Beatrice Sparda

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Beatrice Sparda
A.K.A. The Dark Slayer
Age 22
Voice Actor Yoshiko Sakakibara
Relatives Luca Sparda - Cousin
Series Devil May Cry
Player Tony
  • Name: Beatrice Sparda
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: December 21
  • Parents: Vergil Sparda; she never acknowledges her mother.
    • Place of Birth: Italy
    • Nationality: Italian
    • Speciality: Paranormal Extermination
    • Hobbies: Reading, chess, exploration.
    • Likes: Power, strength, confidence, pride, honor, vindication ... puppies.
    • Dislikes: Weakness, loss, compromise, kittens.
    • Favorite Food: She'd never admit it - strawberry sundaes.
    • Least Favorite Food: Pizza
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Fencing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her father's sword, Yamato, and a gentlemanly pocketwatch she keeps in her coat.
    • Level of Education: Home- and self-educated.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yoshiko Sakakibara

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 135 lbs.
  • Eyes: Aquamarine
  • Hair: White
  • Special: No markings or blemishes; she seems to go out of her way to maintain her pristine appearance.


Beatrice stands with an arrogant posture; narrowed shoulders, a lifted chin, long straight legs, and a straight bac. She has long white hair that she keeps behind her back, free save for a tie or a scrunch at the very tail of it, which rests in the small of her back. She keeps her face free of bangs or a frame, allowing her almost white eyes to not be distracted by falling strands.

She wears simple but dark clothes typically; black pants or skirts with knee-high low-heeled boots that strap around her legs and black or dark blue blouses, all underneath a constant: a likeness of her father's coat, fit to the female form in that it hugs around her midsection and arms considerably more snugly than it did Vergil, but flares out wide from the waist-downwards in three tails like his. The snake pattern runs up the left side of her coat instead of her right, and both sleeves have identical cufflinks.


Beatrice is very indignant, proud, and -- much like her father -- determined, to the point of seeming ruthless. While she enjoys times of levity and relaxation, she is very much driven to achieve the ultimate goal of bettering herself for the future. Unlike her father, she is not power-obsessed for the sake of freeing herself of his shadow; instead, she is power-oriented for the sake of simply being the best among her peers. Determined to even outdo her uncle's well-established business of Devil May Cry, Beatrice does not wait for calls or 'leads' -- she actively seeks out, challenges, and exterminates powerful opponents in the human world, hardly limiting herself to demons. She does not advertise her name or her accomplishments, instead keeping them to herself for her own personal pride and achievement; no stories are told because she doesn't give them a chance to be.


Several years before the events of Temen-ni-Gru and Vergil's plunge into the Demon World to battle Mundus, he loved a woman much as his father did. However, upon seeing the birth of their daughter, Vergil departed to continue his search for power, leaving mementos of him for Beatrice's mother to let her remember him by. Her mother wooed Beatrice with stories of her father's travels and his stalwart and unwavering strength, and she admired her father for what he was -- or seemed to be, at least. However, when she was a teenager, her mother made a distinct turnaround in "taste" as it were, and began seeing a man far different than the father she imagined: an abusive alcoholic, who would strike her mother -- her mother who once loved the strongest and most stalwart, honorable man in the world.

One fateful night, her mother's new boyfriend attacked her mother in a drunken rage, and Beatrice found herself in a defensive panic -- she thrust herself between the man and the large kitchen knife he was preparing to use on her mother. The weapon went completely through her midsection, even jutting out of the other side, before the man released the grip of it. Instead of simply toppling as the man expected, the young girl actively removed the weapon from her own body and turned it upon him, mortally wounding him without the bat of an eyelash. It was that moment that Beatrice realized what she would do with her life, especially as she watched her abused, nearly-murdered mother coddle the man's body and accuse Beatrice of a horrible crime. As only a teenager, she left her home with her own belongings and modeled herself after her father, eluding police until they declared her dead from being missing for so long.

