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|aka= Lancer
|aka= Lancer
|japaneseva= Gaspard Ulliel
|japaneseva= Gaspard Ulliel
|relatives= Seras Victoria, Sire; Alucard, Grandsire;
|relatives= Celes Victoria, Sire; Alucard, Grandsire;
|series= Hellsing
|series= Hellsing
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*Birthday: May 16th/May 13th (the embrace)
*Birthday: May 16th/May 13th (the embrace)
*Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lalance/Seras Victoria
*Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lalance/Seras Victoria
**Place of Birth:  
**Place of Birth: Alscace-Lorraine, France
**Nationality: French. Also Dead.
**Specialty: Parkour
**Hobbies: Larceny, now cheesy novels.
**Likes: Blood. Pretty women.
**Dislikes: Lack of blood.
**Favorite Food:  
**Favorite Food: Blood
**Least Favorite Food:  
**Least Favorite Food: Anything that isn't blood.
**Favorite Music:  
**Favorite Music: Jazz
**Favorite Sport:  
**Favorite Sport: Parkour
**Most Valuable Possessions:  
**Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing
**Level of Education:  
**Level of Education: College Dropout.
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor:  
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Gaspard Ulliel
*Physical Stats
*Physical Stats
**Height: 6'0"
**Weight: 180lbs
**Eyes: Blue. Red in the dark.
**Hair: Black.
**Special: Pale skin, fangs, eyes that are red in the dark.
== Appearance ==
== Appearance ==
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I have a picture.
== Personality ==
== Personality ==
Text goes here
Relatively easy going, flirtatious and playful, has a bit of a heroic streak, but has absolutely no delusions about what he is and what he does. He's a monster, a No-Life King, and while he's pretty lax about it, if push comes to shove he feels no reason to actually not let people know what exactly it is they're messing with.<br>
== Background ==
== Background ==
Text goes here
[[File:Vampires.jpg|200px|thumb|left|Handy Vampiric Reference Chart on Dominic's Room's Door.]]
Dominic was born in a small village in Alsace-Lorraine, in France. He always dreamed of more to his life. Meeting beautiful women, working in  high class places, making his mark in the world. When he heard about the Yamakasi movement, French robin hood types who used parkour to steal from the corrupt and give back to the rightful owners, he knew he wanted to do that. Action, adventure, and doubtless many beautiful women, especially in the city of lights, the legendary Paris. He saved up his money, and as a teenager, he ran away from home to go live his dreams<br>
Moving there however was quite the hassle, and it turns out it's not so easy to make it in the big city with little to your name. However, he had his dream, and started living it up. He trained himself in parkour.. much more of it than he could learn back home, and he made his own way as a Yamakasi, before falling in with the right crowds. Things were looking up. One night, when he was jumping from roof to roof, he caught sight of a gorgeous blonde woman with a sexy English accent. He knew she didn't see him but he could swear their eyes met.. until he saw her again, a few nights later. He was breaking into the estate of a well to do criminal and art thief, intending to re-appropriate some of what he took, but things did not go so well. That man caught them off guard, unprepared, and proceeded to kill two of them, which made the stakes way higher than Dom liked. He tried to bolt, but then the blonde woman came in and told the man to surrender.. his response was to raise his gun and fire right at her, and Dom, acting true to his nature, jumped in the way, getting nailed in the chest. He hit the ground, and after a few moments of bleeding to death, remembered answering 'yes' to the question 'Are you a virgin?'.. no point lying on his death bed, right? <br>
The next night he woke up, fresh as new, with a new set of fangs and a whole load of questions. It turns out the woman who he'd 'saved', Seras Victoria, was a vampire, one of the Hellsing Organization, which had been tracking down this vampiric art thief for a few months. It was terrible luck that Dominic was there that night, and even worse luck that he died for nothing. Dejected and a little worried, Seras.. who was also worried, since she'd acted on impulse, told him he was to stay under her watch from now on, and that she wasn't quite sure why she made him into a vampire, other than it seemed like a shame not to. Dominic, feeling his choices were pretty hollow now, agreed to work for Hellsing from now on, especially considering there were vampires. He took to hunting vampires and learning about them, and in the span of three years did pretty well for himself, until one Night of Wallachia. Tracking down a vampire to Romania, said vampire literally tore him apart, almost past the point of regeneration, and it was only by Seras's intervention that he wasn't eaten alive. Once more indebted to his Master, who felt guilty he was sent in unprepared, she gave him the choice of being a No Life King, a vampire without a master. He accepted, and drank of her own blood. ...then decided to stay with Hellsing anyways. He had figured out, now, why she was doing what she did, and why now he could ACTUALLY make a real difference.  He decided to help them as well. There's no better way to be a hero than to fight monsters, right?<br>
== Skills ==
== Skills ==
''(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)''
'''YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)'''
Physical Skills:
Physical Skills:
*Alertness (How alert you are.)
*Alertness: Very Good
*Athletics (Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
*Athletics: Incredible
*Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)
*Stealth: Incredible
Social Skills:
Social Skills:
*Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..)
*Subterfuge: Very Good
*Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.)
*Streetwise: Incredible
*Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
*Intimidation: Amazing
*Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
*Expression: Very Good
*Etiquette: Very Good
Mental Skills:
Mental Skills:
*Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
*Computers: Very Good
*Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
*Investigation: Good
*Law: Good
*Occult: Incredible
Other Skills:
Other Skills:
*Driving (arguably physical, but..)
*Driving: Very Good
*Survival (as in wilderness)
*Survival: Good
*Empathy (some people have more than others)
*Empathy: Good
*Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)
*Animal Ken: Abysmal
== Special Abilities ==
== Special Abilities ==
''(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)''<br>
'''Hellsing Agent''': Trained in hand to hand combat and marskmanship by Celes Victoria, Dominic is proficient with most forms of firearms, though he prefers his shotgun, as hand to hand is more of his specialty. While he doesn't have expert training or intense martial artistry, he does know Krav Maga for hand to hand combat, and he uses that along with his vampiric powers to get the edge over his enemies. Generally, as in, against mortals, he doesn't really even need to try.<br>
