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[[Category:Inactive Characters]]

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Yuzuki Yamato
Yuzuki yamato.jpg
A.K.A. Mini Sakuya, Crazy Lovechild Maid, Gentle Moon, Superior Moon, Lunatic
Age 24
Voice Actor Lia Sargent
Relatives Remilia Scarlet - "Mother"
Sakuya Izayoi - "Inspiration", Mentor
Reimu Hakurei - "Inspiration"
Flandre Scarlet - Friend
Patchouli Knowledge - Private Tutor
Hong Meiling - Friend
Rumia - Friend
Cirno - Friend
Series Touhou
Player Azriel/Heather
  • Name: Yuzuki Yamato
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: October 12th
  • Parents: Unknown (Although Remilia's thoughts could be the culprit here.)
    • Place of Birth: Gensokyo, The Scarlet Devil Mansion
    • Nationality: Gensokyo Native
    • Specialty: Speed Manipulation, Knife Throwing
    • Hobbies: Cooking, cleaning, stargazing, flower arrangement, playing the harp, playing the piano
    • Likes: Tea, being efficient, taking care of others, well-mannered people, flowers, baked goods
    • Dislikes: Insects, rodents, disrespectful people, failure to complete a specific task, chaotic mess
    • Favorite Food: Cheesecake
    • Least Favorite Food: Curry
    • Favorite Music: Classical, Orchestra, Jazz
    • Favorite Sport: None
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Accel Ring
    • Level of Education: Home-schooled
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Lia Sargent

  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 122 lbs.
    • Eyes: Light blue
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Produces a "strange" unseen aura about herself


As a slender, delicate, young woman, Yuzuki poses the appearance of a normal maid in the modern world. To the untrained eye, little could be told from her overall appearance that she belongs to another realm entirely. Yuzuki likes to keep her golden-blonde hair short to her neck and out of her face by keeping it neatly trimmed at all times, especially her bangs. She has bright blue eyes and a fair complexion.

Because of her occupation as a maid and doing daily chores for a living, she's provided with optimal exercise that keeps her body fit and in good health. Still, doing simple household chores isn't the same as lifting weights so her muscles aren't exactly prime for lifting heavy objects. This in turn makes her seem like she's far more delicate and fragile to others than she really is.

In many eyes, she appears as the utmost elegance as a woman while keeping a very formal and professional air about her every action. To her, its not uncommon to be wearing her maid uniform everyday so long as its neatly pressed and washed. She keeps very little casual wear and will only revert back to them in times of sickness or when she must be inconspicuous. Most of this is due to her time in service as a servant for her former mistress where most of the only clothes she could wear was her uniform on a daily basis.

However, if she ever were to wear casual clothing, her tastes would mimic very simple, modern day high-fashion with solid colors of beige, black, tan, grays, and other darker colors that are warm and more earth tone. She won't ever be found in sneakers or flip-flops and prefers either penny loafers, heels, or fashionable boots. So, even out of uniform she can still provide an air of high class and elegance to those she knows and strangers alike.


Despite her odd childhood and the fast-paced environment she was raised in, Yuzuki remains somewhat cheerful and calm most of the time. She's not exactly introverted, but she hardly speaks unless spoken to directly. To others it may seem like she's shy or timid, but she's really just adhering to the code of the mansion she used to work in by refraining to speak unless spoken to first. She's not easily angered and will only become provoked unless certain situations arise that cause it.

Yet, despite her calm attitude, she does take her work rather seriously and may seem a bit of a prude to those who slack at cleaning or picking up after themselves. Regardless, she can be quite motherly at times as well and doesn't seem to have an issue with taking care of others whether being appreciated or not. She finds it easy to work for long periods of time and take on many tasks at once thanks to a certain item within her possession. At best, she could be described as a "workaholic".

Nevertheless, she never seems to mind and finds multiple tasks rather relaxing and fulfilling towards her purpose in life. To some, this degree of pride could be taken as a quaint charm and trait in which she can stay loyal to something or someone for a long period of time without remorse or regrets. As a reserved and proper maid, she also takes a sense of pride and confidence in her duties and will not cease until they've been carried out or told otherwise by her main employer. Yuzuki can also have an air of strictness when cornered by immature behavior or things not otherwise courteous and proper, making her try to correct the problem or issue immediately as she hates discord within a household environment. A trait that may seem annoying at first and gives off a sense of a perfectionism attitude.

Despite her professional appeal, she also has an artistic side to her and finds it easy to express emotions through music rather than words alone since she does not speak often.


