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The Kabuto Zecter is seemingly sentient in that it chooses its user. It can also abandon a user, mid-fight, if it does not think the user is keeping with the qualities that attracted it in the first place (in Kabuto's case, confidence). It can of course be earned back, but to suddenly lose your powers in the middle of a fight from broken confidence is a thing.<br>
The Kabuto Zecter is seemingly sentient in that it chooses its user. It can also abandon a user, mid-fight, if it does not think the user is keeping with the qualities that attracted it in the first place (in Kabuto's case, confidence). It can of course be earned back, but to suddenly lose your powers in the middle of a fight from broken confidence is a thing.<br>
Outside of his cooking abilities and Kabuto, Haruki is essentially a NEET with nothing else going on.<br>
Outside of his cooking abilities and Kabuto, Haruki is essentially a NEET with nothing else going on.<br>
Because it is time based, Clock Up can be defeated or manipulated by powerful time based powers. Hyper Clock Up falls under this as well, but the force behind it is much stronger so it would be more difficult but still possible.<br>
'''Overconfident''': Haruki is supremely confident in his abilities, to a fault.<br>
'''Overconfident''': Haruki is supremely confident in his abilities, to a fault.<br>

Latest revision as of 02:45, 10 August 2016

Haruki Amagi
A.K.A. Kamen Rider Kabuto, "From heaven's castle, I am the radiance of the sun!"
Age 21
Voice Actor
Relatives Miki Amagi and Kiba Yuji
Series Kamen Rider
Player Brandon
  • Name: Haruki Amagi
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: January 3
  • Parents: Miki Amagi and Kiba Yuji
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Cooking
    • Hobbies: Cooking for himself, those he considers in his inner circle, sampling the cooking of others
    • Likes: Thoughtful people, himself, people who appreciate food
    • Dislikes: Ungrateful people, people with what he views as 'undeserved pride'
    • Favorite Food: Miso Mackerel
    • Least Favorite Food: Instant ANYTHING
    • Favorite Music: A bit of everything
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Kabuto Zecter, older but well maintained chef's tools
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 150 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black
    • Special: Often wears a scarf with his outdoor ensemble


Haruki is a bit lanky, modestly handsome and usually wears his hair shoulder length, thick and in a "messy" look (as in intentional not legit bedhead). Around the house he dresses humbly, usually in a jinbei or samue, and will wear geta if he has to go outside but stay on the property (much like his mentor, making him look like 'the help' more often than not). Out and about, he dresses in clothes that accent his slim frame and prefers darker, cooler colors like grays and blues and accents in white and black.


Haruki is an exceedingly confident person and is unafraid to let others know this fact. While not outright boastful, he will become such when referring to something he knows he's supremely good at, such as cooking and fighting. While he did not inherit his mother's specific talent, he did inherit a level of artistic savant which he turned to the culinary arts from a young age, worrying about his mother's diet. Through his cooking he shows a bit more of himself than the haughty, sometimes arrogant face he wears normally. He is capable of deep caring but is not immediately trusting, meaning most people get politeness of thinly veiled disdain until such a time that he accepts them as a friend. Once he establishes a bond however, it is nigh impossible to break. He is noble and heroic in that he constantly frets over his friends and family and seeks to do everything he can to alleviate his worries by protecting and preserving those people close to him.


Hidden away at a young age in the World of Kabuto while his parents fought evil as Kamen Riders Decade and Diend, Haruki grew up in the same house as the local world's Kamen Rider Kabuto, Souji Tendou (as Haruki's family knew this was a guaranteed safe place). As such he sees the Tendous, Souji and his sisters, as extended family, referring to Tendou himself as his aniki or sensei or sempai. This came to a more literal meaning when Souji's time as Kabuto was completed and Miki and Yuji decided to settle in the now-safe World of Kabuto. Souji taught Haruki the finer points of the culinary arts and, in secret, the skills and qualities he would need to eventually take over the mantle of Kamen Rider Kabuto. As Kabuto Haruki ensures he fights extra hard by giving himself the goal of being the last hero anyone will ever need, eliminating the need for those close to him to risk themselves. He knows this is an impossible goal, but he reasons that striving for it will push him to greatness.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Stealth: Abysmal (-1)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2)
  • Streetwise: Novice (+1)
  • Intimidation: Novice (+1)
  • Leadership: Abysmal (-1)
  • Etiquette: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Medicine: Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving (Motorcycles): Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)
  • Animal Ken: Very Good (+3)
  • Cooking: Amazing (+5)

Special Abilities

Is an absolutely sublime cook, with an eye for quality ingredients, perfect presentation and the ability to substitute ingredients or otherwise alter recipes on the fly without detracting from his work. He is most well trained in Japanese cuisine, but can also cook French and Italian as well. He also has an extemely well defined pallet.

Powers & Merits

Iron Will: Kabuto cannot stop. Kabuto will not stop!
Common Sense: Kabuto has to be a pragmatic hero who does not waste his moves.
Time Sense: Kabuto is able to navigate and perceive the outside world's "time" when his own is being altered by his power.

Unique Items

Rider Belt: A wearable belt that doesn't do much on it's own, but allows the wearer to make use of the Zecters and transform to battle powerful foes.
Kabuto Zecter: A small robot shaped like a kabuto beetle and capable of flight. When not in use it stores itself in a pocket dimension that only it's chosen user can summon it from. As such nobody else can use the Kabuto system without brute force and theft. To transform, Haruki calls the Zecter to his hand and attaches the Zecter to his belt.

