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= Weaknesses & Flaws =
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
''Flaws can go here. Balance is key!''
''Flaws can go here. Balance is key!''
Short (1): You are well below average height, and have difficulty reaching high objects, seeing over things, etc. -2 penalty to pursuit rolls. On the up side, you may get bonuses to hiding attempts.
Enemy (5): Somebody's out to hurt you or your reputation, or even kill you (or people close to you). A 5pt Enemy is pretty much dedicated to pounding your ass in (and can). Taking a 3-5 Point enemy is basically asking the GM to send out a SERIOUSLY dangerous person after you on a regular basis.
*Short (1): You are well below average height, and have difficulty reaching high objects, seeing over things, etc. -2 penalty to pursuit rolls. On the up side, you may get bonuses to hiding attempts.
Mistaken Identity (1): People think you're someone you're not; even if that person isn't bad, it can still cause you trouble if they realize you're not who they think you are. (Facially resembles Eve, so those who know her might react negatively.)
*Enemy (5): Somebody's out to hurt you or your reputation, or even kill you (or people close to you). A 5pt Enemy is pretty much dedicated to pounding your ass in (and can). Taking a 3-5 Point enemy is basically asking the GM to send out a SERIOUSLY dangerous person after you on a regular basis.
Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. (Has odd hair colors lengths and styles appear with just a thought.)  
*Mistaken Identity (1): People think you're someone you're not; even if that person isn't bad, it can still cause you trouble if they realize you're not who they think you are. (Facially resembles Eve, so those who know her might react negatively.)  
Airhead (1): Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe you're just clueless, maybe you just look like a flake; no matter what, people don't take you seriously. You generally have a -1 Social rolls penalty when dealing with serious/dire situations.
*Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. (Has odd hair colors lengths and styles appear with just a thought.)
*Airhead (1): Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe you're just clueless, maybe you just look like a flake; no matter what, people don't take you seriously. You generally have a -1 Social rolls penalty when dealing with serious/dire situations.
= NPC(s) to go with char =
= NPC(s) to go with char =

Revision as of 04:59, 14 August 2013

Kyoko Fukamachi
A.K.A. Kyo-chan
Age 9
Voice Actor
Relatives Eve (mom), Hiroshi (dad), Catty (step grandma), Sammy (grandma)
  • Name: Kyoko Fukamachi
  • Age: 9
  • Sex: FM
  • Birthday: Sept. 8
  • Parents: Hiroshi Fukamachi, Eve Tenno
    • Place of Birth: ?
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Psychic
    • Hobbies: Flying, Drawing, Model building
    • Likes: Flying, Drawing, Mecha
    • Dislikes: Cronos
    • Favorite Food: Warm dishes
    • Least Favorite Food: vermin
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Eve's Orange Gi.
    • Level of Education: Elementary
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4' 2"
    • Weight: 53 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Brown with pink bangs usually (See special)
    • Special: Hair changes color, length, style per Kyoko's whim.


An average happy japanese girl who has varying hair colors. Appearing a bit short for her age, and facially resembles her mother Eve.


Has a pleasant personality, listens well and tries to have fun.


A child born of Eve and Hiroshi, she was thrust into a life of constant struggle and flight from the industries and entities of Cronos. A good deal of her time has been spent on the run, and she's mostly lived in fear as not only is Cronos after Hiroshi, but now her. Whether to use as leverage, or their own experiments is uncertain. Despite her lack of home settings, she seems to usually find the fun in things when not being threatened. Though Eve is strict on training, Hiroshi is able to bend Eve to allow Kyoko to have childlike experiences as well. After one horrifying attack, that left both parents on the brink of life yet recovering, Hiroshi convinced Eve to send Kyoko to her grandmothers to be protected, as well as to help teach her better about her abilities in a safer environment. Kyoko is still a child of CHAOS, much as Eve was. And as such she inherited a large amount of Ki, so much so she has a notable aura from it. Also to note, Eve and Kyoko resemble CHAOS. So beings may find this disturbing upon meeting Kyoko.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness INC +4(How alert you are.)
  • Athletics NOV +1(Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
  • Stealth Good +2 (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge INC +4/5 (Innocent) (Manipulation, Lying..)
  • Intimidation Good +2 (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
  • Expression VG +3

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Aby -1 (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
  • Technology Nov +1 (repair, robotics, mechanics.. that sort of thing.)

Other Skills:

  • Survival INC +4(as in wilderness)
  • Empathy AM +5(some people have more than others)
  • Animal Ken VG +3(some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)
  • Sign Language IN +4
  • Japanese Nov +1
  • English Nov +1

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Chi/Ki Barrier - Creates a barrier that protects those inside it as long as there's enough Ki energy

Bukujutsu (Flight)- Achieve flight through use of Ki

Kikouha - This is just a simple energy blast. They are very often weak, and are mainly used to deflect larger beams or to distract. But can be effective against lesser opponents.

Ki no Jyouto - This technique is used to lend power to someone to make them temporarily stronger.

Henshin Nouryoku - This is the ability to transform into a different form in order to conserve energy. When transformed the user has a much higher power level than before. (Ability is erratic, may fail, needs more training)

Telekenisis - Nov +1 (Ability to grasp items with use of the mind, or put up a physical barrier)

Empathy - Gd +2 (Senses the emotions of others)

Telepathy - VG +3 (Ability to read minds and communicate, mental attacks and defenses are still being learned but can perform them if necessary)

Metamorph - AM +5 (Has the ability to change her looks, and does so only when threatened typically.)

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Innocent (2): You have an aura of childlike innocence (whether you really are or not). +1 Bonus involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.

Pitiable (1): You have an aura of child-like-ness/innocence about you, and many have the urge to pity and protect you (unless they're of a Nature that doesn't allow them that sort of thing). This can be helpful, but it may also be annoying.

Common Sense (1): You are full of practical wisdom. A great merit for starting characters, as you may receive advice from the GM regarding how to handle certain situations.

Eidetic Memory (2): Having a "photographic" memory, you can accurately recall any sight or sound with a successful Alertness roll. The higher you roll the more you remember. You also rarely forget -anything-.

Burning Aura (2): Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack.

True Love (1): You've found that One who makes your life complete. Automatic Willpower success when striving to protect, come closer, or remain close to your True Love. Other benefits as well, GM's discretion. <to be determined?>

Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Text goes here

Items Of Note

Turtle School Gi - Worn by Eve.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

  • Short (1): You are well below average height, and have difficulty reaching high objects, seeing over things, etc. -2 penalty to pursuit rolls. On the up side, you may get bonuses to hiding attempts.
  • Enemy (5): Somebody's out to hurt you or your reputation, or even kill you (or people close to you). A 5pt Enemy is pretty much dedicated to pounding your ass in (and can). Taking a 3-5 Point enemy is basically asking the GM to send out a SERIOUSLY dangerous person after you on a regular basis.
  • Mistaken Identity (1): People think you're someone you're not; even if that person isn't bad, it can still cause you trouble if they realize you're not who they think you are. (Facially resembles Eve, so those who know her might react negatively.)
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. (Has odd hair colors lengths and styles appear with just a thought.)
  • Airhead (1): Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe you're just clueless, maybe you just look like a flake; no matter what, people don't take you seriously. You generally have a -1 Social rolls penalty when dealing with serious/dire situations.

NPC(s) to go with char

Samantha Porter