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(Created page with "{{Infobox Character |name= Charlotte Flannery |image= |aka= Flannery |age= 17 |japaneseva= |relatives= Sanji (father), Charlotte Pudding (mother) |series= One Piece |player= S...")
(Powers & Merits)
(8 intermediate revisions by the same user not shown)
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{{Infobox Character
{{Infobox Character
|name= Charlotte Flannery
|name= Charlotte Flannery
|image= [[File:Flannery Final Edit.jpg|300px]]
|aka= Flannery
|aka= Flannery
|age= 17
|age= 17
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**Favorite Food: Flan
**Favorite Food: Flan
**Favorite Music: Sea Shanties
**Favorite Music: Sea Shanties
**Most Valuable Possessions: Her flintlocke penguin, Nu
**Most Valuable Possessions: Her revolver penguin, Nu
**Level of Education: High School
**Level of Education: High School
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor:  
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor:  
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= Background =
= Background =
Born a Princess of two kingdoms, as well as daughter to a crewmate of the Pirate King, Flannery has lived a particularly blessed life. As both of her parents were born into heavily oppressive environments they've taken a more relaxed approach with their daughter, and so without pressure or expectations to sour the experience Flannery has naturally grown to love cooking and baking as much as both of her parents do. She has also seen much of the world already, between exploring Totto Land, spending time in the moving kingdom of her dad's side of the family, and traveling to the Baratie to visit some of her father's chosen family there. She now desires more, wishing to see entirely different worlds.
Born a Princess of two kingdoms, as well as daughter to a crewmate of the Pirate King, Flannery has lived a particularly blessed life. As both of her parents were born into heavily oppressive environments they've taken a more relaxed approach with their daughter, and so without pressure or expectations to sour the experience Flannery has naturally grown to love cooking as much as both of her parents do, becoming a skilled chef and chocolatier. She has also seen much of the world already, between exploring Totto Land, spending time in the moving kingdom of her dad's side of the family, and traveling to the Baratie to visit some of her father's chosen family there. She now desires more, wishing to see entirely different worlds.
= Skills =
= Skills =
''(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)''
''(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)''
'''YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)'''
'''Physical Skills''':
'''Physical Skills''':
*Alertness (How alert you are.)
*Alertness: Very Good+3
*Athletics (Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
*Athletics: Very Good+3
*Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)
'''Social Skills''':
'''Social Skills''':
*Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..)
*Subterfuge: Incredible+4 (Additional +1 from Innocent Merit)
*Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.)
*Streetwise: Abysmal-1
*Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
*Etiquette: Incredible+4
*Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
*Performance: Very Good+3
'''Mental Skills''':
'''Mental Skills''':
*Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
*Politics: Novice+1
*Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
*Technology (repair, robotics, mechanics.. that sort of thing.)
'''Other Skills''':
'''Other Skills''':
*Driving (arguably physical, but..)
*Empathy: Good+2
*Survival (as in wilderness)
*Animal Ken: Novice+1
*Empathy (some people have more than others)
*Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)
= Special Abilities =
= Special Abilities =
''(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)''<br>
Text goes here
'''Black Leg Style'''
A style Flannery learned from her father, this method of fighting uses only kicks so that she does not damage her hands in combat. It's a mix of capoeira, savate, and taekwondo. Though her kicking power is not as great as her father's, it's still quite formidable. She can't destroy metal weapons or entire buildings, but her kicks nonetheless do create craters in pavement and dent metal.
''Facial Reconstruction:'' Flannery possesses the ability to repeatedly kick an opponent's face in such a way as to be able to reconstruct their appearance. She most often uses this against people she fights who she considers to be particularly ugly.
= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
''(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)''<br>
Text goes here
''The Voice of All Things:'' Due to the blood of the Three-Eye Tribe that runs in her veins, Flannery possesses the innate ability to hear the Voice of All Things. This allows her to communicate with people, creatures, and objects without the use of speech or writing, instead hearing the message in their hearts. This does not mean, however, that she can hear the voice of literally everything. She can only hear the Voice of creatures above simple beast level intellect, and for objects it only works with objects of notable status.
'''Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Luna Moth'''
A zoan type devil fruit, this gives her the ability to transform into a hybrid form and a full form of the animal model specific to this fruit.
