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(Chosen of Kemmessur)
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*Birthday: May 15th
*Birthday: May 15th
*Parents: Chronus and Emilia Arinborn
*Parents: Chronus and Emilia Arinborn
**Place of Birth: Royalsia (Nexus)
**Place of Birth: Royalesia(Nexus)
**Nationality: Royalsian
**Nationality: Royalesian
**Specialty: Swordplay, Divine magic (Paladin)
**Specialty: Swordplay, Divine magic (Paladin)
**Hobbies: Swordplay, Music, Adventure Books, ballroom dancing
**Hobbies: Swordplay, Music, Adventure Books, ballroom dancing
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= Skills =
= Skills =
'''Physical Skills''':
'''Physical Skills''':
*Alertness: 4 (+5 when eligible for 'Selective Sensory')
*Alertness: 4
*Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)
*Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)
*Stealth: 2
*Stealth: 2
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*Etiquette: 3
*Etiquette: 3
*Performance: Violin: 4
*Performance: Violin: 4
*Performance: Singing: 1
*Performance: Singing: 2 (+4 w/ Soothing Voice)
*Performance: Juggling, Pen Tricks: 4
*Performance: Juggling, Pen Tricks: 4
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= Special Abilities =
= Special Abilities =
=='''Paladin of Kemmessur'''==
=='''Paladin of Kemmessur'''==
Crono was brought up as a knight in the Order of the Never-ending Stride, in worship of Kemmessur. Kemmessur is a deity who, above all else, defies the idea of 'hopeless' situations. His paladins seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves, especially when concerning their abuse or unfair treatment of higher authority. Kemmessur's worshippers believing in inspiring those around them - not to the paladin, but invoking a belief in themselves. Crono's personal trainings from this come below.
Crono was brought up as a knight in the Order of the Never-ending Stride, in worship of Kemmessur. Kemmessur is a deity who, above all else, defies the idea of 'hopeless' situations. His paladins seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves, especially when concerning their abuse or unfair treatment of higher authority. Kemmessur's worshippers believing in inspiring those around them - not to the paladin, but invoking a belief in themselves. Crono's personal training from this come below.
'''Divine Abilities''' - Powers granted to Paladins of Kemmessur's Faith, each limited by their spiritual prowess.
'''Divine Abilities''' - Powers granted to Paladins of Kemmessur's Faith, each limited by their spiritual prowess (these all cost mana, just as his spells do, giving him a limited pool of resources).
*'''Lay on Hands''' - The paladin has the ability to cure wounds in a warm light and touch. Effective only on the living.
*'''Lay on Hands''' - The paladin has the ability to cure wounds in a warm light and touch. Effective only on the living.
*'''Purge Ailment''' - The paladin has the ability to purge magic debuffs and poisons, but cannot intervene on natural disease.
*'''Purge Ailment''' - The paladin has the ability to purge magic debuffs and poisons, but cannot intervene on natural disease.
*'''Turn Undead''' - The paladin has the ability to stagger, drive back, or crumble undead (depending on the strength of the creatures and their numbers).
*'''Turn Undead''' - The paladin has the ability to stagger, drive back, or crumble undead (depending on the strength of the creatures and their numbers). Requires his holy symbol.
*'''Bless Water''' - The paladin has the ability to turn water into Holy Water, which stings undead and evil entities like acid, and can slow/counter necrotic/death like effects when consumed. Also very refreshing!
*'''Bless Water''' - The paladin has the ability to turn water into Holy Water, which stings undead and evil entities like acid, and can slow/counter necrotic/death like effects when consumed. Also very refreshing!
'''Divine Spellcasting''' - Spells under Kemmessur's Domains
'''Divine Spellcasting''' - Spells under Kemmessur's Domains (these all cost mana, just as his divine abilities do, giving him a limited pool of resources).
*'''Endure Elements''' - Protects a touched target, allowing them to exist comfortably in hot or cold environments for several hours. Can be re-cast. Minimal effect at best on elemental attacks. Not too taxing spread across a party, don't spend all your mana casting this on a small army.
*'''Endure Elements''' - Protects a touched target, allowing them to exist comfortably in hot or cold environments for several hours. Can be re-cast. Minimal effect at best on elemental attacks. Not too taxing spread across a party, don't spend all your mana casting this on a small army.
*'''Divine Favor''' - Through Kemmessur's insight, his or his target's next attack (choose one) is blessed with added divine guidance for striking true to mark, and can only be mitigated, not avoided, assuming some reasonable chance of success prior (hitting a dodgy ninja vs trying to snipe a fly with a pistol from 50 yards away). Crono may only call one favor per combat.
*'''Shield Other''' - Absorb half the damage of a chosen target (the target still receives the other half). Enchantment persists until willfully broken. Crono must be in reasonable range of his target (not hanging in the back of combat). If he and his target are both struck by the same AoE, he receives 1.5x the damage.
*'''Shield Other''' - Absorb half the damage of a chosen target (the target still receives the other half). Enchantment persists until willfully broken.
*'''Daylight''' - 60-ft. radius of bright light, cancels out magical Darkness, causing the area to be filled with natural light. Can be cast upon an object and carried. Creatures that are impacted by sunlight (ex: vampires) act as though struck by mild rays.
*'''Daylight''' - 60-ft. radius of bright light, cancels out magical Darkness, causing the area to be filled with natural light. Can be cast upon an object and carried.
