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* '''Superiority Complex:''' She believes all humans are beneath her, and finds it hard to accept defeat at the hands of a mere mortal.
* '''Superiority Complex:''' She believes all humans are beneath her, and finds it hard to accept defeat at the hands of a mere mortal.
[[Category: Non-Player Characters]] [[Category: Antagonists]] [[Category: Soul's Characters]]
[[Category: Non-Player Characters]] [[Category: Antagonists]]

Latest revision as of 04:29, 4 November 2023

A.K.A. Golden Dragon
Age Unknown
Voice Actor Atsuko Tanaka
Relatives None
Series Original
Player Soul
  • Name: Karin
  • Age: Unknown
  • Birthday: April 20th
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Manipulating Others
  • Dislikes: Losing
  • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Atsuko Tanaka (Caster from Fate/Stay Night)
  • Physical Stats:
    • Height: 5'7"
    • Weight: 145 lbs
    • Eyes: Hazel
    • Hair: Blonde


She looks like a woman with a heavenly figure; bountiful breasts framed in honey blonde hair.
She likes to wear very fancy dresses, going for classy looks most of the time.


Cruel and manipulative. Acts nice to get what she wants. Powerhungry.


  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Intimidation: Incredible (+4)
  • Etiquette: Amazing (+5)
  • Occult: Amazing (+5)
  • Expression: Incredible (+4)

Special Abilities, Powers

Dragon Abilities

  • Acid Spew: She is able to spit a highly volatile acid that will burn through most known materials to man.
  • Dragon Breath: She is able to breathe in deep and spew out bursts of flame; either in controlled bursts or like a flamethrower.
  • Lightning Affinity: Her elemental alignment is lightning. She is able to channel it through her being to use for various effects.
  • Dragon Claw: Thogh she is in human guise, her finger nails are as tough and sharp as that of a dragon, able to rend flesh and some forms of armor and soft metals.
  • Enhanced Strength: She is able to punch much harder and faster than that of a human, as her body density is actually much more than average.
  • Regeneration: She is able to quickly heal on her own, almost like a lizard... Oh. Wait.

Mage Spells

  • Weather Control: Her most potent ability, she is able to change the weather of a localized area to fit her means. This includes making the weather nice and calm, or as harsh and furious as a thunderstorm... or possibly, a tornado.
  • Lightning Crash: With weather control, she calls upon a thunderstorm so that she can lay down heavy lightning attacks over a wide area.
  • Lightning Displacement: She is able to turn her body into pure electrical energy, moving from one location to another in an instant. This can be used short range or long range. If she is somehow dispelled in the middle of this form, she returns to her human form.
  • Lightning Blast: She shoots a ball of lightning that explodes in electrical energy on impact. This will drain the mana of the target if they use such a thing, or an equivalent energy.
  • Chain Lightning: She casts a strong, area of effect lightning blast that hits multiple targets at once. This, too, drains mana or a type of energy, draining her enemies of their stamina.
  • Static Field: Surrounds Karin in a field of static electricity, emitting waves of small electrical bursts and sparks that shoot out from the field. Electricmagnetic disturbance from the field makes her very difficult to target with electronic targeting systems. Must be channeled.

Notable Items


  • Trapped In Human Flesh: She is really a dragon of immense power, but due to an injury she sustained in the past, she is a shadow of her former glory.
    She is unable to take on her dragon form anymore, and her mana pool is rather limited due to the size of the human form.
  • Bloodthirsty: She can sometimes go on a rampage if she is angered enough.
  • Superiority Complex: She believes all humans are beneath her, and finds it hard to accept defeat at the hands of a mere mortal.