''Hybrid Form''
In this form, Flannery becomes taller. Though she still has a humanoid shape, she gains several characteristics of the Luna Moth. She gains large, mothlike eyes and large, fuzzy moth antennae. Her hair turns an ethereal green, and she gains a fuzzy green mane that wraps around her neck like a scarf. She also gains long, silky wings capable of flight that drape down her back like an elegant cape when they're folded. She also has an extra pair of arms, as well as much longer legs. While she's in this form her kicks become more powerful, and she moves with more fluidity.
She also gains the instincts of a luna moth, able to predict her opponents' movements to some extent and sense attacks she's unaware of otherwise.
Lunar Love: Flannery scatters dust from her wings, which causes those without sufficient mental fortitude to temporarily fall in love with her. If the target isn't normally attracted to women, they simply become extremely happy and content.
''Full Form''
Flannery transforms into a large, elegant moth that looks somewhat like the Moonlight Butterfly from Dark Souls, albeit with the normal antennae of a moth in place of a spiral horn. In this form she has increased resistance to damage,
and retains the instincts gained in her hybrid form.
Moonlight Dust: When Flannery scatters her dust from her wings in this form, it instead hovers in the air for a moment before transforming into spears of lunar light that home in on their target.
Moonlight Burst: Flannery latches onto an opponent or a surface, charging up light in her body and unleashing a concussive burst of light to anything in melee.
''Wing Patterns'': Flannery can flash different patterns on her wings that resemble the phases of the moon. Depending on the pattern, a different ability manifests.
*Wing Pattern Crescent: Flannery can send out crescent shaped discs of light that are sharp and function like chakram.
*Wing Pattern Gibbous: Flannery can emit a dome shaped shield of light over herself and anyone near her capable of protecting against magical attacks.
*Wing Pattern Quarter: This pattern causes her wings to emit a light that blinds anyone who looks at them.
*Wing Pattern New: Flannery blends in almost perfectly with the night sky, becoming nearly invisible. This only works at night.
*Wing Pattern Full: This enables Flannery to forcefully trigger any transformations that depend on the Full Moon.
Moonlight Beam: Flannery absorbs the light of the moon into her wings, and concentrates it through her body and between the tips of her six legs, finally unleashing the light as a powerful beam of moonlight. Who knows how powerful this would be on a world with multiple moons, though it would take longer to charge. On worlds with one moon, this takes three turns to charge. This also only works when the moon is actually out.
Innocent (2): You have an aura of childlike innocence (whether you really are or not). +1 Bonus involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.
Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
Code of Honor (1): You follow a strict personal code, and any attempt to make you break it or act against it via magic or other unnatural coercion (regular coercion is basically impossible) is done with an opposed roll in which you have a +2 bonus. You must write down your code of honor with a GM, and it must be followed at all times. If you break it for frivolous or even worthy reasons, you risk losing your bonuses, because a Code is to be followed for good or ill. (Flannery's code is that even if someone is the worst villain in the world, if they're hungry, she will feed them)
= Unique Items =
= Unique Items =
''(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)''<br>
Text goes here
'''Revolver Penguin'''
A revolver that ate the Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Fairy Penguin. It can transform into a fairy penguin Flannery has named Nu, with its hybrid form looking like a revolver shaped penguin. It takes Candy Jacket ammo from her homeland of Totto Land, capable of piercing armor.
= Items Of Note =
= Items Of Note =
Text goes here
Custom Knife Set: Flannery only uses these knives for cooking. And while she never uses them for combat, if one were to be foolish enough to challenge her in a kitchen, she would be happy to show them with other knives precisely how well her skill with knives in a fight matches her impressive skill with knives in cooking.
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
''Flaws can go here. Balance is key!''
Text goes here
= NPC(s) to go with char =
Anchor: As a devil fruit user, Flannery's strength is completely sapped when she's submerged in water. She's not affected by things like showers or rain.
Text goes here
Seastone: A special substance called seastone saps her strength much like water does if she comes into contact with it. Though devil fruit users have been known to be able to train to resist or even ignore this effect when it comes from Seastone, Flannery is not currently capable of this.
Deep Sleeper (1): Waking up is hard; getting you moving is hard enough (-2 on all rolls to wake up), getting you comprehending what's going on after you're up isn't much easier (Your rolls in the next few minutes.. up to 30 minutes.. are at -1.)
Airhead (1): Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe you're just clueless, maybe you just look like a flake; no matter what, people don't take you seriously. You generally have a -1 Social rolls penalty when dealing with serious/dire situations.

