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Revision as of 18:23, 18 June 2013

Jiao Shaoqing Gongzhoubei
A.K.A. Azure Dragon Warrior; Sapphire of the West; Seiryu Girl.
Age 17/10
Voice Actor Mikako Takahashi
Relatives Mother and Father, three brothers.
Series Original, Super Robot Wars-Inspired
Player Sparda
  • Name: Jiao Shaoqing Gongzhoubei
  • Age: 17/10
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: December 24th
  • Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Gongzhoubei
    • Place of Birth: Qinghai Province of China
    • Nationality: Chinese; Garden of Baral.
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies: Music, games, movies.
    • Likes: Music, Nice Boys, her Family.
    • Dislikes: Jerks, Rude People, Evil.
    • Favorite Food: Anything Sweet (shamefully), Health Food.
    • Least Favorite Food: Processed meat, Junk Food.
    • Favorite Music: Pop of all types.
    • Favorite Sport: Dance
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing
    • Level of Education: Lifelong Psychic and Martial Arts training. No formal education.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Mikako Takahashi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'3"
    • Weight: 116lbs
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Varies from Indigo to Blue, based on power use.
    • Special:


A traditionally garbed Chinese girl, usually wearing her hair in buns, and wearing practical combat gear, free flowing and easy to move around in. She is traditionally beautiful and always has a friendly or confused smile on her face, and attempts to appear cheerful at all times.


Friendly, bubbly, kind of ditzy, helpful and cheerful girl with a slightly backwoods mentality. Jiao is friendly and outgoing, though attempts to remain proper. She was raised in seclusion and it shows. She has a strong sense of right and wrong, and seeks to help others and do the right thing. She has a personal set of beliefs which are heavily influenced by ancient gods and her training has left her with a sense for Justice and saving lives.


Jiao Shaoqing was born to a family in rural China. However, from birth, she was gifted with obvious and noteworthy psychic powers. The day she was born, a holy man from an ancient religion came to tell her parents she had a great destiny. She was one of the representatives of the Four Gods, and it was her duty to represent them on Earth. Her parents were poor, and it was easier for the Garden to take care of her, so they agreed. When she was 3, she left her house to undergo training with the others of the Garden. Once there, they trained her both as a warrior, a psychic and a healer.
Jiao Shaoqing (Jiao for short) was not especially gifted, but the masters didn't care. They were going to bring out her full power, and her link to Seiryu one way or the other. This was her destiny and her role, not exactly her driving goal. She was raised in the ancient traditions of the Garden, and never went out of her birth area, except to visit her parents and get a more 'modern' education, which mostly consisted of movies and music, and even then in limited quantities. Still, she loved her parents and brothers, and enjoyed those times with them.
Jiao was eventually well trained in the use of her psychic powers. She was to use them to establish a link to Seiryu, her patron deity, and use his powers via her own body as a link, which could only be attained through use of will and developing her psychic abilities. Her body and mind were trained as she grew up, and eventually became the avatar of Seiryu, when she finally made contact with him and bonded with his powers. Her duty then was to be with the Garden and prepare with them for what was to come, but then things happened. A man made an appearance in the world, and even before the might of the Garden, he persevered, and brought disharmony to the world. Her masters wanted to leave it alone, but she was determined to bring back balance to the world before fulfilling her role. While her masters disapproved, the avatars of Genbu and Suzaku said she should go, as the avatar of Byakko wasn't found yet.
Jiao made her way into the real world, the modern world, where the onslaught of senses just made her so happy. Everything she'd sort of heard about in songs and movies was now real, so she gave into the culture like crazy, despite sticking out like.. well, a hick. Her training back at the Garden made her able to get odd jobs in clinics, as she was trained in traditional medicine, and her nights were spent attempting to right wrongs and hunt down evil, seeking out the disturbance in the world.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Abysmal

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal
  • Streetwise: Abysmal
  • Intimidation: Abysmal
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Incredible
  • Performance: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Medicine: Incredible
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Science: Abysmal
  • Technology: Abysmal

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Very Good
  • Empathy: Amazing
  • Animal Ken: Incredible

