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== Skills ==
== Skills ==
''(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)''
Physical Skills:
Physical Skills:
*Alertness: Very Good.
*Alertness: Very Good.

Revision as of 17:28, 13 March 2012

Prince of the Musk Dynasty, Cumin.
A.K.A. Prince Cumin, Lord Cumin.
Age 18
Voice Actor Okiyaku Ryutaro
Relatives King Herb, Father
Li Vita Lisa, Mother
, Paprica, Sister.
Series Ranma 1/2
Player Frank
  • Name: Cumin
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Feb 5
  • Parents: King Herb, Li Vita Lisa.
    • Place of Birth: Musk Dynasty.
    • Nationality: Chinese
    • Specialty: Can perfectly imitate any voice.
    • Hobbies: Music, biking.
    • Likes: Battle, honour, biking.
    • Dislikes: Losing.
    • Favorite Food: None
    • Least Favorite Food: None
    • Favorite Music: Loud.
    • Favorite Sport: Motocross.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Nothing
    • Level of Education: Raised to be a noble from birth
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Okiyaku Ryutaro
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10"
    • Weight: 179lbs
    • Eyes:Gold
    • Hair: White.
    • Special: Has non human eyes.


Cumin is a young, sharp featured man with a body made of lean muscle, less buff and more toned, usually wearing biker gear or chinese comfortable or athletic gear. Usually wearing biker boots at all times, as well as leather bracers at his arms.


Honourable, arrogant and self-important. While Cumin has stepped down from royalty, he was raised as such and expects much of other people in his presence. While he isn't usually rude, he is incredibly overconfident and condescending, tending to think others' opinions and ideas are automatically less important or useful than his own.


Cumin is the second born son of (then) Prince Herb of the Musk Dynasty and Revitaliser from the Joketsuzu Amazon tribe. Cumin was then chosen as the heir of the family, next in line for rulership of the line of Dragons that rule over the whole Musk Dynasty in China. Raised from birth with the legends of his people, introduced early on to the Mt. Jusendou bird-people, the closest thing to his people in China, and prepared from an early age to be an honourable and powerful leader, Cumin was pretty much bred for this role..
Except for the fact he was the second born. By his understanding of honour and duty, he should've been the backup. His sister was the first born, and she was the closest person to him in his formative years. She was also considerably more powerful by chance of birth.. or maybe he just remembered it that way, but to him, this was basically an injustice. A kinder more level headed ruler like his elder sister would be better for the Musk Dynasty than a hotter headed person like him. The Mt. Jusendou people were perfectly okay with women in position of leadership, why was the Musk Dynasty stuck in the dark ages? He started clashing with his father over this, more and more.
Eventually he realized he was arguing with a brick wall. This is how things have always been. Women are a distraction. Our purpose is absolute strength, not romance... from his father, his father's advisors, and even his own subordinates. He agreed on one part.. distractions were bad.. but the Dynasty would only get crippled by accepting a weaker ruler just because he was born the son. One night, at 13, Cumin took his two personal servants, Sugar and Spice, and left. He went to the one other country his father had visited in his youth, Japan.
Making his way accross the sea of Japan, he then travelled to Tokyo.. he was intending to make it to the mountains, but there was so much more to do here. He discovered new sights, sounds, sensations.. and biking. That was amazing. Even when flying, it didn't carry the same rush as the feel of an engine under his body dragging him forwards at breakneck speed. Getting involved in the racing circuit, he eventually made his way to the underworld of Tokyo, inner Shinjuku's Infinite Fortress.. curious about what that was, Cumin and his followers made their way in there, and eventually made it to the top. He earned a position as one of the Shitennou of Babylon City.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good.
  • Athletics: Very Good.
  • Stealth: Good.

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice.
  • Streetwise: Very Good.
  • Intimidation: Incredible.
  • Leadership: Incredible.
  • Expression: Good.
  • Etiquette: Incredible.
  • Performance: Abysmal

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal
  • Investigation: Novice.
  • Occult: Novice
  • Politics: Very Good.
  • Science: Abysmal.

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Incredible.
  • Survival: Very Good.
  • Empathy: Good.
  • Animal Ken: Incredible.

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Shoukei Fist - Dragon Clan Chi Manipultion Techniques: The martial art of his lineage, the long-practiced techniques of chi manipulation and 'perfect' hand to hand combat. Cumin has a variation of the Dragon Style Kung Fu and is further enhanced by his limitless energy. A very balanced martial art, focused on strikes and takeouts, not grappling or counters.

Flight: Cumin is quite capable of flying, which adds to his jumping ability most of the time, but if push comes to shove, he can take it to the skies to fight or avoid combat. He cannot use this to travel accross vast tracts of land, but he can fly in a small area at a faster pace than his running stride. He can take one more person with him with ease, but this severely limits the amount of time he can stay in the air.

Chi no Tsume/Ken: A variation of his father's sword version, Cumin can make Wolverine-like claws of chi around his arms and fight with them like bladed weapons. He CAN use the sword variation, but has no interest in that unless challenged to a sword duel. These blades can cut through most any material with relative ease, unless it's reinforced with equivalent energy.

Rengoku Hadouken (Repeating Wave Motion Punch): Cumin punches once, then energy flows along his arm and several hundred blows expand from it, like a very short range shotgun, or something like the Amaguriken.

