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== Unique Items ==
== Unique Items ==
[[File:zaruba.jpg|200px|thumb|right|alt text]]
'''Nameless''': His sword made of Soul Metal.  Has no name.<br>
'''Nameless''': His sword made of Soul Metal.  Has no name.<br>
'''Zaruba''':  Every Makai Knight has a Madougu, piece of sentient, talking jewelry.  They act as assistants and have various abilities. Zaruba is a ring and can dispell hypnosis in others and is a trigger for some of Golden Fang's techniques.  He can also sense the presense of Horrors or demons like them.<br>
'''Zaruba''':  Every Makai Knight has a Madougu, piece of sentient, talking jewelry.  They act as assistants and have various abilities. Zaruba is a ring and can dispell hypnosis in others and is a trigger for some of Golden Fang's techniques.  He can also sense the presense of Horrors or demons like them.<br>

Revision as of 06:20, 25 April 2012

Saejima Tatsuya
A.K.A. Golden Fang GARO
Age 19
Voice Actor Tsuyoshi Hayashi
Relatives Saejima Kouga & Saejima Kaoru (Parents)
Series GARO
Player Brandon
  • Name: Saejima Tatsuya
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: June 6
  • Parents: Saejima Kouga & Saejima Tatsuya
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japan
    • Specialty: Hunting Horrors
    • Hobbies: Painting, scultping, metalworking as art
    • Likes: Art (both his own and others'), feelings of accomplishment
    • Dislikes: Pushy or judgemental individuals
    • Favorite Food: Anything involving dessert
    • Least Favorite Food: Tofu
    • Favorite Music: Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Kendo
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Art supplies, Father's sword
    • Level of Education: Attending art college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tsuyoshi Hayashi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'9"
    • Weight: 164 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Brown
    • Special: None


Tatsuya is lanky, well muscled and fairly good looking. He usually carries himself with a sort of quiet pride and determination, making him out to seem very serious at a glance. When at 'work' he wears what looks like a black racing suit, somewhat armored by what looks like black skeletal parts with a dark metallic trim. Over that he wears a white coat and when on the job he always carries his sword, a straight, double edged, thin blade with a red handle with gold trim. The sword has no handguard and is always in it's scabbard (patterned like the handle) unless he's using it. While it is not uncommon for him to wear his 'work clothes' around more often than just when he's working, he generally dresses somewhat nicely when in a casual setting.


Tatsuya is a very proud man. This can sometimes come across as being arrogant, snobbish or bossy, depending

on the situation at hand. He usually has a fairly bright personality, however, and is fairly generous with time, help,

etc. Can be a bit of a show-off sometimes and have a bit of en ego about his art. He's also very passionate about what he

does (both art and demon hunting), and will get very defensive if either are challenged. He generally appears rather serious, though over time can relax somewhat. He enjoys art as a way of winding down and becomes very focused when he is working. He also enjoys learning new forms of art and is looking for inspiration on what to learn next.


Tatsuya grew up very sure of two things. The public would see him as an artist like his mother, and he would

make his living doing so, and the underworld would fear him as the new Golden Fang GARO when the time came. He focused all of his free time into both things, successfully lifting a Soul Metal blade for the first time at the age of ten, and selling his first professional work of art at fifteen.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal
  • Streetwise: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Etiquette: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Empathy: Novice
  • Animal Ken: Very Good

Special Abilities

Tatsuya is very well trained in the hand-to-hand and sword fighting style of his father's family. He is also a skilled artist. He paints as well as sculpts in clay, and metal.

Powers & Merits

Golden Fang

Gall (2pts): His experiences hunting and the harsher elements of his training have left Tatsuya with guts to spare.
Graceful (2pts): Intense physical training have given him excellent balance and control.
Burning Aura (2pts): The powerful aura that marks him as being capable of wielding the power of a Makai Knight.
Reputation (2pts): The Golden Fang is well known among Makai Knights and their allies.
Time Sense (1pt): Tatsuya has a very keen sense of time, indespensible for some of his abilities.

Makai Will: He posesses the sheer force of will to use items made of soul metal, IE his sword. Soul Metal is a material that responds to the wielder's thoughts and strength and are powerful with spiritual energy attuned to the karma of the useer, in Tatsuya's case making even the armor painful to the touch for evil things (conversely soul metal charged with evil energy would have a similar effect on the righteous). Soul Metal is also dangerous to demons. To a normal human, Soul Metal would seem impossibly heavy.

Golden Fang: Can summon a golden suit of armor made of soul metal. WHen in his armor, his usual sword becomes a large bastard sword, doing much more damage to horrors and other demonic or evil enemies.

Madouba: While armored, he can summon a Madouba, or Madou Horse, which has the potential to travel between realms (IE human realm, demon realm) and appear as sort of a sentient machine. Tatsuya's Madouba is named Gouten. While mountd on Gouten, Tatsuya's sword can become even larger.

Madou Fire:He can wreath his sword and armor in Madou Fire and melee with it or sling it from his blade to deal additional damage against demons and evil beings.

Unique Items

alt text

Nameless: His sword made of Soul Metal. Has no name.
Zaruba: Every Makai Knight has a Madougu, piece of sentient, talking jewelry. They act as assistants and have various abilities. Zaruba is a ring and can dispell hypnosis in others and is a trigger for some of Golden Fang's techniques. He can also sense the presense of Horrors or demons like them.
Madoubi: A big lighter that produces green Madou Fire, which is used to read Orders Documents or create the madou fire techniques while armored up. If held up close to the face of a demon disguised as a human (or a demon that looks like a human), the fire's refelction in their eyes will make their eyes show their true nature.

Items Of Note

Art Supplies

Weaknesses & Flaws

Hatred (3pts): Tatsuya has a hatred for the demons known as Horrors and as such, for demons that resemble them as well; demons who pray on human weakness, posess human forms for personal gain and/or use human lives for sustinance.
Geas (3pts): If Tatsuya disobeys direct orders from the Watchdogs, diciplinary actions could potentially include his powers being sealed temporarily or indefinitely and/or other Makai Knights being instructed to capture or kill him. However the Watchdogs are, or were, mortal beings as well, and can be reasoned with or corrupted. Luckily direct orders rarely every come down in a form other than what horrors he needs to kill.

Time Limit: Can only wear his armor for 99.9 seconds. Even he will be burned by the soul metal after that time. There is also a very good chance of the armor taking him over and his emotions spiraling out of control, turning him into a berserker if he exceeds this time limit, turning them monstrous and makign them lash out at anything around them until the armor eats him alive. Only ONE Makai Knight has EVER exceeded the time limit, went berserk, and managed to recover; Tatsuya's father, and only once.

Maintenance: He needs to get his Madoubi refilled or fixed from time to time. He needs to have his sword purified on occaision as well, as demon blood will taint the Soul Metal over time. When he slays a horror, they become a tiny dagger called a Horror Blade, which he turns over to the Watchdogs. If a human is cut with a Horror Blade, they become the horror that the blade came from.

Makai Will: Soul metal acts on will power, among other things. If his will is ever broken, his ability to wield his weapons and armor vanishes until he can find his willpower again.

NPC(s) to go with char

His Parents, Silver Fang Zero (a man known as Rei), Watchdogs (beings who give Makai Knights their missions)