*'''Kemmessur's Arrow''' - An arrow of crackling electricity that can be thrown a medium distance, or fired from a bow at its usual range. Can be used as an attack or a beacon. When used to attack, strikes with the strength of a magically imbued arrow as electric/magic instead of physical damage. When fired overhead, it will burst in the sound of thunder and lightning will take the shape of the holy symbol of Kemmessur - either at maximum distance or when striking a ceiling. This symbol will harm nothing, but is bright and obvious, lingering for a couple minutes.
*'''Kemmessur's Arrow''' - An arrow of crackling electricity that can be thrown a medium distance, or fired from a bow at its usual range. Can be used as an attack or a beacon. When used to attack, strikes with the strength of a magically imbued arrow as electric/magic instead of physical damage. When fired overhead, it will burst in the sound of thunder and lightning will take the shape of the holy symbol of Kemmessur - either at maximum distance or when striking a ceiling. This symbol will harm nothing, but is bright and obvious, lingering for a couple minutes.
*'''Challenge(Taunt)''' - Choose a target, and challenge them bring the fight to you. Upon a successful rolloff, creatures compelled must meet the challenge, or suffer weakness until the time of conflict is over, or until they choose to meet said challenge. Weakness ends if Crono chooses to retreat, bound to meet the challenge himself. Foes that are compelled by this challenge understand its effects and the consequence of ignoring it. Effectiveness subject to GM discretion (Crono that eldritch horror doesn't understand you or your sentiments).
*'''Challenge(Taunt)''' - Choose a target, and challenge them bring the fight to you. Upon a successful rolloff, creatures compelled must meet the challenge, or suffer weakness until the time of conflict is over, or until they choose to meet said challenge. Weakness ends if Crono chooses to retreat, bound to meet the challenge himself. Foes that are compelled by this challenge understand its effects and the consequence of ignoring it. This can influence less powerful minds (i.e, Mooks) to focus their attacks and ire on Crono. Sometimes, more powerful minds (i.e., bosses) may be affected (GM's discretion), but those with a clear focus, goal, or otherwise 'programmed' mindset may be able to resist the urge to attack him, or any others.
*'''Martyr's Bargain''' - Sustain any amount of damage and hold it for up to two rounds after as though untouched. Cannot be used twice in succession - if attempted, the former damage immediately triggers. This damage cannot be reduced in any way from outside source, and is not subject to current circumstances.
*'''Martyr's Bargain''' - Sustain through immense damage and hold it for up to two rounds after as though untouched. Cannot be used twice in succession - if attempted, the former damage immediately triggers. This damage cannot be reduced in any way from outside source, and is not subject to current circumstances. Also, if the damage sustained would be immediately lethal to Crono, he reaches his limit and the spell fails.
*'''Ritual of Retribution's Path''' - Using a piece of or a possession of a target the paladin has previously encountered, the paladin gains a divine insight of the shortest path to their target, at a cost. While they maintain a vague sense of their target, so too does the target maintain a vague sense of the paladin, able to prepare for their coming. While it may be cast, this effect does not cross the boundaries of dimensions, as Crono has no meaningful way to translate 'direction' across such borders, coming into effect only once he and the target are once again on the same dimension.
*'''Ritual of Retribution's Path''' - Using a piece of or a possession of a target the paladin has previously encountered, the paladin gains a divine insight of the shortest path to their target, at a cost. While they maintain a vague sense of their target, so too does the target maintain a vague sense of the paladin, able to prepare for their coming. While it may be cast, this effect does not cross the boundaries of dimensions, as Crono has no meaningful way to translate 'direction' across such borders, coming into effect only once he and the target are once again on the same dimension. It's possible for this effect to fade with time (GM's discretion), and those with the proper tools may find ways to dispel it.
=='''Disciple of Shenhale'''==
=='''Disciple of Shenhale'''==
Outside of his duties as a Paladin, Crono was trained under a master of martial combat in Royalsia, who takes mysteriously few pupils. Its benefits are below.
Outside of his duties as a Paladin, Crono was trained under a master of martial combat in Royalesia, who takes mysteriously few pupils. Its benefits are below.
'''Shenhale Reactive Style'''<br>
'''Shenhale Reactive Style'''<br>
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'''Selective Sensory '''<br>
'''Selective Sensory '''<br>
Given that Shenhale's teachings are made to be entirely reactive in combat, strong senses for a pupil are an absolute must. As a result of sensory training, Crono is able to 'focus' and 'ignore' selective senses at any given time. By pushing all else out, he might overhear a bird call that others loses in the wind. By pushing all else out, he might notice the smell of gunpowder on something nearly faded. When individualized like this, they near paragon-human levels, but tend to require a certain focus outside of active combat to pick up such details, and thus are useless in preventing things like ambushes unless he's strictly expecting one. '''Within combat''', by pushing away disrupted senses, Crono has a fair capability of blind-fighting (ignoring he's blind), or ignoring a ringing in his ears from flashbangs (ignoring ow my ears). This leaves him able to react more cleanly, though still at a loss of said senses.<br>
