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= Background =
= Background =
Ezio was born the heir to Knight Industries. They were a major power supplier, having developed the basis of the Fulcrum Generator, a self-sustaining clean energy source, though at the time it was imperfect, it allowed for the use of Slave Drivers. They made a fortune out of that, and were set for life. It was then they realized that Ezio had a natural knack for science. Watching his father's scientists work on the Fulcrum Drives, he noticed how to make the generator entirely self-sufficient, and from this moment on, Ezio's life was set. He would help make the Spada fortune and empire bigger and stronger. His genius was used to improve on everything they made, and even create a few of his own. He was taught by his father everything he knew, then had to learn on his own when he exhausted it.<br>
Ezio was born the heir to [[Knight Industries]]. They were a major power supplier, having developed the basis of the Fulcrum Generator, a self-sustaining clean energy source, though at the time it was imperfect, it allowed for the use of Slave Drivers. They made a fortune out of that, and were set for life. It was then they realized that Ezio had a natural knack for science. Watching his father's scientists work on the Fulcrum Drives, he noticed how to make the generator entirely self-sufficient, and from this moment on, Ezio's life was set. He would help make the Spada fortune and empire bigger and stronger. His genius was used to improve on everything they made, and even create a few of his own. He was taught by his father everything he knew, then had to learn on his own when he exhausted it.<br>
Then came the accident. Some business rivals to the Knights opposed them and sabotaged their car. Unfortunately for Ezio, the detonation happened when he was in the car with their driver, critically wounding him and killing the older man. While he was in the hospital, under severe organ failure, the doctors had almost no chance of saving him. His father paid for him to be brought out of a coma and told him his situation, wanting to spend his last moments with his son. To his surprise, Ezio on his death bed told his father about using the Fulcrum Generator on a smaller scale, to replace his heart, blood, and damaged nervous system by using a different power source. His father immediately ordered doctors and scientists to get on that while his son was hooked up to machines, expecting this to be the fever dream of a dying child, but refusing to not take the risk. Against all odds.. it worked.<br>
Then came the accident. Some business rivals to the Knights opposed them and sabotaged their car. Unfortunately for Ezio, the detonation happened when he was in the car with their driver, critically wounding him and killing the older man. While he was in the hospital, under severe organ failure, the doctors had almost no chance of saving him. His father paid for him to be brought out of a coma and told him his situation, wanting to spend his last moments with his son. To his surprise, Ezio on his death bed told his father about using the Fulcrum Generator on a smaller scale, to replace his heart, blood, and damaged nervous system by using a different power source. His father immediately ordered doctors and scientists to get on that while his son was hooked up to machines, expecting this to be the fever dream of a dying child, but refusing to not take the risk. Against all odds.. it worked.<br>
Before long, Ezio's natural regenerative abilities were enhanced to the point where he could get his organs repaired, and he made a miraculous recovery. In fact, he came out of this accident stronger than he'd been before, his lack of athletic ability apparently remedied by his new 'power source'. After this, Knight Industries began to produce medical versions of the Fulcrum Generator, further cementing their presence as a corporation. Sadly, their competitors were not so unlucky next time. They managed to arrange a hit on Ezio's parents, sending an actual superhuman after them to make sure, and leaving him as the sole heir of the corporation, but, as he wasn't of legal age, his uncle was put in charge of the company. Lacking any scientific skills, and dependent on Ezio for both legal and technological reasons, he gave a lot of power and leeway to the boy, but retained enough control to make it HIS company, focusing on military and R&D contracts.<br>
