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== Unique Items ==
== Unique Items ==
*<font color=DarkSlateGray>Ryukiritou <font color=DarkOliveGreen>(Dragon Slayer Sword)</font>:</font> This sword, given to her by Aoi, is an enormous slap of iron, which she has personally sharpened and hefts using one arm. It doesn't need to be sharpened, as it can cut through pretty much anything by it's weight alone. <br>
*<font color=DarkSlateGray>Ryukiritou <font color=DarkOliveGreen>(Dragon Slayer Sword)</font>:</font> This sword, given to her by Aoi, is an enormous slap of iron, which she has personally sharpened and hefts using one arm. It doesn't need to be sharpened, as it can cut through pretty much anything by it's weight alone. <br>
*<font color=DarkSlateGray>Kusanagi no Tsurugi <font color=DarkOliveGreen>(Diamond Cutter)</font>:</font> This is the legendary sword as used by Orochimaru. She was given the ability to summon it, on loan, up until Orochimaru was killed. It is now her sole posession, though she hates to use it and will only use it in dire circumstances. This sword has to be summoned via a snake. <br>
*<font color=DarkSlateGray>Renzoku ni Tsuite Ken <font color=DarkOliveGreen>(Chained in Relations Sword)</font>:</font> This sword looks like the average extra long katana to anyone who sees it, but it has a secondary function. It breaks into segments, becoming a chain sword. <font color=darkslategrey>(Think Ivy from Soul Calibur, etc etc.)</font> This sword Can go to three times it's normal length and be used as a whip to wrap around items and shred it that way. It can also be extended with a burst of chakra, shooting forward like a lance, without leaving her hands. This sword's special ability is activated by chakra or chi or spiritual energy.
*<font color=DarkSlateGray>Renzoku ni Tsuite Ken <font color=DarkOliveGreen>(Chained in Relations Sword)</font>:</font> This sword looks like the average extra long katana to anyone who sees it, but it has a secondary function. It breaks into segments, becoming a chain sword. <font color=darkslategrey>(Think Ivy from Soul Calibur, etc etc.)</font> This sword Can go to three times it's normal length and be used as a whip to wrap around items and shred it that way. It can also be extended with a burst of chakra, shooting forward like a lance, without leaving her hands. This sword's special ability is activated by chakra or chi or spiritual energy.

Revision as of 08:57, 12 December 2012

Uchiha Sachiko
Uchiha Sachiko. Artwork by Shokara.
A.K.A. That Bitch, Uchiha Sabato
Age 26
Voice Actor Asakawa Yu
Relatives Uchiha Sasuke - Father
Uchiha (Haruno) Sakura - Mother
Uchiha Saikou - Brother
Uchiha Irumi - Sister
Series Naruto
Player Soul
  • Name: Uchiha Sachiko
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: November 14th
  • Parents: Uchiha Sasuke & Uchiha Sakura
    • Place of Birth: Konoha
    • Nationality: Fire Nation
    • Specialty: Melee + Medical Expert
    • Hobbies: Reading, playing the flute and training.
    • Likes: Silence and warm places.
    • Dislikes: Discrimination and cowardice.
    • Favorite Food: Miso Soup, Ramen, Tomatoes
    • Least Favorite Food: Beef Buns.
    • Favorite Music: New Age & Enya
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer (or football, to any other nation).
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
      • Renzoku ni Tsuite Ken (Chained in Relations Sword)
      • Ryukiritou (Dragon Slayer Sword)
    • Level of Education: Jounin (Which is one of their top ranks among the ninja community.)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Asakawa Yu (Rider from Fate/Stay Night)
  • Physical Stats:
    • Height: 5'8"
    • Weight: 142 lbs
    • Eyes: Dark Gray
    • Hair: Bright Pink
    • Special: Eyes turn red with two black spiraling dots, when in sharingan mode. She tends to wear contacts, making her eyes appear normal, though. She also now has a small purple gem-like symbol in the middle of her forehead.


Sachiko stands around 5'8" tall, and has a ridiculously curved body, with a heavy chest. (The chest is very much to her dismay. She'd rather have a more plain body that she could be more agile in.) Her hair is long and bright pink, reaching down past her rear, though she usually ties it in braids or rolls it up in hair pins to keep it from hanging so low. Her hair tends to be very spikey, so she has to take extra measures to make sure it stays smooth.
Her eyes are a dark steely gray, sometimes appearing to be pure black, depending on the lighting. She never likes to dress fully casually, always preferring some sort of fighting outfit. Even though she now works mostly as a medical type ninja, she carries her weaponry with her at all times.
Her swords are usually in summoning scrolls, though they can sometimes be strapped to her back, in which the dragon slayer is intimidating as it's a huge slab of sharpened iron. She also has two medical pouches on her belt which are set against her rear, as her sides have weapon pouches. She tends to dress in a modernish swordsman outfit, whatever type of robe you can call it, with body mesh underneath for protection.
She also wears heavy duty boots that go up to her knees, as well as bracers one might see a swordsman wear. Both are made of a heavy leather with reinforced threading. Her headband used to traditionally be worn around her head, but she has adopted wearing it around her left arm, like one would a badge.


Sachiko can be kind of a bitch, most of the time. She irritates quickly and doesn't like to be annoyed by people. Having said this, she has calmed down over the years, so her tolerance has grown, but there are still things that heavily tweak her nerves. Despite her mean and cold exterior, she has a soft, gentler side. She hides this, most of the time, as she doesn't want to give a weak appearance to those around her. She's done that enough, most of her life. She can be very caring and supportive, but only people she feels she can trust and confide in get to see this side.


