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|image=[[File:Thelema_Swimsuit.jpg|240px|thumb|Thelema in the obligatory Beach Episode]]
|image=[[File:Thelema_Swimsuit.jpg|240px|thumb|Thelema in the obligatory Beach Episode]]
|japaneseva=Orikasa Ai
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|relatives=Nikolai Vergilovich Yevtushenko (father)<br>Persephone Aensland Yevtushenko (mother)
|relatives=Nikolai Vergilovich Yevtushenko (father)<br>Persephone Aensland Yevtushenko (mother)

Revision as of 06:32, 20 December 2013

- Character Sheet -

Thelema Nikolaiyevna Yevtushenkova
Thelema in the obligatory Beach Episode
Age 21
Voice Actor Orikasa Ai
Relatives Nikolai Vergilovich Yevtushenko (father)
Persephone Aensland Yevtushenko (mother)
Player Paul aka Exerangutan
  • Name: Thelema Nikolaiyevna Yevtushenkova
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Oct. 30
  • Parents: Nikolai Vergilovich Yevtushenko and Persephone Aensland Yevtushenkova
    • Place of Birth: Japan
    • Nationality: Russian/Japanese
    • Specialty: Bewitching
    • Hobbies: Flirting, seduction, fancy parties
    • Likes: Being adored or at least admired, having fun, scandalously clashing chic with provocative
    • Dislikes: Being ignored, having to fight, having to work like some kind of peasant, banality
    • Favorite Food: Anything creamy
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything bitter
    • Favorite Music: Passionate/flirty opera arias, pop music with romantic/sexy themes
    • Favorite Sport: ...out of things that are actually considered sports, gymnastics. Only partly because it really means "naked exercise."
    • Most Valuable Possessions: High-quality rapier
    • Level of Education: Some college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Sayaka Ohara
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'9"
    • Weight: 130lbs
    • Eyes: Intense Blue
    • Hair: Silvery-white
    • Special: In her full natural form, Thelema also has a pair of expansive black leathery wings, but she usually hides these


In her natural state, Thelema has the shockingly blue eyes and silvery hair of the line of Sparda--but the similarities end there, as she has the figure and expansive black leathery wings of a succubus. Other than hiding her wings, Thelema tends to prefer appearing in a form as near her natural one as she can, although she will conceal features such as eye and hair color if she feels they could cause her more trouble than they're worth. She tends to dress sleek and chic in eye-catching dresses, but will adapt to suit the aesthetic in which she finds herself, with a poised and sexy twist wherever she feels she can get away with it.


Thelema dreaming up some mischief to entertain herself.

Thelema is aptly named: she is extremely willful and motivated above all else by a commitment to having a glorious time. She tends to be quite hedonistic, having an appetite for rich food, fun parties, and all other sorts of entertainment, including the occasional romp with one (or more) someone(s) she finds interesting and appealing enough. She's not at all shy and really has little sense of modesty or shame, although she can generally read a situation well enough to pretend she does if necessary to get what she wants. Although wealth itself bores her tremendously, she recognizes it's often necessary to get the things she wants. She will quite happily flirt with and tease pretty much anyone she finds interesting enough to warrant the attention, especially those who show a propensity for paying attention to her; she tends to either politely disregard people who bore her, but if no one else is available, may poke at them to see if she can at least prompt an entertaining reaction. Being ignored is a rather alien experience, between her loving parents' affection and most other people's naked awe, and it quickly becomes a thorn in her side; that and gross violence are two things she's likely to bear a grudge over for a long time.


Named for Alistair Crowley's religious philosophy that ethics demand one follow one's True Will, Thelema grew up in a loving (if somewhat improbable) family, raised alongside her twin brother Dmitri by the noted scholars (and hobbyist Devil-slayers) Nikolai and Persephone Yevtushenko. Living on the wealth established by Nikolai's step-father Aleksandr Petrovich Yevtushenko and sustained by her parents' healthy Moscow business in occult art opened shortly after her birth, Thelema grew up something of a local princess. Although her parents made efforts to instill in her some human values of compassion, she couldn't help but become a bit spoiled, since nearly everyone other than her parents seemed eager to trip over themselves to do her favors; from a young age, her aura of appeal, the sweetness of her voice, and her talent for getting people to do what she wanted led her to assume being at the center of attention was only natural. Even her brother spoiled her, as the two of them were always extremely close despite their obvious differences in nature. Besides which, Nikolai saw a lot of his mother in her, and couldn't really help being a bit too generous and lenient with her.