Before long, Ezio's natural regenerative abilities were enhanced to the point where he could get his organs repaired, and he made a miraculous recovery. In fact, he came out of this accident stronger than he'd been before, his lack of athletic ability apparently remedied by his new 'power source'. After this, Knight Industries began to produce medical versions of the Fulcrum Generator, further cementing their presence as a corporation. Sadly, their competitors were not so unlucky next time. They managed to arrange a hit on Ezio's parents, sending an actual superhuman after them to make sure, and leaving him as the sole heir of the corporation, but, as he wasn't of legal age, his uncle was put in charge of the company. Lacking any scientific skills, and dependent on Ezio for both legal and technological reasons, he gave a lot of power and leeway to the boy, but retained enough control to make it HIS company, focusing on military and R&D contracts.<br>
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'''Social Skills''':
'''Social Skills''':
*Subterfuge: Incredible
*Subterfuge: Amazing (+1/+2 GM's call)
*Streetwise: Good
*Streetwise: Novice
*Intimidation: Very Good
*Intimidation: Very Good
*Leadership: Very Good
*Leadership: Very Good
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'''Mental Skills''':
'''Mental Skills''':
*Computers: Amazing
*Computers: Amazing
*Finance: Incredible
*Medicine: Novice
*Medicine: Novice
*Occult: Abysmal
*Occult: Abysmal
*Science: Amazing
*Science: Amazing (+1)
*Technology: Amazing
*Technology: Amazing (+1)
'''Other Skills''':
'''Other Skills''':
*Driving: Very Good
*Driving: Amazing (+1)
*Survival: Very Good
*Survival: Very Good
*Empathy: Abysmal
*Empathy: Abysmal
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''Clear-Sighted (3pts)'': Between his brains, the Fulcrum generator, and his internal computing systems, Ezio is exceedingly hard to fool with illusions.<br>
''Clear-Sighted (3pts)'': Between his brains, the Fulcrum generator, and his internal computing systems, Ezio is exceedingly hard to fool with illusions.<br>
''Eidetic Memory (2pts)'': Ezio never forgets anything, and this comes from before having a partially computerized thought process.<br>
''Eidetic Memory (2pts)'': Ezio never forgets anything, and this comes from before having a partially computerized thought process.<br>
''Ability Aptitude - Technology (1pt)'': Ezio is a natural born engineer. Give him technology and he'll figure it out in a second. He can repair a WW2 Jeep with a pocket knife.<br>
''Ability Aptitude - Science (1pt)'': Ezio is a natural born scientist. He instinctively understands how to best use most forms of technology and break down natural phenomena with the merest of information.<br>
''Crack Driver (1pt)'': Ezio loves to go fast. His direction in life is a testament to this. He is an incredibly driver with most vehicles he can sit in.<br>
''Honeyed Tongue (2pts)'': Ezio is a smooth operator. He can fast-talk most people into whatever he wants, and broker deals like no one's paying attention to the fine print, because they want to listen to him.<br>
= Unique Items =
= Unique Items =
The TechKnight Series of Armors. A note that all armors, while they each have separate stats and uses, have the following as automatic systems.<br>
*'''High-Intensity Multi-Accuracy Targeting System''': The Techknight series of armors all have an auto-targeting system which allows Ezio to lock onto actual threats while marking friendlies with neural impulses, instantly identifying hostiles by recognizing weapons/technologies and analyzing them. It also allows him to scan for enemies with this system, but how well-guarded the enemy is makes the full analysis longer (read, GM decides how much he can tell). This is efficient against technological based systems, and conventional weaponry. It is 100% useless against magical threats, for analysis purposes. Ezio has a version of this in his sunglasses/contact lenses as well, but it's less efficient than on a high tech weapons platform for obvious reasons. Makes him great at darts though.  
*'''High-Intensity Multi-Accuracy Targeting System''': The Techknight series of armors all have an auto-targeting system which allows Ezio to lock onto actual threats while marking friendlies with neural impulses, instantly identifying hostiles by recognizing weapons and analyzing them. It also allows him to scan for enemies with this system, but how well-guarded the enemy is makes the full analysis longer (read, GM decides how much he can tell). This is efficient against technological based systems, and conventional weaponry. It is 100% useless against magical threats, for analysis purposes.