Latest revision as of 19:19, 8 October 2023

Charlotte Flannery
Flannery Final Edit.jpg
A.K.A. Flannery
Age 17
Voice Actor
Relatives Sanji (father), Charlotte Pudding (mother)
Series One Piece
Player Shaila
  • Name: Charlotte Flannery
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: August 21st
  • Parents: Sanji (father), Charlotte Pudding (mother)
    • Place of Birth: Cacao Island
    • Specialty: Cooking
    • Hobbies: Acting, Food Vlogging
    • Likes: Food, Men, Chivalry
    • Dislikes: Ugly people
    • Favorite Food: Flan
    • Favorite Music: Sea Shanties
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her revolver penguin, Nu
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'7
    • Weight: 134 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Pink
    • Special: She has a third eye on her forehead


Flannery is a lithe, somewhat buxom girl of average height with long, gorgeous pink hair that curls at the tips. She dresses in cute, frilly, feminine outfits with pastel colors, her cheeks having a constant pronounced blush on them. She has the same swirly eyebrows as her father, and has also inherited her mother's third eye.


Flannery has been heavily spoiled by everyone around her, especially her father. Although she's seventeen she still acts like a child, pouting and whining whenever she doesn't get her way. She also has a childish voice to match.


Born a Princess of two kingdoms, as well as daughter to a crewmate of the Pirate King, Flannery has lived a particularly blessed life. As both of her parents were born into heavily oppressive environments they've taken a more relaxed approach with their daughter, and so without pressure or expectations to sour the experience Flannery has naturally grown to love cooking as much as both of her parents do, becoming a skilled chef and chocolatier. She has also seen much of the world already, between exploring Totto Land, spending time in the moving kingdom of her dad's side of the family, and traveling to the Baratie to visit some of her father's chosen family there. She now desires more, wishing to see entirely different worlds.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good+3
  • Athletics: Very Good+3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible+4 (Additional +1 from Innocent Merit)
  • Streetwise: Abysmal-1
  • Etiquette: Incredible+4
  • Performance: Very Good+3

Mental Skills:

  • Politics: Novice+1

Other Skills:

  • Empathy: Good+2
  • Animal Ken: Novice+1

Special Abilities

Black Leg Style

A style Flannery learned from her father, this method of fighting uses only kicks so that she does not damage her hands in combat. It's a mix of capoeira, savate, and taekwondo. Though her kicking power is not as great as her father's, it's still quite formidable. She can't destroy metal weapons or entire buildings, but her kicks nonetheless do create craters in pavement and dent metal.

Facial Reconstruction: Flannery possesses the ability to repeatedly kick an opponent's face in such a way as to be able to reconstruct their appearance. She most often uses this against people she fights who she considers to be particularly ugly.

Powers & Merits

The Voice of All Things: Due to the blood of the Three-Eye Tribe that runs in her veins, Flannery possesses the innate ability to hear the Voice of All Things. This allows her to communicate with people, creatures, and objects without the use of speech or writing, instead hearing the message in their hearts. This does not mean, however, that she can hear the voice of literally everything. She can only hear the Voice of creatures above simple beast level intellect, and for objects it only works with objects of notable status.

Bug-Bug Fruit, Model: Luna Moth

A zoan type devil fruit, this gives her the ability to transform into a hybrid form and a full form of the animal model specific to this fruit.