Uchiha Sachiko was born as Uchiha Sabato. When she was a little girl, she was very happy and excitable, overall. Some would almost call her too hyper. She loved playing games with her older brother Saikou, and had high hopes for when she would end up becoming a shinobi, just like mommy.
When the time for her to enter school came, she had not done any official training before, as her parents wanted to take it a bit easy so not to make her feel overwhelmed. That may have been a bit of a mistake, as on the first time she tried to mold chakra for a jutsu, she ended up hospitalized. Something was wrong with her chakra lines and it felt like her whole body was on fire. The sensation never went away, and only worsened when she tried to use jutsu.
Feeling like she was incompetent, she became withdrawn and stopped talking for a few years. Even when it was arranged for her to receive training from Maito Gai and Rock Lee, two exemplary ninja of Konoha, she didn't seem excited. To be a failure at ninja due to a handicap was to be a failure to her family, in her eyes. She quickly went from happy and cheerful to being broody and full out... emo.
She somehow managed to get through the academy, and was given the team leader, Maito Mai, daughter of Maito Gai. Through vigorous training and some experiments, she was able to use jutsu on a different level. The chakra pain still existed to this day, neverending. She made a lot of bad decisions, and even at one point was lulled over to the dark side, which quickly frightened her, making her snap out of her stupidity. Oddly enough, though, the mystery behind her handicap was discovered to be remnants of a cursed seal passed down by her father, which was malfunctioning. While under Orochimaru's... 'care' ... she was slightly cured, but only as long as she was around one of his family.
After she returned home, she stepped up her training from her mother as well as a father a bit, working with some swords she had previously obtained. One from her father, and another from her cousin, Aoi. She also began practicing medical jutsu, but was limited as she couldn't do full force chakra at the time. Though, through a series of events, she came into having a step sister who was blood related to Orochimaru, so she was able to use chakra freely while at least staying home. Later on Orochimaru was murdered and she was free from the broken cursed seal permamently.
Her attitude leveled out and she started working on redeeming herself for her mistakes and trying to help those around her. She has gone between many experimental and risky jutsu to make herself worthy of her family name.
One day, while in a battle, she used a summoning jutsu improperly and was blasted away from home. What is this mysterious Inn she has landed in front of...?


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible (+4) She is meant to notice things, so she is usually on the alert.
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5) (+6 with Batsuit) She's very flexible and in shape, especially considering her bust line.
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4) (+5 with Batsuit) She's a ninja. A good one, at that.

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2) She usually isn't one to talk, but she can kind of talk her way out of things.
  • Intimidation: Incredible (+4) She -can- punch a car over someone's head, so.

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: Very Good (+3) (+4 with Detective Vision)
  • Medicine: Amazing (+5) She's a medic as well as a fighter. She can also use her special jutsu to heal people on the spot, without tools.

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abyssmal (-1) She's never even seen a car in her area to drive.
  • Survival: Amazing (+4) She knows how to live out in the wild for as long as she needs to.
  • Animal Ken: Very Good (+3) She loves cats and bunnies. Other animals can bite her.

Special Abilities

She is highly skilled in bodily movement, and can boost her speeds and power due to training under her mother, Sakura, and by hand to hand combat taught to her by Sasuke and Rock Lee. Maito Mai has also taught her how to channel chakra through her body, and move it from one part of her body to another in nearly an instant. That technique was to help her when she couldn't properly channel chakra in the past... but now she simply uses it to amplify her normal chakra abilities.

Basic Jutsu

  • *Kawarimi no Jutsu (Body Replacement Technique): With this technique, one replaces their own body with a block of wood or some other object, the moment an attack lands. This creates an optical illusion, making the enemy think the attack was successful. From this, the user can use the lapse in the enemy's attention to attack or flee from the battlefield. Explosive tags can be attached to the replacement for an added surprise.
  • *Nawanuke no Jutsu (Rope Escape Skill): This is a ninja technique for escape from rope bindings.
  • *Ki Nobori no Waza (Act of Tree Climbing): The ninja focuses a fixed amount of chakra into the bottom of one's feet, using that to climb a tree without using one's hands. If too much chakra is used, one is pushed off of the tree. If too little is used, one simply slips off of it. This is a technique made to train ninjas to learn how to properly channel chakra at different levels of energy. This technique does not only apply to walking on trees. It can be used to walk on most types of surfaces. After completing learning how to use this, most ninjas are capable of using this technique without even thinking about it; it comes to them automatically.
  • *Suimen Hokō no Waza (Act of Water Surface Walking): A skill for ninjas to learn once they have mastered tree climbing, this takes a greater amount of skill with chakra to use due to the constantly changing nature of water itself. The ninja concentrates chakra into the bottom of their feet (or whichever body part) to repel themselves from the water's surface. This creates the effect of them walking on it as if it were solid ground. One can also be seen 'skating' or sliding across the water with this technique. As seen with the climbing technique, the ability to do this becomes almost second nature for the ninja that has perfected how to use it. If knocked into the water, one can actually use this technique to 'grab onto' the surface of the water and pull themselves out.
  • *Bikou Ninjutsu (Shadowing Stealth Technique): Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly.


