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{{Infobox Character
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Latest revision as of 08:22, 10 October 2023

Lucretzia Belmont
A.K.A. Lucy
Age 25
Voice Actor Sayaka Ohara/Colleen Clinkerbeard
Relatives Raphael Belmont (cousin), Julius Belmont (uncle), Samuel Morris (mentor)
Series Castlevania
Player Brandon
  • Name: Lucretzia Belmont
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: May 7th
  • Parents: Deceased
    • Place of Birth: Milan
    • Nationality: Italian
    • Specialty: Vampire hunting
    • Hobbies: Building models, miniatures and dioramas
    • Likes: People watching, doing detail work with her hands
    • Dislikes: Being idle, sacrilege
    • Favorite Food: Ossobucco with either risotto alla Milanese or polenta
    • Least Favorite Food: Foreign versions of Italian food
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Vampire Killer
    • Level of Education: Varies
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Sayaka Ohara/Colleen Clinkerbeard
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'3"
    • Weight: 190 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Dirty blonde
    • Special: Always wears a worn old crucifix on a faded leather cord


Tall, toned and lean. Her frame was forged into a weapon over years of intense training at the expense of all else in her life. She has a long, thick mane of dirty blonde hair and sharp blue eyes. She wears a lot of old-school fabrics, leathers and furs like the Belmonts of old, stories of whom she was raised on. On the mission, her general expression is intense and unflinching, but at home she's usually smiling.


Lucretzia is a generally warm and positive person who puts her whole self into everything she does. She deeply enjoys being around other people, despite her lack of experience in proper social situations, even if she's just watching. She often feels like she has to impress and try to act cool, though she doesn't really know how that is supposed to look outside of things like TV, and being a bit clumsy outside of her work dose not help her case. She has a heart of gold though, and will always be there to help people out, even if they are people she may not necessarily care for. Outside of figurative and literal monsters, it's very hard to get anything worse than mild dislike out of Lucretzia, who would rather just be everybody's friend. That said she can be QUITE stubborn. When bored, lonely or too idle, is known to hit the sauce pretty hard, having little else she can think of to do. She enjoys a decent amount of drinking either way.


Born to a branch family of the Belmonts to parents that were lost in a vampire attack shortly after she was born, Lucretzia was raised by her grandparents. At teh age of six she started showing the kind of power the main line "true" Belmonts were blessed with, and a trainer was summoned, Samuel Morris answering the call. Her teacher was dour and ill-tempered, due to his own lot in the Belmont Hierarchy, but he still managed to bond a little with his student (at the cost of his relationship with his son, David until into his adulthood). Her entire life has been devoted to her training, and thus her social skills have suffered. As she grew she learned all about how to hunt and kill vampires, with most of her idle time devoted to spending time with her grandmother and learning to cook, watching football matches with her grandfather, or working on model kits and the like Samuel bought her as his one indulgence for her (and because it focuses and centers her, mentally). Shortly after the death of her mentor, his son David delivered her the Morning Star and she would go to work. She would begin by traveling tot he island of Sicily and slaying the vampires that had infiltrated the crime families there. Said vampires turned out to also be the ones responsible for the death of her family back when she was a baby. After this, she moved on to the ancestral Belmont lands of Walachia to continue the fight.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Abysmal (-1)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal (-1)
  • Streetwise: Novice (+0)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (normal humans)/Incredible (vampires/creatures of the night) (+3/+4)
  • Leadership: Novice (+0)
  • Expression: Novice (+0)
  • Etiquette: Abysmal (-1)
  • Performance: Novice (+0)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal (-1)
  • Investigation: Good (+2)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Law: Abysmal (-1)
  • Occult: Amazing (+5)
  • Politics: Abysmal (-1)
  • Science: Novice (+0)
  • Technology: Abysmal (-1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal (-1)
  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)
  • Animal Ken: Amazing (+5)

Special Abilities

Belmont Whip Fighting: As a Belmont with any degree of talent has been taught to make proper use of the Vampire Killer, should it ever fall into her hands.
Expert Marital Artist: Is trained to fight with improvised weapons and her bare hands with power and ferocity. Defense is based around bobbing, weaving, powering and countering rather than blocking because only an idiot would try to flat block a punch from a werewolf or vampire.
Weighted Chain/Rope Fighting: An extension of her marital arts training in anticipation for receiving the Morning Star.
Dual Wielding: Has figured out a way to wield both the Morning Star and the Vampire Killer, one in each hand. Cannot actually move while doing this, because she's using her whole body rooted to the floor to guide both weapons properly, but in the meantime unleashes a torrent of powerful anti-evil attacks at high speed from multiple angles.
Belmont Vampire Hunting Weapon Mastery: Extensive training in various throwing weapons and small hand to hand weapons.

Powers & Merits

Righteous Flames: Coats the Vampire Killer (or to a lesser extent the Morning Star) in holy fire to enhance the damage dealt.
Item Crash: A form of attack magic invented by the Belmont family using their various side weapons as foci to cast large-scale offensive spells. This is incredibly draining on the user, however, and needs to be used sparingly. In the case of unique items, Item Crash renders the focus inert for the remainder of the battle. In the case of non-unique ones, the Item Crash, being a hungry spell, consumes them all.

