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Revision as of 23:06, 4 August 2012

Kai Yagami
Age 20
Voice Actor
Relatives Iori Yagami - Father
Series King of Fighters
Player Kvothe
  • Name: Kai Yagami
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: July 15
  • Parents: Iori Yagami
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Martial Arts
    • Hobbies: Playing Drums
    • Likes: Good Fight, Winning, Red Meat, Music, cats
    • Dislikes: Dumb People, Kusanagi.
    • Favorite Food: Steak
    • Least Favorite Food: Broccli
    • Favorite Music: Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Boxing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His Cat, Drum Set
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 185 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Red
    • Special:


Kai has long red hair pulled back into a braid. He keeps it long cause he can't be bothered to have it cut. His body very muscular. He normally wears button up shirts with black pants. Often times wears a trench coat


Kai is normally pretty serious and down to business person. Though he is a man of few words. He has a hatred that is shared with his linage of the Kusanagi family.


Kai grew up in a harsh environment. His father was always pushing him to become stronger. He had no free hours as she spent his time training with his father. They training was hard, both mentally and physically. His father had a reason for this. If he knew for his son to lead any length of life his body would need to be strong, or the curse on their blood line would kill him quicker. Kai grew to resent his father some because of this training, and did not make many friends because of it. Kai learned to survive. Things changed though when Kai was 13.

Kai witnessed a fight between his father and Kyo Kusanagi. At the end of this fight, the curse became to great for Iori's body to handle, and collapsed in the fight, a week later he died. However in Kai's eyes he say it different, he saw his father killed by Kyo Kusanagi and vowed to kill the Kusanagi clan. His mother took over raising him. In high school Kai got into many fights, his mother looking for an outlet for his anger, got him into music, namely drums. This gave Kai and outlet for some of his aggression, and in a way helped him focus.

On his 18th birthday, Kai received his inheritances as the head of the Yagami clan. This included scrolls that revealed to him his linage, which his father had never mentioned to him. It spoke of the curse on their bloodline. And on that day Kai learned he would die young and die an agonizing death if he lived out his life. From then out Kai became a risk taker, getting into fights with gangs and the toughest people he could find. To get stronger and see if he could survive. Butter to die younger then wait for the curse to claim him is his opinion.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Incredible
  • Athletics Amazing
  • Stealth Very Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Very Good
  • Streetwise Very Good
  • Intimidation Incredible
  • Leadership Novice
  • Expression
  • Etiquette
  • Performance Incredible(Drums)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Novice
  • Investigation Good
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult Good
  • Politics
  • Science Abyssmal

Other Skills:

  • Driving Good
  • Survival Novice
  • Empathy Novice
  • Animal Ken Very Good

Special Abilities

Aincent Yagami Style Martial Arts + Instinct

  • 127 Shiki Aoibana - Two quick consecutive upper cuts following by a double hammer fist to the head as his knee comes up to meet the face.
  • Kuzukaze - a move made to disorent the opponent, Kai Grabs the opponent and pushs them behind him, effectively swapping places with them.
  • Shiki Nue Uchi, Shougetsu, AkeGarasu- using his chi is able to extend his claw like slashs into a upwards slash, a standing upper cut, and wide arc infront of him respectively.
  • Kin 1218 Shiki Yatagarasu - Charges in dragging his hand across the ground the slashs upwards, his chi extending out like a gigantic claw.

Powers & Merits

Kai is able to summon the Tainted flame of the Yagami.

  • 108 Shiki Yamibarai - Kai Throws a wall of flame at the opponent.
  • 100 Shiki Oniyaki - Spiral Upper Cut with flame
  • 212 Shiki Kototsuki In - runs in, grabs opponent by face while sweeping them to the ground, the causes explosion with flames to their face.
  • Kin 1211 Shiki Yaotome - Charges his inner chi for a brief second then dashs in with a series of 8 claw like strikes, then grabs the opponent and causes a large purple flame explosion.
  • Ura 316 Shiki Saika - Can be preformed in addition to Shiki Yaotome, however Instead of letting go of the opponent, throws them into the air, following this up with two more claw like swipes at the opponent, then creates a piller of purple flame to engulf the opponent.
  • Ura 1029 Shiki Homurahotogi - Leaps in creating a HUGE explosion of purple flame. I mean HUGE.
    • Gall(2)
    • Clear Sighted(3)
    • Self-Confident (5)

Weaknesses & Flaws

    • Dark Fate (5)
    • Hatred (3) *Hates the Kusanagi family