*'''Instant Threat Analysis Neutralizing Ordnance Missiles''': A modular part of the Techknight armors, this shoulder or hip mounted missile launch platform fires micromissiles of varying intensity (from stun rounds to anti-personnel explosives) at IDed and Tagged target. These require no power, and are of short-to-mid range attacks.
*'''Personal Computer Interface''': The Techknight UI is an operating system that functions only when in contact with the Fulcrum Generator Mark IV. This OS is of Ezio's own design, and is virtually virus-proof for several reasons, not the least of which being entirely unique. It allows him to use the suit to act as a computer, making him basically able to connect to networks and systems, and possibly override them, or at least download data. There is, obviously, an option for WiFi and password hacking, but generally this requires some sort of pre-allowed entry into the system. He has this in his sunglasses and on a wrist mounted terminal that holoprojects for others if he needs to.<br>
*'''Personal Computer Interface''': The Techknight UI is an operating system that functions only when in contact with the Fulcrum Generator Mark IV. This OS is of Ezio's own design, and is virtually virus-proof for several reasons, not the least of which being entirely unique. It allows him to use the suit to act as a computer, making him basically able to connect to networks and systems, and possibly override them, or at least download data. There is, obviously, an option for WiFi and password hacking, but generally this requires some sort of pre-allowed entry into the system. He has this in his sunglasses and on a wrist mounted terminal that holoprojects for others if he needs to.<br>
*'''Hand-Adapted Neutralizer-Disruptor Cannon''': You're not supposed to use the Acronym inside the components Ezio. Ezio's gloves can he re-adapted via nanotechnology into portable weapons, remaining mostly undetectable to most conventional technology. With these, even without the rest of the Tech Knight armor, Ezio can fire powerful concussive energy beams from the palms of his hands, charged directly from his personal Fulcrum Generator. This allows him to have a fighting chance in a fight without using his full armor, or if caught unawares on the street.<br>
*'''Human-Adapted Neutralizer-Disruptor Cannon''': Ezio's gloves and watch can be re-adapted via nanotechnology into portable weapons, remaining mostly undetectable to most conventional technology. With these, even without the rest of the Tech Knight armor, Ezio can fire powerful concussive energy beams from the palms of his hands, charged directly from his personal Fulcrum Generator. This allows him to have a fighting chance in a fight without using his full armor, or if caught unawares on the street.<br>
===Tech Knight===
===Tech Knight===
[[File:TechKnight.png|thumb|right|Tech Knight (Mk IV)]][[File:Tech_Knight.png|thumb|left|Tech Crusader (Mk II)]]
The Tech Knight (Tech Crusader Mark IV) is Ezio's primary weapons platform. It is an autonomous personal power suit, granting him vastly enhanced abilities, and a set of weapons, built into the suit itself. At the core, it is essentially a superhero Power Armor. It grants him the following abilities.
The Tech Knight (Tech Crusader Mark IV) is Ezio's primary weapons platform. It is an autonomous personal power suit, granting him vastly enhanced abilities, and a set of weapons, built into the suit itself. At the core, it is essentially a superhero Power Armor. It grants him the following abilities.
*'''Superhuman Strength''': The Tech Crusader armor allows Ezio to life several tons right above his head and throw it. How this operates is a mixture of forcefields and energy expenditure in fake muscles, but essentially, it grants him limited Super Strength. He can make the armor even stronger (up to throwing tanks) by diverting all power from his weapons into the musculature, but this drains the Fulcrum Generator rapidly, and cannot be used on a regular basis. Normally he is able to throw cars and trucks with ease.
*'''Superhuman Strength''': The Tech Crusader armor allows Ezio to life several tons right above his head and throw it. How this operates is a mixture of forcefields and energy expenditure in fake muscles, but essentially, it grants him limited Super Strength. He can make the armor even stronger (up to throwing tanks) by diverting all power from his weapons into the musculature, but this drains the Fulcrum Generator rapidly, and cannot be used on a regular basis. Normally he is able to throw cars and trucks with ease.
