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(Created page with '{{Infobox Character |name=Suzumura Riki |image= 400px |aka= Silver Fang Zero, Silver Makai Knight of the West |age= 20 |japaneseva=Hiroshi Kamiya |relatives= …')
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File:ReverterBottle.jpg|The Reverter potion.
File:ReverterBottle.jpg|The Reverter potion.
File:ReverterUse.jpg|Tatsuya's father healing after drinking Reverter.
File:ReverterUse.jpg|Tatsuya's father healing after drinking Reverter.

Revision as of 21:49, 16 August 2012

Suzumura Riki
A.K.A. Silver Fang Zero, Silver Makai Knight of the West
Age 20
Voice Actor Hiroshi Kamiya
Relatives Suzumura Rei (Adopted Father/Mentor)
Series GARO
Player Jade`
  • Name: Suzumura Riki
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: August 21
  • Parents: Orphan
    • Place of Birth:
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Hunting Horrors
    • Hobbies: Video Gaming
    • Likes: (Secretly: Karaoke )
    • Dislikes: Know-it-alls
    • Favorite Food: Sweets
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music: Rock music
    • Favorite Sport: Freerunning ( though not exactly a sport he loves it)
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: Going to college as we speak
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hiroshi Kamiya
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'7"
    • Weight: 160
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Black
    • Special:


Short black hair, brown eyes and almost never seen with out a cigarette in his mouth. He wears a blue long coat with grey triming that could almost could be considered a trench coat, with the same symbol on his back as was on Rei's black leather coat, Also wears Black leather pants and an a black or grey under shirt. Though when not on duty may still wear this or more casual clothing.


Lazy, foul mouthed, brash, overconfident and a little bit of a prick at first glance. But under all that there is actually a very honorible, kind man.


Riki is related to Rei by blood at all, infact he wasn't even offically adopted at first. Riki was found by Rei after one of his Hunts, Having slained the Horrors and found this your boy, maybe no more then 5 or 6, staring at him. After some deduction Rei found out the Horrors he had just vanquished where the boys parents. He was then taken in by Rei. At first,Riki needed a few years to become 'normal' agian, after seeing what he saw. Rei viewed the kid as a troublesome brat that didn't know how to mind his own business, but eventually he grew attached to the boy. Riki would end up being trained by Rei and Tsubasa to become Rei's successor. Him and Tatsuya actually go way back. Him and Tatsuya met at about the age of 9. They were childhood friends, But during training they had become bitter rivals, one always trying to get a one up on the other, scraping and arguing even going into full contact fights which had to be pulled appart be Rei, Kouga, or even the both of them. Tatsuya and Riki would get over this eventually, Tatsuya had not only earn his friend back but now a feirce and loyal ally.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Incredible
  • Athletics Incredible
  • Stealth Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Very Good
  • Streetwise Good
  • Intimidation Incredible
  • Expression Very good
  • Etiquette good
  • Performance good

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation very good
  • Occult Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Empathy Very good

Special Abilities

Riki was Well trained in not only hand to hand but with his 2 swords, Learning most of what he knwos from Rei before the title of Silver Fang was passed down to him, He is also rather acrobatic, Something else he learned from Rei

Powers & Merits

Ambidextrous (2): Through extensive training with the Ginroken, he has learned to use both hands pretty well.

Burning Aura (2pts): The powerful aura that marks him as being capable of wielding the power of a Makai Knight.

Daredevil (3): You love to take risks, and are damn good at living through them. +2 Bonus when risking your life. This actually stacks with other merits (like Crack Driver), so you can be extremely good at risking your life. ...but if you fail you might die, so..

Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

Makai Will: He posesses the sheer force of will to use items made of soul metal, IE his swords. Soul Metal is a material that responds to the wielder's thoughts and strength and are powerful with spiritual energy attuned to the karma of the useer, in Riki's case making even the armor painful to the touch for evil things (conversely soul metal charged with evil energy would have a similar effect on the righteous). Soul Metal is also dangerous to demons. To a normal human, Soul Metal would seem impossibly heavy.