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== Powers & Merits ==
== Powers & Merits ==
''(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)''<br>
'''Vampire''': Dominic is a Vampire. Above and beyond everything else, he is an undead, a Nosferatu, a creature of the night, what have you. He has no need to breathe, he does not make a sound, he is a perfect predator, so much so that ordinary humans, even trained soldiers, cannot feel any tension off him and even experts will have a hard time noticing his presence. His undead state gives him the following powers.<br>
Text goes here
''Supernatural Strength'': Dominic is incredibly strong, as vampires are notable especially for their strength.<br>
''Supernatural Reflexes'': While not gifted with super SPEED (yet), Dominic is able to see bullets and react in a split second to any attack.<br>
''Near-Invulnerability'': Damage from non-specific substances will heal almost instantly, and anything short of high explosives or massive trauma will be at most an inconvinience. Shots to the heart, with the right weapons, however, can kill him.<br>
''Immortality'': Not in the purest sense, but Dominic can theoretically live forever and be unchanging for all this time, if he has access to blood.. Also related to how hard it is to kill him. For every life taken by him, Dominic has one 'Extra' life which he can draw upon even if otherwise destroyed, even by vampiric weaknesses. The only sure way to kill him is to stake him in the heart, chop off his head, stuff it with holy wafers, burn the body and spread the ashes at the crossroads. That WILL work.<br>
''Supernatural Senses'': Vampires have a third eye of sorts, allowing them perfect targetting and extremely far sight. They can also track blood from miles away and have otherwise greatly enhanced senses.<br>
'''Shapeshifting''': Dominic's true vampiric power, as is that of his sire and grandsire, is shapeshifting. He's able to manipulate the blood in his body... and his body itself, back into place, as well as making weapons out of his body, such as sharpenning his legs and hands to cut like blades, or turn into bats, bugs, wolf and mist, and of course, alter his appearance. He can only alter his 'personal' look, however, as taking the form of another would require him to consume them. (See Below)<br>
'''Bloodsucker''': Dominic is a vampire. He drinks blood. Consuming the whole of a person allows him full access to their memories, abilities, and if compatible, their powers as well. Specifically, he can consume other vampires and use them as his weapons or powers. He can do the same to a human, but he needs to specifically choose one, and it practically has to be one he loves.<br>
'''Sex Beam''': Vampiric Mind Control over lesser minds (I.E., not PCs unless they are especially weak willed). Dominic has no idea how to do this. Listed for the sake of completeness and because 'Sex Beam' is a great name for a vampire power and a band.<br>
'''Ghouls''': Any male or non virgin female killed by Dominic will rise as a flesh eating undead bound to his will. As a major point, Dominic will not feed on anyone without killing them first to make sure they don't rise.<br>
== Unique Items ==
== Unique Items ==
''(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)''<br>
[[File:Irreversible.jpg|200px|thumb|right|You cannot go back when this comes out.]]
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'''Irreversible''': Heavily customized Hellsing Arms issue triple barrelled shotgun, with heat dispersal vents on and over each barrel, specially forged with heat-resistant metals and used to fire high heat Dragonsbreath rounds, turning his shotgun into essentially a makeshift flamethrower. The gun can fire a 10' by 5' by 4' burst of flame every few seconds due to the state of the art cooling system.<br>
The spirit within the gun, which speaks to Dominic occasionally, is Leon, the Professional, who is always trying to warn Dominic about the dangers of young girls and has a mad on for Alucard for some reason. Dominic wisely ignores the hell out of him but dreams involving Leon can be very vivid and stupid.<br>
== Items Of Note ==
== Items Of Note ==
Text goes here
== Weaknesses & Flaws ==
== Weaknesses & Flaws ==
''Flaws can go here. Balance is key!''
'''Sunlight''': Dominic is allergic to sunlight. Even if he drinks blood, the sun will burn him and make him want to sleep, as vampires are nocturnal. Without drinking blood, he needs to sleep in a coffin to make up for the dangers of direct sunlight. Note that his bloodline does NOT, in fact, die from sunlight, but it's incredibly hateful and must be avoided.<br>
Text goes here
'''Running Water''': Dominic cannot cross any running water. It will burn him. He needs to do it via ships or planes, but he cannot hop accross a large body of running water. Lakes and pools and showers are fine, though.<br>
'''Blood Drinker''': Dominic needs to drink blood to heal and use his powers. He doesn't HAVE to, but not drinking blood will leave him slower and require him to...<br>
'''Coffin''': Dominic needs to sleep in his coffin, and in his native land's soil, unless he drank blood. Otherwise he will not be able to rest and will grow progressively weaker by the day.<br>
'''Silver''': Silver is exceptionally hard to heal for vampires. Without blood, for Dominic, it's like a cauterised wound, he cannot heal it until he forced himself to. Blessed silver causes special EXTRA damage, no less.<br>
'''Holy/Blessed/Spiritual''': Vampires are exceptionally vulnerable to spiritual or holy type damage, being even harder to heal than silver, and he can be repelled by a cross, provided the faith of the owner is strong enough.<br>
'''Wooden Stakes''': A wooden stake through the heart will kill Dominic, but then again it'll kill anyone. Especially speaking, vampiric immortality is mitigated by this kind of attack, so crossbow bolts are something he fears.<br>
'''Hellsing Binds''': Arcane and alchemical bounds from Hellsing keep Dominic from acting out of turn. While he is a No Life King, if he starts acting out of bounds for Hellsing, he will be brought to heel and probably destroyed or at least disciplined. He's aware of these and they annoy him, but agrees they're a smart move.<br>
'''Fire''': While Dominic is not especially vulnerable to fire (not any more than a regular person, at any rate), fire is excessively hard to heal, and he will require blood to fix it completely.<br>
''Driving Goal'': After his terrible defeat by the Night of Wallachia, Dominic actually wants to hunt down and destroy the Dead Apostles Ancestors, as well as any vampiric bloodline head and literally eat them. If given a chance to, he will hunt them down and enlist whatever help he can to get to them, but he wants to make up for his lack of power by literally stealing their own. If presented with the opportunity to feed on a powerful undead or even sorceror (whether it works or not), Dominic will do what he can to do it, even if others would rather he didn't.<br>
== NPC(s) to go with char ==
== NPC(s) to go with char ==

