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*'''Poison Resistance (2):''' ''(+2 to rolls against poison)'' The kessen-chu prevent Masaru from dying to any conventional poisons, though they can weaken or disable him temporarily.  Supernatural poisons such as the kessen-satsu will still be effective.
*'''Poison Resistance (2):''' ''(+2 to rolls against poison)'' The kessen-chu prevent Masaru from dying to any conventional poisons, though they can weaken or disable him temporarily.  Supernatural poisons such as the kessen-satsu will still be effective.
*'''Danger Sense (3):''' A trained soldier and survivor of many wars, Masaru knows when to keep his head down.
*'''Danger Sense (3):''' A trained soldier and survivor of many wars, Masaru knows when to keep his head down.
===Tarot Blessing===
[[File:tarot8.jpg|thumb|right|The Great Child tarot card.]] If the Tarot card's user is in dire need and under specific circumstances, The tarot card Hero will grant assistance to them with their fight. When the tarot card Hero appears, they are a shadowed out figure that hovers behind or beside their user.. the Hero can only be visible when casting or attacking, otherwise only magic users or spiritualists will be able to see them.
*'''The Great Child''' - Masaru pulled the fortune of ''The Great Child'' champion, Link. Link is a devout, passionate warrior who will do his utmost to save his princess. Currently Link only offers one attack for Masaru:
**'''Spin Attack''' - Trademark move of Link. Link appears in front of Masaru and will spin around in a circle like a tornado with his sword at any foes directly in front of him.
== Unique Items ==
== Unique Items ==

Revision as of 22:15, 29 May 2012

Asano Masaru
A.K.A. Mori Motonari, Senju Kagato
Age 237
Voice Actor Tomokazu Seki
Series Mugen no Junin
Player Radical
  • Name: Asano Masaru
  • Age: 237 (appears 24)
  • Sex: male
  • Birthday: April 18
  • Parents: Manji, Asano Rin
    • Place of Birth: Edo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Kenshi, painter
    • Hobbies: Painting, drinking, swordsmanship
    • Likes: Beautiful women, scenic landscapes, camping
    • Dislikes: Stuck-up or nosey people, investigators, whiners
    • Favorite Food: sake
    • Least Favorite Food: candy
    • Favorite Music: Ambient
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Blades
    • Level of Education: World War II-era Officer Training
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tomokazu Seki
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 160 lbs
    • Eyes: brown
    • Hair: black
    • Special:


A slender man, tall for his time with cold brown eyes. Generally wears a flat expression, though his eyes seem to come alive when painting. Has black hair down to the small of his back, usually worn in a braid tied to a brass ring. Keeps his bangs cut short above his eyebrows. Has a lean yet muscular frame optimized for speed. He typically wears kimonos, his most prevalent being a blue and grey bifurcated one with the kanji for victoy (Masaru) on his back.

above left bicep, all the way around
left chest, shrapnel wounds
across the stomach laterally
left shoulder, gunshot wound
Left thigh, front and back
right hand, through the palm


Having lived a long life, Masaru tend to be cool and aloof. He tends to keep to himself and enjoys his painting, and most things that are calming or tranquil. He tends to be merciless when fighting and generally doesn't hold human life in high regard. He tends to be a lone wolf, and while he can work with others, he often resents people trying to chastise him or tell him what to do.


Masaru was born in 1789 in Edo. After the Bakufu pardonned his parents and allowed them to reestablish the Mutenichi-ryu, Masaru grew up in the dojo with his two elder brothers, learning the family's sword style. He recieved a classical education common to Samurai of the late 18th century, and the Mutenichi-ryu sword style, along with many of his father's unusual quirks, then settled down to lead a quiet life as a tax assessor.

He married and began raising a family. However in 1812, while returning from a trip to Kaga to see the temples with his wife Keiko and his young sons, they were set upon by highwaymen. They saw Masaru's sword and fine kimono and assumed him a man of wealth and were only further enraged when he could only offer them four gold ryo. They drew, and he killed two, but outnumbered six to one, he was eventually cut down and left in a drainage ditch to die alongside the bodies of his sons. However, later he awoke in a bed in an abandonned house. His stomach which had been cut open had been sewn closed. Later he would discover they had been assassins hired to kill his family. One of his brothers was dead, and he never saw his wife again. Swearing revenge, he went to his older brother Isamu and studied diligently from him, and from his father, the famed 'Hundred Man Killer'.