Silver Fang: Can summon a silver suit of armor made of soul metal. WHen in his armor, his usual swords become curved like scimitars,doing much more damage to horrors and other demonic or evil enemies. These can be locked together to form a huge crescent-shaped double-bladed boomerang called the Ginga Ginroken.

Madouba: While armored, he can summon a Madouba, or Madou Horse, which has the potential to travel between realms (IE human realm, demon realm) and appear as sort of a sentient machine. Riki's Madouba is named Ginga.

Madou Fire:He can wreath his swords and armor in Madou Fire and melee with it or sling it from his blades to deal additional damage against demons and evil beings.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Ginroken: Riki wields a pair of short swords called the Ginroken (Silver Wolf Swords). In their Normal form, these are shorter versions of Tatsuya's Nameless. When Riki dons his armor, the swords become curved like scimitars. These can be locked together to form a huge crescent-shaped double-bladed boomerang called the Ginga Ginroken (Silver Fanged Silver Wolf Sword).
Silva: Every Makai Knight has a Madougu, piece of sentient, talking jewelry. They act as assistants and have various abilities, Silva was once a necklace-type Madougu, but now set into the back of a black fingerless glove. Unlike other Madougu, she has a human like-face. She is composed in personality and behaves in a lady-like manner. Though her full abilities are unclear, she serves merely as both Riki's advisor and Horror detector as well. During Rei's battle with Gulm, Silva took a hit meant for Rei and was damaged as a result. By the events of Garo Special: Byakuya no Maju, Silva is repaired and converted into a pin that is attached to Rei's left glove. The name "Silva" means "family" in the old Makai language. She was passed down to Riki when he became Silver Fang. Silva is voiced by Ai Orikasa.
Madoubi: A big lighter that produces blue Madou Fire, which is used to read Orders Documents or create the madou fire techniques while armored up. If held up close to the face of a demon disguised as a human (or a demon that looks like a human), the fire's refelction in their eyes will make their eyes show their true nature.
Reverter: A healing potion. It is consumed by the Makai Knight and then the wound is bathed in flame from the Madoubi. When the fire burns out, it will have healed most minor to moderate wounds completley.
Dagger of Haja: An assassination weapon, also called the Evil Crushing Dagger, this cursed weapon is thrown, to kill targets from afar. Even minor wounds from this weapon can be dangerous if not quickly healed.

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Compulsive Speech (aka Big Mouth) (2): He always speaks his mind for better or for worse.

Overconfident (1): Very Confident in his skills. This tends to get him in trouble

Geas (3pts): If Riki disobeys direct orders from the Watchdogs, diciplinary actions could potentially include his powers being sealed temporarily or indefinitely and/or other Makai Knights being instructed to capture or kill him. However the Watchdogs are, or were, mortal beings as well, and can be reasoned with or corrupted. Luckily direct orders rarely every come down in a form other than what horrors he needs to kill.

Time Limit: Can only wear his armor for 99.9 seconds. Even he will be burned by the soul metal after that time. There is also a very good chance of the armor taking him over and his emotions spiraling out of control, turning him into a berserker if he exceeds this time limit, turning them monstrous and makign them lash out at anything around them until the armor eats him alive. Only ONE Makai Knight has EVER exceeded the time limit, went berserk, and managed to recover; Tatsuya's father, and only once.

Maintenance: He needs to get his Madoubi refilled or fixed from time to time. He needs to have his sword purified on occaision as well, as demon blood will taint the Soul Metal over time. When he slays a horror, they become a tiny dagger called a Horror Blade, which he turns over to the Watchdogs. If a human is cut with a Horror Blade, they become the horror that the blade came from.

Makai Will: Soul metal acts on will power, among other things. If his will is ever broken, his ability to wield his weapons and armor vanishes until he can find his willpower again.


NPC(s) to go with char

The Former Silver Fang Zero (a man known as Rei), Watchdogs (beings who give Makai Knights their missions)