Ryu Sei Hisho (Soaring Dragon Spirit): While using his ability to fly, Cumin dive bombs his opponent one-handed while firing chi blasts that bounce off the ground to catch his opponent off guard. The blasts cannot bounce off water, however. This is Cumin's most powerful non lethal attack.

Ikazuchi Ryu no Ame (Thunder Dragon Rain): Cumin launches himself into the air, surrounded by a spiral of chi from each hand, then punches his fists together, making a large exposion of light.. which then rains down smaller and more precise chi spikes down onto the enemy, like a light summer rain of arrows. The attack is punctuated by a large thundercrack sound, hence it's name. It covers a fairly wide area for relatively lesser damage, or a single person/group area like a downpour for critical damage.

Bakunetsu Ryu no Hayate (Explosive Dragon Gale): Cumin rushes at the opponent, moving to graple him, then lets his aura slide onto the enemy's, trying to subsume it. If he can do it before getting shoved off, he'll then point at the opponent and his leftover aura will explode, causing damage that's hard to get away from. Cumin came up with this after crashing his bike and walking away from the resulting explosion.

Hito Ryu-Zan Ha (Flying Sword of the Dragon): Cumin's most dangerous attack. With this move, he creates blades of chi that can fly through the air and effortlessly slice through dense objects. This is a killing technique, which Cumin, most of the time, considers below him, since time and nature will take care of the peasants for him.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
Dragon: Cumin is the heir to the line of the Musk Dynasty's Royal family, and as such, a descendant of the Dragons. This grants him unbelievable energy (literally limitless), and an innate understanding on all chi techniques. A casual observation of any chi technique will allow him to understand it, if not necessarily copy it, unless it's one of those types that can be learned from just seeing it (Like Hiryu Shoten Ha or Hadouken). He's also had access to several texts and training excercises on many different chi techniques. (NOTE: These are pure, basic, RAW chi techniques. Cumin would be shocked to see Elemental Jutsu from Naruto or Physically manifesting weapons like Nen and completely unable to use Youki or Reiki. This isn't Super Chi Sharingan, it's a Ranma 1/2 ability and chi techniques in there are oddly specific. If someone has a major problem he'll judge the technique not worth learning or something.)
Chi Blasts: Unnamed and unspecific, Cumin can just hold his hand out and fire chi blasts like others throw punches. Considerably more powerful than his physical attacks, and seriously extending his range. This isn't a technique, this is just Cumin openning the faucet, so to speak.
Chi Sense: Cumin is naturally attuned to chi, as mentionned above. He can sense any chi uses and will feel it in the air around him, so a surprise attack is incredibly hard unless you can completely mute your aura. He IS, however, distractable, which neutralizes this.

Crack Driver: (1pt Merit) Cumin is a natural born driver. He can handle any vehicle, especially bikes, to a near-Dante-like level of ridiculous feats.
Burning Aura: (2pt Merit) Cumin's aura is virtually blinding when he displays it.
Animal Magnetism: (1pt Merit) Cumin's commanding aura is palpable, and his natural royalty is bound to attract some people.
Martial Arts Library: (2pt Merit) Cumin has scrolls on various martial arts techniques, mostly chi based. He can use those to develop new techniques or research information on them.
Clear Sighted: (3pt Merit) Cumin's senses are sharp enough to tell when someone's trying to trick him via illusions or deception.
Posion Resistance: (2pt Merit) With Spice as a follower, Cumin has been trained from an early age to consume and develop and immunity to poisons and drugs.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Nothing of Note.

Items Of Note

Custom Street Racing Bike: Cumin has a top of the line riced-out street racing bike, perfect for drifting and darting between cars, also capable of three nitro boosts.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!
Gynophobe - Mild: Unfamiliar with the danger of women, but not to the degree of his father.
Sister Complex: Any mention of his sister is likely to send him in a rage, and he will compare any and all women to his sister. Disfavorably. It's more than a little creepy.
'Family Issues: Is in Japan right now because of issues over the line's heirdom and because of his sister.
Royal Arrogance: Cumin has little to no respect for people's opinions unless they are royalty or dragons. He is very likely to dismiss actually GOOD advice just because he doesn't pay attention to it, and doesn't think the 'small people' can be offended since this is his birthright. Being super strong or able to beat him won't really change this opinion, but he'll at least consider your advice in matters of strength.
Limited Interaction: Cumin only really took matters in his own hands when he started biking. However, he has Sugar and Spice to fight for him, get him his food, and other trivial matters. He does not think it's a problem to send them as his standins.. except when one or the other 'tards it up.

Overconfident: (1pt Flaw) Cumin is supremely powerful. He's aware there's stronger than him (Paprica), but he has no respect or confidence in other people's ability to accomplish things without his supervision.. or being as powerful as him.
Isolated Upbringing: (1pt Flaw) Cumin was raised alone with men in the Musk Dynasty's throne room. He IS aware this isn't as important outside of China as it is there, but he insists on people treating him as what he is at all times and belives royal priviledges should be allowed everywhere. The idea of waiting his turn or following 'outside' social mores will get him to look at you funny then ignore you.
Hero Worship - Paprica: (1pt Flaw) Cumin is convinced his sister is the best possible heir to the Musk Dynasty and will not hear otherwise, to the point of getting violent over it.
Offensive to Animals: (1pt Flaw) Cumin makes other animals run, as they can sense that inside is a Dragon. This is canon.
Group Emnity - The Musk Dynasty: (2pt Flaw) Cumin is very much hunted down by his family's agents, as they want the heir back.

NPC(s) to go with char

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