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Physical Skills:
Physical Skills:
*Alertness: Amazing
*Alertness: Amazing (+5)
*Athletics: Incredible
*Athletics: Incredible (+4)
*Stealth: Amazing
*Stealth: Amazing (+5)
*Thievery: Amazing
*Thievery: Amazing (+5)
Social Skills:
Social Skills:
*Subterfuge: Amazing
*Subterfuge: Amazing (+5/+6 Honeyed Tongue)
*Streetwise: Incredible
*Streetwise: Incredible (+4)
*Intimidation: Amazing
*Intimidation: Amazing (+5/+6 Honeyed Tongue)
*Leadership: Novice
*Leadership: Novice (+1)
*Expression: Very Good
*Expression: Very Good (+3/+4 Honeyed Tongue)
*Etiquette: Incredible
*Etiquette: Incredible (+4)
Mental Skills:
Mental Skills:
*Computers: Incredible
*Computers: Incredible (+54)
*Investigation: Very Good
*Investigation: Very Good (+3)
*Medicine: Good
*Medicine: Good (+2)
*Law: Good
*Law: Good (+2)
*Occult: Incredible
*Occult: Incredible (+4)
*Politics: Good
*Politics: Good (+2)
*Science: Very Good
*Science: Very Good (+3)
*Demolitions: Amazing
*Demolitions: Amazing (+5)
Other Skills:
Other Skills:
*Driving: Good
*Driving: Good (+2)
*Survival: Good
*Survival: Good (+2)
*Empathy: Abysmal
*Empathy: Abysmal (-1)
*Languages: Japanese and English
*Languages: Japanese and English

Revision as of 20:21, 3 March 2012

Kuja relaxing. Artwork by Cinnie.
A.K.A. Genei Ryoudan #7
Age 23
Voice Actor Koyasu Takehito
Relatives None.
Series Yu Yu Hakusho
Player Frank
  • Name: Kuja
  • Age: 23
  • B-day: November 13th.
  • Place of Birth: Makai.
  • Parents: Karasu and Mikene.
    • Nationality: Japanese, Youkai.
    • Speciality: Demolitons, Theivery, Appraisal, Herbalism, Trivia.
    • Hobbies: Stealing, Gardening, Terrorist Handbooks off the 'net, plays.
    • Likes: Reading, learning, Foxes, plants, theater.
    • Dislikes: Weaklings, stalkers, too much fresh air.
    • Favorite Food: Rabbit stew.
    • Least Favorite Food: Predator Meat.
    • Favorite Music: Industrial, Classical.
    • Favorite Sport: Volleyball.
    • Most Valuable Possession: Mask belonging to his father.
    • Level of Education: College Degree in psychology, biology, Military training in Espionage and Demoltions (Makai).
    • Seiyuu: Koyasu Takehito.
    • Nen Type: Specialisation.
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'1"
    • Weight: 160 lbs.
    • Eyes: Golden.
    • Hair: Black and lustrous.
    • Special: Fox tails, hidden under his cloak/coat; fox ears, usually hidden under his hair (mild shapeshifting)


Cold, calculating, heartless, cruel, and sadistic. Also driven by a desire to understand the concept of friends, heroism, and good. Trying very hard to be a hero, and it reflects in his behaviour, however, has a very black and white mentality of 'Good' and 'Evil', without understanding the morals of the matter. Tends to be a well learned, maniuplative, and somewhat creepy person, however is incredibly charismatic when he wants to be, which is most of the time. Also something of a flirt, which comes from his nature as a half-kitsune. Is very playful in those matters, although by no means crude. Usually a very sociable person. Has something of a hair fetish, however.


Kuja was conceived one night, by Karasu, a powerful youkai warrior, and one of his favorite conquests, a kitsune named Mikene. Out of one of their.. many.. alliances, a son was born. Karasu had little to no use for the brat, but didn't have any reason to kill him, either, so let Mikene decide what to do with him. She decided to let him live, if he could keep up with her.. which he could, being an exceptionally gifted and intelligent child. Kuja learned early on that observation and creativity were mother of survival, and used everything at his disposal to survive. Meeting his father a few times, he decided to follow him on a trip to Earth (he was born in Makai), and saw him fight along side the legenday Toguro Team in the Ankoku Bujutsukai. The Toguro team annihilated their competition, until the final match.. where they lost, each of them except one, dying at the hands of a mixed human/youkai/hanyou team.. the Urameshi team. The most fascinating thing was that his father, Karasu, unbeatable except by Toguro.. was defeated, even killed by the hanyou, Kurama, a powerful Youko. Which, part of him was. He watched with fascination as the youko struggled, lost, and then took over the fight, eventually outpowering Karasu.. then Karasu matched him, the fight turning back in his father's favor.. Kuja witnessed the young.. well, in human years.. hanyou defeat his unbeatable father, giving the last of his life, to finally kill him and spare his friends from Karasu's tender mercies.
The concept of this fascinated Kuja. How someone could sacrifice their life, and outdo a much more powerful opponent, for the sake of his friends, was something totally alien to him.. and oddly appealing. Kuja, who had now lost his father figure.. had chosen another. Kurama. He decided he wanted to be as strong, dedicated, and powerful as Kurama. He didn't hold any hatred for the killer of his father.. in fact, he didn't care for him at all. He decided to dedicate his life to martial arts, herbalism, and the use of his powers.. for good, ironically enough. If evil and sadism couldn't bring his father to victory, even against a weaker opponent.. then the true essence of strength had to be in the need to fight for a cause, or for friends. He went on a journey, in the human world, and the next 10 years of his life were spent learning, studying, learning, and training in martial arts, under varied masters all over the world. Afterwards.. came the Makai years.
Kuja went to Makai, where he learned about the occult, theivery, magic, and ancient lore. He trained at using his kitsune abilities and skills, before finally returning to the Earth. He needed to find people with which to be friends.. and the concept of 'Good' to fight for. After all, if a powerful, old, and reputed Youko like the legendary Kurama could do it.. and still gain trust from the mighty Yomi.. so could he. To this end, he served Yomi as an agent for a few years, before finally leaving his employ, clandestinely, and going back to Earth, to finish his studies.. and now, the time has come to try to become Kurama.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Stealth: Amazing (+5)
  • Thievery: Amazing (+5)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+5/+6 Honeyed Tongue)
  • Streetwise: Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation: Amazing (+5/+6 Honeyed Tongue)
  • Leadership: Novice (+1)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3/+4 Honeyed Tongue)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Incredible (+54)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Incredible (+4)
  • Politics: Good (+2)
  • Science: Very Good (+3)
  • Demolitions: Amazing (+5)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Survival: Good (+2)
  • Empathy: Abysmal (-1)
  • Languages: Japanese and English