  • Bunshin no Jutsu (Clone Technique): This technique is merely an optical illusion. The clones created from this technique do not have shadows nor do they disrupt the area arround them. They simply mimic the movements of the person behind the technique and disappear upon contact with a solid object. This is made to confuse opponents in the middle of a battle; or throw someone into confusion otherwise.
  • Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique): Similar to the Clone Technique, this technique creates clones of the user. However, these clones are actual copies, not illusions. The user's chakra is evenly distributed among every clone, giving each clone an equal fraction of the user's overall power. The clones are capable of performing techniques on their own and can even bleed, but will usually disperse after one or two solid blows. They can also disperse on their own. The clones will be created in roughly the same condition as the original.
    Shadow clones can't be distinguished from the actual person even by the Byakugan because the clones have the exact same amount of chakra and aren't made from any other substance. Also, a side effect of the shadow clones is when they are dispersed, their chakra and memories return to the original person. This technique could be used as a great weapon for spying, as destroying the clone comes at no personal harm to the person that used the technique, and what the clone has seen is now what the person has seen.
    Note: This does not mean they share memories in real time. The memories and chakra are only returned at the time the clone is dispersed, not beforehand. Also, as this technique halves the chakra of the user, she will only create up to two clones, since it will reduce her chakra down to 33% while the others are active.
  • Henge no Jutsu (Transformation Technique): This technique allows the ninja to change into people other than oneself. One can also change into animals, plants and even inanimate objects (such as weapons). While using this technique, one has to constantly channel their chakra to keep the effect going. If knocked unconcious or hit hard enough, the chakra can be disrupted and the technique dispelled.
  • Kai (Release): A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses their chakra and screams "kai" or "release." They can perform it on themselves or on others. It will effectively ward off most Genjutsu, unless extremely powerful or when used in conjunction with an advanced bloodline.
  • Jagei Jubaku (Binding Snake Glare Spell): The user summons one or two big snakes which crawl out from one's sleeves, and coil around the enemy capturing them. This is a great technique for capturing someone alive, or for inflicting damage by constriction, and if the situation calls for it, the snakes can bite the victim with their poison fangs. With the summons specified beforehand, the procedure can be shortened by using blood on a summoning "contract seal" (結印, ketsuin), making it possible to use the technique immediately. The further addition of the user's killing intent can weaken their target's resolve.
    Snakes summoned by this technique are on a whole other level in terms of intelligence and strength, compared to normal summons. It is said that even shinobi with great skill are unable to escape from this restraint.
  • Sen'ei Jashu (Hidden Shadow Snake Hands): This technique allows the user to eject snakes from their wrist or sleeve, usually after a punching motion. The snakes are used primarily to attack from a distance and, being snakes, can inflict multiple poisonous wounds on the victim's body or hold them in place. The snakes can also open their mouths to extend Kusanagi-like blades.
    This technique can also be classified as a variation of the Summoning Technique. This technique can also produce snakes from different parts of the user's body.
  • Sen'ei Tajashu (Many Hidden Shadow Snake Hands): By increasing the amount of snakes summoned with the Hidden Shadow Snake Hands, the diversity of this ninjutsu is increased. The swarm of big snakes appear in an instant, each snake individually doing something like intimidating, diverting, or capturing the enemy in a cooperative attack. Without giving them the time to react, the enemy is entangled.
  • Shunshin no Jutsu (Body Flicker Technique): The Body Flicker Technique is a high-speed movement technique, allowing a ninja to move short to long distances at an almost untraceable speed. To an observer, it appears as if the user has teleported. A puff of smoke is occasionally used to disguise the user's movements. It is accomplished by using chakra to temporarily vitalise the body and move at extreme speeds. The amount of chakra required depends on the overall distance and elevation between the user and the intended destination. Konoha ninja use leaves for this technique usually.


  • Gōken (Strong Fist): A style with the purpose to cause external damage and break bones. It is the exact opposite of Gentle Fist which is used mainly by the Hyūga clan. This style of fighting involves smashing your opponent and is generally used only by extremely physically powerful and dominating shinobi.
  • Kage Buyō (Shadow of the Dancing Leaf): A technique where one follows the opponent, closely matching his or her body's movement, just like a leaf that dances in the air is followed by its shadow. The technique is usually preceded by a swift upper kick that will launch the target into the air. It is mainly used to position an opponent into a vulnerable aerial position. This move by itself is harmless, but it is usable as a stepping stone for a great many powerful techniques like Front Lotus and the Lion Combo. That being said, it also has a rather high degree of difficulty.
  • Kage Shuriken no Jutsu (Shadow Shuriken Technique): It's a simple technique where two shuriken, like the Fūma Shuriken, are piled one onto another and thrown simultaneously. However, depending on the way it's used, it can prove its absolute efficiency. The trick is to somehow draw the enemy's attention towards the upper shuriken. Then, they have to deal with the path of the lower, unnoticed shuriken. However, if the enemy notices both shuriken, the technique ends up losing all of its efficiency.
  • Konoha Senpū (Leaf Whirlwind): A taijutsu where one launches a succession of high kicks and low kicks. Firstly, the opponent's evasion margin is restrained upon seeing the high kick, thus augmenting the chances for the low kick to hit the mark. So originally the high kick is little more than a feint.
  • Shishi Rendan (Lion Combo): A taijutsu unique that is a variant of the Front Lotus. It is an ultra-fast combo attack that requires an advanced physical condition and a certain knack for it. The opponent is first kicked into the air and shadowed with the Shadow of the Dancing Leaf. Upon inflicting a blow, one takes advantage of said opponent's counterattack to spin around and rise again for further assaults. Since the fall is increased in velocity with each blow, the damage when one is eventually struck to the ground is inconceivable. All variations end with the opponent being thrown to the ground and kicked in the stomach.
  • Hishō Hakurei (飛翔白麗 Soaring White Loveliness): This secret Nanto Suichō Ken technique launches the user into the air where they descend on the target with a powerful double-strike that slices through the opponent's shoulders.