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*'''Laser Beams''': Wrist mounted laser capsules. These are entirely independent of the Fulcrum Generator. These fire a stream of lasers, which are incredibly high powered, in an arc. They are one shot each, then the capsule is ejected.
*'''Laser Beams''': Wrist mounted laser capsules. These are entirely independent of the Fulcrum Generator. These fire a stream of lasers, which are incredibly high powered, in an arc. They are one shot each, then the capsule is ejected.
*'''Crusader Beam''': The Tech Knight's highest power attack, bringing his hands together, and opening a panel in his chest and forehead, joining all the powers together, the Tech Knight can fire an incredibly powerful beam of focused energy, which will detonate on impact. This is a very powerful attack, and needs some cooldown between attacks. The Crusader Beam can be super charged, and even possibly deplete the armor's entire power source, which causes Ezio to go into a temporary coma while most of his life functions drop into bare-survival mode, causing a massive explosion, but for obvious reasons, he does not like to do this. This also burns out the focusing lenses and, even if somehow recharged, will not allow him to keep fighting with his ranged weapons.
*'''Crusader Beam''': The Tech Knight's highest power attack, bringing his hands together, and opening a panel in his chest and forehead, joining all the powers together, the Tech Knight can fire an incredibly powerful beam of focused energy, which will detonate on impact. This is a very powerful attack, and needs some cooldown between attacks. The Crusader Beam can be super charged, and even possibly deplete the armor's entire power source, which causes Ezio to go into a temporary coma while most of his life functions drop into bare-survival mode, causing a massive explosion, but for obvious reasons, he does not like to do this. This also burns out the focusing lenses and, even if somehow recharged, will not allow him to keep fighting with his ranged weapons.
*'''Instant Threat Analysis Neutralizing Ordnance Missiles''': A modular part of the Techknight armors, this shoulder or hip mounted missile launch platform fires micromissiles of varying intensity (from stun rounds to anti-personnel explosives) at IDed and Tagged target. These require no power, and are of short-to-mid range attacks.
= Items Of Note =
= Items Of Note =
Text goes here
'''Expensive Suits''': Ezio wears tailored clothes everywhere he goes. If he has to be 'casual' he'll be casual with 500 dollar plain white T-shirts.<br>
'''Attarazione Custom Car''': Like a Lamborghini but more expensive and without the copyright infringement fees.<br>
'''Duel Monster Decks''': Ezio is an avid player of Duel Monsters. He has a few decks, such as the XYZ Dragon Deck, Cyber Dragon Deck, and an Elemental HEROes Deck.<br>
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
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''Compulsive Speech (1pt)'': Ezio does not know when or how to shut up. It helps that he's rich, handsome and smart, and usually gets away with it, but sometimes, like when someone has him at gunpoint, it doesn't really help.<br>
''Compulsive Speech (1pt)'': Ezio does not know when or how to shut up. It helps that he's rich, handsome and smart, and usually gets away with it, but sometimes, like when someone has him at gunpoint, it doesn't really help.<br>
''Sensation Junkie (2pts)'': Ezio almost died after spending some time in the hospital. He really values his life. He will not let any experience escape him, so he is fine with jumping head first into danger if it tickles his pickle. <br>
''Sensation Junkie (2pts)'': Ezio almost died after spending some time in the hospital. He really values his life. He will not let any experience escape him, so he is fine with jumping head first into danger if it tickles his pickle. <br>
''Overconfident (1pt)'': Ezio is basically insanely smart and wears a tank. He found a way to escape death while going through complete organ failure, and he learned enough about biology in a few minutes to do so. He feels he has every right to be ''appropriately'' confident.<br>
''Curiosity (2pts)'': Ezio wants to know more. If he doesn't understand something, he wants to figure it out. If he finds something he doesn't know, he wants to study it. Mix this with his sensation junkie nature (Welp this nanomachine colony won't figure itself out. Inject it in my head.), compulsive speech (Are you REALLY a god or just some interdimensional alien pretending to be one?), and overconfident attitude (Nanomachine God huh? I'm going in.) and it leads to someone who seems quite self-destructive.<br>
= NPC(s) to go with char =
= NPC(s) to go with char =