Yuzuki wasn't made into being like a normal human child in the mystical land of Gensokyo. She did not hail from the human village nor the home of a youkai. Instead, her presence was created on a whim of feelings and affections during a strange, phenomenal event bringing about abnormal energy into the realm of the supernatural country. This event took place on the fifth day during the Month of Planting. Gensokyo is well-known to be close to the boundaries of the modern world, so in human terms this day would be known as May 5th. Coincidentally, the event falls on a popular and national holiday in Japan known as Children's Day.

The residents of Gensokyo were extremely concerned and perplexed with having smaller version of themselves and the child of pairings showing their faces randomly around the land. While Reimu and Marisa were sent to investigate the matter thoroughly, The Scarlet Devil Mansion was not excused from the phenomena either. Remilia, the immortal and vampiric mistress of the grand estate, was having her tea time in her private study with her head maid and bodyguard, Sakuya, nearby. It was a normal and lazy day for the young vampire. To most of the other residents of Gensokyo, Remilia's feelings and affections for Sakuya were well-known throughout the land. They were close, closer than any other residents living within the grand estate. To strangers, it was a deep bond of friendship and loyal servitude, but at some times it became more than that, almost possessive. However, Remilia held other feelings for the shrine maiden, Reimu, who was off investigating as well. Even though they fought numerous times and would both come off as enemies, they too, were also good friends in some way. One looking out for the other at times when it was needed and hardly bothering each other unless it -was- needed.

Because of these intense and erratic feelings, Remilia's mind wandered back and forth between the two people as she sipped her spiced tea. Little did she know that those sudden thoughts would create a full-bodied apparition in front of her very eyes. At first, she was curious and confused with Sakuya becoming the more shocked and defensive one, shielding her mistress from whatever harm may come. Once the apparition became full-bodied, a young child stood in view. She had short blond hair and bright blue eyes. Her hair and likeliness similar to a certain someone while her clothes were a plain white dress. The child was quiet, unmoving while Sakuya only grew increasingly defensive until Remilia urged her to stand down, asking the name of the young child, almost having an inkling as to what just transpired.

The blonde girl stood there silent for a few more moments before giving a proper bow and name, Yuzuki, and nothing else. Remilia's lips curved into a devious smirk before closing her eyes once and then reopening them, only replying with one word "Yamato". Sakuya back off confused and turned to look at her mistress with a pleading glance to an answer for her confusion. The girl was in the same boat as Sakuya, confused. Remilia laughed slightly and merely stated that that was her new last name if she were to stay in this household. Yuzuki tilted her head at first and then obliviously agreed. With that, Remilia ordered Sakuya to help take care of the young Yuzuki and show her the way of the manor. Sakuya, having undying loyalty to her mistress, wasn't about to refuse and accepted the job without so much as a complaint.

From that day forward, Yuzuki was taken under the guidance and care of Sakuya. She was home-schooled by the residential librarian Patchouli on the history of the new world she calls home and about certain events and people who live within the realm.

Besides her tutoring, she was also used as a playmate for Flandre around the mansion and a helper for Meiling. Despite her uncanny appearance to two individuals in particular, Yuzuki was well-loved by most of the manor's residents, including Sakuya herself over time. She became an integrated member, providing laughter and funny stories of her adventures with Cirno or Rumia.

Over time, Yuzuki was growing up into a young lady and it was at that time that Remilia took into consideration of what her purpose should be now that she's competent. It took some time to decide, but she finally came to a conclusion. It was decided that Yuzuki would serve under Sakuya as the vice-chief of the maids, it was only right being how similar they were because of her odd intentions. Yuzuki didn't repel the idea, but Sakuya thought it was rather strange. Still, she wasn't about to refuse an order from her beloved mistress.

Sakuya taught Yuzuki everything she knew: from domestic chores to fighting as a bodyguard and Yuzuki took this all in strides. She never found it tiring or overbearing to her, but merely fun. It was a new experience for her, something she's never done in her life and it was also a purpose. She needed that more than anything, after all, her birth was a mistake honestly.

After completing a certain amount of training experience in between her daily regiment of chores, Remilia bestowed a special ring upon Yuzuki to keep up with Sakuya. The ring itself was fashioned from a collaboration effort between the Kappa and Tengu, made especially for Yuzuki. It would give her periodic bursts of speed so she could be on par with Sakuya's time manipulation techniques. The ring proved extremely useful not only for training, but even for doing mundane tasks as well. Yuzuki was able to accomplish much more around the manor than twice the average maid could possibly do, still she was no match for Sakuya's time stop capabilities, but she still managed to be optimistic about it. In time, Yuzuki made a home for herself within the manor and its inhabitants, a happy, established purpose, but who was she to know how easily that could be taken away...