  • Shinma Meizanken Ryuu - God and Devil Shadow Cutting Blade Style, is a fighting style developed by Uchiha Aoi, with Uzumaki Kawako and Hoshigaki Fukamei. It is an avanced Kenjutsu Style, considered a murderous fighting art.
  • Kairkusariken (Spin Chain Sword): She spins in place as fast as is possible, using the sword in it's whip like form, to form a barrier, putting as much chakra as she can into the sword, to form a sort of chakra/sword barrier around herself, deflecting weapons and sometimes chakra based attacks. Not able to deflect everything, and the level of chakra she can channel through it is very limited. Kaiten owns all.
  • Kairkusarisen (Spin Chain Slash): She spins in place, ducking low with the sword extended in it's whip like form, meant to cut/dismember anyone foolish enough to leap at her or attempt a tackle, randomly tearing/cutting through those who get too close.
  • Kusari Bakuretsu Sasu (Chain Burst Stab): She channels chakra in a burst through the sword, making it extend fully while maintaining a straight and unbending form, to stab at enemies in a surprise attack. The unbending form only lasts mere seconds, but can do it's damage. Also possible she can stab through someone with it and then use the whip form when it's -in- the person.
  • Stinger: She dashes forward, thrusting her sword with great force and momentum to pierce her target.

Medical Jutsu

  • Chakra Enhanced Strength: This is a technique where the user focuses chakra into their hands and feet using precise chakra control and releases it with pinpoint timing, which greatly enhances their strength. Tsunade created the concept of this technique to intimidate enemies and keep them at bay while she healed injured ninja.
  • Chakura no Mesu (Chakra Scalpel): This medical technique forms one's chakra into a small, sharp blade. This can then be used for highly accurate incisions necessary for surgeries and anatomical dissections. Unlike regular scalpels, the chakra scalpel can actually make cuts inside the body without actually creating an open wound, limiting the risks of an infection.
    The chakra scalpel can also be used offensively, although it requires great precision to be effective. Because of this requirement, using the chakra scalpel offensively is highly unusual. In heated combat, even the greatest medical-nin won't be able to exert the precision needed to make fatal cuts, but it can still effectively cut muscle tissues and tendons, rendering the target immobile.
  • Ōkashō (Cherry Blossom Impact: While some may see it as "superhuman strength", this technique is actually an application of medical ninjutsu, that demands the ability to concentrate and minute chakra control. An immense amount of chakra is kneaded inside the body, and a moment later all of it it is gathered into the fist. That chakra is then released into the target, which does a great amount of damage. With the damage done dependent on the amount of chakra used, it is also possible for a skilled shinobi to amass it in their fingertip. When the ground is hit it is pulverised into minute pieces by the excess shock, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name "Cherry Blossom Impact".
  • Ranshinshō (Body Pathway Derangement): An extremely high-level technique, used as a medical ninjutsu. The human body is controlled with electrical signals from the brain, but a person who had those electrical signals cut off with this technique will become unable to make their body move as they want. By transforming the chakra within one's body and giving it the properties of electricity, one creates an electric field. As soon as a strike of the hand lands, electricity is poured into the enemy's nervous system, severing the signals and deranging their body control. The target's body moves in any way, except how they want it to move. For the common shinobi, battle, not to mention even just walking, will become impossible. However, the victim can partially overcome the technique if they manage to relearn the connection between their brain and their limbs. This feat however is not an easy one and takes a high amount of concentration and intelligence.
  • Saikan Chūshutsu no Jutsu (Delicate Illness Extraction Technique): When a person has been afflicted by a pathogen or toxin, this medical ninjutsu can be used to draw out the agent and heal the damage. The cause of the illness is first determined by perceiving disturbances in the patient's chakra. Then, using a chakra scalpel, an incision is made near the affected part. Using their chakra, the medical-nin pushes a large volume of a medicinal fluid through the incision. The fluid then draws the poison out of the affected part(s) and serves as a medium through which the poison is suspended and then forced out of the person's body. This technique thus removes the poison, while simultaneously repairing the damage caused by the poison.
    After the agent is drawn out, it can be used to create an antidote or medicine after it has been analysed. This can then be given to the patient to ensure a complete recovery. This technique requires the utmost care and ability in diagnosis, incising and unmatched chakra control. Therefore, it is considered an extremely difficult technique, even among medical ninjutsu.
  • Shōsen Jutsu (Mysical Palm Technique): This medical ninjutsu allows the user to speed up the body's natural healing process by sending chakra from their hands into a wound or afflicted body part. This allows the user to heal a patient without the need for medical equipment or surgery, making it highly useful on the battlefield. It can be used to treat both external and internal injuries. It is vital to match the amount of chakra used to the severity of the affliction or injury. This requires a great amount of chakra control. Because of this, only a few highly skilled medical-nin are able to use this technique.
    By sending an excess amount of chakra into the patient's body, the user can overload the patient's normal circulation, putting them in a temporary comatose state. The victim of this will recover on their own in a manner of a few hours to a couple days.
  • Sōzō Saisei (Creation Rebirth): The absolute pinnacle of medical ninjutsu, created by the greatest of medical ninja, Tsunade, it is the ultimate regeneration technique. By releasing the great volume of chakra stored in her forehead at once, the body's cell division is forcibly stimulated by proteins, reconstructing all organs and all tissues making up the human body. The technique itself does not regenerate the old cells, rather it hastens the creation of new ones through division. If this technique is used, a body whose vital organs are so gravely injured that it cannot bear it any longer will be instantly restored to its uninjured state. As long as Tsunade has chakra it is impossible for her to die by any means, as such she gains a form of "immortality" throughout the duration of the technique. However, body's cells can only split a certain number of times in a lifetime, and by speeding up this process, Tsunade is basically shortening her natural lifespan. To what degree is unknown, but what is clear is that it is not great enough to cause her to die in battle.
  • Tsūtenkyaku (Heavenly Foot of Pain): This technique is simply a falling axe kick. Tsunade concentrates her incredible strength into her heel and strikes the enemy. The power of this attack is so great that it would cause immediate death to anyone who it hit by the attack directly. It was shown that when she strikes the ground it results in a gigantic crater that can even kill an opponent caught in its immediate strike zone.