Inheiriting his father's unusual arsenal, and learning many of his unorthodox Masaru began to track down the assssins, killing them one by one over the next few years, earning many other enemies along the way - swordsmen, assassins, police and bakufu officials, all of whom he was forced to slay. As he did, Masaru discovered to his horror that he had been bestowed upon by the same curse as his father. The kessen-chu - holy bloodworms - now swam in his veins, making him functionally immortal. He would never age, and no would would slay him.

Once the assassins were dead, Masaru had to find new purpose to his life. He watched from the sidelines as many he cared for grew old, withered and died. He lived through the Opening of Japan and the Meiji Restoration which altered the way he had lived his whole life. He lived though and fought in two world wars and many smaller ones, each time taking the opportunity to enlist and take another man's identity, hiding him from those who heard whispers and tales of men who could not die. Thus over the years, he learned many skills and took many different names.

Several years ago, he took the name Mori Motonari and became a painter and sometime assassin, hiding from those would would pursue him to this day.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Excellent
  • Athletics: Good
  • Stealth: Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Very Good
  • Leadership: Abyssmal
  • Expression: Abyssmal
  • Etiquette: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abyssmal
  • Medicine: Good
  • Law: Novice
  • Occult: Novice

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Novice
  • Survival: Very Good
  • Empathy: Very Good
  • Painting: Excellent


  • Japanese
  • Korean
  • Mandarin
  • English
  • Italian

Special Abilities

  • Mutenichi-ryu Sword Style: A traditional 18th Century Japanese sword style, the Mutenichi-ryu school was farily conventional and emphasized form, grace and posture. MAsaru is an expert swordsman and while he can't match up with those supernaturally strong or fast and although his skills have rusted somewhat over the years, he can still give even highly skilled melee fighters real headaches.
  • Itto-ryu Sword Style: An unconventional sworld style, comparable to Anything Goes Martial Arts, this style emphasized using whatever weapons or techniques prove successful. Favoring many weapons foreign to Japan in the 18th Century, this style teaches adaptability, diversity and many techniques that would be considered uncouth, underhanded or barbaric.
  • Nito-ryu Sword Style: As part of his Itto-Ryu training, Masaru is versed in using weapons in each hand, matched or mismatched.
  • Curtain of Death
Flight of the Golden Wasps: loosening the blades in the scrips in his sleeves, Masaru looses six at once in a shotgun-like spread
Flight of the Yellowjackets: sending the blades through an open flame, similar to flight of the Golden Wasps but the blades are on fire
Flight of the Locusts: an assassin's technique using his heavier blades, usually the Karasu, the Shido and the No-Name

Powers & Merits

  • Kessen-chu: A bloodworm (kessen-chu) is a worm-like creature, which lives in the bloodstream and tissue in a symbiotic way. It heals all wounds acquired by its host, replacing the missing tissue and organs with their own bodies as well as reattaching (though not regenerating) limbs. Many of the "scars" on Masaru's body are actually worm flesh, holding Masaru together like living sutures. However, it is noted that the bloodworms can only heal wounds acquired during infestation and not ones that were acquired prior. They also do nothing to prevent pain. The only known way to kill a bearer of the bloodworms is to use a bloodworm poison (kessen-satsu). The time in which it takes for regeneration varies: Masaru can reattach a limb within seconds and can partially recover from a bullet or stab wound to the brain. However any wounds suffered do have a negative effect (head wounds leaving him temporarily incapable of moving his lower body or weaker vision). Apparently, the kessen-chu give immortality to its host and everlasting youth (the host retaining the age he/she had at the time he/she was fed the kessen-chu), however he still needs intact limbs to reattach them and any lost would require being replaced. While wounds suffered from fire, acid and other corrosive or degenerative effects can often be healed, entire limbs lost in such ways cannot. In some circumstances, it is possible for a kessen-chu bearer to replace a limb with a similar human equivalent (arm for arm, leg for leg).
  • Unaging (2): The kessen-chu mean Masaru will never appear to age.
  • Poison Resistance (2): (+2 to rolls against poison) The kessen-chu prevent Masaru from dying to any conventional poisons, though they can weaken or disable him temporarily. Supernatural poisons such as the kessen-satsu will still be effective.
  • Danger Sense (3): A trained soldier and survivor of many wars, Masaru knows when to keep his head down.