Where both Nikolai and Persephone would not budge, however, was the subject of self-defense. As a descendent of Sparda, and especially as the child of two renegades from Hell, Thelema and Dmitri would always be in some danger from both above and below: Devils would want to persecute or use them, and the agents of the Divine would not necessarily place mercy before judgement. Early on, Thelema learned that she greatly disliked physical confrontation and had little talent for it, unlike her brother; even so, her father made her study some rapier, and made sure she was at least passingly acquainted with a wide variety of other melee weapons and competent without, although she never developed Dmitri's talent. She found almost any other atheltic pursuit preferable, especially dance and gymnastics. Her parents were also insistent that she had to learn enough about the occult to be prepared for whatever supernatural dangers she might come across--and although memorizing lists of weird names and their associated attributes bored Thelema to tears, the art history and linguistics side of the studies intrigued her, and she found the idea of sorcery--controling mystical forces by will--far more appealing. Glad that she had found something practical that she was willing to study and practice without dragging her feet constantly, Nikolai and Persephone taught her as much as they were able, and found others they could trust to teach her the rest. While she never became exceptionally adept at the ins and outs of different sorts of spirits and mythical creatures, she did develop some inventive ways of channeling the copious dark power inherited from the Aensland line.

However, she only began taking her witchcraft studies seriously after the incident as teenagers in which the Devil World sent a new Nightmare after the two children of the renegades. Thelema had been far more serious as a party animal than a student, and she quickly realized that, faced with a determined, powerful warrior Devil, there was little she could do besides running to find their parents; not only did it wound her pride--and instill a dread of being stuck in such a situation again--but Dmitri suffered significant injuries which despite their heritage never healed properly. The twins had always had an equal relationship of sharing and support, and to Thelema, being so useless to Dmitri while he protected her was simply unacceptable. She finally began to apply herself seriously, developing her major spells over the next few years.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Stealth: Good (+2)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+5)
  • Streetwise: Novice (+1)
  • Intimidation: Novice (+1)
  • Expression: Incredible (+4)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4+1=+5)
  • Performance: Amazing (+5)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Law: Very Good (+3)
  • Occult: Very Good (+3+1=+4)
  • Politics: Very Good (+3)
  • Science: Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Survival: Novice (+1)
  • Empathy: Amazing (+5)
  • Animal Ken: Incredible (+4)
  • Languages:
    • Japanese (Eloquent)
    • Russian (Eloquent)
    • English (Fluent)
    • French (Fluent)
    • Greek (Passable)
    • Latin (Passable)
    • Hebrew (Passable)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Powers & Merits


