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*Name: Rei Shikinami
*Age: 18
*Sex: Male
*Birthday: March 28th
*Parents: Persephone Aensland.
**Place of Birth:  
**Place of Birth: Houou City (?)
**Nationality: Japanese
**Hobbies: Card games (not trading cards), Gambling, Reading.
**Likes: His gang, freedom.
**Dislikes: Spending time with his family.
**Favorite Food:  
**Favorite Food: Banana Splits
**Least Favorite Food:  
**Least Favorite Food: Rose flavored tea, now.
**Favorite Music:  
**Favorite Music: None
**Favorite Sport:  
**Favorite Sport: Hockey
**Most Valuable Possessions:  
**Most Valuable Possessions: None
**Level of Education:  
**Level of Education: College Student, but technically could've graduated.
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor:  
**Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Seki Toshihiko
*Physical Stats
*Physical Stats
**Height: 5'9"
**Weight: 165lbs
**Eyes: Blue
**Hair: Blonde
**Special: Is obscenely pretty.
= Appearance =
= Appearance =
Text goes here
Rei is the definition of a prettyboy. Silky, blonde hair, feminine features, he just looks beautiful. He is athletic and toned, like someone who works out regularly and keeps in shape, probably running everywhere or biking to get around. There is an air of danger from his looks when he's upset, or wants to be left alone, that most people, even the untrained, can read on him.
= Personality =
= Personality =
Text goes here
Rei is pointedly charismatic, diplomatic, and very shrewd at negotiation and tactical thinking. He can read people quite well and can quickly think of the best compromise for any situation. However, he is also pragmatic and bitter over.. many, many things. So his demeanor can be prickly and caustic when he's not in a good mood, and will not hesitate to take decisive, harsh action whenever the circumstances dictate he should. Or he's in a bad mood. He does not like being touched by people without giving them his express permission.
= Background =
= Background =
Text goes here
Oh boy, here we go. Rei was adopted into the Aensland family. Before this, he was an orphan, but he was chosen by Persephone to be made into the perfect heir, despite her having other children. He was raised to be perfect, learning etiquette and manipulation, athletics and arts, and the ability to navigate any situation with the purpose to come out on top. Despite having harsh punishments at any perceived 'failures', all of these 'punishments' were meant to keep him focused and in line for this grand design of forging the perfect heir. The older he got, the more rebellious he became, but his every attempt at escaping or otherwise underminding this situation just kept failing. His point of view was like being a bird in a gilded cage. Or handed a Lemarchand's Box as a rubix cube.<br>
However, when he did get to do what he wanted, he started hanging out with ruffians, and organized a gang, which slowly but surely gained notoriety and members, until even criminal organizations started to pay attention to them. So much so that Rei, who rapidly became their leader and annexed many gangs, was being courted by the Yakuza bosses as a potential heir.. or heir apparent as well, with them reaching out to engage him to their 'Yakuza Princess', Usagi 'Sagiko' Tsukino. The two met, and having a lot in common, began a loose, but intense engagement, which was rekindled when Rei was transferred, by his family, to the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Which is where everything came together.. and fell apart. He reunited with his sisters.. and nothing was what it seemed anymore. Rei was a pawn in a much, much bigger game, and he did not know who all the players were. He ended up deceived, stabbed, and held prisoner as a decoration in the Devil's parlor.<br>
= Skills =
= Skills =
''(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abysmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abysmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)''
'''YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)'''
'''Physical Skills''':
'''Physical Skills''':
*Alertness (How alert you are.)
*Alertness: Very Good
*Athletics (Jumping, Climbing, Flexibility.. you know.)
*Athletics: Very Good
*Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.)
*Stealth: Good
'''Social Skills''':
'''Social Skills''':
*Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..)
*Subterfuge: Amazing
*Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.)
*Streetwise: Amazing
*Intimidation (though I guess if you can punch a car over this can be physical..)
*Intimidation: Incredible
*Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.)
*Leadership: Incredible
*Expression: Very Good
*Etiquette: Amazing
*Performance: Good
'''Mental Skills''':
'''Mental Skills''':
*Computers (no. I'm serious. If you don't know what one is, you will NOT just 'pick it up on the fly')
*Computers: Incredible
*Investigation (as in proper, scientific investigation. Anyone can ask questions or notice out of place things, it takes a real Holmes or House to do this perfectly)
*Investigation: Very Good
*Law: Good
*Politics: Very Good
*Science: Good
*Technology: Very Good
*Technology (repair, robotics, mechanics.. that sort of thing.)
'''Other Skills''':
'''Other Skills''':
*Driving (arguably physical, but..)
*Driving: Very Good
*Survival (as in wilderness)
*Empathy: Good
