Difference between revisions of "Corin Nel Arinborn Saillune"

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(Aether's Edge)
(Items Of Note)
(3 intermediate revisions by 2 users not shown)
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'''Physical Skills''':
'''Physical Skills''':
*Alertness: 4
*Alertness: 4
*Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)(+1 from Swordsman's Guild to +7)
*Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)
*Stealth: 3
*Stealth: 3
Line 84: Line 84:
'''Archery:''' Corin is a passable archer, and uses this to his benefit with Elmekia Shot (see spells).
'''Archery:''' Corin is a passable archer, and uses this to his benefit with Elmekia Shot (see spells).
'''Provoke''': A chance to draw aggro on an enemy with an offensive catcall. Can be used three times in a fight and the effect is about a minute. Characters with a strong will can resist.
Line 149: Line 151:
'''Saillune Royal Crest:''' Grants certain privileges inside the bounds of the Holy Kingdom of Saillune.
'''Saillune Royal Crest:''' Grants certain privileges inside the bounds of the Holy Kingdom of Saillune.
'''Ylisstol Mage Guild Tomes:''' One charge each of Fire, Wind, and Thunder.
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
= Weaknesses & Flaws =

Latest revision as of 23:05, 22 January 2016

Corin Nel Arinborn Saillune
Age 21
Voice Actor Nakamura, Yuuichi
Relatives Crono Arinborn (father), Genevieve May Nadia Saillune (mother)
Series Slayers, Nexus
Player Crono
  • Name: Corin Nel Arinborn Saillune
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: March 10th
  • Parents: Crono Arinborn, Genevieve May Nadia Saillune
    • Place of Birth: Saillune
    • Nationality: Saillune
    • Specialty: Esper Knight
    • Hobbies: Sparring, Poetry
    • Likes: Traveling, new magic
    • Dislikes: Lack of tact
    • Favorite Food: Cake
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything Spicy
    • Favorite Music: Classic
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Aether's Edge, Royal Crest
    • Level of Education: High-end college
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nakamura, Yuuichi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5' 9"
    • Weight: 174 lbs
    • Eyes: Pale Mako Blue
    • Hair: Smooth and black


A honed young man with a small frame looking in his early twenties, with smooth texture but slightly disheveled black hair.


Often indecisive in his temperament, Corin's personality is adventurous, but having been raised within royal court, often clashes in annoyance with voices who can't fit or measure to certain moods.


Born and raised in Saillune City, Corin was brought up in a royal life under the caring hands of his parents. Despite acquainting himself with the courts and politics of the kingdom, Corin's true guilty pleasure came from the tales of his parent's adventures. Because of this, he trained heavily when he came of age, grasping not only the magics gifted by his birth, but integrating that into his martial training. With a capable set of talents at his command, he spent much of his recent time as a traveling helper across the Kingdom, never shying from dangerous affairs despite his royal station.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: 4
  • Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)
  • Stealth: 3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: 1
  • Streetwise: 2
  • Intimidation: 3
  • Leadership: 3
  • Expression: 3
  • Etiquette: 3
  • Performance: 4 (Piano)
  • Performance: 3 (Ballroom Dancing)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: 0
  • Investigation: 2
  • Medicine: 1
  • Law: 2
  • Occult: 4
  • Politics: 3
  • Science: 0
  • Technology: 0

Other Skills:

  • Driving (Horseback riding): 5
  • Survival: 3
  • Empathy: 2
  • Animal Ken: 3

Special Abilities

Combat Skills

Pacifist Wrestling: Corin is intimately versed in the Saillune family's traditional style of nonviolent violent combat, giving him a finesse in unarmed combat and allows him to improvise wrestling moves on the fly.

Shenhale Reactive Style
Passed on from his father, Corin's teachings for all his weapon based melee-combat revolve around pivot points in body and weapon, knowing that a solid parry can be shifted into an active thrust, or an over-extension can be woven into a balanced roll. This general style requires a particular deftness, and become unwieldy under effects like magical slows or similar, forcing Corin to fall back to more mundane motions. His weapon(s) of choice for this style is a longsword and dagger, particularly a sword-breaker.

Archery: Corin is a passable archer, and uses this to his benefit with Elmekia Shot (see spells).

Provoke: A chance to draw aggro on an enemy with an offensive catcall. Can be used three times in a fight and the effect is about a minute. Characters with a strong will can resist.


