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'''Orion''': Orion is an assault rifle that results from combining Polaris and Rigel into a single weapon.<br>
'''Orion''': Orion is an assault rifle that results from combining Polaris and Rigel into a single weapon.<br>
'''Arcturus''': Arcturus is a special sniper rifle that is, in actuallity, a rail gun.  It can use different varieties of ammo and is featured in numerous limit breaks.  It has a single Materia slot, into which is installed Kujata.<br>
'''Arcturus''': Arcturus is a special sniper rifle that is, in actuallity, a rail gun.  It can use different varieties of ammo and is featured in numerous limit breaks.  It has a single Materia slot, into which is installed Kujata.<br>
'''Defense Turret''': An automated turret built around a Smart Gun. It can be folded up and hung on her back and deployed quickly in the field. It can be controlled by the omni-tool or set to automatic, in which case it will track and fire upon targets not carrying PARADIGM communication gear.<br>
'''Shield Pylon''': A deployable pylon that can be carried around and set up in the field. With a Barrier materia inserted in it, it can generate a shield that acts as a stationary Big Guard effect in a spherical area 5 meters from the top-center of the pylon while it's active. If the sphere is departed, the effect does not go with.<br>
'''Utility Gloves''': Gloves resembling what a soldier would wear, designed to offer grip and protection.  Hers are further treated to be slick resistant so she can use them for mechanic work too.  Each glove also has a materia slot set into the base of the back.  Barrier and Time currently occupy these slots.<br>
'''Utility Gloves''': Gloves resembling what a soldier would wear, designed to offer grip and protection.  Hers are further treated to be slick resistant so she can use them for mechanic work too.  Each glove also has a materia slot set into the base of the back.  Barrier and Time currently occupy these slots.<br>
'''Omni-Gauntlet''': A glove with the omni-tool hard wired into it. The glove itself also has three materia slots, with hard wired Elemental Effect programming build in through electronics in the glove and the omni-tool itself. The slots are designed to contain a Fire, Ice and Thunder materia. Each slots has three settings: blast, wave and melee. Blast launches a sphere of the element that can straight line and with a little time and practice possibly arc, wave sprays it out in a cone immediately in front of the user, and melee wreathes the hand in the element for a short period of time. In this regard, fire is intended as high direct damage, cold as debuff with moderate damage and electricity as stunning with moderate damage.<br>
[http://titans_together.webs.com/Venus's%20Guns.jpg Rigel, Polaris and Orion]
[http://titans_together.webs.com/Venus's%20Guns.jpg Rigel, Polaris and Orion]
[http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120220021224/masseffect/images/7/7b/Black_Widow_profile.jpg Arcturus]
[http://images2.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20120220021224/masseffect/images/7/7b/Black_Widow_profile.jpg Arcturus]

Latest revision as of 07:31, 24 January 2015

Venus Andromeda Highwind
A.K.A. Venus, 'Rommy, Andy
Age 21
Voice Actor Kimberly Brooks
Relatives Cid Highwind (father)
Shera Highwind (mother)
Series Final Fantasy VII
Player `Citan
  • Name: Venus Andromeda Highwind
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: July 9
  • Parents: Cid & Shera Highwind
    • Place of Birth: Rocket Town
    • Nationality: N/A
    • Specialty: Engineering
    • Hobbies: Tinkering and racing with cars and bikes, Astronomy
    • Likes: Cars, Motorcycles, machinery, space
    • Dislikes: heights, flying, slow moving vehicles
    • Favorite Food: Tea, Energy bars, Cigarettes (work time powermeal)
    • Least Favorite Food: Lard (seriously who in the hell consumes that?), she even thinks the word is disgusting
    • Favorite Music: Blues & Classic Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Racing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Big tiered toolbox
    • Level of Education: College Equivalent
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Kimberly Brooks
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 142 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Blond
    • Special: Wears glasses


Has mid-back length blone hair, which is generally kept out of the way with a hairband or, if she's working on her cars or whathaveyou, in a pony tail. She wears glasses with thin, lightweight frames. She tends to wear jeans or cargo pants, t-shirts or tank tops and likes jackets. Can look feminine when she needs to, and has no qualms about doing so, she just..doesn't, usually.


Venus is generally pretty friendly and not difficult to speak to, though she can be a bit blunt or crass at times. While she tries to suppress it, she has inherited her father's mouth and knows how to use it. She does TRY to mind her manners however. She is a very loyal friend and once she decides that you can count on her, than she is as reliable as can be. She is, however, brutally honest with friends when she feels like she needs to be, believing that sometimes you really just gotta out and tell people shit.


Venus had a reletively normal upbringing, brought up on her papa's stories and whatnot. She went to school to become an engineer, wanting to follow in her father's footsteps as much as she could (though her fear of heights kept her firmly on the ground). SHe soon discovered that she was a bit of a speed demon and quickly geared her studies to that. THen, during a reunion of her dad and all his old friends, she met one of her dad's friend's kids, Zack Strife and the two hit it off as buddies, heading out into the countryside to explore. When a monster attacked and she couldn't do a whole lot to defend herself, she decided she would take up some weapon style, settling on guns sinse their inner workings fascinated her and she quickly fashioned herself a set of custom pieces. She's been adventuring on her own and with Zack as well ever sinse, when she's not racing or tinkering.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Stealth: Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good
  • Streetwise: Good
  • Intimidation: Novice

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Incredible
  • Investigation: Incredible
  • Technology: Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Amazing
  • Survival: Very Good

Special Abilities

Omni-Tool Customization: Venus has developed a series of translation patches that makes the Omni-Tools customizable and interfacable with contemporary technology.