  • Succubus:
    • Limited Shapeshifting: As a succubus, Thelema has some amount of power to change her body. She almost exclusively uses this to hide her wings in the sort of company that wouldn't understand, but in theory she could change her hair, eye, or skin color fully or just in spots, alter her body type or face. If forced into combat, she could grow talons on her fingers or hardened leather-y armor over her body, or use her wings as a shield. Or make tentacles. Rawr. ...ahem, sorry, anyway. In theory, she could use this to immitate someone, although she would be hard pressed to convince someone who actually knew the subject of the immitation well, needing several Performance rolls for getting the look and voice and mannerisms right; obviously she would have a hard time fooling someone who knew the person much better than she did.
    • Dark Power: As a succubus of the Aensland family, Thelema has a substantial reservoir of Dark-type spiritual energy. Although not as potent as Devil Power, it can be used to power witchcraft. Thelema can also project her dark energy aggressively in energy attacks similar to her mother's Shadow Wave and Soul Fist. These only do moderate damage, but have a strong stunning/dazing effect. Even without hitting forcefully, she can emit her Dark Power at close range when touching or grapping, to gradually overwhelm and weaken another's will, leaving them dazed and more susceptible to her preferred set of less overtly violent tactics. Thelema recovers spent energy slowly through rest or, being a succubus, by inspiring desire in others who are nearby; the more intense, the faster it recharges her power.
  • Dark Magic: Rather than being draining in the way this is for human witches, Thelema's main restriction is that she can only maintain two major spells at a time, when using her own power--she isn't a demon lord with near-limitless supplies of power to divide up hundreds of ways. Obviously a spell that does direct damage dissipates some energy, so that's still draining, and she avoids using them. All of Thelema's 'spells' are also thematically tied to her, just like you wouldn't call on a water-demon to shoot fireballs. Some effects require either direct contact or a "talisman" such as a lock of hair or precious personal item to act as a bridge. In theory, Thelema could actually teach these to witches, but it's not likely, since she'd rather keep her power to herself.
    • Hex (minor): A general-purpose spell for ruining someone's day, this can be placed either by direct contact or using a lock of hair or similar item as a bridge. The Hex takes practically no concentration to maintain once placed, and generally attracts nuissances and bad luck. If something bad and essentially random is going to happen to someone in the area, it tends to find its way to the bearer of the Hex. It can also draw the attention of malicious spirits. The Hex can't really do anything specific or terribly nasty by itself, however, as it relies on circumstance to supply the specific misfortunes. If Thelema doesn't lift the Hex deliberately, it wears off within a few days as the invested energy dissipates.
    • Manifestation (minor): Thelema can create simple objects, retrieving the invested power once she lets the objects dissipate. As a result, this can't really be used to make food, but it's good for simple tools or changing outfits. She can't make complex mechanisms or chemicals, without understanding fully how they work, which she generally doesn't as she's not a scientist or engineer, and she can't make anything bigger than a few pounds or particularly strong. If a Manifested object is destroyed, she loses the energy used to create it.
    • Maya (minor/major): This spell can generate pansensory illusions and can be used as a major or minor spell. Something simple--small and easy to imagine, like a handful of fire, or a cascade of rose petals--is a minor spell and doesn't take much concentration. The more complicated and detailed and involved the illusion, the more focus it takes, and the larger it is, the more power it demands. An illusion of an invitation or license would take some focus, due to the importance of details, and Themela would have to know how to make it look. An illusion of a furnished room/backdrop would require absolute concentration to maintain. The more senses involved, the greater the complexity, but the illusions can affect any sense Thelema understands. The illusion is "real" in that anyone looking can see it, but it's just a projection. If the illusion is somehow dispelled, the invested energy is lost.
    • Furies' Scorn (major): A major spell like a suped-up Hex, this is more short-term but dramatic, and can be placed with physical contact, through a talisman, or with a Shadow Wave/Soul Fist type attack. As long as the effect persists, everything just goes unreasonably wrong for the target, applying a -3 penalty on their next three rolls as they have poorly-timed cramps, trip over rocks in just the wrong place, get a panic attack while trying to focus, etc. If the effect is dispelled before it wears off on its own, at least some of the invested energy is lost.
    • Deep of Night (major): Thelema can enchant nearby shadows within her line of sight, giving them volume and rigidity, and linking them together. Someone stepping into such a shadow could easily get a foot snagged "inside" the shadow, or a dropped item could "fall in" and be lost--at least, as long as the shadow lasts and the spell is maintained--or pop out of another, linked shadow. This takes only moderate concentration, unless she's trying to do something really fancy with it, but takes enough power to count as a major spell.
    • Shadow Dance (major): A reversed form of Deep of Night, this spell extrudes shadows outward under Thelema's control. In principle, this can form any shape Thelema wishes and can visualize, but the shadow-sculpture must stay attached to a normal shadow, and casts no shadow of its own. These structures are made physical with Thelema's own power, so they only last as long as she can spare at least some attention for them, and can be broken by strong attacks--especially Light-type attacks or anything that dissipates Dark-type energy. The amount of focus this takes depends entirely on the complexity of the structure and any motion she wants it to enact; a multiple grasping tentacles or a fancy chair would take moderate concentration. Gesturing isn't necessary, but makes it easier to focus. Destroyed shadow structures take with them the energy used to animate them.
    • Intoxication (major): Using a lock of someone's hair or other similar object to provide a connection, Thelema can flood it with her own power, using it as a bridge to influence the subject at a distance. It's most effective when she can see the subject in realtime and adjust her subconscious nudges to suit circumstances, but this isn't strictly necessary. This works somewhat like her usually touch-range ability to weaken a target's resolve, lower inhibitions, and plant suggestions. She can't take control of someone's behavior or override their personality, and the suggestions are limited to relatively subtle and general impulses rather than complex commands. The effect can be dispelled like any other enchantment or demonic presence, and Iron Will can help to resist it, but only if Thelema tries to get the target to do something they would normally resist the temptation to do. This is less mind control than mind-nudging, but as a result it can work on almost any living thing, and can be very effective at soothing and gaining the trust and affection of animals. This takes moderate concentration to maintain, and counts as a major spell.
    • Devil's Favor (major): Through direct contact or a talisman, Thelema can share a part of her energy with someone else, enhancing their physical abilities and letting them brush off fatigue and non-crippling injuries for the duration of the effect. This doesn't directly heal wounds, but can be used to stop bleeding, provide resistance to toxins, stabilize someone in critical condition, and generally offset hampering physical effects. This is a major effect, and Thelema will suffer some backlash if something really nasty like a curse or holy attack hits the subject of her Devil's Favor.
  • Devil: Thelema has considerably greater strength, speed, and endurance than a normal human, although not at the level of a full-fledged warrior-type Devil. However, like them, damage she suffers is more fatiguing than crippling the way it would be for a human, and doesn't cause normal wounds so much as draining her strength, although it still causes pause. As a succubus, Thelema is good at concealing her Devilish presence from detection, although as noted below, this has limitations. In theory, she could be called on from a great distance by a witch or warlock or someone else who practices demon-summoning or other forms of dark magic.
    • Devil Power (LOCKED): As a Devil, Thelema can draw on a reservoir of Devil Power, once she has learned to unlock it. This only happens after she has "Awakened," having undergone her first Devil Trigger, as explained below. Being a succubus rather than a Hell Knight type of Devil, Thelema rechages her Devil Power by inspiring desire, rather than wrath--her "taunts" tend to be less taunts and more innuendoes.
    • Devil Trigger (LOCKED): As a Devil, Thelema has the ability release her full power using a Devil Arm, greatly enhancing her physical attributes temporarily, and gradually restoring strength lost to injury. Thelema can only maintain this for a short time (a couple of rounds at most), and the aura of Devil Power is tangible even to those not normally sensitive to it. Other details and abilities gained, as well as the specifics of her visual appearance, depend on the Devil Arm. However, it would take some traumatic event (read: "plot event") to unlock this ability. She knows she should theoretically be able to, but never has, and has only a vague idea of how it will manifest, based on what her father told her about the way it works for other Devils.