*Empathy (some people have more than others)
*Animal Ken (some people get along better with dogs than people, I guess)
= Special Abilities =
= Special Abilities =
''(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)''<br>
'''Street Fighter''': Rei has been through a lot of scrapes. He's had specialized training in boxing, jiujitsu and tae kwon do when growing up, mostly for his fitness and endurance, and he's combined these into a pretty competent fighting style. He's been knock to KO cops, if he had to, and can probably compete in amateur MMA competitions. Which he doesn't do. However, he has a devastating punch, knows how to roll with hits and dodge telegraphed hits, and can take a beating with the best of them. In a regular fight, he won't go down first, or easy, that's for sure. Against specialized fighters, however.. he probably won't make a difference, at least, not barehanded.<br>
Text goes here
= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
''(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)''<br>
'''The Darkness''': Rei possesses the limitless power of The Darkness, a cursed elemental force of Chaos and Creation that allows him access to an otherworldly dimension and control over the veritable legion of Darklings who dwell there. He can stand against and even overpower other supernatural beings. He can destroy tanks and attack helicopters, slaughter vampires and werewolves, and easily butcher ordinary humans. However, this power literally only works in Darkness. Any directed source of light, or anything that shines light into the darkness, can and will instantly destroy any construct of the Darkness. Ambient light, moonlight, or IR light will not actually affect the Darkness, but spotlights, streetlights, or any LED lights will prevent its use. Rei can, obviously, just close the lights or smash them.
Text goes here
*'''Demon Heads''': When using the Darkness, two serpent-like heads protrude from Rei's back and serve as his primary weapons. They can devour hearts that replenish health and Darkness Energy. After the two year gap of not using the Darkness, the heads gain new appearance and abilities. The right Serpent Head can be used to attack in a slashing motion, and the left can be used to grab objects and enemies. They can also be used for special takedowns.
*'''Swarm Conjuration''': Through Demon Heads, Rei can spit out a green cloud of flesh eating insects infused with Darkness energy that clings to and damages enemies, immobilizing them.
*'''Darkling Conjuration''': Rei can conjure different types of imp-like Darklings that can attack foes and move cars. Some types even come with additional weapons like machetes or gatling guns and can also emit electricity or self-destruct themselves in powerful explosions. After not using the Darkness for two years, Rei could only summon one Darkling. This particular Darkling was much more intelligent and independent than previous Rei's creations.
*'''Black Hole Conjuration''': Rei can conjure a small piece of Darkness and cause it collapse in on itself, creating a vortex of death. After not using the Darkness for two years, hole would also explode after sucking up everything around it.
*'''Gun Channelling''': Rei can channel his Darkness power through whatever weapon used at the moment, increasing their power dramatically and giving infinite ammunition until the power times out. With upgrades, it can also auto-target enemies with dual-wielded weapons and allow Rei to see and shoot through walls.
*'''Darkness Armor''': After two year gap of not using the Darkness, Rei could now create a protective armor around his body. The armor was strong enough to let Rei survive longer in the direct gunfire.
*'''Healing Factor''': The Darkness can heal any wounds Rei receives, no matter how serious they are. Through out the two games, Rei was brought back to life after shooting himself in the head and being caught in multiple explosions. The Darkness also healed Rei's burned leg during the restaurant shoot out, his pierced palms and the damage received from the direct blast of a shotgun to the chest. Although if the damage is too great to heal immediately, the Darkness will put Rei in one of its worlds, while it repairs its host body.
*'''Levitation''': After releasing the Darkness in the second game, Rei is seen levitating up in the air. When the Darkness finishes killing the attackers and healing his leg, Rei comes back to the ground.
*'''Near Invincibility''': As a host to The Darkness, Rei is seemingly invincible as whenever he is killed in a scripted sequence such as after Jennie's death, he is brought to an Otherworld to reside in while the Darkness repairs his body. In the first game it is depicted as a hellscape with an ongoing war between unkillable beings, in the second game it's shown as a mental hospital to trick Rei as a method to prevent him from giving up his powers. Rei's body appears to still be active during these sections shown when he first gets back up after dying to The Darkness executing a person.
*'''Demon Arm''': Rei could conjure a giant tentacle to impale foes, break down walls or break street lamps.
*'''Creeping Darkness''': By detaching a tentacle from his body, Rei could send it out/control it to scout or kill opponents without approaching them himself. The tentacle can also flip switches, knock out light sources and destroy locks however, it leaves Rei completely defenceless as he's the one controlling the tentacle.