  • Thousand Blades: Hurls a storm of throwing knives with incredible speed over a wide line. Expends the entire supply of knives for the rest of the battle.
  • Spiral Axe: Launches an ring of axes in a spiral away from her person. The axis of the ring can be decided on the fly. Expends the entire supply of axes for the rest of the battle.
  • Hydro Storm: Causes a torrential downpour of holy water rain within a 30' sphere centered on Lucretzia that lasts for several seconds. Expends the entire supply of Holy Water for the rest of the battle.
  • Storm of Ashes: Causes an upward explosion of holy ashes that then rains back down over a wide area. Expends the entire supply of Vibhuti for the remainder of the battle.
  • Grand Cross: Envelops Lucretzia in holy fire which explodes upwards into the shape of a cross, doing heavy damage to evil beings in the immediate area. Renders the Cross Haladie inert for the remainder of the battle.

Burning Aura (2pts)
Clear Sighted (3pts)
Iron Will (5pts)

Unique Items

Vampire Killer: A leather whip created by alchemist Renaldo Gandalfi in the 11th Century and wielded by Leon Blemont as the 'Whip of Alchemy' until it reached the true apex of it's power through the death of Leon's betrothed. The True Vampire Killer in all it's glory was first used by Trevor Belmont in 1476. It's last wielder was Raphael Belmont, PARADIGM member thought lost. It is unknown how the Belmont family was able to recover the Vampire Killer, but it is now in the custody of Lucretzia until such a time as Raphael returns or it is bequeathed to a new heir. The Vampire Killer is a legendary magical weapon that burns any and all creatures of evil but is especially deadly to vampires.
Morning Star: A contrivance of David Solomon Morris, in an attempt to replace the Vampire Killer whip he thought lost. While it does not have as much holy might as the true whip (he found the cost for the whip's ultimate power to be too steep) he has made up for this in utility. The Morning Star is a long length of consecrated chain with a heavy, jagged head one one end and a leather bound grip on the other. The grip features barbs and spikes that appear to be ornamental but are quite serviceable for striking and blocking. The chain's links are forged in such a way that when wrapped taught around something they bite into and even in some cases cut when pulled tighter. The head of the chain contains devices to deliver a shot of chrism, or holy anointing oil, into a target upon impacts, as well as cleverly hidden surfaces suited for gashing and catching flesh, catching the chain when it wraps around something, or even hooking into surfaces like a grappling hook. Due to the fact that it is metal and heavy, the way one fights with the Morning Star is not quite the same as with a Whip. While it can be snapped like one, much of it's use also resembles how one would go about using a Chinese Rope Dart. The nature of the Morning Star makes it more practical, being useful combat against any enemy bu virtue of being sharp and metal and heavy in places, making this a weaker but more utilitarian alternative to the mighty Vampire Killer.
Cross Haladie: David Morris has crafted an improvement on the Crosses wielded like boomerangs by many Belmont hunters and based off of notes about a one of a kind item made by the weapon masters of the Raja-Putra clans of India for a Norwegian vampire hunter, the Cross Haladie when stored looks like a double sided dagger with a semi circular hand guard. Through some minute mechanism, the weapon is opened, the handguard forming a full circle and a pair of blades sprouting perpendicular to the original two to form the Cross shape. As with all of David's tools, the Cross Haladie has been fully consecrated. Functionally the weapon is like the traditional thrown Cross but with the added cutting damage of the blade, and the ability to wield it in melee combat, deft fingers able to twirl the blade as handily as if it were thrown. This item is unique, and if lost another will need to be made. The original piece has been lost to time.
Hunter's Attire: Belmont family hunter's attire. The outfit contains hidden armor and the materials are blessed and warded to the nines against any number of evils.

Items Of Note

Consecrated Short Sword: A blessed and silver-laced short sword. For good measure, the blade is oiled in chrism and rubbed in salt to maximize it's efficacy.
Consecrated Silver Knives: Throwing knives given the same treatment as the short sword.
Alchemical Holy Water Ampules: Sealed glass containers of holy water that burns explosively when in contact with evil.
Consecrated Throwing Hatchets: Throwing axes treated in the same way as the short sword and knives.
Vibhuti: Blessed and scented ashes of the dead (not necessarily human). Is thrown by the handful or rubbed on weapons. In contact with evil creatures it sticks and burns with intensity.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Overconfident (1pt)
Bard's Tongue (1pt)
Group Enmity (Vampires) (2pts): Belmont. Enough said.
Intolerance (Vampires) (1pt): Lucretzia is a professional and won't actively antagonize and endanger her fellow PARADIGM agents but at the end of the day she was put on this earth to kill vampires. Long-standing allies (such as Alucard) get immunity to this but long-standing is the key modifier there.
Isolated Upbringing (1pt): Lucretzia's entire life has been devoted to training to become a vampire hunter, with little to no socializing in her youth outside of her trainers; thus up until now, her entire life has been nothing but training, killing, drinking and occasionally spending time on her hobbies.
Airhead (1pt)

NPC(s) to go with char

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