Given that Shenhale's teachings are made to be entirely reactive in combat, strong senses for a pupil are an absolute must. As a result of sensory training, Crono is able to 'focus' and 'ignore' selective senses at any given time. By pushing all else out, he might overhear a bird call that others loses in the wind. By pushing all else out, he might notice the smell of gunpowder on something nearly faded. When individualized like this, they near paragon-human levels, but tend to require a certain focus outside of active combat to pick up such details, and thus are useless in preventing things like ambushes unless he's strictly expecting one. '''Within combat''', by pushing away disrupted senses, Crono has a fair capability of blind-fighting (ignoring he's blind), or ignoring a ringing in his ears from flashbangs (ignoring ow my ears). This leaves him able to react more cleanly, though still at a loss of said senses.<br>
*Effect: +1 Alertness on player-asked 'Alertness ' checks outside of combat.<br>
*Effect: -2 DC on rolls involving chaos around sensory disruption in combat.<br>
(Let me know if this is too specific, happy to just describe it in fluff and pull off mechanics from it).<br>
= Powers & Merits =
= Powers & Merits =
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Crono may enable one of two marks on a single individual as a free action once per combat. If he wishes to change the mark or target before combat ends, he must do so as a full round action, and the prior mark fades.
Crono may enable one of two marks on a single individual as a free action once per combat. If he wishes to change the mark or target before combat ends, he must do so as a full round action, and the prior mark fades.
*'''Mark of Courage''' - Crono's ally is bolstered against the effects of fear and discouragement, be it magical, or simply the effect of seeing something overwhelming. +1 to all rolls against Fear or other Loss Of Hope.
*'''Mark of Courage''' - Crono's ally is bolstered against the effects of fear and discouragement, be it magical, or simply the effect of seeing something overwhelming.
*'''Mark of Determination''' - Crono's ally is bolstered against the wears of combat. Pain is less deterring (to an extent), and allies receive a minimal healing over time to keep up with minor scuffles in sustained combat.<br>
*'''Mark of Determination''' - Crono's ally is bolstered against the wears of combat. Pain is less deterring (to an extent), and allies receive a minimal healing over time to keep up with minor scuffles in sustained combat.<br>
'''Reach of Enablement''' - Crono selects one ally, and suffuses himself upon said ally. This transference converts into the target's primary source of power, be it mana, chi, chakra, or just plain stamina, bolstering their usual strength of attacks. Crono must maintain focus upon his ally for as long as he wishes to empower them.
'''Reach of Enablement''' - Crono selects one ally, and suffuses himself upon said ally. This transference converts into the target's primary source of power, be it mana, chi, chakra, or just plain stamina, bolstering their usual strength of attacks. Crono must maintain focus upon his ally for as long as he wishes to empower them.<br>
'''Higher Gaze''' - By being touched as a chosen, Crono gains a view of more aetherial forces around him. He can sense magic (magic over there, this sword is magic), but he has far more difficulty discerning its nature than a practiced magi. It is also from this that he can see ghosts ([Medium]).<br>
'''Danger Sense - Divine Warning(3):''' A divine flash warns Crono. A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...<br>
'''Graceful (2):''' You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.<br>
'''Graceful (2):''' You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.<br>
'''More Merits Soonz'''
'''Medium (2):''' As a paladin respecting life, Crono is in touch with life and afterlife. He has the ability to see and interact with ghosts. Sometimes, the Restless may seek him out for favors. Depending on the ghosts you meet, this could be a very good or very bad thing.<br>
'''Soothing Voice (2):''' Crono has a soft voice for a soft boy, at heart, and was raised among well-to-do. When using your voice (speeches, singing, poetry), you get a +2 Bonus on Social rolls. When making casual conversation, +1 Bonus.<br>
= Unique Items =
= Unique Items =
'''[http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/images/c/c3/Lightbringer.png The Shining Rays of Hope, the Heavenly Blade That Soars to the Moon, the Flame that swallows Darkness - Crono Arinborn's Lightbringer, the Rise of the Sun (link)]'''<br>
'''[http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/images/c/c3/Lightbringer.png The Shining Rays of Hope, the Heavenly Blade That Soars to the Moon, the Flame that swallows Darkness - Crono Arinborn's Lightbringer, the Rise of the Sun (link)]'''<br>
A Great Weapon, forged in the power of Nexus' leylines. It's biggest set-apart of other Weapons is that it seems to have become regarded as an artifact to Kemmessur, and allows Crono a particular connection to his deity's energy.<br>
A Great Weapon, forged in the power of Nexus' leylines. It's biggest set-apart of other Weapons is that it seems to have become regarded as an artifact to Kemmessur, and allows Crono a particular connection to his deity's energy. The wielder is able to encompass the blade of Lightbringer in a golden-hued, vigorously pulsing flame, which adds fire and holy damage to his assaults. This flame can be extended and used in several varieties listed below.<br>
==Holy Flame Shaping==
==Holy Flame Shaping==
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==Light of Hope==
==Light of Hope==
The pinnacle of connection between Crono, Kemmessur, and Lightbringer, a light of hope engulfs Crono, giving him variably enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and magic across the board. The key word is variably. In granting this purest connection, the effect follows the purest rules. While Crono may always summon the light provided he has the strength, Kemmessur's power is meant to answer situations that are hopeless - not those poorly handled or ambitious. As a result, Crono has the potential to meet dramatic circumstances, but is weighed in against the strength of his allies around him, the strength of his foes before him, and the aggression by which he has pushed the assault. The power to aid those that need it, and the possibility to fall to overconfidence. While he needn't always hold Lightbringer to maintain this, he must at least have it on his person to bring it forth initially.