Tarot Blessing

The Great Child tarot card.
If the Tarot card's user is in dire need and under specific circumstances, The tarot card Hero will grant assistance to them with their fight. When the tarot card Hero appears, they are a shadowed out figure that hovers behind or beside their user.. the Hero can only be visible when casting or attacking, otherwise only magic users or spiritualists will be able to see them.
  • The Great Child - Masaru pulled the fortune of The Great Child champion, Link. Link is a devout, passionate warrior who will do his utmost to save his princess. Currently Link only offers one attack for Masaru:
    • Spin Attack - Trademark move of Link. Link appears in front of Masaru and will spin around in a circle like a tornado with his sword at any foes directly in front of him.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

Some of Motonari's weapons
  • Karasu (The Crow): A pair of weapons that resemble large throwing stars, but with a hole in their centers allowing them to be spun on a finger for parrying or attacks. One has four blades while the other has three, though they are both used in exactly the same way. They were previously owned by Kuroi Sabato.
  • Shido (The Four Paths): A pair of forked blades (sort of resembling bladed jitte) with holes at the pommel and hilt areas allowing them to be spun similar to the Karasu, or to be linked by a chain. They were previously owned by Shido Hishiyasu.
  • Imo-No-Kami Tatsumasa (Sister Defender Tatsumasa): A pair of katana forged by famed swordsmith Toratoru Kotetsu. The handles are removable, allowing for one blade to be attached to the pommel of the other. Previously owned by Saitō Tatsumasa.
  • Aun: A collapsable double bladed spear. Previously owned by Hage, a member of the Itto-Ryu.
  • No Name: A pair of sickle-like blades linked by a seven-foot length of chain that's fitted into their handles. Masaru will occasionally attach them to the ends of other weapons, like the Shido.
  • Sukehiro Ametsubaki (Rain Camellia): A nihon-to forged by the master swordsmith Sukehiro. Has been modified so the hilt can be inserted into the scabbard, making it a reach weapon.
  • Kotengu (Little Devil): A short forked blade, almost dagger sized, with one of the blades forming a hook. Frequently used by Masaru for climbing things.
  • Okorobi (Man Toppler): A large straight sword (club?) with multiple hooks coming off it.
  • Merabi (Lady Gadfly): A heavy looking sword with an odd wave like blade
  • Hotosogi (Woman Shadow Eraser): A nihon-to with a straight blade, the back edge has been turned into a saw-like blade. Designed to cause maimum agony with each cut. Previously owned by Shira
  • Kutoneshirika: named after a spirit sword from Ainu myths, this Chinese katana-like sword came to Japan through Ezo (Hokkaido). Has a very ornamental hilt and matching scabbard and lacks a cross-guard. Previously owned by Anotsu Kagehisa
  • Ogonchu (Golden Wasps): a set of 24 throwing knives hidden in scrips in the sleeves. Can be loosed with a throwing motion. Usually coated in alcohol or flammable oil. Previously owned by Amano Rin
  • Grand Turk: a Gladius Hispaniensis-like weapon common in the late Byzantine Empire, lacking a cross-guard and with a double-hilt. The second hilt can be removed, refealing a short rapier-like blade hidden inside the first, and the pommel of the second hilt can be removed to reveal a 2" spike. Previously owned by Magatsu Taito
  • Scorpion's Tail: a twisted brass ring, typically worn at the end of a braid. When swung a certain way, blades extend from the ring, turning it into a makeshift wepon
  • Type 99 Rifle: The Japanese version of the German Mauser, this Korean War-era rifle uses 30-06 Springfield rifle cartridges and can fit a machete-like bayonet
  • Jute: a 1/2 gallon jug usually filled with moonshine but sometimes fillwed instead with flammable oil. Used mostly for carrying flammable liuid into battle wather than booze.
  • Painter's Tools: A high quality maple easel, along with a palette, an array of sable and nylon brushes and several canvasses

Weaknesses & Flaws

Nightmares (1): Masaru often has nightmares, of his slain children, his missing wife, or many of his 100+ victims

Dark Secret (1) Past Life: Masaru doesn't want people to know his original name and bloody past, and so refers to himself as Mori Motonari

Addiction (2) Alcoholic: Masaru drinks every day, arguably for good reason, and so is often a terrible grouch in the mornings, and suffers severe headaches if deprived of booze for more than a day.

Enemy (3) Tokyo Metropolitan Police Paranormal Investigation Unit: Masaru's inexplicable long life has drawn much attention over the years, including from those who investigate the paranormal.

Enemy (2) Japanese Government: Though Masaru has taken many steps to hide his identity over the years, it may be possible that his true identity may be one day oncovered, and aside from his immortaility, he has many crimes to answer for.

NPC(s) to go with char

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