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*''Diamond Fan'': He has his father's diamond fan, which summons gouts of flame when he calls out 'rekka shinen'. With training, one can summon up stronger flames and control the shape and size with efficiency.
*'''Diamond Fan''': He has his father's diamond fan, which summons gouts of flame when he calls out 'rekka shinen'. With training, one can summon up stronger flames and control the shape and size with efficiency.
== Items Of Note ==
== Items Of Note ==

Revision as of 16:04, 25 April 2012

Katsuo Yuki
Age 18
Voice Actor Noriaki Sugiyama
Relatives Tasuki (Father)
Miaka Yuki (Mother)
Series Fushigi Yuugi
Player Soul
  • Name: Katsuo Yuki
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: October 9th
  • Parents: Tasuki (Father) & Miaka Yuki (Mother)
    • Place of Birth: Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese/Chinese
    • Specialty: Has small fangs.
    • Hobbies: Reading manga & writing short stories.
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes: Women that are nothing but trouble.
    • Favorite Food: All The Food
    • Least Favorite Food: None
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Magical Diamond Fan
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Noriaki Sugiyama (Emiya Shirou)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'9"
    • Weight: 175 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Auburn, sometimes almost golden with how bright it is.
    • Special: Has small fangs. They tend to show when he gets excited or grins.


He's a somewhat moderate sized male with a lean yet very well muscled and toned body. He has short golden orange hair and brown eyes. He wears two hanging pearl/gemstone earrings and tends to wear necklaces as well. He wears a long Black coat with coattails, and underneath he tends to wear a short sleeved or sleeveless t-shirt and pants with a belt. He also tends to wear hiking boots or sports boots of some sort, as he is a very active person. Over his coat he has a strap going from over one shoulder to under the other arm, in which the diamond fan is strapped to his back in a special carrying case.


Katsuo inherited personality traits from both his parents. He comes off as arrogant and sarcastic with borderline narcissism. He is, however, always optimistic and loyal to his friends. He'll do what he can to help a friend, even if it means endangering his own life in the process. He also has his mother's insatiable hunger, and sometimes his body will disobey him when he smells something delicious.


Born from an unlikely union of his parents, Katsuo actually grew up in the book of the World of the Four Gods. He does not know much of his mother, though his father had a tendency to mention her from time to time. He heard the story of how his mother arrived in the world and the strange ongoings that have happened since. Growing up with the bandits, Katsuo did not try to take over leadership when his father grew old and weak.

He did, however, inherit the diamond fan, and set out on his own at the tender age of 17. His mission? To leave the world of the four gods and find his mother. He had to know the world where his mother grew up and returned to after giving birth to him. Being born from someone in the real world, he one day did discover a way to escape the book, but has no idea where to go from here.

Unknowing to him, he gained a mark on the back of his neck the day he left the book, which grows bright red when he becomes endangered or focused in a fight. He inherited the power of Tasuki of the celestial warriors of Suzaku, due to the blood that runs in his veins.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness (How alert you are.)
  • Athletics (Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
  • Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..)
  • Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.)
  • Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
  • Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
  • Expression
  • Etiquette
  • Performance

Mental Skills:

  • Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
  • Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving (arguably physical, but..)
  • Survival (as in wilderness)
  • Empathy (some people have more than others)
  • Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
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Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
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Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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  • Diamond Fan: He has his father's diamond fan, which summons gouts of flame when he calls out 'rekka shinen'. With training, one can summon up stronger flames and control the shape and size with efficiency.

Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Text goes here

NPC(s) to go with char

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