The pinnacle of connection between Crono, Kemmessur, and Lightbringer, a light of hope engulfs Crono, giving him variably enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and magic across the board. The key word is variably. In granting this purest connection, the effect follows the purest rules. While Crono may always summon the light provided he has the strength, Kemmessur's power is meant to answer situations that are hopeless - not those poorly handled or ambitious. As a result, Crono has the potential to meet dramatic circumstances, but is weighed in against the strength of his allies around him, the strength of his foes before him, and the aggression by which he has pushed the assault. The power to aid those that need it, and the possibility to fall to overconfidence. While he needn't always hold Lightbringer to maintain this, he must at least have it on his person to bring it forth initially. The intensity of his appearance may change based on the severity, though ultimately, the Light of Hope is limited by Lightbringer's ability to channel Kemmessur's energies, capping him at a certain point of strength (not a SSJ).
= Items Of Note =
= Items Of Note =
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'''[http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/images/c/c7/Darkwood_bow.jpg Darkwood Bow (link)]'''<br>
'''[http://gubaba.org/mi2/wiki/images/c/c7/Darkwood_bow.jpg Darkwood Bow (link)]'''<br>
A sleek and small bow for quick shots. Very sturdy thanks to the material, while remaining light. Doesn't have the longest of range.<br>
A sleek and small bow for quick shots. Very sturdy thanks to the material, while remaining light. Doesn't have the longest of range.<br>
*Eternal Flower - A single red rose that never wilts, which smells like cheeseburgers. Given to him by the ghost of the inn as a proof of her power.
*Popular Culture - A set of items borrowed from Seiya Sumeragi to familiar with modern pop culture. The intent is to learn enough to understand the Pillar Men's references, allowing him to fight at their level. Includes movies, music, and novels.
*Flip Lighter - A lighter taken from Zebra in The End after the boy's involvements with Pergolesi activities. The token allows Crono the Rites of Retribution, should the boy ever find himself on the wrong path again. For the children.
*Fractured Mask - Pieces of a mask taken from Asher after his temporary defeat in Mission 264, for use in the Rites of Retribution should his activities arise again.
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
= Weaknesses & Flaws =
'''Otherworldy Taint - Chosen (2):''' Crono's bond to his god is obvious to many creatures sensitive. To magic senses, his aura shines, and to other creatures, his faith glows. Those wary of the pious may judge him well before hearing his words, and those who wish to consume a true touch of divinity may find him quite the tasty target.
'''Otherworldy Taint - Chosen (2):''' Crono's bond to his god is obvious to many creatures sensitive. To magic senses, his aura shines, and to other creatures, his faith glows. Those wary of the pious may judge him well before hearing his words, and those who wish to consume a true touch of divinity may find him quite the tasty target.<br>
'''Phobia - Airships (1):''' It's not the skies, no. Crono loves a good wyvern or gryphon. But who could ever trust a chunk of metal to sail through the winds? Any air born vessel gives Crono a distinct shiver, giving him -1 to rolls while on board in motion.
'''Phobia - Airships (1):''' It's not the skies, no. Crono loves a good wyvern or gryphon. But who could ever trust a chunk of metal to sail through the winds? Any air born vessel gives Crono a distinct shiver, giving him -1 to rolls while on board in motion.<br>
'''Divine Infraction (2):''' Being a paladin is not always the easiest road. Men are made to love and care, shaped by the experiences around them. Biased. Kemmessur is a particular deity, and while his faith blurs between the lines of lawful at times, there are more subtle decisions which may impact a paladin of Kemmessur. Crono may be judged and lose his paladin potentials should he ever kill out of hate, or dismiss innocence out of focus of another. GM's discretion to challenge when this may arise. To regain his standing, Crono must go on a quest of atonement (I will always have one prepared for players, in case GMs don't want to be hassled with running this).
'''Dark Secret(1):''' Crono inherited Lightbringer by way of his father's murder, and worse, his old Order believes him to be the culprit. This is a secret he holds with shame, as they were circumstances he fled from.
'''Divine Infraction (Weakness):''' Being a paladin is not always the easiest road. Men are made to love and care, shaped by the experiences around them. Biased. Kemmessur is a particular deity, and while his faith blurs between the lines of lawful at times, there are more subtle decisions which may impact a paladin of Kemmessur. Crono may be judged and lose his paladin potentials should he ever kill out of hate, or dismiss innocence out of focus of another. GM's discretion to challenge when this may arise. To regain his standing, Crono must go on a quest of atonement (I will always have one prepared for players, in case GMs don't want to be hassled with running this).<br>
'''Struggles of the Heart(Weakness):''' Crono was born into a genetic defect from his mother's side that, at times, causes heart palpitations under considerable duress. As an adventurer, Crono has learned to calm himself through most emotions, but at times becomes overwhelmed by circumstances, becoming physically crippled in the process. Oddly, due to this being a state of subtle emotions, this tends to manifest more as a habit over time outside of combat than one in the throbs of adrenaline.
= NPC(s) to go with char =
= NPC(s) to go with char =
Kemmessur to be detailed
Kemmessur to be detailed
File:Crono_tea.jpg|Crono enjoying a giant adventure novel.
[[Category:Characters]] [[Category: Crono's Characters]]

