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''<font color=Green>Primal Command</font>'': Choose Two: Heals one target of significant injury, summons creatures (three squirrels, two wolves or one Leatherback Baloth), restores a significant portion of one target's MP/magic power/spells per day, or unsummons one nonliving/non creature object.
''<font color=Green>Primal Command</font>'': Choose Two: Heals one target of significant injury, summons creatures (three squirrels, two wolves or one Leatherback Baloth), restores a significant portion of one target's MP/magic power/spells per day, or unsummons one nonliving/non creature object.
''<font color=Green>Behemoth</font> <font color=Grey>Sledge</font>'':  Summons the Behemoth Sledge (see below)
''<font color=Green>Behemoth</font> <font color=Grey>Sledge</font>'':  Summons the Behemoth Sledge (see below)
''<font color=Grey>Graceful Reprieve</font>'': Heals one target a significant amount, or if used proactively, can relegate a serious wound to merely a minor one.
''<font color=Grey>Graceful Reprieve</font>'': Heals one target a significant amount, or if used proactively, can relegate a serious wound to merely a minor one.
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''<font color=Grey>Disenchant</font>'': Can negate one enchantment or continuous spell effect
''<font color=Grey>Disenchant</font>'': Can negate one enchantment or continuous spell effect
''<font color=Grey>Shield of</font> <font color=Blue>the Righteous</font>'': Summons the Shield of the Righteous (see below)
''<font color=Grey>Shield of</font> <font color=Blue>the Righteous</font>'': Summons the Shield of the Righteous (see below)
''<font color=Blue>Preordain</font>'': A minor divination spell, can grant limited information about one target or object
''<font color=Blue>Preordain</font>'': A minor divination spell, can grant limited information about one target or object
''<font color=Blue>Negate</font>'': Counters a non-Summoning/Conjuration spell
''<font color=Blue>Negate</font>'': Counters a non-Summoning/Conjuration spell
'''Guardian Force'''
[[File:Quetzalcoatl_3.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Quetzacoatl]] ''Thunder Storm'' - Lightning-elemental attack that damages all enemies. Quetzacoatl, the winged serpent, flies in from the skies, flapping its wings, then rains down a torrent of lightning at the enemies in its attack area, bombarding them with incredible lightning-type damage.
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'''<font color=Brown>Tome of the Sun and Moon</font>''': When activated around sentient humanoids, can allow the user to speak and comprehend a language spoken before it was activated.  Activating it exiles it to a pocket dimension, and deactivating it causes it to reappear and ends its effect.  Therefore, only one language can be understood by the user at a time.
'''<font color=Brown>Tome of the Sun and Moon</font>''': When activated around sentient humanoids, can allow the user to speak and comprehend a language spoken before it was activated.  Activating it exiles it to a pocket dimension, and deactivating it causes it to reappear and ends its effect.  Therefore, only one language can be understood by the user at a time.
== Items Of Note ==
== Items Of Note ==

Latest revision as of 05:38, 5 April 2013

Vaelgir Stormblade
Vaelgir Stormblade.jpg
Age 219
Voice Actor Orson Welles
Relatives Cytorix of Tolaria, Vitalia Eventide
Series Magic: the Gathering
Player Radical
  • Name: Vaelgir Stormblade
  • Age: 219
  • Sex: M
  • Birthday:
  • Parents: Cytorix of Tolaria, Vitalia Eventide
    • Place of Birth: Tolaria, Dominaria
    • Nationality: Llanowar
    • Specialty: Nature & Arcane Magic
    • Hobbies: Fighting, Eating
    • Likes: Plants, animals
    • Dislikes: Undead
    • Favorite Food: Any
    • Least Favorite Food: Processed food
    • Favorite Music: Drums
    • Favorite Sport: contact sports
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Behemoth Sledge, Shield of the Righteous, Tome of the Sun and Moon
    • Level of Education: Literate, accomplished spellcaster
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Orson Welles
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'7"
    • Weight: 295 lbs.
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Brown
    • Special: extremely heavily muscled


A mountain of a man with unnaturally heavy musculature. Has long brown dreadlocked hair and a thick, coarse beard, long enough to be braided. Has bright green eyes that glow when tapping upon his magical power or planeswalking. His right arm is colored a necrotic black color from a curse laid upon him, which reaches from his fingertips to his right breast, up the right side of his neck ll the way to his right cheek. Has green tribal tatoos on his left arm and shoulder which, like his eyes, glow when using his magical power.