Materia Slots: With time and work, Venus has discovered how to bore Materia slots into pieces of equipment. This is a difficult and not always successful process.

Limit Breaks
Trickshot: Throws a pair of coins into the air and ricochets shots off of them into a single enemy.
Triple Threat: Takes Rigel and Polaris in their rifle form and fires a trio of supercharged shots at one enemmy.
Point Blank: Runs in and cracks the butt of Arcturus across a target's face, causing them to 180, then blasts them in the back.
Scattershot: Loads a shot canister into Arcturus, then fires a supercharged shot, peppering an enemy group like a shot gun, but fired from a cannon.
Delta Strike: Similar to Triple THreat, only instead of three supercharged shots, it lobs three big grenades into the enemy; one fire, one thunder and one ice.
Dragon Driver: Loads an explosive shot into Arcturus, leaps into the midst of teh enemy, bringing the rifle down like a Dragoon's spear into a target, discarghign the shot and sending energy exploding out from that point, blasting the enemy impacted and to a lesser extent enemies nearby and propelling her up to repeat this, twice, then back to her point of origin. May hit multiple enemies.
Calamity: Lunges to an enemy and punts them skyward, darting underneath them to juggle them with Rigel and Polaris. Then they start to drop again, brings out Arcturus and SMASHES it into them to knock them up again, then fires a supercharged shot straight up at them a la Mobile Suit Gundam.

Powers & Merits

Crack Driver (1 pt)
Ambidextrous (2 pts)
Ability Aptitude: Automotive Engineering (1 pt)
Eidetic Memory (2 pts)
Lightning Calculator (1 pt)
Common Sense (1 pt)
Concentration (1 pt)

Tarot Blessing

The Hammer tarot card.
If the Tarot card's user is in dire need and under specific circumstances, The tarot card Hero will grant assistance to them with their fight. When the tarot card Hero appears, they are a shadowed out figure that hovers behind or beside their user.. the Hero can only be visible when casting or attacking, otherwise only magic users or spiritualists will be able to see them.
  • The Hammer - Venus pulled the fortune of The Hammer champion, Ferio. Ferio is an incredibly skilled swordsman who loves sleep and despite wielding a massive weapon, he's got incredible speed. Currently Ferio only offers one attack for Venus:
    • Scimitar Slash - Pretty straight forward. Ferio appears and the immediate target in front of Venus will be attacked with a strong slash of his massive Scimitar.

Unique Items

Ice Materia (Blizzard, Blizzara, Blizzaga)
Lightning Materia (Thunder, Thundara, Thundaga)
Barrier Materia (Protect, Shell, Reflect, Wall)
Time Materia (Haste, Slow, Stop)
Kujata Materia
Rigel: Polaris is a high-powered white pistol with one materia slot. Ice is currently equipped to this weapon.
Polaris: Polaris is a high-powered black pistol with one materia slot. Lightning is currently equipped tot his weapon.
Orion: Orion is an assault rifle that results from combining Polaris and Rigel into a single weapon.
Arcturus: Arcturus is a special sniper rifle that is, in actuallity, a rail gun. It can use different varieties of ammo and is featured in numerous limit breaks. It has a single Materia slot, into which is installed Kujata.
Defense Turret: An automated turret built around a Smart Gun. It can be folded up and hung on her back and deployed quickly in the field. It can be controlled by the omni-tool or set to automatic, in which case it will track and fire upon targets not carrying PARADIGM communication gear.
Shield Pylon: A deployable pylon that can be carried around and set up in the field. With a Barrier materia inserted in it, it can generate a shield that acts as a stationary Big Guard effect in a spherical area 5 meters from the top-center of the pylon while it's active. If the sphere is departed, the effect does not go with.
Utility Gloves: Gloves resembling what a soldier would wear, designed to offer grip and protection. Hers are further treated to be slick resistant so she can use them for mechanic work too. Each glove also has a materia slot set into the base of the back. Barrier and Time currently occupy these slots.
Omni-Gauntlet: A glove with the omni-tool hard wired into it. The glove itself also has three materia slots, with hard wired Elemental Effect programming build in through electronics in the glove and the omni-tool itself. The slots are designed to contain a Fire, Ice and Thunder materia. Each slots has three settings: blast, wave and melee. Blast launches a sphere of the element that can straight line and with a little time and practice possibly arc, wave sprays it out in a cone immediately in front of the user, and melee wreathes the hand in the element for a short period of time. In this regard, fire is intended as high direct damage, cold as debuff with moderate damage and electricity as stunning with moderate damage.
Rigel, Polaris and Orion Arcturus

Items Of Note

A collection of mechanics tools, some hand-drafting equipment and a few very thick notebooks full of designs and schematics.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Bad Sight (Wears glasses) (1 pt)
Phobia; Heights (1 pt)
Overcondidence (1 pt)
Compulsive SPeech (1 pt)
Nightmares (1 pt)

NPC(s) to go with char

Cid and Shera Highwind