Elemental Jutsu

  • Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu (Fire Release: Great Fireball Technique): A technique where chakra kneaded inside the body is converted into fire, and expelled from the mouth either as a massive orb of roaring flame or as a continuous flame-thrower. The scope of the attack is altered by controlling the volume of chakra that is mustered. The released flames will engulf their target, and leave a crater on the ground's surface. This technique apparently requires more than average chakra reserves and most genin should not be able to do this technique.
    The Uchiha clan also uses this technique as a "coming of age" rite and as such was a common and one of the more favoured technique amongst them.
  • Katon: Hōsenka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Phoenix Sage Fire Technique): This technique creates a volley of small fireballs, which are sent flying in an unpredictable manner assaulting the enemy. In addition, the flames are controlled one by one with chakra, so avoiding them all is extremely difficult. Shuriken can also be concealed within the flames, creating an unexpected secondary surprise attack. Like the flames, the shuriken can be controlled with chakra. For the most part, however, this technique is used as a distraction.
  • Katon: Ryūka no Jutsu (Fire Release: Dragon Fire Technique): The user breathes fire along a cord or any other type of long object, which rushes forward in straight line catching the enemy on fire. A line of enemies can be used as the conductor as well. The flames are meant to target, and assault the enemy's upper body just like a projectile weapon.

Kuchiyose Jutsu: (Summoning Jutsu)

  • Kuchiyose no Jutsu (Summoning Technique): The Summoning Technique is a space–time ninjutsu that allows the summoner to transport animals or people across long distances instantly.
    Before an animal summoning can be performed, a prospective summoner must first sign a contract with a given species. The contract comes in the form of a scroll, on which the contractor uses their own blood to sign their name and place their fingerprints and once signed it is valid even after the contractors death as long as the contract itself remains intact. After this they need only offer an additional donation of blood on the hand they signed the contract with, mould their chakra with hand seals and then plant the hand they signed the contract with at the location they wish to summon the creature. The amount of chakra used during the summoning determines how powerful the summoned creature can be.
    Once summoned, the animal can perform a task or help the user in battle. The summon is not required to help the user, and may be more of a hindrance than an ally. In addition, summons are able to summon their summoner. They may also wear a forehead protector, suggesting a loyalty to only one village.
  • Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Hebi (Snakes): As Sachiko has a signed contract with the snakes, she is able to summon them into battle.
  • Kochiyose no Jutsu: Sayahebi (Kusanagi no Tsurugi): She summons a large serpent that then opens it's mouth, holding within it's throat the legendary Kusanagi no Tsurugi.
  • Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Weapon: She can seal her weapons into scrolls and summon them by running her hands over the scrolls (with a small donation of blood) and channeling chakra into the sealing notes written on them.

Sealing Jutsu

  • Fūja Hōin (Evil Sealing Method): This technique is used to suppress technique-induced marks on a person. Marks of weaker power can be completely suppressed by this technique alone, but for marks of higher power, it will cause the seal's power to become dependent on the recipient's own willpower to some extent, especially if the sealer is not experienced enough to strengthen the seal with his own power. It is also capable of holding back certain kekkei genkai.
    This seal requires a high number of hand seals to be performed and consumes large amount of chakra from the user. Preparation for this technique requires two concentric circles with kunai placed in intervals along the circumference, in addition to a number of characters written in blood that radiate out from the centre of the cursed seal.
    This technique is quick, but painful. The seal can be removed at any time by the caster or whoever the seal is on. Since this seal relies on the will of the individual on whom it is placed, the affected may be able to will it away without an unsealing technique.
  • Infūin: Kai (Yin Seal: Release): A powerful sealing technique used by Sachiko. Over a period of time, Sachiko will focus and build up chakra in the seal mark on her forehead. The release command will disperse the seal and allow the stored chakra to pump back into her body.