Special Abilities

Wudang Swordsmanship: Jiao is trained in the use of Dao swords. She is quite capable of using a regular dao of all types, but her specialty is her personal Zhanmadao, the Hazanken. She is able to wield these swords expertly, but she only has access to her special techniques when using her specially summoned sword. Otherwise, she is quite capable of fighting with a sword. She is less skilled at two swords, but she can use them if she has to.
Ghanggun Style: Jiao is highly trained with the staff, especially her own, the Kintobo, and can fight with any long pole. She has no noteworthy techniques, but has mastered the use of it in combat, and can use it in almost any and all circumstances.
Martial Arts: Jiao has been trained in the Garden's forms of martial arts, and is quite adept at them, maximizing her flexibility, strength and endurance via training and meditation. However, she is still on the 'human' scale until she starts using her powers. If her abilities were somehow mitigated, she would be a fighter on par with the most highly trained competitive martial artists, but not someone of exceptional abilities, like Chun Li or Fei Wong.
Medicine: Jiao was trained in traditional Chinese Medicine, with the Garden's knowledge added to it. As such, she is quite adept with acupuncture, herbs, and pressure points, and she is able to use those in ways to paralyze or otherwise incapacitate an opponent. NOTE: She cannot do this in mid battle, she does not know Dim Mak. She can use them on a person already prone, or if she surprises them, but this is neither an assassination method nor a fighting technique. She can apply these techniques to a prone or otherwise immobilized victim.

Powers & Merits

Psychic Power: Like everyone in the Garden, Jiao is a psychic. She was born with incredible psychic power, and is capable of many things with it. However, her power is raw and needs to be focused via techniques and martial arts more than refined into more direct disciplines. While she has phenomenal reserves of psychic power, she can't actually use them in the same way as others. For example:

  • Empathy: Jiao is INCREDIBLY empathic. She can sense aggression, presence and general moods of people, and it's practically impossible for her to not notice another psychic in the room.. and vice versa. Her primary ability is actually an empathic sense to people around her, which is why she wants to help. She is EXTREMELY hard to lie to due to this, but she would more likely have a vague sense of doubt rather than knowing what's wrong.
  • Precognition: Occasionally she can sense other psychics' distress. Entirely related to personal closeness and another player's input.
  • Telepathy: Jiao can communicate with other telepaths but not with normal people. At the most, she is exceptionally perceptive on people's moods, but she can only converse mentally with other psychics, and cannot read or influence a person's thoughts.
  • Telekinesis: She can only generate walls of force (see below), and cannot use telekinesis without using a specific technique to channel her psychic power. Fine manipulation is not within her abilities at all.
  • Teleportation: Jiao is able to teleport, along with 3 other people. In fact, more psychics adding to her power allows her to teleport much further and quicker. However, this is an involved process, and takes quite a bit of her reserves. She can teleport up to a mile away (about), only to areas where she's been before, and it takes a full minute to set it up. This is not a combat power. She cannot use it to avoid attacks, she can't use it to get behind someone unless people have pre-planned for it, and it leaves her drained and out of sorts unless other psychics share their power.

Avatar of Seiryu: Jiao Shaoqing is the chosen warrior of Seiryu, the Blue Dragon of the West. This has allowed her to use her psychic powers to draw onto the powers of Seiryu, giving her several fighting techniques and powers. These are ancient techniques, using both mysticism and Taoist techniques, as well as more esoteric aspects of Chinese 'Mythology' to use the psychic powers of the Garden's Chosen to summon forth powers from the god. Shaoqing is the one representing Seiryu. She has learned the following abilities as such. Note that all of her attacks require some sort of gesture and use of either a talisman or an orb to function. These are not instantaneous attacks.

  • Psychic Field (念動フィールド): In combat, Jiao has a permanent Psychic Field on her, which acts to diminish any physical or elemental damage to her body. It acts exceptionally well against telekinesis, and it doesn't work well against Energy attacks (like Lasers or Blasts). Pure Chi techniques are treated like Physical Attacks. This is not an impregnable force field, and it isn't an end-all barrier, but low level attacks (like regular punches and kicks from average goons) will not hurt her, and it takes a bit of force to damage her. This is more of a preternatural resistance to allow a girl with a small and lithe body to take hits from incredibly strong opponents and strike back.
  • Baraifuu - Web of Storms: Jiao can throw a barrage of talismans and empower them with her psychic powers, to form a web of lightning, striking at multiple enemies. This is a relatively easy to use attack but hits only in a wide area, meaning it can't be used if allies are within range.
  • Gyangjiang Vasarl: Using one of her talismans, Jiao can transform it into a stream of flaming magma, which will then fly at and try to wrap around and ignite her target. This is an easy to use and quick attack, comparatively.
  • Yama Juatsu - Mountain Pressure: Jiao can use a talisman to summon a giant stone from the heavens, which falls down onto a target rather quickly. This is a heavy drain on her resources, but is a non-elemental attack (despite the severe rock-theme), due to basically being a giant weight. She guides it down onto a foe with her psychic power, making it harder to dodge than it would seem.
  • Ryuoh Hazanken - Dragon King's Mountain Smashing Sword: Jiao's most common attack. She summons her sword by using her Orb, mystically and psychically empowered, incredibly sharp and near unbreakable, and weighing several dozen tons (to anyone but her). She wields it like it was part of her body, slashing at high speeds and with incredible power. She will usually summon the sword in a fight against beings of pure evil, and if the target is to be killed.
    • Ryuoh Hazanken: Gekirindan - Dragon King's Mountain Smashing Sword: Imperial Wrath: Empowering the sword with lightning from heaven, Seiryu's element, increasing its speed and power to that of the Thunder itself, and striking with incredible power. This is as close as it gets to her finishing move, and has been known to live up to its name, shattering mountains, in days of past.
  • Kintobo - Golden Staff: Jiao's other weapon, also summoned from the Orb. This summons a large staff, made of gold and completely unbreakable. It can stretch out to supposedly infinity, but it drains her power incredibly fast to make it grow longer than a mile. Otherwise, it functions exactly like a staff in combat, complete with the flexibility one would not expect of a golden staff. Jiao uses this for non-lethal attacks, when a subject is meant to be taken down non-lethally. Her staff can also be charged with lightning with the use of a single talisman, but other than the elemental properties and shocking side effects, it isn't exactly a real technique.