Latest revision as of 05:57, 23 August 2023

Ezio Knight
A.K.A. Tech Knight
Age 20
Voice Actor Hiroshi Kamiya
Relatives Uncle
Series Original
Player Sparda
  • Name: Ezio Knight
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: March 25
  • Parents: Antonio and Eliza Knight
    • Place of Birth: Los Angeles
    • Nationality: American
    • Specialty: Can take apart and put back together any piece of technology, regardless of origin.
    • Hobbies: Gadgeteering, video games, RPGs.
    • Likes: Technology, progress, science.
    • Dislikes: Magic.
    • Favorite Food: Orange Soda
    • Least Favorite Food: None
    • Favorite Music: Metal
    • Favorite Sport: Lacrosse
    • Most Valuable Possessions: The Tech Knight armor.
    • Level of Education: Officially high school. Technically Doctorates
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 150lbs
    • Eyes: Red
    • Hair: Blond
    • Special: Odd concave spot in his chest.


I have a picture. Of both forms.


Brash, arrogant, overconfident and full of himself, but he can usually back it up. He is a good person at the core, just refuses to reign in his ego and shamelessly self-promotes. He does want to help the world, however, and make it a better place. He fancies himself a lord knight, in duty to his people and those less fortunate than he is, which is mostly everyone.


Ezio was born the heir to Knight Industries. They were a major power supplier, having developed the basis of the Fulcrum Generator, a self-sustaining clean energy source, though at the time it was imperfect, it allowed for the use of Slave Drivers. They made a fortune out of that, and were set for life. It was then they realized that Ezio had a natural knack for science. Watching his father's scientists work on the Fulcrum Drives, he noticed how to make the generator entirely self-sufficient, and from this moment on, Ezio's life was set. He would help make the Spada fortune and empire bigger and stronger. His genius was used to improve on everything they made, and even create a few of his own. He was taught by his father everything he knew, then had to learn on his own when he exhausted it.
Then came the accident. Some business rivals to the Knights opposed them and sabotaged their car. Unfortunately for Ezio, the detonation happened when he was in the car with their driver, critically wounding him and killing the older man. While he was in the hospital, under severe organ failure, the doctors had almost no chance of saving him. His father paid for him to be brought out of a coma and told him his situation, wanting to spend his last moments with his son. To his surprise, Ezio on his death bed told his father about using the Fulcrum Generator on a smaller scale, to replace his heart, blood, and damaged nervous system by using a different power source. His father immediately ordered doctors and scientists to get on that while his son was hooked up to machines, expecting this to be the fever dream of a dying child, but refusing to not take the risk. Against all odds.. it worked.
Before long, Ezio's natural regenerative abilities were enhanced to the point where he could get his organs repaired, and he made a miraculous recovery. In fact, he came out of this accident stronger than he'd been before, his lack of athletic ability apparently remedied by his new 'power source'. After this, Knight Industries began to produce medical versions of the Fulcrum Generator, further cementing their presence as a corporation. Sadly, their competitors were not so unlucky next time. They managed to arrange a hit on Ezio's parents, sending an actual superhuman after them to make sure, and leaving him as the sole heir of the corporation, but, as he wasn't of legal age, his uncle was put in charge of the company. Lacking any scientific skills, and dependent on Ezio for both legal and technological reasons, he gave a lot of power and leeway to the boy, but retained enough control to make it HIS company, focusing on military and R&D contracts.
Ezio grew bored of designing weapons. Having felt weak once in his life, he no longer was content with his lot. There were people out there, who felt weak all the time. More importantly, he knew how power could change the outcome of a situation. He applied his skills to make a solution to all of these problems, and came up with the Crusader armor, a power suit capable of flight, enhanced strength, resistance, and built in weaponry. A perfect weapon, made to suit him. Since he'd used the company to design and manufacture the suit, his uncle immediately wanted to market it, which led to a major fight between the two. When the dust settled, Ezio made a deal with him. He would mass produce the Crusader armor for police and military use (Peacemaker and Warmaker units), but in exchange, he would get to use a percentage of the profits to manufacture things for his own personal use, and get his own servers to keep his work private. His uncle agreed, for a variety of reasons, mostly due to Ezio's constant patching of the suits and new models every year.
Thus was born the Crusader Model II armor, which allowed Ezio to do everything he wanted to. He would never be weak again. He would help others who felt weak and powerless. And he would get to help clean the world of the scum that cluttered it. This was how the Techno Crusader was born. He built the most powerful Fulcrum Generator (Mark IV), and replaced his outdated one, granting him even more personal abilities, and more importantly, an unlimited power source, much higher than those commercially available, for the Crusader Armor, allowing him to build variants and use them just the same. By this time, Ezio has designed further suits that improve and compartmentalize his abilities, such as the Tech Warrior (Crusader Model III), a modular and equipment based power suit, and his current all use unit, the Tech Knight (Crusader Model IV), which is an overall improved version of his Crusader II armor.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Amazing (+1/+2 GM's call)
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Very Good
  • Leadership: Very Good
  • Expression: Incredible
  • Etiquette: Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing
  • Finance: Incredible
  • Medicine: Novice
  • Occult: Abysmal
  • Science: Amazing (+1)
  • Technology: Amazing (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Amazing (+1)
  • Survival: Very Good
  • Empathy: Abysmal

