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Shen Wyndia
"I'm a dragon. Your argument is invalid."
A.K.A. Dragon King
Age 39 (Apparent Age: 20)
Voice Actor Sho Hayami
Relatives Ryu (Father)

Nina (Mother)

Series Breath of Fire III

Name: Shen Wyndia
Age: 39 (~20)
Sex: Male
Birthday: August 1st
Parents: Ryu and Nina (Breath of Fire)
Place of Birth: Wyndia
Nationality: Wyndian (Fae)/Dragonian
Speciality: Archery, Hunting, Tracking, Swordsmanship
Hobbies: History, Researching the Brood
Likes: Cooking, Fishing, Reading fables and myths of ancient cultures
Dislikes: Abuse of power and station, cruelty towards animals
Favorite Food: Tuna sashimi
Least Favorite Food: Anything with a lot of bones
Favorite Music: Folk
Favorite Sport: Archery
Most Valuable Possessions: Widow Maker (six foot bastard sword) Peacekeeper (Recurve bow and arrow)
Level of Education: Privately taught until age 12
Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Shou Hayami

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6’
  • Weight: Varies (Humanoid form: 178 lbs.)
  • Eyes: Glaucous (Bluish-Gray)
  • Hair: Dark Blue
  • Special: Two white feathered wings on his back, two line tattoos on his left cheek, is a dragon


Shen dresses in robes that were, at one time, ornate and considered to be fine, silken robes. Over time, these clothes have become less than fashionable from the wear of desert winds and travelling. He usually wears a white Mongolian nomad-style robe with a gold Chrysanthemum design on the back and broad gold stripes at the bottom, a gray robe beneath that with white peonies on it, a matching gold sash, loose white pants and leather boots dyed black with floral patterns lined along the top of them in gold inlay. He wears a matching leather falconry gauntlet which also bear the same floral design as his boots.


Shen is a man of ethics and a strong belief in what he considers to be right and wrong. While he used to be quite reserved, his position of a leader of people has shifted him into a role of proactive decision making and vocal authority. As a leader of a large group of mercenaries, Shen paradoxically strived to do what was right despite selling his services to the highest bidder. Shen has lingering resentments towards humans in general due to his experiences with them.


Born in Wyndia, Shen lead a charmed life as a the crown prince to the throne and the son of accomplished adventurers. As a child, he often enjoyed wandering around the city, losing his bodyguards so that he could try and experience normal things as a regular person. While in the city, the young Shen came to appreciate the diversity of the different peoples in his world. The ones that fascinated him the most were the Woren tribe, a race of feline people whose lifestyle was almost nomadic. Enthralled by their ability to eek out a living wherever they may roam, Shen spent many days in the royal library reading up on the various tribes of their people.

Shen’s fascination with the nomadic lifestyle continued on well towards his teenage years. When he was 12 years old, he finally convinced his father, mother and grandfather to allow him a trip to go out aboard with an armed detail to see the rest of the country. His first stop was to see one of his family’s old companions but his trip was cut short when his caravan was waylaid by bandits. The main carriage carrying him and his personal guard was firebombed first, all but scattering the three other wagons in the caravan. In the midst of the confusion, an injured Shen managed to make his way to the banks of a river, which he subsequently fell into, washed away from the scene of the attack.

A day later, Shen was discovered by a band of criminals several miles down the river stream in his whelp form. This band of criminals, mostly of the Highlander (simian-type people) persuasion looked to sell Shen as a dragon to the tournament to the south, but their plan was short-lived when the group of six Highlanders were quickly laid to waste by three cloaked figures. Shen, trapped in a cage and wounded, was powerless and unable to do anything other than watch. When approached by the cloaked figures, he did his best to spray gouts of flame at them but it was to no avail. He felt a sudden pressure on the back of his head and was quickly rendered unconscious.