Powers & Merits

Sharingan (写輪眼, Copy Eye Wheel)

The Sharingan is a dōjutsu kekkei genkai (Eye Technique Bloodline Limit), which appears in some members of the Uchiha clan. It is one of the Three Great Dōjutsu (三大瞳術, San Daidōjutsu; Literally meaning "Three Great Eye Techniques"), along with the Byakugan and the Rinnegan. The Sharingan is also called "Heaven's Eye" (天眼, Tengan), because of the many abilities it grants the user.
The Sharingan's abilities consist of two parts: the "Eye of Insight" (洞察眼, Dōsatsugan) and the "Eye of Hypnotism" (催眠眼, Saimingan). The first of the Sharingan's powers is being able to see the flow of chakra. The Sharingan itself gives colour to chakra, allowing the wielder to differentiate them. They are also able to tell if a person is under a genjutsu because the person's chakra flow would be irregular. The Sharingan's second-most prominent ability grants the user an incredible clarity of perception, allowing them to easily recognise genjutsu and different forms of chakra, though not to the same extent as the Byakugan. This also allows the user to pick up on subtle details, enabling them to read lip movements or mimic something like pencil movements. As the Sharingan evolves, gaining more tomoe seals, this ability extends to being able to track fast-moving objects before finally giving some amount of predictive capabilities to the user, allowing them to see the image of an attacker’s next move from the slightest muscle tension in their body and counter-attack or dodge without any wasted movement. However, even though the user may be able to see an attack or know it is coming, their body may not always have time to react.
The Sharingan's third and most well-known ability is that it grants the user the ability to copy almost any technique that he or she witnesses, apart from other kekkei genkai techniques. The user can memorise ninjutsu, genjutsu, and taijutsu with near-perfect accuracy, allowing the user to use the techniques as their own, or even modify them to create their own new techniques, much like the Lion Combo. In order to reproduce a copied technique, however, one must have the necessary skill or ability to perform them. In addition to physical skill and kekkei genkai techniques, the Sharingan cannot reproduce techniques dependent on other factors, such as summons that the user has not signed a contract with.
The Sharingan's final commonly-used ability is capable of inducing a unique brand of hypnosis that involves suggesting actions and thoughts to the opponent through genjutsu cast by simple eye contact between both parties. More advanced Sharingan users can take the hypnosis ability even further to the point where a powerful summon like Manda or even a tailed beast may be controlled. When this was used against Manda and the Nine-Tails, their eyes took on the tomoe pattern of the users' Sharingan while under hypnotic influence.
The hypnotic ability coupled with the other aspects of the Sharingan can make the user appear as if they can "see the future". First, the user must perfectly mimic every move their opponent makes and possibly their thoughts and words through careful observation. Then, they suggest an action to the opponent such as hand seals for a technique that the opponent and Sharingan user already know and copy that. With these things done, the user can complete the action even before the opponent does, possibly using the Sharingan's genjutsu to confuse or delay them. As with other genjutsu, genjutsu cast by the Sharingan are capable of putting an opponent to sleep, inducing paralysis, replaying memories to someone else via genjutsu, or creating various illusions to deceive someone. The potency of the Sharingan's illusion is dependent on the user's knowledge and skill with implementing genjutsu. Two Sharingan users are also able to free each other from other forms of genjutsu by first using genjutsu on each other, allowing them to enter their comrades mind and free each other from the genjutsu.
Although the Sharingan consumes the user's chakra while active, the chakra levels that the user must exert is so insignificant that they can keep it active constantly. However, when a Sharingan is transplanted to a non-Uchiha, the chakra drain is significant, leading them to cover it up when not in use. This seems to be circumvented by acquiring Senju cells in order to boost their vitality.
Sachiko has a fully developed Sharingan, but not Mangekyou Sharingan.

Sharingan Techniques

  • Genjutsu: Sharingan: This technique is simply the generic use of genjutsu as employed by Sharingan wielders. By establishing direct eye contact with the intended opponents, the user can lock them within a genjutsu of their choosing in order to achieve various effects. These effects range from inducing instantaneous, but temporary, paralysis or unconsciousness in an opponent to forcefully extracting any valuable information that they possess or controlling their actions.
  • Magen: Kyō Tenchi-ten (Demonic Illusion: Mirror Heaven and Earth Change): The user decrypts a genjutsu that has been applied onto them and casts back a technique with identical effects onto the opponent. It's a form of illusion reversal, but in order to instantly read through a technique and cast it in return, the Sharingan's power is necessary. As genjutsu is initially used to confuse the enemy, this technique, which sends it right back to its caster, deals a high amount of mental damage, more than anything else.

Other Powers

Genbu Shichi Seishi
Sachiko has accepted the role of being the Genbu Shichi Seishi Hatsui. On her wrist appears the symbol of 室 (Shì) meaning encampment. When she draws on her deep emotional power she has the following abilities:
  • Spike Shield: Sachiko will have the ability to sprout spikes out of her body to either defend herself or to attack.


  • Daredevil (3): You love to take risks, and are damn good at living through them. +2 Bonus when risking your life. This actually stacks with other merits (like Crack Driver), so you can be extremely good at risking your life. ...but if you fail you might die, so..
  • Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.
  • Double-Jointed (1): +1 Bonus on any roll involving flexibility, or escaping.
  • Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.

Unique Items

  • Ryukiritou (Dragon Slayer Sword): This sword, given to her by Aoi, is an enormous slap of iron, which she has personally sharpened and hefts using one arm. It doesn't need to be sharpened, as it can cut through pretty much anything by it's weight alone.
  • Renzoku ni Tsuite Ken (Chained in Relations Sword): This sword looks like the average extra long katana to anyone who sees it, but it has a secondary function. It breaks into segments, becoming a chain sword. (Think Ivy from Soul Calibur, etc etc.) This sword Can go to three times it's normal length and be used as a whip to wrap around items and shred it that way. It can also be extended with a burst of chakra, shooting forward like a lance, without leaving her hands. This sword's special ability is activated by chakra or chi or spiritual energy.

