vessel for her mentor’s bleak philosophies.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Acrobatics: Incredible
  • Thievery: Amazing
  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Whips: Amazing
  • Throwing Weapons: Incredible
  • Lockpicking: Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Disguise: Amazing
  • Streetwise: Abysmal
  • Intimidation: Good
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Incredible
  • Performance: Very Good
  • Language – English: Very Good
  • Language – French: Incredible
  • Language – Japanese: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Good
  • Investigation: Abysmal
  • Law: Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good
  • Survival: Abysmal
  • Empathy: Abysmal
  • Animal Ken: Poor

Special Abilities

Shadowstep – Elendriel is capable of walking through shadows as if a part of them. Requires shadows, obviously.
Fan of Knives – Elendriel spins, spraying throwing knives outward in a circle.
Whip Smack – A double attack where Elendriel cracks the whip across the enemy’s torso in a crisscrossing motion.
Rising Demon – Elendriel crouches down, spinning her whip around her and then slashing upwards in a rising attack.
Devil’s Dance – Elendriel snaps her whip around her opponent’s ankles, attempting to throw them onto their back.
More and More – An ongoing attack wherein Elendriel swings her whip from side to side in a looping motion.
Death Grip – Elendriel snaps her whip around a target’s neck, yanking them into melee.

Powers & Merits

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.
Honeyed Tongue (2): You've sold gallons of snake oil and thousands of deeds to the Brooklyn Bridge, and most customers still think they're satisfied. All subterfuge attempts gain +1 Bonus. +2 if played out cleverly.
Catlike Balance (2): +1 Bonus to rolls relating to balance.

Unique Items

Smoke Bomb – Allows Elendriel to avoid capture or detection by clouding an enemy’s sight.

Items Of Note

One whip, finely crafted from Italian leather
Throwing Knives
Lockpicking tools

Weaknesses & Flaws

Compulsion (1): Greed.
Dark Secret (1): Criminal and drug addict.
Sensation Junkie (2)
Addiction (2): Cocaine
Twisted Upbringing (mentoring, etc.) (1): Taught to use and manipulate people, keeping them at arm's length.

NPC(s) to go with char