Revision as of 18:33, 13 April 2012

Dominic Lalance
Dominic Lalance, Callsign Lancer.
A.K.A. Lancer
Age 25 (looks 20)
Voice Actor Gaspard Ulliel
Relatives Celes Victoria, Sire; Alucard, Grandsire;
Series Hellsing
  • Name: Dominic Lalance
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 16th/May 13th (the embrace)
  • Parents: Mr. and Mrs. Lalance/Seras Victoria
    • Place of Birth: Alscace-Lorraine, France
    • Nationality: French. Also Dead.
    • Specialty: Parkour
    • Hobbies: Larceny, now cheesy novels.
    • Likes: Blood. Pretty women.
    • Dislikes: Lack of blood.
    • Favorite Food: Blood
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything that isn't blood.
    • Favorite Music: Jazz
    • Favorite Sport: Parkour
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing
    • Level of Education: College Dropout.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Gaspard Ulliel
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'0"
    • Weight: 180lbs
    • Eyes: Blue. Red in the dark.
    • Hair: Black.
    • Special: Pale skin, fangs, eyes that are red in the dark.


I have a picture.


Relatively easy going, flirtatious and playful, has a bit of a heroic streak, but has absolutely no delusions about what he is and what he does. He's a monster, a No-Life King, and while he's pretty lax about it, if push comes to shove he feels no reason to actually not let people know what exactly it is they're messing with.