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

  • Languages:
    • Japanese - Very Good
    • English - Incredible
  • Survival:
    • First Aid - Good
    • Tracking - Very Good
    • Espionage - Incredible
    • Stealth - Amazing
  • Physical Skills:
    • Alertness - Amazing
    • Athletics - Incredible
    • Acrobatics - Amazing
    • Stamina - Very Good
    • Strength - Good
    • Natural Speed - Very Good
    • Enhanced Speed - Amazing
  • Weapon Skills:
    • Throwing Knives - Amazing
    • Kunai - Incredible
    • Daggers - Very Good
  • Social Skills:
    • Subterfuge - Good
    • Streetwise - Good
    • Intimidation - Incredible
    • Leadership - Very Good
    • Expression - Novice
    • Etiquette - Amazing
    • Performance - Amazing
  • Cooking Skills:
    • General Recipes - Amazing
    • New Recipes - Very Good
    • Baking - Very Good
    • Tea - Incredible
  • Mental Skills:
    • Computers - Novice
    • Investigation - Very Good
    • Medicine - Good
    • Law - Abysmal
    • Occult - Incredible
    • Politics - Abysmal
    • Science - Abysmal
    • Astronomy - Good
    • Gensokyo History - Incredible
  • Trade Skills:
    • Cleaning - Amazing
    • Laundry - Amazing
    • Tailoring - Very Good
    • Landscaping - Very Good
  • Other Skills:
    • Driving - Abysmal
    • Empathy - Good
    • Animal Ken - Good
    • Flower Arrangement - Incredible
    • Fashion - Very Good
    • Harp - Very Good
    • Piano - Incredible

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • The Art of Throwing Knives


(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

  • Spell Cards
    • Speed "Moonlight Sonata" - One of Yuzuki's most basic attack moves, but still artistically graceful. In the beginning, she will rush towards the enemy before starting a jump into the air using her Accel ring to give her a burst of speed to add some height, therefore shooting into the air like a rocket. From that point, she'll pull out three knives from her garments, holding each between her fingers on both hands before she flings them at breakneck speeds towards the enemy: 6 knives in total. In this card, its a rise and fall like notes on a musical score.
    • Illusion "Closing Darkness" - Another basic attack move, but with a little more power and flair backed into it. From her current position, Yuzuki will use her Accel ring to give herself a brief burst of speed, enough to close the distance between her and her foe at an alarming rate. From there, while she still has some agility left, she will run around her enemy in a circle, only seen as a blur to confuse, distract, and otherwise contain the foe where he/she stands. After wards, she'll grab at least a minimum of 6 knives between her fingers and shoot them at close-range while she runs in a circle. Effective at one-shot kills, but also putting her at risk of getting hit from the knives themselves while she's doing laps. For this card, its a matter of skill, careful placement, and dodging the retribution back at her.
    • Grace "Unseen Revenge" - Basic attack move that works best when Yuzuki is behind an enemy, but it is not as effective as her headfirst frontal attacks. Once Yuzuki is behind an enemy's back whether by use of the Accel ring or other means. She'll keep her back turned to them calmly, showing no signs of hostility until the last second where she pulls out 3 knives. From there, she'll fling the knives using a backhanded thrust motion at either a close-range or 5 ft or less long-range to send three knives from behind. This card is a hit or miss and although unusual and refined, it lacks precision and accurate results.
    • Speed "Lunatic Moon" - A spell card deemed as one of Yuzuki's most powerful and fearful of moves, she uses the latent powers of her Accel ring to grant her a burst of ungodly speed. In the beginning of this card, she will use that speed to add height to her jump, taking her far up into the sky and looming over the enemy's position. From that point, she'll twist her body into a 360 degree motion to the right, using the speed to boost her hands and arms at making the notion of throwing knives. After wards, she'll do the same to the left and continue throwing knife after knife for as long as she can stay up in the air briefly, before falling back down to land after her momentum breaks. When using this card at night, she deliberately jumps in front of the moon, taking up it's view with her own body. Some have said that using this attack makes her seem -very- convincingly like a killer with murderous intent as it shows a darker side of her hardly ever seen.
    • Illusion "Mind Games" - A secondly powerful move in which Yuzuki takes the time to carefully plan the enemy's attack pattern before reacting. Once she has analyzed the situation critically, she'll take off at a burst of momentary speed and do a single, wide lap around the perimeter of the enemy's position. In her haste, afterimages of herself will be created and surround the foe causing a sense of confusion and paranoia. At first, the afterimages will do nothing and it will be difficult to tell which one is the real Yuzuki as she continues running around. She'll play this relentless torture for a few moments until she stops moving, using the sudden shock and afterimages as a distraction to send a wave of knives towards the enemy quickly without warning. Effective and cruel for the poor fool who gets in her the way.
    • Elegance "Maiden's Charm" - Simple, yet gracefully shocking attack pattern that Yuzuki uses to surprise the enemy, especially after her skills have been underestimated. From her position, she'll start at a casual, slow walk towards the opponent, using her ladylike charm and mannerisms to make it almost a seducing walk. Once she has the enemy's undivided attention, she'll take a moment without warning to use her Accel ring, giving a burst of speed and becoming a blur as she quickly and effectively closes the distance between herself and the foe so long as no other intervention comes between them. At the moment she's close, she'll surprisingly fashion a multitude of knives from her hands and send them through the enemy's body at such a close range in one swift motion. A powerful and alluring move great for shock damage and making a point so long as she's not stopped first.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Accel Ring - Beautiful silver ring engraved with strange kanji that grants her the gift of enhanced speed and evasion for a period of time.

