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*[Berserker Soul] The only spell or ability to negate Letty's glass jaw, Berserker Soul locks Letty out of *any* casting at all. His eyes glow red, and his melee strength increases slightly. Whenever Letty takes damage, his strength and endurance grow exponentially. If Letty doesn't take damage to increase his endurance, his body begins to deteriorate until he passes out. Only when no more hostiles are present will Berserker Soul's effects fade.
*[Berserker Soul] The only spell or ability to negate Letty's glass jaw, Berserker Soul locks Letty out of *any* casting at all. His eyes glow red, and his melee strength increases slightly. Whenever Letty takes damage, his strength and endurance grow exponentially. If Letty doesn't take damage to increase his endurance, his body begins to deteriorate until he passes out. Only when no more hostiles are present will Berserker Soul's effects fade.
*[Firebolt] A really...really...REALLY weak ball of fire launched from Letty's palm. Distance may vary.
*[Firebolt] A really...really...REALLY weak ball of fire launched from Letty's palm. Good enough to set things on fire, but anything else...! Distance may vary.
*[Pitfall Trap] If one enemy attacks Letty alone, he can magically conjure a simple pitfall trap with sheer walls and wooden stakes at the bottom. Absorbed from Vaelgir Stormblade.
*[Pitfall Trap] If one enemy attacks Letty alone, he can magically conjure a simple pitfall trap with sheer walls and wooden stakes at the bottom. Absorbed from Vaelgir Stormblade.

Revision as of 19:36, 18 May 2012

Eletian Carmichael
A.K.A. Letty
Age 20
Voice Actor
Player Eric (Loche)
  • Name: Letty Carmichael (Eletian, longways)
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: M
  • Birthday: ???
  • Parents: ---
    • Place of Birth: ????
    • Nationality: Looks Caucasian
    • Specialty: Thaumaheuristic Processor, Magic
    • Hobbies: Drinking soda, being lazy
    • Likes: ...drinking soda, being lazy
    • Dislikes: Work
    • Favorite Food: Soda (letty that doesn't count)
    • Least Favorite Food: Linguini, any type of noodle that's harder than it is soft
    • Favorite Music: Ambivalent
    • Favorite Sport: Foosball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Orange hat
    • Level of Education: ---
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: TF2 Scout
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 180 lbs
    • Eyes: Green, but varies
    • Hair: Purple


Slender with a build he never had to work for, Letty Carmichael seems like an average male, purple hair slightly curly and coming out in tufts from underneath his orange baseball cap, always present. He usually wears jeans and a typical t-shirt.


Easygoing and exciteable, Letty doesn't SEEM artificial - a slight Brooklyn accent's easy to hear in his voice, and he's bouncy, always looking for the next thing to do.


Approximately one year ago, Eletian Carmichael awoke in a dumpster with his orange hat, five bucks, and no memory whatsoever. Since then, he's simply wandered, finding out from a kindly doctor that he was no simple human, but an android - and then from a kindly engineer that he wasn't even a simple android.

It didn't seem to get to him very much, however, and he wandered even more without knowing what he was looking for, precisely, until he recieved an offer that he could not begin to think of refusing.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics - Good (+2)
  • Stealth - Novice (+1)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Novice (+1)
  • Streetwise - Very Good (+3)
  • Intimidation - Novice (+1)
  • Leadership - Novice (+1)
  • Expression - Novice (+1)
  • Etiquette - Good (+2)
  • Performance - Good (+2)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Amazing (has a CPU for a brain, so he can directly interface)
  • Investigation - Novice (+1)
  • Medicine - Abysmal (-1)
  • Law - Abysmal (-1)
  • Occult - Good (+2)
  • Politics - Abysmal (-1)
  • Science - Abysmal (-1) (even THOUGH he has a CPU for a brain)
  • Spell Lore and Identification - Incredible (+4)

Other Skills:

  • Driving - Incredible (+4)
  • Survival - Abysmal (-1)
  • Empathy - Novice (+1)
  • Animal Ken - Abysmal (-1) (dogs hate Terminators rule. With cats he's more Good. His chest vibrates a little.)