Kusanagi no Tsurugi

  • Kusanagi no Tsurugi (Grass Cutter): The Kusanagi Sword is the Kusanagi of Japanese legend. The sword can extend its blade to attack from long distances, levitate in the air according to the owners command, and cut through almost anything. It has also been known to damage diamond. Sachiko keeps this strapped to her left side.

Tristan and Isolde

  • Appearance: A pair of fans which can be linked together by a chain into makeshift nunchaku, or can be used separately as twin weapons or throwing weapons.
  • Type: All-range melee weapons.
  • Powers: Tristan is the agressive male fan, and can be used to attack the enemy, with powerful wind gusts and blade-like vaccuum strikes. Isolde is the more passive female fan, whose attacks do almost no damage, mostly distracting, until the user is done and then snaps the fan shut, immediately hitting with a delayed reaction with phenomenal impact. However, to use the secondary ability of Isolde she must be separate from Tristan's attacks. Both can be used as throwing weapons which will return to their owner's hand.
  • Tristan:
    • Sword of Purity: Moving Tristan incredibly fast in a direction then snapping it shut, letting a powerful vaccuum blade fly out. Can be done in rapid succession.
  • Isolde:
    • Guardian of the Hearth: Staying perfectly defensive, Isolde can catch physical enemy attacks. However, even trying to counterattack or dodge causes it to revert back to it's more passive form and cancels out the pinpoint defense it has. The speed of the user is irrelevant, Isolde can block it.
  • Tristan and Isolde:
    • Doomed Romance: Bringing both fans together, literally touching them and opening them will join them by a mystical chain, and then it can be thrown at the enemy. If it ensnares the enemy, the fans wrap around them and choose death together, exploding with incredible force, directly on the enemy, usually killing them, before returning to the user, inert for a minute.

Items Of Note

Basic Ninja Tools

  • Explosive Tags: Explosive tags are scraps of paper inscribed with a special writing, centring around the kanji for "explode" (爆, baku). Infused with chakra, they will explode after a set amount of time, remotely, or after being ignited by flame. The tags can be attached to a surface or wrapped around a weapon to be thrown at an enemy. They are very versatile and one of the basic ninja tools. Ninja can confuse their enemies by obtaining fake exploding tags. They work even under heavy rain. When an explosive tag is detonated remotely, ninja tend to use the "Snake" hand seal. Similarly, when used remotely, exploding tags can be detonated in sequence, allowing them to be used to trap opponents.
  • Kunai: Kunai, along with the shuriken, is one of the most common ninja tools. It is a black dagger designed for thrusting and stabbing, though it can still do some damage if thrown despite not being designed for it, and is about the length of one's hand. Many shinobi attack by attaching an explosive tag to the blade. The kunai is usually thrown so that it lodges in an object near the target, and then the explosion from the attached tag destroys the target. This use of the weapon is known as an explosive kunai (起爆クナイ, kibaku kunai). Kunai can also be kept on spring-loaded wires up the user's sleeve. They can be used for close combat, like a normal knife. Empowered with chakra flow, kunai thrown into targets can cut through solid wood and even solid stone targets.
  • Shuriken: Shuriken, like kunai, are one of the more basic weapons. They are sharpened,four-pronged metal stars, useful for throwing. Although small, they can be used to distract, pin down enemy shinobi, or if accurate enough, can be deadly. They have an open circle in the center, used for grabbing with a finger, to avoid cutting oneself, or to put thread through. The circle is also beneficial to the weapons overall aerodynamics, ensuring more accurate trajectories.
  • Smoke Bomb: A smoke bomb (煙玉, kemuridama) creates a cloud of smoke when it detonates. It may look like small spheres wrapped in paper or like canisters. Smoke bombs are typically used to blind opponents and make them easier to attack. Alternatively, ninja can use smoke bombs on themselves so that opponents cannot see what they are doing.
  • Fūma Shuriken (Wind Demon Shuriken): The fūma shuriken is a large, four-bladed shuriken possessing pre-eminent sharpness and lethality. This type of shuriken is considered characteristic to the famous Fūma clan, after whom they were named and who possibly developed them. However, their use is not limited to this clan. Its four blades can be collapsed for easy storage, leading to its nickname Shadow Windmill (影風車, Kage Fūsha).
  • Shuriken Holster: Similar to a hip pouch, the weapons holster is designed for holding kunai and shuriken only. Positioned on the thigh, the holster is conveniently placed for the quick-drawing of the kunai or shuriken they carry in combat.
  • Wire Stings: Wire Strings are thin pieces of wires that are highly durable and can be used for rappelling, manipulating weapons, or to bind and restrict the movements of an opponent or in setting traps.