Shapechanging - Child Form: Not exactly a power, but Jiao can turn into a child to refocus her power when low on Energy. Unfortunately, this comes with the personality and limitations of a child. She needs to be in her full grown form to use her power, but when low.. or drained, she turns into a child and is basically defenseless. Her personality as a child is also a sweet and kind girl but with heavily bratty tendencies, impatience and far more mischievous than her usually behaved full grown form. She can choose to spend time in this body even at full power, but she usually will not, for the obvious reasons (height, impatience, condescension).


Clear Sighted (3pts): Jiao is incredibly intuitive, and her ability to see through illusions and deceptions is incredibly high. Important note, she has no resistance against telepathic illusions.
Graceful (2pts): Jiao is gifted with a natural grace to her movements, like the wind assists her.
Danger Sense (3pts): Jiao's intuition is her strongest trait, and it's incredibly hard to get the drop on her.
Poison Resistance (2pts): For some reason, Jiao is incredibly resilient to any attempts to poison or drug her.

Unique Items

Talismans: Used to commune with Seiryu, or at least emulate his powers. Many of her attacks require Talismans, and without them she can't actually use them. She is usually busy making more so she doesn't run out. They are of no use to anyone without her training or psychic powers.
Jade Orb: Jiao's weapon. This orb, which looks innocuous enough save for being a jade orb of dubious worth, can transform into the Hazanken or the Kintobo with application of her psychic power. She usually carries it on her, either in her hair or hidden away somewhere.

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Low Psychic Defense: Jiao, for all her power, is especially receptive to psychic attacks like telepathy and mental attacks. Her resistance to telekinesis is extant, but due to her empathic nature she is vulnerable to psychic strikes to her mind.
Naive: Jiao is gullible and kind of dumb. This is mostly due to her being raised in isolation. Common sense is not something she has, and she's willing to believe the best of people unless they are Obviously Evil. She is also likely to say, do, and think things, and act in ways that make her appear kind of dumb.
Psychic Reserves: For all intents and purposes, her powers are like 'MP'. She can run out of power and then her abilities falter, so she can't fight at her full power all the time.
Power Drain Change: If/when Jiao expends all of her power, her body reverts to that of a child. She regenerates her psychic abilities faster this way, but she is unable to do anything past what a ten year old girl with Kung Fu training can do. Her weapons are similarly unavailable to her in this form, and only her Precognition and Empathy are active.


Airhead (1pt Flaw): Jiao is an airhead. She's good natured and sweet, but easily distracted and ill-adapted to the modern world.
Soft-Hearted (1pt Flaw): Jiao is a kind and sweet girl. She doesn't like to see people get hurt, and will try to help when she can.
Sensation Junkie (2pt Flaw): Jiao hasn't experienced much in her life. She is quite likely to try anything once, and if she enjoys it, she'll easily get addicted.
Speech Impediment (1pt Flaw): Jiao is Chinese. She has learned other languages via psychic rapport, but without another psychic around she doesn't communicate easily.
Isolated Upbringing (1pt Flaw): Jiao was raised in the Garden. She has little to no idea on how the real world works.
Weak Willed (2pt Flaw): Jiao is rather easy to affect with psychic attacks and mental coercion. NOTE, this only applies to psychic and telepathic mind control methods.

NPC(s) to go with char

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