  • Animal Magnetism (+1): Being predominantly succubus, Thelema exudes allure without particularly trying; and then when she actually turns on the charm... +1 on rolls for seduction and the like.
  • Soothing Voice (+2): Thelema has an entrancing voice. When making casual conversation, this gives her a +1 bonus to all social-type rolls. When deliberately using her voice to its full effect (speeches, singing, poetry, seduction), it increases to +2.
  • Gall (+2): Thelema's aura of playful charm and cool confidence can work wonders on people impressed by a cheeky attitude, giving her a +1 bonus to Social rolls in appropriate circumstances.
  • Noble (+1): Thelema has appeared as part of some family of minor nobility, although I don't really know the setting well enough to say *what*. This will be rectified with GM input.
  • Resources (+1): Thelema fortunately has at least some resources at her disposal, here, although not what she's used to by a long shot.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Rapier: Given to her by her parents, this is a custom-made, hand-forged rapier of the highest quality, enchanted for durability to stand up to her superhuman strength, but certainly not as unbreakable as something like a Devil Arm. It has much better resistance to impact, heat, acid, and other sources of damage than a normal sword, but has no other special abilities.

Weaknesses & Flaws


  • Succubus: Thelema's human part is pretty minimal; she's mostly Devil, making her fully vulnerable to anti-demon attacks. The only exception is those that target based on malice, since she's not so much evil as... naughty.


Thelema just wants to have fun~.
  • Group Enmity "Angels/Holy People" (-2): As a not-terribly-repentant and not-remotely-innocent (but at least mostly well-intentioned) succubus, Thelema may have trouble convincing demon-hunters that she doesn't particularly need hunting, and even those who tolerate her probably won't be quick to trust her.
  • Otherworldly Taint (-2): Although Thelema can hide her eye color if necessary, she prefers to flaunt herself in every way possible, and the Sparda Blues especially stand out. Her wings, at least, she has the sense to keep tucked away normally. Her sensual aura, however, she's never really learned to turn off, and anyone on the lookout for a succubus may get suspicious, even if she does her best "totally not a succubus" act. Someone who suspects she's not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.
  • Compulsion (Succubi Just Wanna Have Fun) (-1): Thelema can't resist flirting and in general pursuing opportunities to luxuriate and have a good time, or at least making someone drool a little now and then. She might need to roll (Diff 6) to pass up a chance at having a good time.
  • Phobia (Can't Flirt Your Way Out) (-2): Thelema is totally unused to being in situations where she's really and truly cornered and can't either smoothtalk or babyface or flirt or seduce her way out of trouble. If she realizes (or at least believes) she's in a situation where her talents can't help her, even if she can obviously fight her way out of it, she's likely to become very uncomfortable and preoccupied, suddenly winding up so far outside her comfort zone, suffering a -1 penalty to all rolls and generally getting increasingly panicky the more it wears on. This also applies to facing implacable warrior-type Devils, religious witch-hunter zealots, and so on, that can make her confidence crumble.