Vaelgir has spent much of his time in the wilds of one plane or another, meaning he generally has little use for modesty or etiquette, though he is rarely intentionally rude. He frequently does what he wants when he wants to, simply because few would dare tell a Planeswalker otherwise. Has his father's hair-trigger temper and a times seems a touch unbalanced, however his time camped with the armies of Bant has mellowed his rough edges somewhat, and he is certainly more than capable of showing decorum.

He has a noble nature, if an aggressive demeanor, and rarely is one to start a fight, though will also not likely back down if challenged or threatened.


Vaelgir is the son of Cytorix of Tolaria and Vitalia Eventide, born after Cytorix was blasted out of time by the explosion of the Tolarian Time Machine, he was spirited from the island as an infant by Vitalia's sister, Vercalia the Anima. Raised by the Animas or nature mages of Llanowar, Vaelgir developed rapidly as a spellcaster, showing signs of the long life attributed to most half-elves, Vaelgir was shunned by much of the Elven Llanowar society, the strain helping to accelerate the igniting of his Planeswalker's spark in his thirtieth year.

Wildly roaming from plane to plane, barely able to control his powers, Vaelgir arrived on Alara first in the shard of Naya, then decades later in an attempt to return, arriving on the shard of Bant, drawn by the kindred spark of fellow Planeswalker Elspeth Tirel. Before arriving on Bant, Vaelgir was a true savage, shaped and frightened by his planeswalking, he was mellowed somewhat by his time in Valeron, aiding the residents of Bant in their struggles at the Conflux of Alara.

After a series of skirmishes against the Vampiric Planeswalker Temir Tepes, Vaelgir fled Alara, wounded and bearing a festing curse. In a weakened state, he 'Walked blindly into the Blind Eternities...


Vaelgir Enraged

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible +4
  • Athletics Incredible +4
  • Stealth: Very Good +3
  • Endurance: Incredible +4

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice +1
  • Streetwise: Abysmal -1
  • Intimidation: Incredible +4
  • Leadership: Good +2
  • Etiquette: Novice +1
  • Performance: Abysmal -1

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal -1
  • Investigation: Novice +1
  • Medicine: Good +2
  • Herbalism: Incredible +4
  • Law: Novice +1
  • Occult: Very Good +3
  • Spellcraft: Very Good +3
  • Concentration: Good +2
  • Science: Novice +1

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal
  • Survival: Incredible +4
  • Empathy: Novice +1
  • Animal Ken: Amazing +5

Special Abilities

Powers & Merits


Beast Affinity (4): Raised by the Elven Anima, Vaelgir is at home in forest settings and has an aura that appeals to animals of all types.

Clear-Sighted (2): Decades of struggling against powerful arcane foes have given Vaelgir a benefit in seeing through illusions

Burning Aura (2): As a Planeswalker, Vaelgir has an unusually powerful aura.

Green Thumb (1): Time spent among the anima, as well as his own natural affinity for green mana has given him a supernatural touch when it comes to plantlife


Able to pass through the Blind Eternities to travel from plane to plane, or from one point within a plane to another. Is incredibly taxing, and may not work if there is some form of planar interference, such as planar sharding.


Might of Oaks: Grants one target a temporary significant boost in strength, non-humanoid targets also recieve a temporary boost in size.

Wall of Vines: Summons a Wall of Vines, which to all appearances is a simple bramble patch, which however is mobile, if very slow, and sentient, if barely. Usually used as a mobile shelter.