Special Abilities

Nth Level Intellect: Ezio is a born super-genius. He almost instinctively understands technology, science, and can grasp complex ideas like most people grasp basic arithmetic. He is even able to understand alien or non-human technology, at least to some degree, and has never had a problem with a new field of research placed in front of him. His real skill however, is how smart he is under pressure. He is even more driven when in a clutch situation than when working as his own pace.

Powers & Merits

Fulcrum Generator: (Ostensibly an 'Item', this is a power because it's basically in lieu of his heart, and if it's removed, he dies.) The Fulcrum Generator Mark IV is the only one of its kind, housed within the chest of Ezio. This generator allows him to have infinite power (with some conditions) available at all times, and grants him a few additional benefits due to being within him. Primarily, it's the power source for all of the Tech Knight's armor and weapons, and most of its true abilities need the power suits to be in use. The benefits Ezio gains from this, however, are as follows.

  • Perfect Health: Ezio's immune system is through the roof. Under normal conditions, it is impossible for him to get sick. This grants him no immunity from magical or non-natural illnesses, but he is never going to catch a cold, the flu, or a bad case of the gout. He can, however, get poisoned or drunk, he will simply recuperate faster than others.
  • Rapid Healing: Ezio can recover from any wound perfectly, and will do so in roughly half the time a normal person would. He also does not feel much drain from magical healing. This is NOT a healing factor, and he will not heal over wounds without treatment, but the risks of surgery, and the recovery time are essentially halved, making Ezio exceptionally easy to heal, more than harder to kill.
  • Enhanced Processing Power: The Fulcrum Generator has made Ezio actively smarter. His brain operates faster and with multi-linear processes, allowing him to multi-task. He is a genius without it, but with the Fulcrum Generator, he can be constantly thinking and designing. If somehow shut down, he would be a bit less smart, but by no means less of a genius.
  • Endless Energy: Ezio barely needs sleep or rest, and he can function essentially forever. In fact, without the Knight Armor worn periodically, he is likely to build up more energy than he can deal with and get exceedingly excitable and 'hyper'. He is essentially tireless by normal, and even strenuous, means, requiring superhuman efforts to get exhausted.
  • Bodily Enhancements: Ezio's muscle mass, metabolism, blood flow, and reflexes have been enhanced to peak human levels for his body. This does not make him faster or more physically strong, but it does mean he can react quickly enough to duck if fired at and use the Knight armor without formal training. He is also able to eat monstrous amounts of food without actually gaining weight, and his body is always naturally perfectly fit (if normal). He gets no special advantage in a fight or anything out of this, and still has little to no formal training.