Latest revision as of 07:03, 10 February 2016

Crono Arinborn
1321399776 l.jpg
A.K.A. Chosen of Kemmessur
Age 22
Voice Actor Nakamura, Yuuichi
Relatives Chronus and Emilia Arinborn (deceased)
Series Nexus(Original)
Player Crono
  • Name: Crono Arinborn
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: May 15th
  • Parents: Chronus and Emilia Arinborn
    • Place of Birth: Royalesia(Nexus)
    • Nationality: Royalesian
    • Specialty: Swordplay, Divine magic (Paladin)
    • Hobbies: Swordplay, Music, Adventure Books, ballroom dancing
    • Likes: Enabling others, A Good Challenge
    • Dislikes: Abuse of innocence, 'Hopeless' situations
    • Favorite Food: Beef stew
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything spicy
    • Favorite Music: Classical
    • Favorite Sport: Fencing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Lightbringer (Great Weapon), Holy Symbol of Kemmessur
    • Level of Education: Paladin's Order (Reading, basic math, law and politics)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Nakamura, Yuuichi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 180 lbs
    • Eyes: Sharp Blue
    • Hair: Ruffled, Blond
    • Special: Blade-given scar down his backside


A healthy, honed figure that appears more agile than bulky. Tends to have soft, unconcerned expressions. Hair is well trimmed but left free and ruffled.


Crono is a driven, confident youth with the prowess to back it up. He often enjoys a good challenge, and is not afraid to put a strong foot forward to overcome anything. Contradicting this, however, he rarely acts for the sake of the limelight, preferring that his actions enable others when feasible. This follows from his pious beliefs, worshiping a deity whose domain is based around 'Hope', enjoying nothing more than granting hope to others in situations that are bleak, even those mundane.