Special Abilities


  • Ten: Manifestation and control of one's Aura. Allows to resist damage induced by Ki or Nen type attacks.
  • Zetsu: Disassociating one's aura. AKA, hiding your presence, and your life force.
  • Ren: Focusing your will through Nen. This allows one to go through the pain, or make others sense the user's intentions, as well as inducing emotions into a target, such as 'This person is trustworthy', or 'This person is going to kill me'. Also allows Kuja to increase his physical abilities (counted as his youkai powers, above (see Youki)).
    • Gyou: Focusing his aura into his eyes to see through an opponent's In.
  • Hatsu: The manifestation of his Nen. This allows Kuja to transform oxygen into gunpowder, and change the shape and properties of said Gunpowder, such as creating grenades, animals, of specific forms out of Gunpowder.


YOUKAI: Kuja is a full blooded Youkai, half kitsune, no less, and as such as the following abilities:
-Regeneration: Can regenerate most damage done to him in a short time, except very serious damage, or specifically Anti-Demon damage.
-Youki: Can channel his aura into his body, making himself more resistant, faster, and able to see magical effects. This also powers his special powers. If he runs out of this, he can't use his powers, or even see other ki effects.
-Shape-shifting: Nothing special, but can assume a human form, in which his fox ears are non visible, through concentration.
-Heightened Senses.
-Superhuman Speed: Can move at incredible speeds, even without the use of Youki.
-Vulnerable to Holy and/or Anti-Demon items or spells
-Resistance to Damage: Most regular attacks, (firearms, swords, etc) will not even break Kuja's skin, due to his nature. It takes specific, magical, or ki-enhanced powers to hurt him with low-level blows.

GUNPOWDER CONTROL: Due to his Nature as a Youkai, and his Nen Type of Specialisation, Kuja can control and generate Gunpowder. In fact, he can transform air into Gunpowder, and hide it's manifestation with the use of 'In'. His powers can be explained as 'Nen'
-Can Materialize Gunpowder in all forms, but the bigger the blast, the more ki it requires.

PLANT CONTROL: His kitsune blood allows Kuja to ask things of plants and vegetation. He can also shape them into various weapons, but has nowhere near the versatility or 'range' of Kurama's plant powers. For now, can only talk to them, enhance their life, and/or make weapons out of plants, such as Grass Blades, and the Fuuka Embuzin.

Honeyed Tongue: (2pt Merit) Kuja has become a master of logic and psychology for the sole purpose of being able to use cold logic and subtle intimidation to get people to do what he wants.
Ambidextrous: (2pt Merit) Kuja is equally trained with both hands, and can perform equally well with both, at anything. He learned this to manicure himself perfectly.
Time Sense: (1pt Merit) Kuja is mentally wired like a time bomb. Literally.
Graceful: (2pt Merit) Kuja never does anything without flair and panache. Even the bathroom is a dance hall to him.
Luck: (3pt Merit) The Devil looks out for his own. Kuja has a knack for being in the right place at the right time.

Unique Items

Karasu's Mask: which, when worn, limits the amount of Oxygen he can intake. He usually sleeps with it.
Benikasumi: Demon-cutting sword that doesn't cut hair, allowing for someone to pick it up after.
Optic Camouflage: Military gear that allows the user to turn invisible (as invisible as regular camoflauge does :|) to his enemies in casual confrontations. Kuja got this training Matsumi in Nen.

Items of Note

Several Top of the line Laptops.
Fashionable clothes.
Fabulous accessories.


Youkai: Kuja is vulnerable to anti-demon protections and holy power, as well as wards and other such things.

Black and White: (1pt Flaw) Kuja considers himself a hero of justice, and the only true justice is Law. As such, there are two types of people. Lawbreakers and Good people. He is viciously intolerant of those who break the laws of wherever he is. (I.E., a Japanese law broken in the US would not bother him in the US, but in Japan it would).
Curiosity: (2pt Flaw) Kuja cannot resist learning more or trying to solve that last puzzle.
Intolerance - Uppity Humans: (1pt Flaw) Kuja does not deal well with concepts of 'equality' and 'human rights', and generally derides this for his amusement. He can keep it in rein with his 'friends', but someone stating humans are just as capable or important as youkai makes him roll his eyes and treat said someone like turd.
Hero Worship - Kurama and Yomi: (1pt Flaw) Kuja is a follower of Yomi and has patterned himself after Kurama. Their alliance and everything implied is part of the reason he worked hard to become both a 'hero' and a servant of Yomi. He will not tolerate any ill-speak of Lord Yomi and considers his duty to him to be far and above everything else in his life. Kurama he just wants to be like and considers him the pinnacle of his species.

NPC(s) to go with char