Special Abilities

TPU Recorded Spells:

  • [Blinding Light] With a snap of his fingers, Letty fills the immediate area with a crackle of displaced energy that seemingly has no source - the light floods the vision of anyone present. This serves to blind any non-Holy or divine creatures, as well as dealing moderate Holy damage to any specifically weak to Holy magic. The snap is required.
  • [Chain Lightning] Letty raises his hand to fire an arc of electricity at an opponent. It will chain to any nearby enemies, hitting up to 3 times.
  • [Cure] A minor cure spell, Letty only needs to make a line of sight check to pull this off from range. Not much, but better than nothing.
  • [Berserker Soul] The only spell or ability to negate Letty's glass jaw, Berserker Soul locks Letty out of *any* casting at all. His eyes glow red, and his melee strength increases slightly. Whenever Letty takes damage, his strength and endurance grow exponentially. If Letty doesn't take damage to increase his endurance, his body begins to deteriorate until he passes out. Only when no more hostiles are present will Berserker Soul's effects fade.
  • [Firebolt] A really...really...REALLY weak ball of fire launched from Letty's palm. Good enough to set things on fire, but anything else...! Distance may vary.
  • [Pitfall Trap] If one enemy attacks Letty alone, he can magically conjure a simple pitfall trap with sheer walls and wooden stakes at the bottom. Absorbed from Vaelgir Stormblade.
  • [Esuna] Esuna attempts to remove a status affliction from one or more targets. Absorbed from Drake, of Mist.

Powers & Merits

Letty is a synth - that is short for synthetic human. Inside his electronic brain is what is known as a thaumaheuristic processor unit, which serves his ultimate purpose, unknown to him - eradicate all magic users in the multiverse. The TPU - for short - is able to, when circumstances allow, record the casting of any supernatural, magical, or energy-based attack, and then save the 'blueprints' of such an attack for use later. Any elemental or type affinity is filtered through Letty's enormous magical reserves and transformed into proper type. Letty cannot 'change' or improve upon the spells learned from the TPU - he can only recreate the spell's effects.

((OOC note: TPU copying ability ONLY ONLY *ONLY* works with GM approval *and*, if copied from a PC, explicit PC approval as well, every single time. No surprises!))

When casting, Letty's eyes change color.

Letty's energy core, located in his chest, is a font of pure magical power that fuels both his life systems and the TPU itself.

  • Boom Boom Fruit - Letty has eaten the Boom Boom Devil Fruit, which...after a bit of work and being taken apart and put back together again, has finally activated. He now possesses the power to charge objects with kinetic energy, effectively making any object a potential explosive. He's constantly thinking of new ways to use this.
  • Burning Aura (2): Your aura is unusually brilliant; even people who can't read auras will be inexplicably drawn to you. Some may see you as a threat or a snack. (Letty's power core is difficult to hide, humming with raw mana and energy.)
  • Lightning Calculator (1): You have a natural affinity for numbers. +1 bonus when relevant.
  • Eidetic Memory (2): Having a "photographic" memory, you can accurately recall any sight or sound with a successful Alertness roll. The higher you roll the more you remember. You also rarely forget -anything-.
  • Luck (3): You manage to succeed in places when others fail. You can repeat three failed rolls per MISSION, one repeat per roll, and the second roll always stands.

Items Of Note

Letty's orange baseball hat isn't particularly special, but he guards it with his life.

Letty recently purchased a Mazda Miata MX-5. http://0.tqn.com/d/cars/1/0/O/V/2/11_miata_frtrt.jpg Paid in cash, he's exceptionally worried it's more sophisticated than he is.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Sensation Junkie (2): You're addicted to sensation, and will do anything to find new means of stimulation. If the opportunity presents itself, you need something distracting you to resist the urge, and only by making a roll (Diff 6). (Being a year old in whole, Letty has a hard time resisting things that functionally seem great.)
  • Addiction (1): You are addicted to some substance, such as caffeine, nicotine, etc. You will start to crave the substance if you don't get it often enough, and have to spend time and money to counter it. The larger the flaw, the more dependent you are on the substance, and the worse things will happen if you don't get what you need. After jonesing for long enough all your rolls are at -1 Penalty. -2 if a three point flaw. A one point flaw will never incur penalties, but you should start RP'ing out how badly you need a drink or smoke and be easily distracted by that very idea. (Letty is addicted to caffiene, specifically energy drinks and soda.)
  • Glass Jaw: Letty's power intake comes at a structural price. For some reason, his jaw is *incredibly* vulnerable, an even light thrust, punch, or assault that hits his jawline possessing the ability to KO him directly on the spot. If a hit to the jaw connects, he is immediately out for several rounds.
  • Water Intolerance: By consuming the Boom Boom Fruit, Letty has lost the ability to swim, and will be nearly completely paralyzed when in water that's at least knee deep.