Items Of Note

  • Maid Uniform - Cute, standard maid uniform complete with frills and bows that she wears everyday.
  • Throwing Knives - Simple, non-decorative, stainless throwing knives she keeps somewhere under her uniform, but will never say where.
  • Heart-shaped Locket - Gold, heart-shaped locket with a matching chain kept around her neck at all times. She'll never speak what's inside though.


  • Loyalty(1): Yuzuki is extremely loyal to her mistress, mentors, and friends in Gensokyo. However, because she isn't in Gensokyo for now and is unsure as to when or how she'll return. She holds extreme loyalty to the person that hires her and only takes direct orders from her new mistress or lord. (You are devoted to a person, group, or cause, and easily resist attempts to persuade you away from the object of your loyalty. Any attempts to make you betray this person/cause/whatever is done with an opposed roll where you get a +2 bonus. Again, like the code of honor, you must always be loyal to this person or risk losing this benefit).)
  • Clear Sighted(3): Due to Yuzuki's training and careful supervision under her mentor, Sakuya Izayoi, illusions are hardly effective on eyes or mind. After all, she too uses illusions to gain the upper hand on others as a bodyguard.(You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.)
  • Common Sense(1): Yuzuki was tutored privately by one of Gensokyo's most knowledgeable and infamous scholars, Patchouli Knowledge. Common sense is a must in her lesson book. (You are full of practical wisdom. A great merit for starting characters, as you may receive advice from the GM regarding how to handle certain situations.)
  • Time Sense 1): Yuzuki was taught by the very best when it comes to throwing knives. Due to her intense training regiments at the mansion, she has gotten her own style down to the finest details and expects nothing but the utmost precision and accuracy no matter what. (You have an innate sense of time, and can with a good deal of accuracy tell what time it is without a watch. In performing feats where timing may be essential (such as certain combat or athletic maneuvers), difficulties may be lowered or dropped.)
  • Graceful(2): Sakuya expects nothing but perfection and elegance from her vice-chief maid. Yuzuki lives up to the standards ten fold. (You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.)
  • Concentration(1): Yuzuki is ever dutiful to her duties and her work. When it comes to cleaning or fighting, she has a one-track mind and will not relent until the task is finished. (You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.)
  • Double-Jointed(1): Due to the athletic intensity and positions her Spell Cards put her through, Yuzuki's body has adjusted to bending and moving in degrees that shouldn't be thought possible rather easily. Her Accel Ring also makes it quite easy to be light on her feet and run away if need be. (+1 Bonus on any roll involving flexibility, or escaping.)

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Intolerance(1): Yuzuki will not stand for direct and blatant immature behavior in front of honored guests or intentional actions in making a mess just for the hell of it. As a perfect maid, she expects perfection and equal tidyness from everyone living in the same household in the same comparison to the rules of the manor she used to work and live in. (You have difficulty tolerating a specific thing or type of person, and are likely to snap at them and be dismissive.)
  • Bound(5): Yuzuki is bound to the Scarlet Devil Mansion and although she cannot return right away at the moment, she owes her life and entire existence to Remilia Scarlet, her "mother". Therefore, she will -never- act out against her or anyone else residing in the manor whether others tell her to or not no matter the situation at hand.
  • Otherworldly Taint(2): Since Yuzuki is from another realm entirely that borders between the human world, she does have a strange, unseen aura about herself that is downright perplexing and uneasy. It also probably doesn't help that she's a maid who somehow is -very good- at turning people into pincushions. (You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.)

NPC(s) to go with char

  • None so far