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*Name: Sof the Onyx
*Name: Sof the Onyx
*Age: 30
*Age: 30

Revision as of 21:23, 11 February 2012

Sof the Onyx
Sof relaxing.
A.K.A. Emissary from the Void
Age 30
Voice Actor
Relatives Weiss the Immaculate, Nero the Sable.
Series Final Fantasy 7: Dirge of Cerberus
Player Frank
  • Name: Sof the Onyx
  • Age: 30
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: A challenge
  • Dislikes: The weak, humans.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'5"
  • Weight: 170lbs
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Black


Always wearing black, a tall, frail looking man with surprisingly ferocious eyes.


Proud, competitive, strong, sore loser.


  • Leadership: Good
  • Occult: Good
  • Intimidation: Amazing
  • Expression: Very Good


Martial Arts: Sof is trained in hand to hand combat almost on par with Loz. His DNA is programmed with Rosso the Crimson and Azul the Cerulean's skills, allowing him to fight equally well with swords and fists, and his appearance belies his power. He has enough strength in his hands to shatter armoured doors and walls, and fight Eidolons bare handed to a standstill.
Le Grand Bleu: Shifting into a more intimidating stance, Sof's martial arts focuses on pure power, punching through the opponent's defenses and easily disregarding shields and armour, being able to take direct hits from guns with little to no drawback. His strikes from Le Grand Bleu are intended to cause massive damage and ignore defenses, as well as overwhelm a single opponent.
Rouge de la Passion: Shifting his stance to a looser, less impressive looking one, Sof's style suddenly changes to pure finesse and speed, with quick knife hands which rend flesh and even stone, moving with fluid grace and amazing alacrity. Strikes from Rouge de la Passion are meant mostly to cause cuts and weaken an opponent, before he steps up his game and starts using the claw-like strikes to remove parts. Note: If he can steal a sword from an opponent like this, he will, in which case his fighting style gets considerably more dangerous.
Mauve Imperial: Taking the middle ground stance, Sof's default fighting style, he is gifted with quick and powerful blows, takedowns as well as striking, and can hold his own against multiple opponents better by insuring a mix of defense and offense. Note that against regular people or run of the mill SOLDIERS, Le Grand Bleu and Rouge de la Passion allow him to take on several at once, but elites are more difficult to deal with, which is where Mauve Imperial comes in.
Limit Break: La Couleur du Mal.: Glowing white for a moment, Sof strikes with the power of Bleu and the speed of Rouge, essentially blurring across the field, knocking down every enemy in an instant, then punches both hands into the ground, knocking them into the air from the shockwave, before he dashes into them, literally jumping on each of them to kick them them back into the ground, all in a very short moment, then lands back where he was, hands and feet covered in blood.


Materia: Firaga, Thundaga, Haste, Dispel, Cure, Titan.


Challenge: Sof is convinced of his superiority in any physical arena. Challenging him one on one will get him to accept immediately, and, short of betraying Ain, he can accept any and all losing conditions because he cannot conceive of losing.
Sore Loser: However, if one DOES beat him, Sof will not rest until he has killed them. And at that time anything goes, from assassination to carbombs.