*'''Creation''': The Darkness is Creation; Rei can create and control shadowy fanged, clawed, or bladed tentacles to impale/grab/interact with objects, restrain or kill humans and lift cars. He can create guns, chainsaws, water, and knives from The Darkness
*'''The Darkness Armor''': Rei can craft a suit of mystical body armor about himself which makes him invulnerable and increases his strength and endurance to their peak.
**''Absolute Strength'': While using The Darkness, Rei's strength becomes superhuman. He has been seen to shatter wood and stone, crush metal, and lift cars with ease.
**''Absolute Speed'': While using The Darkness, Rei can move faster than any vehicle.
''Animal Magnetism (1pt)'': Rei is... very well liked. By everyone, man and woman, often to his dismay. You have the "WOA DUDE BANG ME" aura, and receive a +1 Bonus on seduction and similar rolls (though this may inspire jealousy in the people who view you as competition). This is a Merit seldom taken seriously in the Chat Rooms, as it's been too often used by players whose intent is seldom gaming...<br>
''Iron Will (5pts)'': Rei has gone through a lot.. a lot... and he came out on the other end, still focused and determined. You cannot be mind-controlled easily, and getting you to surrender is borderline impossible. When magical (or other) mind-control is attempted on you, both roll and you get a +3 bonus to your roll. It's possible to do it, but you'll fight it with every fiber of your being, and will not stay in thrall very long.<br>
''Clear Sighted (3pts)'': Rei has been through deception after lie after horrible event, and because of this, is very sharp to attempted mental or magical detection. You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.<br>
''Concentration (1pt)'': Due to how and where he grew up and lived, Rei has... very good focus. He's nearly impossible to distract or otherwise taunt. You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.<br>
= Unique Items =
= Unique Items =
''(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)''<br>
Nothing of Note.
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= Items Of Note =
= Items Of Note =
Text goes here
Nothing of note.
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
''Flaws can go here. Balance is key!''
'''Post Traumatic Stress Disorder''': Rei has been through.. abuse. And because of this, he reacts -very- poorly to people touching him without his express permission. He deals with stress with promiscuity, alcohol and violence. When he's focused on a task, he can get it done, but when he's relaxed, or supposed to be, he does not like to be touched or otherwise treated like a project or an object of affection.<br>
Text goes here
'''Light''': The bright, blonde, blue haired Prince is, in fact, a child of the Darkness, not a child of Light. Rei himself is perfectly fine in the light, but his powers do not work in direct light. Ambient light, distant firelight, certainly, but a direct light shone on him or his creations will dissipate them. Colored light, not so much, but he can't activate his powers outdoors during the day (unless it's incredibly overcast, think a hurricane or a major storm), and anything like Flashbangs, Spotlights, or even lightning bolts, if they're close enough, can shut down his abilities while they last. Not just that, but anyone seeking out Darkness (as an element or a metaphysical concept), can locate Rei, assuming they have the powers/abilities to do so.<br>
''Flashbacks (3pts)'': In high-stress situations, especially if/when trapped, Rei sometimes remembers being forced to do.. horrible acts, and can be made to shut down or otherwise act out something inappropriate, as if that's what he's expected to do. When under pressure and/or in the presence of something which reminds you of something unpleasant in your past, you flashback to that past event. Whilst in a flashback, everything to you is as it was then.<br>
''Vengeance (1pt)'': Rei wants to take revenge against several people. Persephone Aensland, Akio, and his adopted sister Megumi being the three primary objects of his vengeance, but others, such as Valcas and his cronies are also on his list. You are consumed with avenging something very important to you. When facing a chance to do this, you need to make a roll (diff 7) to resist taking your revenge. This is another specific flaw, which you should mention beforehand.<br>
''Echoes (1pt)'': Rei's presence darkens a room. A dimly lit room seems darker around him, which his pale skin and angelic blonde hair just highlight, like a torch in the dark. It's not noticeable under regular lighting, but any ambient light, low light or other less-than-ideal lighting conditions, Rei might stand out a bit. Lighters and low-battery flashlights might not function around him, at least, not at first. Your supernatural nature affects the world around you; for example, if you are a "witch", milk sours in your presence or you cannot walk on hallowed ground. Severity of the flaw depends on how severe–and noticeable–the echoes are. This should be taken only by supernatural or cursed characters. There is little to no reason for Joe Dudeguy to make milk sour, but Billy Half-Demon might.<br>
= NPC(s) to go with char =
= NPC(s) to go with char =