Crono was born Royalesian, to Chronus Arinborn, one of the High Templars of Kemmessur. Crono followed closely in his father's footsteps in this regard, becoming a Knight of the Never-ending Stride, until a dispute over the arrival of Sirus Irons and his collection of Great Weapons caused a rift between the pair. Circumstances boiling from that lead Crono to a swift departure from the order, but not his faith. Since then, he has been a wandering beacon of Hope for those he's come across.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: 4
  • Athletics: 5 (+6 Graceful)
  • Stealth: 2

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: 1
  • Streetwise: 2
  • Intimidation: 3
  • Leadership: 4
  • Expression: 3
  • Etiquette: 3
  • Performance: Violin: 4
  • Performance: Singing: 2 (+4 w/ Soothing Voice)
  • Performance: Juggling, Pen Tricks: 4

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: 0
  • Investigation: 2
  • Medicine: 2
  • Law: 3
  • Occult: 4
  • Politics: 3
  • Science: 1
  • Technology: 1

Other Skills:

  • Driving: 0
  • Survival: 2
  • Empathy: 3
  • Animal Ken: 2

Special Abilities

Paladin of Kemmessur

Crono was brought up as a knight in the Order of the Never-ending Stride, in worship of Kemmessur. Kemmessur is a deity who, above all else, defies the idea of 'hopeless' situations. His paladins seek to protect those who cannot protect themselves, especially when concerning their abuse or unfair treatment of higher authority. Kemmessur's worshippers believing in inspiring those around them - not to the paladin, but invoking a belief in themselves. Crono's personal training from this come below.

Divine Abilities - Powers granted to Paladins of Kemmessur's Faith, each limited by their spiritual prowess (these all cost mana, just as his spells do, giving him a limited pool of resources).

  • Lay on Hands - The paladin has the ability to cure wounds in a warm light and touch. Effective only on the living.
  • Purge Ailment - The paladin has the ability to purge magic debuffs and poisons, but cannot intervene on natural disease.
  • Turn Undead - The paladin has the ability to stagger, drive back, or crumble undead (depending on the strength of the creatures and their numbers). Requires his holy symbol.
  • Bless Water - The paladin has the ability to turn water into Holy Water, which stings undead and evil entities like acid, and can slow/counter necrotic/death like effects when consumed. Also very refreshing!

Divine Spellcasting - Spells under Kemmessur's Domains (these all cost mana, just as his divine abilities do, giving him a limited pool of resources).

  • Endure Elements - Protects a touched target, allowing them to exist comfortably in hot or cold environments for several hours. Can be re-cast. Minimal effect at best on elemental attacks. Not too taxing spread across a party, don't spend all your mana casting this on a small army.
  • Shield Other - Absorb half the damage of a chosen target (the target still receives the other half). Enchantment persists until willfully broken. Crono must be in reasonable range of his target (not hanging in the back of combat). If he and his target are both struck by the same AoE, he receives 1.5x the damage.
  • Daylight - 60-ft. radius of bright light, cancels out magical Darkness, causing the area to be filled with natural light. Can be cast upon an object and carried. Creatures that are impacted by sunlight (ex: vampires) act as though struck by mild rays.
  • Kemmessur's Arrow - An arrow of crackling electricity that can be thrown a medium distance, or fired from a bow at its usual range. Can be used as an attack or a beacon. When used to attack, strikes with the strength of a magically imbued arrow as electric/magic instead of physical damage. When fired overhead, it will burst in the sound of thunder and lightning will take the shape of the holy symbol of Kemmessur - either at maximum distance or when striking a ceiling. This symbol will harm nothing, but is bright and obvious, lingering for a couple minutes.
  • Challenge(Taunt) - Choose a target, and challenge them bring the fight to you. Upon a successful rolloff, creatures compelled must meet the challenge, or suffer weakness until the time of conflict is over, or until they choose to meet said challenge. Weakness ends if Crono chooses to retreat, bound to meet the challenge himself. Foes that are compelled by this challenge understand its effects and the consequence of ignoring it. This can influence less powerful minds (i.e, Mooks) to focus their attacks and ire on Crono. Sometimes, more powerful minds (i.e., bosses) may be affected (GM's discretion), but those with a clear focus, goal, or otherwise 'programmed' mindset may be able to resist the urge to attack him, or any others.
  • Martyr's Bargain - Sustain through immense damage and hold it for up to two rounds after as though untouched. Cannot be used twice in succession - if attempted, the former damage immediately triggers. This damage cannot be reduced in any way from outside source, and is not subject to current circumstances. Also, if the damage sustained would be immediately lethal to Crono, he reaches his limit and the spell fails.
  • Ritual of Retribution's Path - Using a piece of or a possession of a target the paladin has previously encountered, the paladin gains a divine insight of the shortest path to their target, at a cost. While they maintain a vague sense of their target, so too does the target maintain a vague sense of the paladin, able to prepare for their coming. While it may be cast, this effect does not cross the boundaries of dimensions, as Crono has no meaningful way to translate 'direction' across such borders, coming into effect only once he and the target are once again on the same dimension. It's possible for this effect to fade with time (GM's discretion), and those with the proper tools may find ways to dispel it.