Clear-Sighted (3pts): Between his brains, the Fulcrum generator, and his internal computing systems, Ezio is exceedingly hard to fool with illusions.
Eidetic Memory (2pts): Ezio never forgets anything, and this comes from before having a partially computerized thought process.
Ability Aptitude - Technology (1pt): Ezio is a natural born engineer. Give him technology and he'll figure it out in a second. He can repair a WW2 Jeep with a pocket knife.
Ability Aptitude - Science (1pt): Ezio is a natural born scientist. He instinctively understands how to best use most forms of technology and break down natural phenomena with the merest of information.
Crack Driver (1pt): Ezio loves to go fast. His direction in life is a testament to this. He is an incredibly driver with most vehicles he can sit in.
Honeyed Tongue (2pts): Ezio is a smooth operator. He can fast-talk most people into whatever he wants, and broker deals like no one's paying attention to the fine print, because they want to listen to him.

Unique Items

  • High-Intensity Multi-Accuracy Targeting System: The Techknight series of armors all have an auto-targeting system which allows Ezio to lock onto actual threats while marking friendlies with neural impulses, instantly identifying hostiles by recognizing weapons/technologies and analyzing them. It also allows him to scan for enemies with this system, but how well-guarded the enemy is makes the full analysis longer (read, GM decides how much he can tell). This is efficient against technological based systems, and conventional weaponry. It is 100% useless against magical threats, for analysis purposes. Ezio has a version of this in his sunglasses/contact lenses as well, but it's less efficient than on a high tech weapons platform for obvious reasons. Makes him great at darts though.
  • Personal Computer Interface: The Techknight UI is an operating system that functions only when in contact with the Fulcrum Generator Mark IV. This OS is of Ezio's own design, and is virtually virus-proof for several reasons, not the least of which being entirely unique. It allows him to use the suit to act as a computer, making him basically able to connect to networks and systems, and possibly override them, or at least download data. There is, obviously, an option for WiFi and password hacking, but generally this requires some sort of pre-allowed entry into the system. He has this in his sunglasses and on a wrist mounted terminal that holoprojects for others if he needs to.
  • Human-Adapted Neutralizer-Disruptor Cannon: Ezio's gloves and watch can be re-adapted via nanotechnology into portable weapons, remaining mostly undetectable to most conventional technology. With these, even without the rest of the Tech Knight armor, Ezio can fire powerful concussive energy beams from the palms of his hands, charged directly from his personal Fulcrum Generator. This allows him to have a fighting chance in a fight without using his full armor, or if caught unawares on the street.

Tech Knight

Tech Knight (Mk IV)
Tech Crusader (Mk II)

The Tech Knight (Tech Crusader Mark IV) is Ezio's primary weapons platform. It is an autonomous personal power suit, granting him vastly enhanced abilities, and a set of weapons, built into the suit itself. At the core, it is essentially a superhero Power Armor. It grants him the following abilities.