  • Masked Form: The default form of Kabuto, Maksed Form is built for brute strength and toughness. This is offset by this form's inability to use some of the Zecter's features, such as finishing moves and Clock Up.
  • Kabuto Kunai Gun: A weapon with three configurations, two of which are used by Masked Form. Armored Kabuto uses this weapon as either a gun or a hatchet, depending on where he grips it. The hatchet form is a strong but small and short reaching slashing weapon and the gun fires quick and modestly damaging energy bolts.
  • ZECT Mizer: A device that can be used in any form, stored on the rear of the belt, it releases a cloud of miniature flight-capable drones modeled after the Kabuto Zecter. Most often used to distract, a clever user can also use them for tracking and recon, such as allowing one drone to attach itself to an enemy. They can also ram into enemies to attack, but this is more part of their distraction ability.
  • Cast Off: By pulling back the horn on the Kabuto Zecter, this allows Kabuto to shift into its other primary form. When he does this, the excess armor is blown off quite forcefully after they finish realigning for removal, allowing this to be used in an offensive capacity.
  • Rider Form: Rider Form is Kabuto's speed and agility build. While not as physically strong or tough as Masked Form, Rider Form has access to more abilities and is overall quicker and more agile. Also in this form, the Kunai Gun's third form appears; a fighting knife. In Rider Form, Kabuto can press the three buttons on the side of the Kabuto Zecter then cocking the horn (pulling it back towards original position then snapping it back into Rider Form position), energizing his [Rider Kick] attack, a powerful roundhouse that delivers a huge energized hit to anything it strikes in it's arc.
  • Put On: By returning the Kabuto Zecter's horn to the original location, he shifts back into Masked Form.
  • Clock Up: By tapping a plate on the left side of the Rider Belt, while in Rider Form, Kabuto can use Clock Up. This means that for brief periods of time (never longer than thirty seconds and usually much shorter than that) he can move at super speeds, achieved through time dilation; not slowing down the time of others but speeding up his personal time. Finishers can be executed during Clock Up.

Hyper Zecter: A supplementary Zecter unit that attaches to the right side of the belt. Can only be used from Rider Form. It allows Kabuto to enter Hyper Mode.

  • Hyper Mode: Hyper Kabuto is essentially enhanced Kabuto Rider Form; it has the same base abilities, but a fair amount better. It also gets a new weapon to replace the Kabuto Kunai Dagger. Hyper Mode also has small "wings" containing jets allowing for super jumping and running power in short bursts. [Hyper Rider Kick] is used in this form, first by pulling down on the Hyper Zecter's horn, then doing the normal Rider Kick command. [Hyper Rider Kick] hits significantly harder, but is concentrated for more single-target use as it is a flying straight kick.
  • Hyper Clock Up: Hyper Mode's Clock Up, used by striking the Zecter instead of the normal Clock Up switch. The bursts of speed are a little shorter in this form, but are so pronounced that to the user time will appear to stand still. Finishers can be executed during Hyper Clock Up.
  • Perfect Zecter: A large sword that appears from the same pocket dimension as the Zecters. It defaults in Sword Mode, but can be switched over to a Gun Mode and back again. When Kabuto pulls on Hyper Zecter's horn to energize himself for a finisher, he can divert the energy into Perfect Zecter and perform the [Hyper Slash] attack in Sword mode, a combo of slashes with the sword enveloped in red energy, making the blade wider and longer for the duration and the [Hyper Cannon] in Gun Mode to fire a powerful blast of energy at a target. Hyper Zecter can unlock more attacks by attatching other Zecters, but Haruki does not have access to them.

Kabuto Extender: Kabuto's motorcycle. Vroom vroom! It has two modes, the default Masked Mode and EX Mode. Like the rest of his equipment, the Kabuto Extender can be stored in a pocket dimension.

  • Cast Off: The Cast Off ability can be used on his motorcycle, shifting it into EX Mode. In EX Mode, the vehicle has a large ramming blade jutting out the front and is reshaped and re-balanced to offset this extension (hence EX). EX Mode is also compatible with Clock Up. Masked Form Kabuto cannot ride the Kabuto Extender in EX Mode.

Items Of Note

A collection of knives and other chef's equipment; a gift from Souji Tendou.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Haruki is a completely normal human being without his equipment.
The Kabuto Zecter is seemingly sentient in that it chooses its user. It can also abandon a user, mid-fight, if it does not think the user is keeping with the qualities that attracted it in the first place (in Kabuto's case, confidence). It can of course be earned back, but to suddenly lose your powers in the middle of a fight from broken confidence is a thing.
Outside of his cooking abilities and Kabuto, Haruki is essentially a NEET with nothing else going on.
Because it is time based, Clock Up can be defeated or manipulated by powerful time based powers. Hyper Clock Up falls under this as well, but the force behind it is much stronger so it would be more difficult but still possible.

Overconfident: Haruki is supremely confident in his abilities, to a fault.
Disturbing Mannerisms: Haruki has picked up some of the odd quirks from his mentor Souji Tendou, who he all ready had a sort of resemblance to in the first place.
Twisted Mentoring: Souji Tendou is a very interesting man.
Driving Goal: Haruki has vowed, knowing it's impossible and not caring, to become so strong and fight so hard, he'll be the last hero anybody needs as long as he lives.
Intolerance: If Haruki decides he doesn't like you, than to you he will be completely insufferable.
Minor Compulsive Speech: His confidence/ego gives Haruki a big mouth sometimes.

NPC(s) to go with char

His parents, Souji Tendou and his sisters Hiyori and Juka.