Disciple of Shenhale

Outside of his duties as a Paladin, Crono was trained under a master of martial combat in Royalesia, who takes mysteriously few pupils. Its benefits are below.

Shenhale Reactive Style
Crono's teachings for all his melee-combat revolve around pivot points in body and weapon, knowing that a solid parry can be shifted into an active thrust, or an over-extension can be woven into a balanced roll. This general style requires a particular deftness, and becomes particularly unwieldy under effects like magical slows or similar, forcing Crono to fall back to more mundane motions. His weapon(s) of choice like this are two swords, where as he is also versed in staves/pole-arms, and less-versed but manageable in hand-to-hand combat.

Selective Sensory
Given that Shenhale's teachings are made to be entirely reactive in combat, strong senses for a pupil are an absolute must. As a result of sensory training, Crono is able to 'focus' and 'ignore' selective senses at any given time. By pushing all else out, he might overhear a bird call that others loses in the wind. By pushing all else out, he might notice the smell of gunpowder on something nearly faded. When individualized like this, they near paragon-human levels, but tend to require a certain focus outside of active combat to pick up such details, and thus are useless in preventing things like ambushes unless he's strictly expecting one. Within combat, by pushing away disrupted senses, Crono has a fair capability of blind-fighting (ignoring he's blind), or ignoring a ringing in his ears from flashbangs (ignoring ow my ears). This leaves him able to react more cleanly, though still at a loss of said senses.

Powers & Merits

Chosen of Kemmessur

For personifying his deity's beliefs, Crono has become Kemmessur's chosen, and receives a handful of additional benefits.

Marks Crono may enable one of two marks on a single individual as a free action once per combat. If he wishes to change the mark or target before combat ends, he must do so as a full round action, and the prior mark fades.

  • Mark of Courage - Crono's ally is bolstered against the effects of fear and discouragement, be it magical, or simply the effect of seeing something overwhelming.
  • Mark of Determination - Crono's ally is bolstered against the wears of combat. Pain is less deterring (to an extent), and allies receive a minimal healing over time to keep up with minor scuffles in sustained combat.

Reach of Enablement - Crono selects one ally, and suffuses himself upon said ally. This transference converts into the target's primary source of power, be it mana, chi, chakra, or just plain stamina, bolstering their usual strength of attacks. Crono must maintain focus upon his ally for as long as he wishes to empower them.
Higher Gaze - By being touched as a chosen, Crono gains a view of more aetherial forces around him. He can sense magic (magic over there, this sword is magic), but he has far more difficulty discerning its nature than a practiced magi. It is also from this that he can see ghosts ([Medium]).

Danger Sense - Divine Warning(3): A divine flash warns Crono. A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...
Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
Medium (2): As a paladin respecting life, Crono is in touch with life and afterlife. He has the ability to see and interact with ghosts. Sometimes, the Restless may seek him out for favors. Depending on the ghosts you meet, this could be a very good or very bad thing.
Soothing Voice (2): Crono has a soft voice for a soft boy, at heart, and was raised among well-to-do. When using your voice (speeches, singing, poetry), you get a +2 Bonus on Social rolls. When making casual conversation, +1 Bonus.

Unique Items

The Shining Rays of Hope, the Heavenly Blade That Soars to the Moon, the Flame that swallows Darkness - Crono Arinborn's Lightbringer, the Rise of the Sun (link)
A Great Weapon, forged in the power of Nexus' leylines. It's biggest set-apart of other Weapons is that it seems to have become regarded as an artifact to Kemmessur, and allows Crono a particular connection to his deity's energy. The wielder is able to encompass the blade of Lightbringer in a golden-hued, vigorously pulsing flame, which adds fire and holy damage to his assaults. This flame can be extended and used in several varieties listed below.