Medical Tools

  • Antidote: Antidotes (解毒薬, gedokuyaku) are types of medicines that act as a cure for various poisons. They can be administered to an infected person through several mediums. Some poisons are complex, and therefore creating the antidote will require careful attention or else it could potentially kill the victim. However, specially trained, genius medical ninja can actually analyse and decipher the many different elements used in complex poisons and easily create a cure. They are usually a bottled liquid but can be anything from a flower or powder.
  • Medical Pouch: Konoha Medical Field Ninja are seen sporting their own version of the hip pouch. Like their generic counterparts, the medical pouch is worn on the back of the wearer's rear. Unlike their counterparts, however, the medical pouch covers the whole width of the wearer's rear-end. This provides the field medical ninja with more space to transport medical supplies into the field to administer emergency first aid.
  • Military Rations Pill: Military Rations Pills (兵糧丸, Hyōrōgan) are special pills that replenish one's chakra and nourish the body. It's made up of powerful stimulants and nutrients, said to allow the user to keep fighting for three days and three nights without rest.
  • Scalpel: A scalpel is an extremely sharp, small bladed instrument meant to cut through skin, tendons, and muscles. It is used primarily by medical-nin, doctors, or practically any individual with medical expertise to perform surgery. However, due to its sharpness, it could also be used as a potent weapon against a foe.
  • Senbon: Senbon are metal needles with a point at both ends. They often serve a medical purpose, being used to strike acupuncture points. They have little killing power, but can be thrown with great accuracy. A user with proper medical knowledge however, can effectively use senbon in battle to incapacitate or even kill their target should they aim for vital spots. To make these needles more effective, the user can poison the tips of the senbon. An added benefit of throwing these at the enemy is that these are smaller than a kunai or a shuriken, making it harder to see and dodge.
  • Sleeping Gas Bomb: This is a bomb made from the strongest sleeping gases able to render a target unconscious in mere seconds. Like a regular smoke bomb, when detonated it releases a cloud of gaseous substance which when inhaled, knocks the victim out. It is so potent that even when awoken by others some time later, the victim is still left severely drowsy.
  • Tantō: A tantō is simply a small katana. For a medical-nin, this is strapped to the lower back, right above the medical pouch.

Dark Specter Batman Suit

  • Description: The Dark Specter Batsuit is an Iconic Battle Suit Style set for Tech-based Heroes. Bestowed upon his "Agents of the Bat", this batsuit allows the wearer to carry and enforce the influence that Batman's image has over the criminal underworld.
  • Characteristics: The Dark Specter Batsuit is made of Waynetech Nanoweave technology, allowing maximum flexibility and versatility when in use. It also has a neural interface and top of the line sensors lining the armour. This allows the wearer to actually modify its appearance to one more suited to his own, if he does not want to carry the mantle of the Bat.
    More specifically, the armour's chest, leg, shoulders and back area are well armoured ands the nanoweave actually provides ballistic, thermal and kinetic resistances, basically acting like a full body bulletproof vest, increasing the wearer's ability to take hits.
  • Advantages: The Dark Specter Batsuit is hyper flexible and the nanoweave and neural networking make up for human foilibles. Wearing it will grant its wearer enhanced agility and light reflection, the sensors warning when too much light is on the costumes and helping to adjust for falls, wind and any other variables. (Game Terms: Athletics +1, Stealth +1)
    The Batsuit also comes with Detective Vision, as nicknamed by Nightwing, which allows the user to turn into every different spectrum of light, allowing to see heat signatures, find traces, and with the proper information, track specific chemicals, scents and other types of trails (When Detective Vision is on, Investigation difficulties are lowered by 1).

Other Items

  • Yautja Smart-Disc: The Smart-Disc (also known simply as the "disc") is an extremely sharp circular weapon that is thrown like a discus and returns to the user like a boomerang. This weapon is extremely powerful, shown to cut through half a dozen cattle carcasses and a man in Predator 2 in quick succession without any effort. It also has a hand grip for use as a slashing melee weapon as well. In the film Alien vs. Predator and its sequel, the smart disc's alternative was the shuriken. This device is capable of cutting through most substances with its devastating razor edges, and is powerful enough to cut through multiple targets with one throw.Computer-controlled gyros guarantee that the disc returns to its wielder, but if it becomes embedded in a solid material it can be returned by the push of a control-panel button. A Disc is a weapon found within the arsenal of a Yautja.
  • Yautja Net Gun: The Net Launcher is a handheld Yautja weapon used to incapacitate adversaries. The Net Launcher is 6 inches long and weighs six ounces. The Net Gun fires its projectiles at speeds between 200mph and 500mph and can throw a 100kg target almost 12 feet. The net will then tighten automatically until the target has been incapacitated. Most often, the mesh is razor sharp.The net itself that is fired from the launcher is very sharp, strong, and tough. It can kill a human by itself.It is also known to be a very tough mesh only to be cut by yautja weapons, or dissolved by xenomorph blood.
  • Fine Pair of Glasses: She has a pair of glasses that she has taken a liking to. They appear to be prescription glasses, yet she does not need them. They are just for the sake of appearance.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Hatred (3) [Enemy she decides isn't worth letting live.]: There is something out there which you absolutely loathe, and will do anything to destroy it. If you need to roll to resist a berserker state, your roll is at a -2 penalty.
  • Inferiority Complex (1): No matter what you do, by your standards, it's just not good enough. In situations requiring you to take charge and strut your stuff, any roll you make is at -1 Penalty.
  • Intolerance (1) [Idiocy]: You have difficulty tolerating a specific thing or type of person, and are likely to snap at them and be dismissive.
  • Low Self-Image (2) [Feels she's a bad person]: Suffering from a low self-esteem, any social rolls (where you need to be assertive or sure of yourself) have a -2 penalty.
  • Isolated Upbringing (1): You were raised in your supernatural society, or were somehow otherwise sequestered away from "normal" life, so you have trouble dealing with this Outside-World thing. Dealing with any community outside the one in which you were raised raises a -1 Penalty on Social rolls, when RP'ing accomodates it.
  • Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.