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Revision as of 01:07, 3 September 2012

Ophelia Beoulve
A.K.A. Ophelia Glabados, St.Ajora
Age 22
Voice Actor
Relatives Alma and Ramza Beoulve
Series Final Fantasy Tactics
Player Jade
  • Name: Ophelia Beoulve
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Septemper 11 (Just like Ajora Glabados)
  • Parents: Alma Beoulve
    • Place of Birth: Ivalice
    • Nationality: Hume
    • Specialty: Sword Arts, Healing
    • Hobbies: Researching the occult
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes: the non-believers, fire
    • Favorite Food: Stew
    • Least Favorite Food: most overly bland food
    • Favorite Music: classical
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: College
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'3
    • Weight: 158
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special:


Blonde hair and bright blue eyes. Tends to wear darker colored clothing, she has a strange arrogant aura about here.


Arrogant, brash, and some even call her insane


Life was not so good for Ophelia starting out, Most of her childhood years where spent moving from place to place, never really gathering any friends. I her mind she didn't need any at that age, she was with her mother and all was right in the world... Until one day she learned of why they had moved so much, it seems her mother Alma, and Uncle Ramza had made some rather hateful enemies, The Church of Glabados. In the end .. Her mother was captured and burnt at the stake as a heretic by some minor Templar, wishing to make an example of her. Glabados, took in the girl figuring that she like her mother held the secerts to unlocking the power with in the Stone that held the High Seraphim. So ..They set out to train her to be a loyal dog of the church. Ophelia had spent most of her time studying to become a white mage, before learning of the 'path' set before her. It would be during this time she start on her training to become a Holy Knight, which didn't seem odd at first to the church. till other templars started to go missing. All appart of the plan. She would make them pay for what they had done to her family. She has got it into her mind that she was the second coming of Saint Ajora, and was brought to this world to punish the unfaithful...


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Very good
  • Athletics Very good
  • Stealth good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge good
  • Streetwise good
  • Intimidation Very Good
  • Leadership Very good
  • Expression good
  • Etiquette novice
  • Performance novice

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation Very good
  • Medicine Incredible
  • Law good
  • Occult good
  • Politics Very good
  • General History (Ivalice) Very good

Other Skills:

  • Chocobo Rider: Good
  • Survival Very good
  • Empathy Good
  • Animal Ken good

Special Abilities

(Holy Sword): Advanced sword skills punish the foe with sacred techniques

  • Judgment Blade: Also know as Status Sword, Pillars of ice drop from the sky and land of the enemy, Sometimes causing the 'Stop' effect. Quote: "Life is short... Bury! Judgement Blade!"
  • Cleansing Strike: With a flick of the sword, a huge blade of holy energy erupts out of the ground under an enemy! Can cause the "doom' Effect.
  • Divine Ruination: Also know as Holy Explosion, This sword are sends out a string of several explosions of Holy energy. Can Cause the 'confuse' effect
  • Hallowed Bolt: Also known as Lightning Stab, call down lightning bolts to blast the enemy!
  • Northswain's Strike: Also known as Crush punch, this attack launchs a red spirit like massive blade at the enemy from Ophelia's sword. It is ment to knock out enemies not kill them.

(White Magic)

  • Cure: Mild healing spell
  • Cura: Decently powerful Healing spell!
  • Curaga: Powerful healing spell!
  • Regen: Sometimes classified as a Time/Space spell, Regen restores HP over a period of time.
  • Esuna: Sometimes called Erase or Clear, the spell removes various negative status effects
  • Raise: Revival spell which can instantly kill undead in most installments.
  • Reraise:Does not revive a KO'ed character but grants the Auto-Life status. Basicly if they go down, they can get right back up.
  • Protect:This spell increases a character's Defense or halves damage from physical attacks.
  • Shell: This spell increases a character's Magic Defense or halves damage from magical attacks
  • Reflect:Sometimes classified as a Time/Space spell, Reflect makes most spells bounce off the target and return to the caster
  • Dispel: JUst like it sounds, it dispells magic

Powers & Merits

Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one

Iron Will (5): You cannot be mind-controlled easily, and getting you to surrender is borderline impossible. When magical (or other) mind-control is attempted on you, both roll and you get a +3 bonus to your roll. It's possible to do it, but you'll fight it with every fiber of your being, and will not stay in thrall very long.

Light Sleeper (1)

  • Holy: This is one of only a few damage dealing White Magic spells. It deals Holy-elemental damage to a foe. It is super-effective against the undead. This spell oddly enough has always been with her, its not so much a spell for her but something she can do.
  • Cover: A mild teleportation spell this ability allows her to teleport infront of an ally and take an attack for them in there stead.

Unique Items

Save The Queen: "A knight's sword given as a symbol of an oath of fealty." A massive sword of Holy Alignment, It also grants the user [Protect] When drawn, boosting there defence. As well, it also grants the ability of [Cover].

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Enemy (3): Hated by the Church of Glabados for 'slaying non-believers' in there ranks

Ulterior Motive (2): To collect the Zodiac Stones and raise an army.

Vengeance (1): Her rage is added at the Church of Glabados

Nightmares (1): This is usually Watching her Mother be burnt alive.

Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.

NPC(s) to go with char

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<gallery> File:WhitemageOph.jpg|Ophelia in White Mage Robes