Handy Vampiric Reference Chart on Dominic's Room's Door.

Dominic was born in a small village in Alsace-Lorraine, in France. He always dreamed of more to his life. Meeting beautiful women, working in high class places, making his mark in the world. When he heard about the Yamakasi movement, French robin hood types who used parkour to steal from the corrupt and give back to the rightful owners, he knew he wanted to do that. Action, adventure, and doubtless many beautiful women, especially in the city of lights, the legendary Paris. He saved up his money, and as a teenager, he ran away from home to go live his dreams
Moving there however was quite the hassle, and it turns out it's not so easy to make it in the big city with little to your name. However, he had his dream, and started living it up. He trained himself in parkour.. much more of it than he could learn back home, and he made his own way as a Yamakasi, before falling in with the right crowds. Things were looking up. One night, when he was jumping from roof to roof, he caught sight of a gorgeous blonde woman with a sexy English accent. He knew she didn't see him but he could swear their eyes met.. until he saw her again, a few nights later. He was breaking into the estate of a well to do criminal and art thief, intending to re-appropriate some of what he took, but things did not go so well. That man caught them off guard, unprepared, and proceeded to kill two of them, which made the stakes way higher than Dom liked. He tried to bolt, but then the blonde woman came in and told the man to surrender.. his response was to raise his gun and fire right at her, and Dom, acting true to his nature, jumped in the way, getting nailed in the chest. He hit the ground, and after a few moments of bleeding to death, remembered answering 'yes' to the question 'Are you a virgin?'.. no point lying on his death bed, right?
The next night he woke up, fresh as new, with a new set of fangs and a whole load of questions. It turns out the woman who he'd 'saved', Seras Victoria, was a vampire, one of the Hellsing Organization, which had been tracking down this vampiric art thief for a few months. It was terrible luck that Dominic was there that night, and even worse luck that he died for nothing. Dejected and a little worried, Seras.. who was also worried, since she'd acted on impulse, told him he was to stay under her watch from now on, and that she wasn't quite sure why she made him into a vampire, other than it seemed like a shame not to. Dominic, feeling his choices were pretty hollow now, agreed to work for Hellsing from now on, especially considering there were vampires. He took to hunting vampires and learning about them, and in the span of three years did pretty well for himself, until one Night of Wallachia. Tracking down a vampire to Romania, said vampire literally tore him apart, almost past the point of regeneration, and it was only by Seras's intervention that he wasn't eaten alive. Once more indebted to his Master, who felt guilty he was sent in unprepared, she gave him the choice of being a No Life King, a vampire without a master. He accepted, and drank of her own blood. ...then decided to stay with Hellsing anyways. He had figured out, now, why she was doing what she did, and why now he could ACTUALLY make a real difference. He decided to help them as well. There's no better way to be a hero than to fight monsters, right?


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good
  • Streetwise: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Good
  • Law: Good
  • Occult: Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good
  • Survival: Good
  • Empathy: Good
  • Animal Ken: Abysmal

Special Abilities

Hellsing Agent: Trained in hand to hand combat and marskmanship by Celes Victoria, Dominic is proficient with most forms of firearms, though he prefers his shotgun, as hand to hand is more of his specialty. While he doesn't have expert training or intense martial artistry, he does know Krav Maga for hand to hand combat, and he uses that along with his vampiric powers to get the edge over his enemies. Generally, as in, against mortals, he doesn't really even need to try.

