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(Created page with '{{Infobox Character |name=Scott G. Kennedy |image= |aka= |age=25 |japaneseva=Mark Meer |relatives= Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong |series= Resident Evil |player= Kvothe }} *Name: Sco…')
m (Special Abilities)
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Military Level Combatives - Being a US Government Opreative, Scott has had Military Combatives Training.
Military Level Combatives - Being a US Government Opreative, Scott has had Military Combatives Training.
Marksman - Scott has been firing guns since he was young, and has since become a marksman with most guns he fires.
Marksman - Scott has been firing guns since he was young, and has since become a marksman with most guns he fires.

Revision as of 10:21, 19 February 2012

Scott G. Kennedy
Age 25
Voice Actor Mark Meer
Relatives Leon Kennedy and Ada Wong
Series Resident Evil
Player Kvothe
  • Name: Scott Graham Kennedy
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: July 16th
  • Parents: Leon S. Kennedy and Ada Wong
    • Place of Birth: Washington D.C.
    • Nationality: American
    • Specialty: Covert Ops
    • Hobbies: Painting
    • Likes: Artwork, Guns, Classic Cars, Cooking.
    • Dislikes: Fast Food, Television(other then sports), Politics
    • Favorite Food: Sushi
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything from a fast food resturant.
    • Favorite Music: Classic Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Hockey
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Leather Jacket his father gave him.
    • Level of Education: College BS
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Mark Meer
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'0
    • Weight: 180lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black
    • Special:


Scott tends to dress practically, ready to go to the fields at any time. Normally wearing black Cargo pants, and a tight tacical shirt under a button up shirt. He wears a brown leather jacket that his dad got him for his graduation from College.


Scott tends to come off at first as pretty serious, but is generally a pleasent person to be around. He takes work pretty seriously, but likes unwind with music, reading and painting.


Scotts Earlly years growing up he spent a lot of time under a nannys care as his parents got pretty busy with work. THough when he got to Middle school his mother started to stay home and his dad got a desk job when he started his Junior year of high school. He had a good relation ship with his parents, his Father taught him how to handle a fire arm earlly in his life, learning to handle, clean and respect them. He particepated in a handfull of shooting compations and one quiet a few once in high school.

After high school Scott left for college and went studied Crimnal Justice at UCLA. At his graduation his father got him a leather jacket. Scott had planned on joining a police force of the FBI when he was approached by indivdual fromt he CIA. This person told him that his talents would fit well in the CIA and that he should attempt to join the CIA. Scott gave it a try and After many tests he was accepted into the CIA.

Scott flew to see his parents to tell them the news to his parents, not telling them he was coming, as he wanted to suprise them. He never expect though to find his father dead and his mother missing. He found his father dead at his home, with a whole in his chest. Their was a sign of struggle, and shots fired, but what ever got his father was not normal. Scott started in the CIA, spending much of his free time at first trying to figure out what happened to his mother and father. After working with the CIA for a year, he was approched by the person that had first told him to join the cia. His name was Jack Grayson and he was the head of a internal group in the CIA known as the Bio Weapon Tactical Response Force. The US's response to the BSAA. The group was not public and worked behind the scenes. He Wanted Scott for his group. Scott had a feeling that if he joined this task force he may get closer to finding out what happened to his parents and Joined. Since then he has been part of several operations for the group, eleminating and preventing bio weapons from seeing the light of day.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Excellent, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Very Good
  • Athletics Excellent
  • Stealth Excellent

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Very Good
  • Streetwise Very Good
  • Intimidation Good
  • Leadership Good
  • Expression Good
  • Etiquette
  • Performance Abyssmal

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Very Good
  • Investigation Very Good
  • Medicine Novice
  • Law Excellent
  • Occult
  • Politics Abyssmal
  • Science Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving Excellent
  • Survival Very Good
  • Empathy Novice
  • Animal Ken

Languages:Japanese French Spanish

Special Abilities

Military Level Combatives - Being a US Government Opreative, Scott has had Military Combatives Training.

Marksman - Scott has been firing guns since he was young, and has since become a marksman with most guns he fires.

Powers & Merits

Concentration (1): When the presure is put on Scott, he keeps focused.

Acute Senses (1): Scott has exceptional hearing.

Crack Driver (1): Scott is really good behind the wheel of a car.

Graceful (2): Scott is quick soft on his feet and quick to move.

Items Of Note


Weaknesses & Flaws

Vengeance (1): The Death of his father wieghts heavy on Scott.

Soft-hearted (1): Scott hates to see people hurt, its why just fights crime!