A photograph of her father served as a model for her clothing, and she took the stories from her mother to heart as something to strive for, and she would never let herself fall as her mother once did. Through her teenage years, she would hunt things -- starting with hardened criminals to eliminate with whatever was on hand, until she was able to lift a dagger from one, which she began to use on others. Leaving behind a trail of bodies for police to find but no other trace gave Beatrice a very roaming disposition, moving from place to place constantly. She moved into paranormal creatures after encountering one as a criminal, and accepted this new tier of 'challenge' readily.

It wasn't until she came across the wreckage of a convoy bound for the seaside city of Fortuna that she realized what would become of her next; inside of the wreckage, she found a lead-lined case which held the shattered remnants of a beautifully crafted katana and sheathe, something she recognized almost instantly: her father's sword. Taking the case with her, Beatrice fled to a safer place where she would set the pieces of Yamato together, and upon resting her hands upon the finalized sword, find supernatural energy flowing between herself and the sword. The demonic energies united the weapon together again in a flash of light, and everything seemed... clearer, especially as she took the sword in hand properly. From that day forth, a voice echoed inside of her head...

Power. Give me more... power.

And so she did; with the power of Yamato and the inherent knowledge of the spiritual energy residing inside of the powerful weapon, Beatrice renewed and continued her paranormal investigations and executions, taking more of the creatures' spiritual power for herself, though she has yet to recover any special Devil Arms yet...

After investigating the unusual 'hub' of power at a castle in Japan, Beatrice met a relative she did not know she had -- Luca Sparda, a member of the Bioweapon Security Assessment Alliance. After spending several months at the castle, Beatrice was offered a position inside of the organization thanks to her unique abilities and experience with paranormal activity. She accepted and joined the B.S.A.A. as a field operative, and received extensive training at their various locations around the world to serve as a better and more informed agent.


(Abyssmal (-1), Novice (+1), Good (+2), Very Good (+3), Incredible (+4), Amazing (+5))

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Very Good
  • Athletics - Incredible
  • Stealth - Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge -
  • Streetwise -
  • Intimidation - Very Good
  • Leadership - Abysmal
  • Expression -
  • Ettiquette -
  • Performance -

Mental Skills:

  • Computers -
  • Investigation - Very Good
  • Medicine -
  • Law - Novice
  • Occult - Incredible
  • Politics - Novice
  • Science - Novice

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Novice
  • Survival - Novice
  • Empathy -
  • Animal Ken -

Special Abilities

  • Dark Slayer Style - the personal style linked to the wielder of the original darkness, Vergil. This 'ability set' in itself is not so much a use of the weapon that imbued her with the knowledge, but rather is Beatrice's actual usage of the teleportation skills used by Vergil. If te Yamato is taken or not in use, she is still able to use the Dark Slayer Style independently and even in association with other weapons -- Devil Arms or otherwise.
    • Air Trick - Place-to-place, line-of-sight, instantaneous teleportation. The Air Trick technique allows Beatrice to disappear in a shimmering blur of purple energy before reappearing in the same shimmer of space in another place. Unlike Vergil's, Beatrice's is limited to a REASONABLE distance, even in line-of-sight (exact numbers are bad in text RPGs).
    • Energy Storage - The dark energy associated with this style absorbs the spiritual power of felled creatures, and after a spiritually-powerful enemy is slain, the Dark Slayer may -- in addition to any other objects of power related to the creature -- take the actual spiritual energy from the creature. This is boosted even further by the use of the Yamato weapon, as it is designed to do the exact same.
  • Iaido Style - The Iaido style is a kata-based katana style that focuses on unsheathing the blade and striking a fatal blow in one movement, then removing the blood from the weapon and sheathing it in a second. A very fluid, precise form of attacking, the practice of Iaido itself is crucial to the use of the Yamato, as its constant use will gather more of its energy, and sheathing it will discharge the energy into the user. With the use of the Dark Slayer Style in tangent with Iaido, the blur-quick movements of the weapon make this a deadly combination.
  • Shockwaves - Beatrice has, after being instructed by Pepper Hakuryu and practicing it for months independently, learned how to create long-distance shockwaves of demonic energy using weapons as a medium. This is no longer restricted to a single weapon, and can even be performed by the hands, though it's considerably more draining than it would be via a weapon.