Latest revision as of 05:27, 27 August 2023

Rei Shikinami
A.K.A. The Prince, Warrior of Darkness
Age 18
Voice Actor
Relatives Hisako, Megumi, Persephone.
Series Utena?
Player Frank
  • Name: Rei Shikinami
  • Age: 18
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: March 28th
  • Parents: Persephone Aensland.
    • Place of Birth: Houou City (?)
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty:
    • Hobbies: Card games (not trading cards), Gambling, Reading.
    • Likes: His gang, freedom.
    • Dislikes: Spending time with his family.
    • Favorite Food: Banana Splits
    • Least Favorite Food: Rose flavored tea, now.
    • Favorite Music: None
    • Favorite Sport: Hockey
    • Most Valuable Possessions: None
    • Level of Education: College Student, but technically could've graduated.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Seki Toshihiko
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'9"
    • Weight: 165lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Blonde
    • Special: Is obscenely pretty.


Rei is the definition of a prettyboy. Silky, blonde hair, feminine features, he just looks beautiful. He is athletic and toned, like someone who works out regularly and keeps in shape, probably running everywhere or biking to get around. There is an air of danger from his looks when he's upset, or wants to be left alone, that most people, even the untrained, can read on him.


Rei is pointedly charismatic, diplomatic, and very shrewd at negotiation and tactical thinking. He can read people quite well and can quickly think of the best compromise for any situation. However, he is also pragmatic and bitter over.. many, many things. So his demeanor can be prickly and caustic when he's not in a good mood, and will not hesitate to take decisive, harsh action whenever the circumstances dictate he should. Or he's in a bad mood. He does not like being touched by people without giving them his express permission.


Oh boy, here we go. Rei was adopted into the Aensland family. Before this, he was an orphan, but he was chosen by Persephone to be made into the perfect heir, despite her having other children. He was raised to be perfect, learning etiquette and manipulation, athletics and arts, and the ability to navigate any situation with the purpose to come out on top. Despite having harsh punishments at any perceived 'failures', all of these 'punishments' were meant to keep him focused and in line for this grand design of forging the perfect heir. The older he got, the more rebellious he became, but his every attempt at escaping or otherwise underminding this situation just kept failing. His point of view was like being a bird in a gilded cage. Or handed a Lemarchand's Box as a rubix cube.
However, when he did get to do what he wanted, he started hanging out with ruffians, and organized a gang, which slowly but surely gained notoriety and members, until even criminal organizations started to pay attention to them. So much so that Rei, who rapidly became their leader and annexed many gangs, was being courted by the Yakuza bosses as a potential heir.. or heir apparent as well, with them reaching out to engage him to their 'Yakuza Princess', Usagi 'Sagiko' Tsukino. The two met, and having a lot in common, began a loose, but intense engagement, which was rekindled when Rei was transferred, by his family, to the prestigious Ohtori Academy. Which is where everything came together.. and fell apart. He reunited with his sisters.. and nothing was what it seemed anymore. Rei was a pawn in a much, much bigger game, and he did not know who all the players were. He ended up deceived, stabbed, and held prisoner as a decoration in the Devil's parlor.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Stealth: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Streetwise: Amazing
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Incredible
  • Investigation: Very Good
  • Law: Good
  • Politics: Very Good
  • Science: Good
  • Technology: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good
  • Empathy: Good