  • Superhuman Strength: The Tech Crusader armor allows Ezio to life several tons right above his head and throw it. How this operates is a mixture of forcefields and energy expenditure in fake muscles, but essentially, it grants him limited Super Strength. He can make the armor even stronger (up to throwing tanks) by diverting all power from his weapons into the musculature, but this drains the Fulcrum Generator rapidly, and cannot be used on a regular basis. Normally he is able to throw cars and trucks with ease.
  • Personal Forcefield: The Tech Knight is highly resilient to damage via a powerful force field, essentially skin-tight. This allows kinetic and energetic weapons to be resisted, though how much they damage Ezio depends entirely on how hard they hit. This is a damage-reduction field, and will not deny anything higher than conventional punches and firearms. Ezio can divert more power to his forcefield, but it too will drain the Fulcrum Generator faster, and divert from the suit's other abilities.
  • Flight: The Tech Knight armor is capable of directed flight. With its forcefield and jets, it allows him to fly at near sonic speeds at full burst, or perfectly controlled flight for combat (not both at once). This grants the Tech Knight incredible mobility in the air, and varied angles of attack.
  • Fulcrum Blasters: The Tech Knight can fire powerful concussive blasts from its hands (and feet) at its opponents, controlling how much force is in them. This is also the basis of how its forcefield and flight function. The Fulcrum Blasters come out in a spiral, with the faster spirals being more destructive than the slower ones. These take very little energy and can be used with impunity, like a long range version of a punch.
  • Laser Beams: Wrist mounted laser capsules. These are entirely independent of the Fulcrum Generator. These fire a stream of lasers, which are incredibly high powered, in an arc. They are one shot each, then the capsule is ejected.
  • Crusader Beam: The Tech Knight's highest power attack, bringing his hands together, and opening a panel in his chest and forehead, joining all the powers together, the Tech Knight can fire an incredibly powerful beam of focused energy, which will detonate on impact. This is a very powerful attack, and needs some cooldown between attacks. The Crusader Beam can be super charged, and even possibly deplete the armor's entire power source, which causes Ezio to go into a temporary coma while most of his life functions drop into bare-survival mode, causing a massive explosion, but for obvious reasons, he does not like to do this. This also burns out the focusing lenses and, even if somehow recharged, will not allow him to keep fighting with his ranged weapons.
  • Instant Threat Analysis Neutralizing Ordnance Missiles: A modular part of the Techknight armors, this shoulder or hip mounted missile launch platform fires micromissiles of varying intensity (from stun rounds to anti-personnel explosives) at IDed and Tagged target. These require no power, and are of short-to-mid range attacks.

Items Of Note

Expensive Suits: Ezio wears tailored clothes everywhere he goes. If he has to be 'casual' he'll be casual with 500 dollar plain white T-shirts.
Attarazione Custom Car: Like a Lamborghini but more expensive and without the copyright infringement fees.
Duel Monster Decks: Ezio is an avid player of Duel Monsters. He has a few decks, such as the XYZ Dragon Deck, Cyber Dragon Deck, and an Elemental HEROes Deck.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Fulcrum Generator: The source of all of Ezio's powers. If somehow shut down, via tampering, magic or technopathy, Ezio's body will go into shutdown, and require immediate life support. While the Generator itself is not vulnerable to EMP due to its power source, the device can be shutdown if otherwise targeted, or magically disabled, making this a very real threat to him.
Urah Spark: An incredibly rare type of energy, but, if the Fulcrum Generator is in any way, shape or form in contact with it, it needs to be IMMEDIATELY discharged, or will blow up. Spectacularly. While this is not a common energy source, it does exist, and it is devastating to the Fulcrum Generator.
Egotistical: Ezio is a take charge, I am never wrong kind of guy. He doesn't do well under someone else's orders, and generally considers his way to be the right way. He is highly sociable, but in high-stress situation he is likely to think anyone else has a better idea than he does. He's smarter than you and isn't afraid to prove it. Note that this applies until essentially the breaking point, where it's do and/or die.


Airhead (1pt): Ezio needs to prove himself before people take him seriously, because his dismissive, flippant and overall disconnected, skin-of-his-teeth way of doing things leaves a relatively irresponsible impression.
Compulsive Speech (1pt): Ezio does not know when or how to shut up. It helps that he's rich, handsome and smart, and usually gets away with it, but sometimes, like when someone has him at gunpoint, it doesn't really help.
Sensation Junkie (2pts): Ezio almost died after spending some time in the hospital. He really values his life. He will not let any experience escape him, so he is fine with jumping head first into danger if it tickles his pickle.
Overconfident (1pt): Ezio is basically insanely smart and wears a tank. He found a way to escape death while going through complete organ failure, and he learned enough about biology in a few minutes to do so. He feels he has every right to be appropriately confident.
Curiosity (2pts): Ezio wants to know more. If he doesn't understand something, he wants to figure it out. If he finds something he doesn't know, he wants to study it. Mix this with his sensation junkie nature (Welp this nanomachine colony won't figure itself out. Inject it in my head.), compulsive speech (Are you REALLY a god or just some interdimensional alien pretending to be one?), and overconfident attitude (Nanomachine God huh? I'm going in.) and it leads to someone who seems quite self-destructive.

NPC(s) to go with char

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