A few hours later, Shen woke up to the astonished gasps of the three cloaked figures. He had reverted back to his humanoid form as soon as the group arrived back to their cottage out in the woods. The three figures turned out to be two Woren females and a Woren male. The three released the boy and tried their best to tend to the boy’s wounds. Shen was missing a portion of his right wing and nearly all of his left. The first female named Kal did her best to heal the broken appendages with her rudimentary abilities while the second female, Van, tended to Shen’s bandages. The male, Rex, gathered food for them and looked after him personally. It took several days for Shen to get well enough to get around. He asked them what happened and Rex calmly explained the plan of the previous band of thieves. Shen was unable to comprehend being sold into slavery as a monster, but begrudgingly accepted this explanation. Over the next few weeks, Shen recovered enough to help the trio gather food. He found that while he missed his family and his life back home, he had really taken to living out in the wild. It was new to him and adventurous; something he could have never experienced back home. While the price had been extraordinarily high due to the loss of life amongst his personal guard and his own wings, he was still happy to have this experience living in the frontier. The trio of bandits reluctantly accepted taking care of him and eventually grew to accept him as a member of their little group. While he already knew the basics of swordsmanship from his father, Rex taught him how to fight with a dagger while Kal and Van taught him the ways of hunting and tracking. Weeks turned into months and the group made their way across the continent with their newly trained protégé: a young teenaged dragon.

Shen the Brigand
It took nearly three years for Rex and the two ladies to learn of Shen’s origins. Shen, now fifteen years old and quite the accomplished brigand himself, blatantly lied of his beginnings for all this time so that he could stay with the group. While Van and Kal were quick to understand the intentions of the young man, Rex could not accept having such a valuable commodity go to waste. Later that week on a routine heist that Rex and Shen had planned prior to his unveiling as a crown prince, Rex attempted to get the jump on Shen and tried to stab and subdue him. The surprise attack from behind nearly succeeded, but instead caught one of his wing’s stubs and severed it. In shock from the vicious brutality his foster parent had sprung upon him, Shen snapped from the shock of assault and in a bright flash of light, transformed into large, purple and red dragon covered in spikes and with translucent wings. Rex slashed at the monstrous form that Shen had taken, but as soon Rex’s dagger slashed into the dragon’s skin, it managed to grab Rex in its claws. Before he could even react, the dragon crushed him in its claws without so much as a shred of mercy.

When Shen came to and learned at what he had done, he quickly ran away from the area and went out on his own. Haunted by the memory of destroying Rex in such a fashion, Shen himself became more vicious in his own acts of robbery and theft. No longer did he quietly take from others but instead he intentionally hurt, maimed and sometimes killed those who opposed him. Wild tales of the dragon thief began to circulate around the continent from the frontier, which lead to a massive search and destroy mission to kill one of the legendary and nearly extinct creatures. For years, Shen’s own behavior grew wilder and more feral as he fought off the bounty hunters and highwaymen that strove to kill him and collect his bounty. It wasn’t until the reappearance of Kal and Van that Shen finally realized how far he had fallen.

Shen Wyndia, the Dragon King
Kal and Van had managed to track him down and were nearly attacked in the process, but the three quickly stood down and reunited. Shen refused to tell them the truth of what happened as they sat around a camp fire, catching up on the past five years of their lives. As Shen was cleaning and putting their dishes away for the evening, he was suddenly enveloped in a white light. He struggled to turn around, but managed to see that Kal had been focusing some sort of strong stasis field spell on him. At first he tried to instinctively break out of the field, but he realized how far he had fallen and reluctantly accepted his fate. The light grayed out his vision and blackness fell upon him.

Shen appeared in China and then merged with a dragon, left the village he was staying in and became a mercenary general known as The Dragon King that formed an army known as the White Dragons (Bai Long). TO BE CONTINUED?

Spells, Magic, or Abilities

Dragon Transformations

Whelp: Also known as Sirrush. A small, 4 foot tall red dragon with green stripes along its back and two small wings. This is Shen’s natural state since he is still quite young by dragon standards. The Whelp only has three attacks:

  • Whelp Breath: Non-elemental breath attack. Fires a small beam from the mouth of the whelpling.
  • Blind: Attempts to temporarily hinder the vision of a foe with magic.
  • Flame Breath: Fire breath attack. Shoots out a gout of flame

Myrmidon: This form is a Dragon/Human hybrid, with golden wings on its back, a golden scaled lower half and a long, sleek tail. Its chest is bare and its forearms are covered with gold tinted scales. The Myrmidon is one of his strongest forms and therefore, very taxing on his body. Due to the strenuous conditions, Shen only uses it when necessary. Myrmidon can only remain in play for twenty minutes. Frost Strike: Myrmidon punches at an enemy with a fist encased in ice. This attack constitutes as an Ice Element. It is a Weak-To-Medium powered Blow.