Special Abilities

Street Fighter: Rei has been through a lot of scrapes. He's had specialized training in boxing, jiujitsu and tae kwon do when growing up, mostly for his fitness and endurance, and he's combined these into a pretty competent fighting style. He's been knock to KO cops, if he had to, and can probably compete in amateur MMA competitions. Which he doesn't do. However, he has a devastating punch, knows how to roll with hits and dodge telegraphed hits, and can take a beating with the best of them. In a regular fight, he won't go down first, or easy, that's for sure. Against specialized fighters, however.. he probably won't make a difference, at least, not barehanded.

Powers & Merits

The Darkness: Rei possesses the limitless power of The Darkness, a cursed elemental force of Chaos and Creation that allows him access to an otherworldly dimension and control over the veritable legion of Darklings who dwell there. He can stand against and even overpower other supernatural beings. He can destroy tanks and attack helicopters, slaughter vampires and werewolves, and easily butcher ordinary humans. However, this power literally only works in Darkness. Any directed source of light, or anything that shines light into the darkness, can and will instantly destroy any construct of the Darkness. Ambient light, moonlight, or IR light will not actually affect the Darkness, but spotlights, streetlights, or any LED lights will prevent its use. Rei can, obviously, just close the lights or smash them.

  • Demon Heads: When using the Darkness, two serpent-like heads protrude from Rei's back and serve as his primary weapons. They can devour hearts that replenish health and Darkness Energy. After the two year gap of not using the Darkness, the heads gain new appearance and abilities. The right Serpent Head can be used to attack in a slashing motion, and the left can be used to grab objects and enemies. They can also be used for special takedowns.
  • Swarm Conjuration: Through Demon Heads, Rei can spit out a green cloud of flesh eating insects infused with Darkness energy that clings to and damages enemies, immobilizing them.
  • Darkling Conjuration: Rei can conjure different types of imp-like Darklings that can attack foes and move cars. Some types even come with additional weapons like machetes or gatling guns and can also emit electricity or self-destruct themselves in powerful explosions. After not using the Darkness for two years, Rei could only summon one Darkling. This particular Darkling was much more intelligent and independent than previous Rei's creations.
  • Black Hole Conjuration: Rei can conjure a small piece of Darkness and cause it collapse in on itself, creating a vortex of death. After not using the Darkness for two years, hole would also explode after sucking up everything around it.
  • Gun Channelling: Rei can channel his Darkness power through whatever weapon used at the moment, increasing their power dramatically and giving infinite ammunition until the power times out. With upgrades, it can also auto-target enemies with dual-wielded weapons and allow Rei to see and shoot through walls.
  • Darkness Armor: After two year gap of not using the Darkness, Rei could now create a protective armor around his body. The armor was strong enough to let Rei survive longer in the direct gunfire.
  • Healing Factor: The Darkness can heal any wounds Rei receives, no matter how serious they are. Through out the two games, Rei was brought back to life after shooting himself in the head and being caught in multiple explosions. The Darkness also healed Rei's burned leg during the restaurant shoot out, his pierced palms and the damage received from the direct blast of a shotgun to the chest. Although if the damage is too great to heal immediately, the Darkness will put Rei in one of its worlds, while it repairs its host body.
  • Levitation: After releasing the Darkness in the second game, Rei is seen levitating up in the air. When the Darkness finishes killing the attackers and healing his leg, Rei comes back to the ground.
  • Near Invincibility: As a host to The Darkness, Rei is seemingly invincible as whenever he is killed in a scripted sequence such as after Jennie's death, he is brought to an Otherworld to reside in while the Darkness repairs his body. In the first game it is depicted as a hellscape with an ongoing war between unkillable beings, in the second game it's shown as a mental hospital to trick Rei as a method to prevent him from giving up his powers. Rei's body appears to still be active during these sections shown when he first gets back up after dying to The Darkness executing a person.
  • Demon Arm: Rei could conjure a giant tentacle to impale foes, break down walls or break street lamps.
  • Creeping Darkness: By detaching a tentacle from his body, Rei could send it out/control it to scout or kill opponents without approaching them himself. The tentacle can also flip switches, knock out light sources and destroy locks however, it leaves Rei completely defenceless as he's the one controlling the tentacle.
  • Creation: The Darkness is Creation; Rei can create and control shadowy fanged, clawed, or bladed tentacles to impale/grab/interact with objects, restrain or kill humans and lift cars. He can create guns, chainsaws, water, and knives from The Darkness
  • The Darkness Armor: Rei can craft a suit of mystical body armor about himself which makes him invulnerable and increases his strength and endurance to their peak.
    • Absolute Strength: While using The Darkness, Rei's strength becomes superhuman. He has been seen to shatter wood and stone, crush metal, and lift cars with ease.
    • Absolute Speed: While using The Darkness, Rei can move faster than any vehicle.