Leatherback Baloth: Summons a Baloth; part wildcat, part razorback boar, who has an aggressive disposition and a thick, leathery hide

Primal Command: Choose Two: Heals one target of significant injury, summons creatures (three squirrels, two wolves or one Leatherback Baloth), restores a significant portion of one target's MP/magic power/spells per day, or unsummons one nonliving/non creature object.

Behemoth Sledge: Summons the Behemoth Sledge (see below)

Graceful Reprieve: Heals one target a significant amount, or if used proactively, can relegate a serious wound to merely a minor one.

Pitfall Trap: If one enemy attacks Vaelgir alone, he can magically conjure a simple pitfall trap with sheer walls and wooden stakes at the bottom

Disenchant: Can negate one enchantment or continuous spell effect

Shield of the Righteous: Summons the Shield of the Righteous (see below)

Preordain: A minor divination spell, can grant limited information about one target or object

Negate: Counters a non-Summoning/Conjuration spell

Guardian Force

Thunder Storm - Lightning-elemental attack that damages all enemies. Quetzacoatl, the winged serpent, flies in from the skies, flapping its wings, then rains down a torrent of lightning at the enemies in its attack area, bombarding them with incredible lightning-type damage.

Unique Items

Behemoth Sledge: A massive war sledgehammer of epic proportions. Able to deal shock damage even through most armor, and provides slight magical healing to the wielder with every landed blow. Must be summoned.

Shield of the Righteous: A large kite shield embossed with depictions of battle, made of magically enhanced metal, it will turn aside most non-magical weapons and projectiles. Additionally, whenever a melee attack is thwarted by the shield, enchantments on it will slow down the attacker for a few seconds (about the length of one action). Must be summoned.

Tome of the Sun and Moon: When activated around sentient humanoids, can allow the user to speak and comprehend a language spoken before it was activated. Activating it exiles it to a pocket dimension, and deactivating it causes it to reappear and ends its effect. Therefore, only one language can be understood by the user at a time.

Items Of Note

Heartwood Spears: Made entirely of a special wood from the Valeron Forests of Bant, this wood has a light and supple exterior, but a steel-hard core and point. Makes excellent spears and javelins

Valeron Armor: Thin steel plate armor which protects the vital areas while leaving the limbs and joints uncovered for greater mobility

Sigil of Distinction: An emblem proclaiming Vaelgir as a veteran of several campaigns, proclaiming his valor and merit

Spell Components: A pouch containing many common spell components, even though few of his spells require them.

Herbalist's Kit: Containing a mortar and pestle and various other implements for the mixing, heating and storing of herbs and poultices.

Gems: A fist-sized pouch full of gems, mostly rubies and emeralds, which serve as currency on many different planes.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!
Hatred (3): Vaelgir hates Phyrexians and will do absolutely anything neccessary to destroy them.

Compulsive Speech (1): Vaelgir doesn't believe in holding back or keeping things to himself. What he sees as honest, others may see as rude.

Intolerance (1): Vaelgir distrusts any mechanical or partially mechanical people, as to him, they smack of Phyrexia. People with simple prosthetics are probably fine, robots and cyborgs not so much

Cursed (4): Vaelgir was cursed by Temir Tepes, dark bands of evil energy have worked their way up his arm to his elbow, causing him chronic pain. If they reach his heart, he will likely die.

Otherworldly Taint (2): Other than his peculiar mannerisms, Vaelgir's eyes glow when drawing upon mana, giving away that he is not of this world.

Enemy (4): Vaelgir has made an enemy of Temir Tepes, Vampire and elder Planeswalker. The two have crossed paths many times, Vaelgir often foiling Temir's plans, and thus Temir hunts Vaelgir across the planes, both out of vengeance and sport.

Bard's Tongue (1): Whether part of his curse or his heritage, Vaelgir has the ominous ability to make sudden, usually unfortunate predictions.

Outsider (2): Having come from Tolaria, and being half-human, Vaelgir was not well liked in the forests of Llanowar, and was accepted only at the insistence of the animas.

NPC(s) to go with char

Three black squirrels