Celestial Extension - Steed: A spell which summons up a magical horse complete with saddle and basic armor. In the absence of its shaper, the creature acts as a normal horse, though cannot be spooked or mislead when ridden by the creator itself. This bond of control only allow Corin to summon one at a time, and it must be 'refreshed' every eight hours to sustain, though the creature itself will not tire. Can comfortably fit two + saddle pouches.

Celestial Extension - Eagle: A spell which summons up a magical eagle. Unlike its steed counter part, its senses and feedback become directly tied to Corin's guidance, allowing him to see through it and direct it (and he suffers damage done to it, up to its limits). Its intended use is as a scout, though it can be directed to attack in combat (see: as a full action or alongside other minor actions).

Astral Purge(Self): A spell which wills out one's presence in a small bubble of disruptive astral force, dispelling susceptible magical effects on the caster's immediate person. This could be anything from a debilitating magical effect (Bio), mind influencing magics (though if a mind control or similar prevents him from casting this, it is of no benefit), or something magical directly touching him (entangling magical vines). Because of its nature, this is rarely of benefit to others.

Elmekia Shot: A spell that manifests a magical bow that charges magic arrows when drawn. The arrows are made of compressed astral energy, and can be fired quickly.

White Ribbon: A spell that manifests a white mana infused whip-like ribbon (~15ft) that can be willed to sear enemies with holy power on touch (though doesn't have to). When being held as a weapon, its path and strike can be directed through the caster's will, allowing efforts to entangles foes that might be impossible with a mundane whip, but can no longer be willed if the caster physically lets go of the weapon.

Aether Forms

Aether forms are Corin's study of magic in which he leverages his Esperian nature to suffuse properties of different elements into his astral body, taking on some of their characteristics and benefits. Technically this could be taught to any sufficiently practiced magi, but his bloodline makes it particularly natural. Some of these forms will also empower his bound sword, Aether's Edge (See unique items), with similar traits or abilities. Shifting out of and between forms is a simple process, but he can only shift into a new form once a round.

As an added effect, the intensity and benefit of Corin's forms can be heightened through suffusing his mana pool (See: Esper of Aeternity).

Lightning Arc: Corin's body arcs with flickers of lightning, and his hair stands on end, with his eyes gaining a golden tinge.
Body effect: Corin gains an excess of speed while maintaining this form, able to move and attack and process at a blurring pace.
Gained Attack - Monovolt: Corin gains the ability to attack with stunning jolts of electricity through his grip or his sword. This is not passive (despite his body sparking with electricity, he is safe to punch).

Scales of Earth: Corin's body gains fractured cracks along his skin, darkening slightly, and his hair always seems to ruffle dirt like dandruff.
Body effect: Corin's body hardens considerably, gaining a natural physical defense and a measure of physical strength (in this form, Corin might lift a horse, but not a car).
Gained Attack - Dil Quake: Upon striking the ground beneath him with hand, foot, or blade, the ground cracks and quakes, causing those unsuspecting to stumble and loose their footing easily while spewing up rubble at them. The range is short, though Corin controls its center, allowing him to catch an enemy without necessarily hindering an ally.

Breath of Wind: Corin's body is wrapped with a very subtle wash of wind, and his hair billows gently, though visibly.
Body effect: Corin's body becomes exceptionally light, creating some interesting side effects. This lets him be thrown (either literally by an ally or to retreat from parrying a foe's heavy swing), and allows him to jump high. Its main benefit, however, is that his footfalls become almost entirely inaudible, allowing him to sneak or serve as a passable scout when necessary.
Gained Attack - Diem Sweep: With a punching fist of slash of his sword, Corin can create a blast of wind to knock a target away, or, cause a small torrent of wind to pull something closer to him.

Light of Saillune: Corin's body is washed with a calm white light exuding from nowhere.
Body effect: The light functions as a minor passive Turn Undead effect, forcing such creatures back, deterring their motions, or in case of particularly weak creatures, may outright destroy them. The effect's potency relies entirely on the strength of the undead in question.
Gained Attack - Heavenly Wave: Corin can charge Aether's Edge with a wash of holy flame of variable strength (scaling with time taken and his current level of infusion) that he unleashes in an arc of attacking energy. Miraculously, Corin can control who this harms and who it doesn't - allies washed in the attack's flame just feel warm.

