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= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
Esperian Heritage: Her bloodline contains the knowledge and power of ancient Espers. This grants her magical insights and affinity, particularly in the category of Blue colored magics, or those that are water, ice, or mind based. Is particularly sensitive and susceptible to Astral attacks as a result.
'''Esperian Heritage:''' Her bloodline contains the knowledge and power of ancient Espers. This grants her magical insights and affinity, particularly in the category of Blue colored magics, or those that are water, ice, or mind based. Is particularly sensitive and susceptible to Astral attacks as a result.
Magic Scaling: Can miniaturize large scale spells to be used on a small scale.
'''Magic Scaling:''' Can miniaturize large scale spells to be used on a small scale.
= Unique Items =
= Unique Items =

Revision as of 20:01, 31 December 2015

Estelle Fae Genevre Saillune
Age ???
Voice Actor
Relatives a lot
Series Slayers, Magic
Player Incandescence
  • Name: Estelle Fae Genevre Saillune
  • Age: ???
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: February 29
  • Parents: Geth, Lord of the Vault, Genevieve May Nadia Saillune
    • Place of Birth: ???
    • Nationality: Saillune
    • Specialty: Mind magic
    • Hobbies: Chess
    • Likes: Mind games, politics, insight, cheating
    • Dislikes: Non-fancy foods
    • Favorite Food: Any fondue
    • Least Favorite Food: Meat loaf
    • Favorite Music: Baroque
    • Favorite Sport: Brass racquets
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Black Lotus
    • Level of Education: High-end college education
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'5"
    • Weight: 115 lbs.
    • Eyes: Pale mako blue
    • Hair: Long, black, curly


Girl of medium height and smallish frame, with long, curled black hair and matching black eyes. Usually found in Gothic or Victorian style dresses, often with a parasol.


Enjoys being friendly with others, but often reserves her true views or plays coy.


Estelle was born and raised in Saillune City under the watchful eye of her mother Genevieve, but from an early age, she was drawn to the forbidden mystique of the Vault from which her father Geth hailed. The use of black magic was forbidden within the confines of Saillune City, and white magic had no place in the Vault, yet she traveled between the two cities, determined to get a handle on both extremes.

However, between those extremes lay Estelle’s innate affinity for blue magic, a vestige of her mother’s traces of Shiva and Leviathan’s presence. Blue magic, with its focus on manipulation and control, is her true forte. When combined with the power of black magic and white magic, it creates a style of magic known as the Esper Magic style.

With her controversial spell style and choices of company, she is a highly notorious and scandalous member of polite Saillune society. Despite this, she remains fourth in line for the throne.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: 4
  • Athletics: 1
  • Stealth: 2

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: 5
  • Streetwise: 1
  • Intimidation: 2
  • Leadership: 4
  • Expression: 4
  • Etiquette: 5
  • Performance (Lyre): 3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: 1
  • Investigation: 3
  • Medicine: 2
  • Law: 2
  • Occult: 5
  • Politics: 4
  • Science: 1
  • Technology: 1

Other Skills:

  • Driving (horseback riding): 2
  • Survival: 0
  • Empathy: 4
  • Animal Ken: 1

Special Abilities

Blue Magic

Blue Sun’s Zenith: Forces a surge of overwhelming, debilitating magical power into a single target.

Celestial Colonnade: (Blue/White) Summons a flying stone golem that answers to the commands of its summoner.

Esper Charm: (Blue/White/Black) Forcibly tampers with the flow of leylines in an area. Perform a rolloff against a target. If successful, lowers the target’s magical potency for a single turn and absorbs that potency into herself. Usable ~1-2 times per given combat.

Think Twice: Allows the caster to cast two spells in the same turn. Used in a Limit Break style, where it takes time to build up and can only be used several turns into a given fight. Usable once per combat for a single turn.

Shadow of Doubt: (Blue/Black) Inflicts a temporary state of confusion upon a single target.

Sleep: Places a single target or small group under a temporary enchanted sleep.

Domestication: Places a target under the caster’s temporary command on successful rolloff.

Detention Sphere: Entraps a target inside a magical sphere that is difficult to break without a concerted effort from the outside. Touch-based.

Dig Through Time: Ritual that grants Estelle visions of the past or future, subject to the DM’s discretion.

Divination: Ritual that allows for remote scrying, subject to the DM’s discretion.

Diamond Dust: Summons a torrent of icy shards and freezing winds.

Tsunami: Summons a raging wave of water.

White Magic

White Sun’s Zenith: Summons an army of gothloli catgirls.

Leyline of Sanctity: When this spell is in effect, Estelle cannot cast spells or be the target of them. Can also be cast on friendly targets. Unfriendly targets can resist the effect entirely.

Celestial Purge: Fires a ray of holy light. Extra effective against Black aligned creatures, such as undead. Does no damage to anything else.

Disenchant: Destroys enchantments and magical artifacts. If something is summonable, this will desummon it rather than destroying it. Subject to DM discretion.

Lock/Unlock: Exactly as described.

Mend: Restores broken objects to an intact state. Cannot be used on items with magical properties.

Recovery: Touch-based minor regenerative healing spell.

Light: Simple light orb or imbual, capable of generating bright flashes.

Black Magic

Black Sun’s Zenith: Inflicts debilitating group damage that leaves targets weakened.

Cabal Therapy: A line of sight based spell that allows the caster to explore and interact with a target’s mind. Causes significant physical strain on a caster. Initial casts can cause nosebleeds or the like, while casts of this spell in rapid succession (third time in a single fight) can cause so much strain on the caster’s brain that the caster can no longer focus on casting spells for the rest of a given fight scene.

Drain Life: Touch-based spell that drains the life of a target.

Gift of Geth: (black/white) Summons a set of kaleidoscopic stained glass wings that grant flight and lifelink to the caster. Used in a Limit Break style, where it takes time to build up and can only be used several turns into a given fight. When used, will last for the rest of combat.

Powers & Merits

Esperian Heritage: Her bloodline contains the knowledge and power of ancient Espers. This grants her magical insights and affinity, particularly in the category of Blue colored magics, or those that are water, ice, or mind based. Is particularly sensitive and susceptible to Astral attacks as a result.

Magic Scaling: Can miniaturize large scale spells to be used on a small scale.

Unique Items

Black Lotus: An undying flower that can be drawn upon as a free source of any kind of magical power.

Items Of Note

Saillune Royal Crest: Grants certain privileges inside the bounds of the Holy Kingdom of Saillune.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Astral Element: Due to Estelle's partially astral nature, she is particularly susceptible to astral-element attacks, moreso than an ordinary human.

NPC(s) to go with char