Holy Flame Shaping

  • Heavenly Wave - With focus and the sweep of a sword, the flame on the blade arcs out in a cleaving projectile. On connection, it washes the target in holy flames while impacting forcefully. Can be created roughly the height of a person in a normal sweep, but with extended focus and time, can be made larger.
  • Fiery Ward - Rather than firing a projectile out of the flames, the flames can spill over an area in place with a slash, serving as a ward against oncoming attacks. Quite effective against magic, pushing back in astral force, less effective against physical objects (as though the objects just run into a wall of flame).

Light of Hope

The pinnacle of connection between Crono, Kemmessur, and Lightbringer, a light of hope engulfs Crono, giving him variably enhanced strength, speed, stamina, and magic across the board. The key word is variably. In granting this purest connection, the effect follows the purest rules. While Crono may always summon the light provided he has the strength, Kemmessur's power is meant to answer situations that are hopeless - not those poorly handled or ambitious. As a result, Crono has the potential to meet dramatic circumstances, but is weighed in against the strength of his allies around him, the strength of his foes before him, and the aggression by which he has pushed the assault. The power to aid those that need it, and the possibility to fall to overconfidence. While he needn't always hold Lightbringer to maintain this, he must at least have it on his person to bring it forth initially. The intensity of his appearance may change based on the severity, though ultimately, the Light of Hope is limited by Lightbringer's ability to channel Kemmessur's energies, capping him at a certain point of strength (not a SSJ).

Items Of Note

Mithril Chain Shirt (see character picture)
A durable, impossibly light chain shirt, prioritized on remaining light and loose than constricting in any way.
Holy Symbol of Kemmessur (link)
A thin chain of darksteel with the silver emblem carved out from it - the symbol of Kemmessur, God who champions Lost Causes. Without this, Crono has no focus through which to Turn Undead. The symbol has several meanings - half a bird with wings expanded, showing the freedom of man. Half a shield, to defend those who find their hope lost. Half a helmet with gazing eye, showing the resolve of men ready to stand for the right cause. Each half, for even with wings, shield, and armor, it is the heart that pushes the man forward - Kemmessur can offer the tools, man must offer the heart to make the image complete.
Darkwood Bow (link)
A sleek and small bow for quick shots. Very sturdy thanks to the material, while remaining light. Doesn't have the longest of range.

  • Eternal Flower - A single red rose that never wilts, which smells like cheeseburgers. Given to him by the ghost of the inn as a proof of her power.
  • Popular Culture - A set of items borrowed from Seiya Sumeragi to familiar with modern pop culture. The intent is to learn enough to understand the Pillar Men's references, allowing him to fight at their level. Includes movies, music, and novels.
  • Flip Lighter - A lighter taken from Zebra in The End after the boy's involvements with Pergolesi activities. The token allows Crono the Rites of Retribution, should the boy ever find himself on the wrong path again. For the children.
  • Fractured Mask - Pieces of a mask taken from Asher after his temporary defeat in Mission 264, for use in the Rites of Retribution should his activities arise again.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Otherworldy Taint - Chosen (2): Crono's bond to his god is obvious to many creatures sensitive. To magic senses, his aura shines, and to other creatures, his faith glows. Those wary of the pious may judge him well before hearing his words, and those who wish to consume a true touch of divinity may find him quite the tasty target.
Phobia - Airships (1): It's not the skies, no. Crono loves a good wyvern or gryphon. But who could ever trust a chunk of metal to sail through the winds? Any air born vessel gives Crono a distinct shiver, giving him -1 to rolls while on board in motion.
Dark Secret(1): Crono inherited Lightbringer by way of his father's murder, and worse, his old Order believes him to be the culprit. This is a secret he holds with shame, as they were circumstances he fled from.
Divine Infraction (Weakness): Being a paladin is not always the easiest road. Men are made to love and care, shaped by the experiences around them. Biased. Kemmessur is a particular deity, and while his faith blurs between the lines of lawful at times, there are more subtle decisions which may impact a paladin of Kemmessur. Crono may be judged and lose his paladin potentials should he ever kill out of hate, or dismiss innocence out of focus of another. GM's discretion to challenge when this may arise. To regain his standing, Crono must go on a quest of atonement (I will always have one prepared for players, in case GMs don't want to be hassled with running this).
Struggles of the Heart(Weakness): Crono was born into a genetic defect from his mother's side that, at times, causes heart palpitations under considerable duress. As an adventurer, Crono has learned to calm himself through most emotions, but at times becomes overwhelmed by circumstances, becoming physically crippled in the process. Oddly, due to this being a state of subtle emotions, this tends to manifest more as a habit over time outside of combat than one in the throbs of adrenaline.

NPC(s) to go with char

Kemmessur to be detailed
