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**Spells Known
**Spells Known
***Blaze: A combat spell which allows the user to summon flames. Traditionally this is bolts or balls of fire, but it can also summon flames directly on or underneath an opponent.
***Blaze: A combat spell which allows the user to summon flames. Traditionally this is bolts or balls of fire, but it can also summon flames directly on or underneath an opponent.
***Muddle: A support spell which sows confusion and drowsiness in its target. Causes confusion, and lowers targets' Awareness.
***Muddle: A support spell which sows confusion and drowsiness in its target. Causes confusion, and lowers targets' awareness. (does not work on bosses)
***Egress: A teleportation spell that can bring the user and any willing participants within its area of effect back to a place of safety. Often used to retreat from battle when the odds are too great. However, if any disturbance disrupts teleportation, this spell will be unsuccessful.
***Egress: A teleportation spell that can bring the user and any willing participants within its area of effect back to a place of safety. Often used to retreat from battle when the odds are too great. However, if any disturbance disrupts teleportation, this spell will be unsuccessful.

Latest revision as of 19:29, 24 November 2015

Voice Actor
Relatives Max, Bleu
Series Shining Force
Player Blade
  • Name: Argentia
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday:
  • Parents: Shining Knight Max, and Great Dragon Bleu
    • Place of Birth: Guardiana, Rune
    • Nationality: Rune
    • Specialty: Swordfighting
    • Hobbies:
    • Likes:
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education:
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 7'1"
    • Weight: 270lbs
    • Eyes: Electric blue
    • Hair: None
    • Special: Silver scales


Argentia is an odd case. The daughter of a human, the legendary Shining Knight Max, and the Great Dragon Bleu. As such, she is a rare Dragon beastman. At only sixteen, she is gigantic, already just over seven feet tall. She has a densely muscular, though still obviously female frame and a flat bust. She has solid, electric blue slitted eyes, and a pair of straight horns coming out the top-back of her head and fins on the back-sides, just behind the joint of her jaw. The fins membranes match those of her wings, a pale bluish white. She rides high on digitigrade claws, and has a thick powerful tail that's nearly as long as she is.

For standard attire, she wears garb similar to her father's old adventuring gear. A long-sleeved blue shirt under a green surcoat, with brown leather pants and a long blue cloak which reaches down to her ankles and white leather gloves. No footwear on her claws. For battle gear, she wears a steel breastplate and gauntlets, along with shinguards and plates on the tops of her claws. Always present is a longsword at her right hip(she's left-handed), and when in battle dress she fights with a large heater shield.


Argentia is normally rather quiet, preferring to save her breath for when words would be impactful and can seem aloof and distant at first because of this. However, she is a bright and competent leader. She seems slow to come to a decision because she tries to view a situation or a choice from all possible angles before coming up with a course of action. This makes her quite competent at tactical maneuvering, something very important for the leader of the Shining Force.


Being the daughter of the Shining Knight himself, Argentia has some pretty large shoes to fill. She is destined to become the next leader of the Shining Force, and is training under her father in the use of the sword. Upon learning that one of her best friends, Zala, had joined a temporal agency to further her training, she decides that this would also be the best course of action for the future leader of the Shining Force. Given that they can send her back to any point in time in their history, she could go and train for however long and return basically instantly. So, seeking out the same agent that contacted Zala, she seeks to join PARADIGM with the canine beastman.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Abysmal

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal
  • Streetwise: Abysmal
  • Intimidation: Very Good
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Expression: Novice
  • Etiquette: Good
  • Performance: Abysmal

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal
  • Investigation: Abysmal
  • Medicine: Good
  • Law: Good
  • Occult: Good
  • Politics: Novice
  • Science: Abysmal
  • Technology: Abysmal

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal
  • Survival: Good
  • Empathy: Novice
  • Animal Ken: Novice

Special Abilities

  • Swordsmanship
    • Magic Sword: Argentia can infuse her sword with her natural dragon magic, enhancing both. She can cast a spell into her sword and deliver it with the speed and accuracy of her sword swings.
      • Blade: A basic attack, simply striking the enemy with a charged sword. Does not discharge.
      • Erupt: An advanced attack, discharging the blade in a mighty, explosive flare. The user is protected from the blast.
      • Ray: An advanced attack, the user concentrates and fires a ray of energy from the sword, consuming the charged spell.
    • Runic Sword: Having developed her Magic Sword abilities further, Argentia can catch friendly spells and enemy spells with her blade, as long as her sword does not have a spell charged, and she is aware of the spell being cast. For an enemy's spell, she must first be able to identify it with an Occult roll. However, if the enemy or spell is too powerful for her, she cannot catch it.
  • Spellcasting
    • Spells Known
      • Blaze: A combat spell which allows the user to summon flames. Traditionally this is bolts or balls of fire, but it can also summon flames directly on or underneath an opponent.
      • Muddle: A support spell which sows confusion and drowsiness in its target. Causes confusion, and lowers targets' awareness. (does not work on bosses)
      • Egress: A teleportation spell that can bring the user and any willing participants within its area of effect back to a place of safety. Often used to retreat from battle when the odds are too great. However, if any disturbance disrupts teleportation, this spell will be unsuccessful.

Powers & Merits

  • Powers
    • Dragon Strength: Being a Dragon tribesman, Argentia has enhanced strength.
    • Dragon Flight: Argentia's wings allow her some limited flight, however she must be unburdened in order to fly. If she's wearing heavy armor or carrying a large load, she cannot maintain lift and her glide range is severely reduced.
    • Enhanced Senses: Argentia's eyes, nose and ears are much sharper than a standard human's.
    • Breath Weapon: Inhereted from her mother, Argentia can expel a large amount of gathered mana out of her mouth, usually in the form of a fan of lightning. However, this is particularly draining on her body.
  • Merits
    • Iron Will
    • Self-Confident

Unique Items


Items Of Note

Longsword Steel Breastplate Steel Shield Healing Herb x2: Minor healing item Healing Seed: Major healing item Angel's Feather: A sort-of good luck charm, with a hidden power. Can save the user from a life-threatening situation, but it disappears once its power has been used.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Flaws
    • Overconfident: 1
    • Shy: 1
    • Deep Sleeper: 1
    • Mistreated Minority(minor): 1
    • Isolated Upbringing: 1

NPC(s) to go with char