Touch of Silver: Corin's body embraces his astral side, causing his hair to shift from black to silver.
Body effect: Presently none, though Corin believes there is future potential for the form.
Gained Attack - Mercy's Edge: Aether's Edge shifts from its physical crystalline form to a blade of raw mana, allowing him to attack an opponent's astral side. This allows him to attack a foe's spirit when he desires, allowing non-lethal damage.

Powers & Merits

Esperian Heritage: His bloodline contains the knowledge and power of ancient Espers. This grants him magical insights and affinity, especially in the category of White magics, due to his upbringing in the holy capital of Saillune and his father's natural inclinations. Is particularly sensitive and susceptible to Astral attacks as a result.

Esper's Touch: Utilizing his natural inclination as an Esper, Corin has a chance (see: GM discretion) whenever he is infused or absorbs magic into his presence, to 'learn' that element to utilize into his own Aether forms. This may also trigger upon Aether's Edge when attacking spells (see Unique Items). This is never a spell copy, but instead generates a form unique to the infusion's 'element'. This process is inconsistent at best, but at times leads to fascinating results. In cases of particularly unique infusions, his new form may only last its duration, with the knowledge lost afterwards. Similarly, experiencing elements in new ways may extend his presently known forms, or manifest them in an entirely new flavor.

Astral Sight/Sense: Corin is capable of seeing astral beings and constructs. He can also analyze spell flows in detail and sense astral presences around him. This ability has some limitations: When focusing on the astral, Corin becomes effectively blind to the physical realm, and this sight requires his full and undivided attention, meaning that he cannot study things astrally while multitasking. It is also taxing on his stamina to use at great length.

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.

Beast Affinity - Horses (1): Corin has a knowledgable relationship with horses, having created a spell that mimics one. Horses are unusually drawn to you, and though you can't speak with them, you can communicate with them on a limited level using tone of voice and body language.

Unique Items

Aether's Edge

A weapon crafted with painstaking effort, this crystalline-looking blade is clearly magic even at a glance. Created by siphoning a piece of Corin's magic essence permanently into a physical form, the blade is incredibly durable and well attuned to his arts, granting the following capabilities.

Spell Sundering: Aether's Edge is capable of cutting mana, allowing Corin to defend himself by slicing or deflecting incoming spells. Said spells generally must have physical component to break down, as intangible spells tend to shape and adapt around such methods, and the sword (and wielder) can both be overwhelmed by spells too large to slice. Just as with cutting incoming spells, this also makes the sword potent against enemy enchantments that have a physical component, such as a barrier or armor enchantment, but generally does not interact with status effects.

Esperian Extension: A summary of what's described throughout Corin's other abilities, Aether's Edge is a direct extension of Corin's astral side. This allows it to adapt alongside his Aether Forms to varied effects (see the forms for details), and grants him the possibility of learning new forms through interactions on the blade just as though he were infused of the same via Esper's Touch (ex: cleaving a Shadow Bolt might grant him a shadow form). As with Esper's Touch, any infusion and its reproducibility is at GM's discretion. Because of this interaction, mana transference and spells can also be cast on the blade as though they were cast upon Corin himself - buffs and debuffs alike, no matter the sword's distance from him.

Soul Stone: Swordsman Guild: Athletics +1

Items Of Note

Sword Breaker: A dagger with a large guard and hooked on one side, made for catching enemy weapons.

Saillune Royal Crest: Grants certain privileges inside the bounds of the Holy Kingdom of Saillune.

Ylisstol Mage Guild Tomes: One charge each of Fire, Wind, and Thunder.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Astral Element: Due to Corin's partially astral nature, he is particularly susceptible to astral-element attacks, more so than an ordinary human.

Esperian Extension: Corin's sword, Aether's Edge, is a direct tap into his astral side. If the blade were ever separated from him, foes could use it to tamper with him by placing curses on him or similar. Corin is incapable of purging such things from himself without purging them at their source (the sword) despite the bond.

Otherworldly Taint: Mako Eyes (2) You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.

Compulsion: Mana Touch (1) Because of Corin's study of aether forms and mana suffusion, he has a developed curiosity for experiencing new mana when possible, which can have its complications. He may be called upon for a roll (Diff 6) to avoid this.

NPC(s) to go with char