  • Fire Strike: Same as the Frost Strike, just with a fiery fist. It is a Fire Elemental Attack. Weak-To-Medium Powered Blow.
  • Wind Strike: Same as the previous two, just with some wind-powered oomph to it. Wind Element. Weak-To-Medium Powered Blow.
  • Holy Strike: A quick punch surrounded with Holy Energy. Holy Elemental. Medium Powered Blow. This does added effect towards undead and demon-based characters.
  • Aura Breath: The Myrmidon's most powerful attack. It rears back and fires a beam of Holy energy at the opposition. Naturally, this is a very damaging attack to anything Evil or weak to Light. Holy Elemental. Medium Powered Blow (High to Demons and Undead)

Tyrant: Shen’s combined form with an ancient Chinese dragon of the Earth. Tyrant is a 55 foot long dragon clad in white scales, with red markings along its face, arms and legs. Its tailfin is a translucent gold color, along with its eyes and horns. Its horns flicker with red flames intermittently. Despite the majesty of this form, The Tyrant is mostly useless against single targets and is therefore rarely used.

  • Venom Breath: The Tyrant summons a wave of noxious miasma, causing damaging decay around the immediate area and has a chance of causing a Poison effect on numerous foes. Medium Powered.
  • Doom Breath: The Tyrant summons a non-elemental wave of energy to wash over its foes. This is an area of effect attack. Medium-to-Strong.

Kaiser The King of Dragon Forms. Shen has only recently learned how to fully control this powerful form, but for only a set amount of time before he either runs out of energy to fully use it or goes completely berserk. Due to this, the Kaiser is rarely used or invoked voluntarily. The Kaiser form is split between its humanoid form, which is the same as Shen’s normal appearance except with a golden hue to his clothes and gold hair and the Kaiser Dragon Form, which is a 20 foot tall bipedal dragon with large translucent wings. Kaiser can only be sustained for ten minutes before a berserk roll is necessary.

  • Bonebreak: An automatic heavy damage critical strike with whatever weapon Kaiser Shen is using at the time, should the blow strike. Given the power of this attack, it can only be used once every 48 hours. Too Much High Power Man Powered.
  • Howling: Kaiser Shen lets out an ear-piercing howl which has a small chance of confusing and dazing enemies for a short amount of time.
  • Shadow Walk: Kaiser Shen blurs away and reappears behind his foe, delivering a heavy strike before returning to his original point of attack. This humanoid Kaiser’s strongest attack. High Powered Blow.
  • Kaiser Breath: Temporarily transforms into the Kaiser Dragon and breaths non-elemental damage down on several foes. This is a High Powered Attack.


Outside of his dragon form, Shen is as mortal as they come and susceptible to all of the things that would kill a normal human. While his dragon forms reinforce his natural defense and stamina, they too can be overwhelmed with enough force.

Skills of Note

(Range: Abyssmal, Poor, Mediocre, So So, Average, Good, Very Good, Excellent)

  • Hunting: Very Good
  • Fishing: Excellent
  • Sewing: Good
  • Knife Throwing: Good
  • Swordplay: Very Good
  • Reading: Excellent
  • Thievery: Excellent

Items of Note

Widow Maker: A six foot long bastard sword personally made for Shen after the destruction of his horse-chopping sword in China. The Widow Maker is made out of damascene steel and weighs a hefty amount. Its unwieldiness tends to confuse enemies, which is what Shen strives for.

Peacekeeper: A recurve bow made by Shen himself. It’s just a trusty old bow.

NPC(s) to go with char:

Raptor: Shen’s tracking falcon. Used to scout the area for enemies or traps.