Powers & Merits

Vampire: Dominic is a Vampire. Above and beyond everything else, he is an undead, a Nosferatu, a creature of the night, what have you. He has no need to breathe, he does not make a sound, he is a perfect predator, so much so that ordinary humans, even trained soldiers, cannot feel any tension off him and even experts will have a hard time noticing his presence. His undead state gives him the following powers.
Supernatural Strength: Dominic is incredibly strong, as vampires are notable especially for their strength.
Supernatural Reflexes: While not gifted with super SPEED (yet), Dominic is able to see bullets and react in a split second to any attack.
Near-Invulnerability: Damage from non-specific substances will heal almost instantly, and anything short of high explosives or massive trauma will be at most an inconvinience. Shots to the heart, with the right weapons, however, can kill him.
Immortality: Not in the purest sense, but Dominic can theoretically live forever and be unchanging for all this time, if he has access to blood.. Also related to how hard it is to kill him. For every life taken by him, Dominic has one 'Extra' life which he can draw upon even if otherwise destroyed, even by vampiric weaknesses. The only sure way to kill him is to stake him in the heart, chop off his head, stuff it with holy wafers, burn the body and spread the ashes at the crossroads. That WILL work.
Supernatural Senses: Vampires have a third eye of sorts, allowing them perfect targetting and extremely far sight. They can also track blood from miles away and have otherwise greatly enhanced senses.
Shapeshifting: Dominic's true vampiric power, as is that of his sire and grandsire, is shapeshifting. He's able to manipulate the blood in his body... and his body itself, back into place, as well as making weapons out of his body, such as sharpenning his legs and hands to cut like blades, or turn into bats, bugs, wolf and mist, and of course, alter his appearance. He can only alter his 'personal' look, however, as taking the form of another would require him to consume them. (See Below)
Bloodsucker: Dominic is a vampire. He drinks blood. Consuming the whole of a person allows him full access to their memories, abilities, and if compatible, their powers as well. Specifically, he can consume other vampires and use them as his weapons or powers. He can do the same to a human, but he needs to specifically choose one, and it practically has to be one he loves.
Sex Beam: Vampiric Mind Control over lesser minds (I.E., not PCs unless they are especially weak willed). Dominic has no idea how to do this. Listed for the sake of completeness and because 'Sex Beam' is a great name for a vampire power and a band.
Ghouls: Any male or non virgin female killed by Dominic will rise as a flesh eating undead bound to his will. As a major point, Dominic will not feed on anyone without killing them first to make sure they don't rise.


Unique Items

You cannot go back when this comes out.

Irreversible: Heavily customized Hellsing Arms issue triple barrelled shotgun, with heat dispersal vents on and over each barrel, specially forged with heat-resistant metals and used to fire high heat Dragonsbreath rounds, turning his shotgun into essentially a makeshift flamethrower. The gun can fire a 10' by 5' by 4' burst of flame every few seconds due to the state of the art cooling system.
The spirit within the gun, which speaks to Dominic occasionally, is Leon, the Professional, who is always trying to warn Dominic about the dangers of young girls and has a mad on for Alucard for some reason. Dominic wisely ignores the hell out of him but dreams involving Leon can be very vivid and stupid.

Items Of Note


Weaknesses & Flaws

Sunlight: Dominic is allergic to sunlight. Even if he drinks blood, the sun will burn him and make him want to sleep, as vampires are nocturnal. Without drinking blood, he needs to sleep in a coffin to make up for the dangers of direct sunlight. Note that his bloodline does NOT, in fact, die from sunlight, but it's incredibly hateful and must be avoided.
Running Water: Dominic cannot cross any running water. It will burn him. He needs to do it via ships or planes, but he cannot hop accross a large body of running water. Lakes and pools and showers are fine, though.
Blood Drinker: Dominic needs to drink blood to heal and use his powers. He doesn't HAVE to, but not drinking blood will leave him slower and require him to...
Coffin: Dominic needs to sleep in his coffin, and in his native land's soil, unless he drank blood. Otherwise he will not be able to rest and will grow progressively weaker by the day.
Silver: Silver is exceptionally hard to heal for vampires. Without blood, for Dominic, it's like a cauterised wound, he cannot heal it until he forced himself to. Blessed silver causes special EXTRA damage, no less.
Holy/Blessed/Spiritual: Vampires are exceptionally vulnerable to spiritual or holy type damage, being even harder to heal than silver, and he can be repelled by a cross, provided the faith of the owner is strong enough.
Wooden Stakes: A wooden stake through the heart will kill Dominic, but then again it'll kill anyone. Especially speaking, vampiric immortality is mitigated by this kind of attack, so crossbow bolts are something he fears.
Hellsing Binds: Arcane and alchemical bounds from Hellsing keep Dominic from acting out of turn. While he is a No Life King, if he starts acting out of bounds for Hellsing, he will be brought to heel and probably destroyed or at least disciplined. He's aware of these and they annoy him, but agrees they're a smart move.
Fire: While Dominic is not especially vulnerable to fire (not any more than a regular person, at any rate), fire is excessively hard to heal, and he will require blood to fix it completely.
Driving Goal: After his terrible defeat by the Night of Wallachia, Dominic actually wants to hunt down and destroy the Dead Apostles Ancestors, as well as any vampiric bloodline head and literally eat them. If given a chance to, he will hunt them down and enlist whatever help he can to get to them, but he wants to make up for his lack of power by literally stealing their own. If presented with the opportunity to feed on a powerful undead or even sorceror (whether it works or not), Dominic will do what he can to do it, even if others would rather he didn't.


NPC(s) to go with char

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