Animal Magnetism (1pt): Rei is... very well liked. By everyone, man and woman, often to his dismay. You have the "WOA DUDE BANG ME" aura, and receive a +1 Bonus on seduction and similar rolls (though this may inspire jealousy in the people who view you as competition). This is a Merit seldom taken seriously in the Chat Rooms, as it's been too often used by players whose intent is seldom gaming...
Iron Will (5pts): Rei has gone through a lot.. a lot... and he came out on the other end, still focused and determined. You cannot be mind-controlled easily, and getting you to surrender is borderline impossible. When magical (or other) mind-control is attempted on you, both roll and you get a +3 bonus to your roll. It's possible to do it, but you'll fight it with every fiber of your being, and will not stay in thrall very long.
Clear Sighted (3pts): Rei has been through deception after lie after horrible event, and because of this, is very sharp to attempted mental or magical detection. You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
Concentration (1pt): Due to how and where he grew up and lived, Rei has... very good focus. He's nearly impossible to distract or otherwise taunt. You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.

Unique Items

Nothing of Note.

Items Of Note

Nothing of note.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Post Traumatic Stress Disorder: Rei has been through.. abuse. And because of this, he reacts -very- poorly to people touching him without his express permission. He deals with stress with promiscuity, alcohol and violence. When he's focused on a task, he can get it done, but when he's relaxed, or supposed to be, he does not like to be touched or otherwise treated like a project or an object of affection.
Light: The bright, blonde, blue haired Prince is, in fact, a child of the Darkness, not a child of Light. Rei himself is perfectly fine in the light, but his powers do not work in direct light. Ambient light, distant firelight, certainly, but a direct light shone on him or his creations will dissipate them. Colored light, not so much, but he can't activate his powers outdoors during the day (unless it's incredibly overcast, think a hurricane or a major storm), and anything like Flashbangs, Spotlights, or even lightning bolts, if they're close enough, can shut down his abilities while they last. Not just that, but anyone seeking out Darkness (as an element or a metaphysical concept), can locate Rei, assuming they have the powers/abilities to do so.


Flashbacks (3pts): In high-stress situations, especially if/when trapped, Rei sometimes remembers being forced to do.. horrible acts, and can be made to shut down or otherwise act out something inappropriate, as if that's what he's expected to do. When under pressure and/or in the presence of something which reminds you of something unpleasant in your past, you flashback to that past event. Whilst in a flashback, everything to you is as it was then.
Vengeance (1pt): Rei wants to take revenge against several people. Persephone Aensland, Akio, and his adopted sister Megumi being the three primary objects of his vengeance, but others, such as Valcas and his cronies are also on his list. You are consumed with avenging something very important to you. When facing a chance to do this, you need to make a roll (diff 7) to resist taking your revenge. This is another specific flaw, which you should mention beforehand.
Echoes (1pt): Rei's presence darkens a room. A dimly lit room seems darker around him, which his pale skin and angelic blonde hair just highlight, like a torch in the dark. It's not noticeable under regular lighting, but any ambient light, low light or other less-than-ideal lighting conditions, Rei might stand out a bit. Lighters and low-battery flashlights might not function around him, at least, not at first. Your supernatural nature affects the world around you; for example, if you are a "witch", milk sours in your presence or you cannot walk on hallowed ground. Severity of the flaw depends on how severe–and noticeable–the echoes are. This should be taken only by supernatural or cursed characters. There is little to no reason for Joe Dudeguy to make milk sour, but Billy Half-Demon might.

NPC(s) to go with char

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