Hybrid Form

In this form, Flannery becomes taller. Though she still has a humanoid shape, she gains several characteristics of the Luna Moth. She gains large, mothlike eyes and large, fuzzy moth antennae. Her hair turns an ethereal green, and she gains a fuzzy green mane that wraps around her neck like a scarf. She also gains long, silky wings capable of flight that drape down her back like an elegant cape when they're folded. She also has an extra pair of arms, as well as much longer legs. While she's in this form her kicks become more powerful, and she moves with more fluidity.

She also gains the instincts of a luna moth, able to predict her opponents' movements to some extent and sense attacks she's unaware of otherwise.

Lunar Love: Flannery scatters dust from her wings, which causes those without sufficient mental fortitude to temporarily fall in love with her. If the target isn't normally attracted to women, they simply become extremely happy and content.

Full Form

Flannery transforms into a large, elegant moth that looks somewhat like the Moonlight Butterfly from Dark Souls, albeit with the normal antennae of a moth in place of a spiral horn. In this form she has increased resistance to damage, and retains the instincts gained in her hybrid form.

Moonlight Dust: When Flannery scatters her dust from her wings in this form, it instead hovers in the air for a moment before transforming into spears of lunar light that home in on their target.

Moonlight Burst: Flannery latches onto an opponent or a surface, charging up light in her body and unleashing a concussive burst of light to anything in melee.

Wing Patterns: Flannery can flash different patterns on her wings that resemble the phases of the moon. Depending on the pattern, a different ability manifests.

  • Wing Pattern Crescent: Flannery can send out crescent shaped discs of light that are sharp and function like chakram.
  • Wing Pattern Gibbous: Flannery can emit a dome shaped shield of light over herself and anyone near her capable of protecting against magical attacks.
  • Wing Pattern Quarter: This pattern causes her wings to emit a light that blinds anyone who looks at them.
  • Wing Pattern New: Flannery blends in almost perfectly with the night sky, becoming nearly invisible. This only works at night.
  • Wing Pattern Full: This enables Flannery to forcefully trigger any transformations that depend on the Full Moon.

Moonlight Beam: Flannery absorbs the light of the moon into her wings, and concentrates it through her body and between the tips of her six legs, finally unleashing the light as a powerful beam of moonlight. Who knows how powerful this would be on a world with multiple moons, though it would take longer to charge. On worlds with one moon, this takes three turns to charge. This also only works when the moon is actually out.

Innocent (2): You have an aura of childlike innocence (whether you really are or not). +1 Bonus involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.

Code of Honor (1): You follow a strict personal code, and any attempt to make you break it or act against it via magic or other unnatural coercion (regular coercion is basically impossible) is done with an opposed roll in which you have a +2 bonus. You must write down your code of honor with a GM, and it must be followed at all times. If you break it for frivolous or even worthy reasons, you risk losing your bonuses, because a Code is to be followed for good or ill. (Flannery's code is that even if someone is the worst villain in the world, if they're hungry, she will feed them)

Unique Items

Revolver Penguin

A revolver that ate the Bird Bird Fruit, Model: Fairy Penguin. It can transform into a fairy penguin Flannery has named Nu, with its hybrid form looking like a revolver shaped penguin. It takes Candy Jacket ammo from her homeland of Totto Land, capable of piercing armor.

Items Of Note

Custom Knife Set: Flannery only uses these knives for cooking. And while she never uses them for combat, if one were to be foolish enough to challenge her in a kitchen, she would be happy to show them with other knives precisely how well her skill with knives in a fight matches her impressive skill with knives in cooking.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Anchor: As a devil fruit user, Flannery's strength is completely sapped when she's submerged in water. She's not affected by things like showers or rain.

Seastone: A special substance called seastone saps her strength much like water does if she comes into contact with it. Though devil fruit users have been known to be able to train to resist or even ignore this effect when it comes from Seastone, Flannery is not currently capable of this.

Deep Sleeper (1): Waking up is hard; getting you moving is hard enough (-2 on all rolls to wake up), getting you comprehending what's going on after you're up isn't much easier (Your rolls in the next few minutes.. up to 30 minutes.. are at -1.)

Airhead (1): Maybe you have trouble paying attention, maybe you're just clueless, maybe you just look like a flake; no matter what, people don't take you seriously. You generally have a -1 Social rolls penalty when dealing with serious/dire situations.