Powers and Merits

  • Devil Traits
    • Superhuman Endurance
    • Superhuman Strength
    • Extraordinary Speed
    • High-Speed Reflexes
    • Devil's Regeneration: Beatrice's body is near-indestructible by normal means. She can be pierced, but she does not suffer fatal wounds as others would. She can be completely run through and still survive with minimal blood loss, and is well-known to simply remove an object from inside of herself with little effort or whim.
  • Summoned Swords: Beatrice has the ability to manifest projectiles formed of pure spiritual and devil energy to be used at her whim. These appear as straight-bladed swords of blue and purple energy. Only a limited number can be manifested over a period of time, and only a small number can be controlled simultaneously.

Self-Confident (5): One free successful roll during a mission, due to the strength of your self-confidence. This only comes into effect regarding rolls at difficulty 6 or higher. As with other rolls, this does not apply in combat (as your enemy is probably just as sure of himself as you are), but when it's time to get something done, you -know- it comes down to you.

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.

Well-Traveled (3): You are knowledgeable of the ways of the world from your travels and studies. Once per mission, you can roll against a difficulty 6 (just a die roll, no modifiers). If successful, the GM tells you information about the situation if it makes sense. (I.E., someone from Final Fantasy 4 world may have heard about the Eidolons and the Feymarch or the Red Moon, but probably wouldn't have heard about the Hellsing Organization.)

Unique Items

Yamato - An Okatana and a weapon previously used by the Dark Knight Sparda to seal and destroy the Hellgates that connect the Demon World to the Human World. Broken in the clash between Mundus and Vergil years before, the sword was recovered by the Order of the Sword and transported to Fortuna, Italy, before a surprise attack overwhelmed the transports. The weapon, reforged by Vergil's bloodline's spiritual energy, is now regaining strength over time, and will only grow stronger as it devours the spiritual energy of more and more creatures.

  • As the destroyer of the Hell Gates, the Yamato has the latent power to cut even space itself, manifesting such 'wounds' as purple slashes in midair. This allows the weapon to cut through mudane, reinforced, and even supernatural objects with minimal resistance.
  • The Yamato blade's dark energies are absorb and contain the spiritual power of slain enemies, and will continue to gather these energies until it is dispelled through the sword's sheathe. Upon full contact with the weapon's sheathe (the bell-toll like 'click' sound), the energy is dispensed straight into the Dark Slayer that uses it, replenishing their strength and power at a 1:1 ratio.

Sword Techniques:

  • Yamato Combo - Series of quick attacks using the blade and sheathe in tandem with one another both on the ground and in midair; used to wear down an enemy before evisceration.
  • Rapid Slash - A supernaturally charged lunge similar to Dante's trademark 'Stinger' attack; this attack is well-known to eviscerate enemies completely, using the entire length of the blade to drain as much energy from the creature before death before it is removed, flipped, and sheathed.
  • Judgement Cut - a Iaido signature technique enhanced by the speed and power of the Yamato; this technique is the standard draw-slash of Iaido, but enhanced greatly with the power of the Yamato, allowing the Dark Slayer to cut a target several times with a sungle swing of the weapon.

Items Of Note


Weaknesses and Flaws

Devil: Blessed or sanctified objects wreak havoc on her, and TRUE Holy energy will cause very hard to heal super damage. Note that sanctified weapons will harm excruciatingly as real weapons will, but will heal; true Holy weapons or magic will cause scarring much like severe wounds as normal humans would suffer from those weapons or attacks, and both have the ability to permanently kill her.

Driving Goal (Stronger than the rest of the family) (3): You have some goal which is at the basis of all your motivations, though it is of such depth or impossibility, it could probably never be achieved. Your obsession with your vision can temporarily be soothed by a proper situation (Mission, Combat, etc) or a roll (Diff 8).

Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.

Group Enmity (Devils/Demons) (2): Some group amongst your kind, i.e. another clan/tribe/tradition/whatever, doesn't like you and may prevent you going places you might otherwise go or may otherwise give you hell in a variety of ways.