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[[Category: Sailor Senshi]]

Revision as of 00:45, 15 November 2015

Aimi Utada
A.K.A. Sailor Sirius
Age 17
Voice Actor Hirano Aya
Relatives Unknown
Series Sailor Moon
Player Soul
  • Name: Aimi Utada
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: June 18th
  • Parents: Unknown
    • Place of Birth: Crystal Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Singing
    • Hobbies: Singing, skateboarding, eating snacks.
    • Likes: Sweets, flirting, fighting.
    • Dislikes: Idiots and lazy people.
    • Favorite Food: Caramel candy
    • Least Favorite Food: Cheese (Lactose Intolerant)
    • Favorite Music: Nu metal, Hardcore Punk, Metalcore, Alternative Metal, Funk Metal, Groove Metal, J. Pop, American Pop, Symphonic Metal, Power Metal, Grunge, Rock, Classic Rock
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her axe
    • Level of Education: Middle School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hirano Aya (Suzumiya Haruhi / Izumi Konata from Lucky Star)
  • Physical Stats:
    • Height: 5'5"
    • Weight: 128 Lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Purple on the outside and teal on the inside. Inverts when she henshins.


She tends to dress in what people would call trendy gothic clothing. She likes frilly clothes and thick platform boots of various types.


She is a bit of a rude girl that says whatever is on her mind. She also teases and makes fun of people at random times, being a bit insensitive to their feelings. She is hiding her true feelings of feeling lonely and hurt by being loud and mouthy.


Aimi grew up with a dysfunctional family, having to learn to raise herself as it seemed her parents did not care to in the slightest. Having felt like her birth may have been an accident and that she was an unwanted child, she spent as much time away from home. To no surprise of her own, her parents did not seem to miss her in the slightest, even when she disappeared for days at a time. Most of her time was occupied with singing or learning to play different musical instruments. Most people like to lose themselves into listening to albums and such; she lost herself in trying to copy said albums.
She didn't attend scrool initially when growing up, but wanted to be somewhat accepted by other people, so she enrolled in classes. She sure sucked at them, but that did not stop her. It was there that she met the unusual Sagiko, and started hanging around the girl. She would try to get Sagiko to hang out with her, desperately wanting someone to spend time with and have fun around. Sometimes this lead to good adventure; other times it lead to disaster and mayhem.
As she grew older, she encountered a monster attacking a few people. At first she felt she did not want to interferre, until the point the monster decided a japanese schoolgirl might be more fun than some old couple. Aimi ran like the dickens, but was soon cornered and in trouble. At the last moment before something bad happened to her, a mysterious wand fell into her hand and she transformed into Sailor Sirius. She proceeded to beat the monster within an inch of its life. It fled and never came back for more.
As time passed on, she discovered she got the transformation wand from Phoebe, Sagiko's retarded cat. She came to protect her only friend she ever acknowledged and has come to the Inn to make sure that continues.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: (+3)
    • (+4) as Sailor Sirius
      (Sound Based)
  • Athletics: (+3)
  • Stealth: Stealth: (+2)
  • Skateboarding: (+3)
  • Roller Blade: (+3)
  • Subterfuge: (-1)
  • Streetwise: (+3)
  • Intimidation: (+3)
  • Leadership: (+1)
  • Expression: (+2)
  • Etiquette: (-1)
  • Performance: (+5)
  • Computers: (+2)
  • Investigation: (+1)
  • Occult: (+1)
  • Driving: (-1)
  • Survival: (+1)
  • Animal Ken: (+2)
  • Languages: English and Japanese.
  • Kickboxing: A basic type of martial arts based on kicking and punching, as well as dodging and weaving attacks.

Powers & Merits


  • Sirius Star Power, Make Up!: Aimi is surrounded by a surreal arrangement of colorful and plentiful magical notes, covering her body and changing her into her senshi uniform. In this form, people are unable to recognize her for some reason, unless she does the transformation in public. She still somehow wears a goth punk type outfit, and her hair inverts in coloring. Aimi gains a special guitar that seems to have an attachment to play a sax or piano on it, looking outrageous for just being a guitar. It can also switch to bass when needed.

Senshi Attacks

  • Sweet Fantasy: She plays a soft rhythmic song using guitar strings and the keys on her guitar. The song only affects those she has targeted, though if a friendly person is in the way of the music, they might fall asleep too. This ability can be resisted.
  • Guitar Riff: She simply plays a crazy riff on her guitar. Musical notes seem to visibly fly out of the guitar and stretches to wrap around and bind people like some physical force. Once she stops playing, the bindings will remain in place until she decides to dispell them by playing a specific set of notes on the guitar. These notes are magically stronger than conventional weapons, but can be broken by special weaponry or magic of higher calibur.
  • Bodies: This is a magically enhanced melee attack where she temporarily moves as if riding on the torrents of sound itself, swinging her guitar as if it were a brandished weapon. She physically goes to bludgeon people with her guitar. The guitar dramatically breaks into pieces every time, but somehow recovers its form, as if replaced by another guitar, after every swing. The broken guitars lose their magic and disappear after a few moments.
  • Holy Lonely Light: Sailor Sirius' ultimate attack, she sings and plays her guitar as hard and heavey as she can, resulting in a resonating sound that is only describeable as being the scream of a banshee. This attack is aimed to shatter the eardrums of her enemies and render them incapacitated. This can also be used to break through various barriers of magical and physical construction. Anyone standing in front of her is going to wind up injured in this attack.

Other Attacks

  • Viz-Viz Fruit: Aimi has taken the devil fruit into her body, and has gained the ability of turning invisible. So far, only her body is capable of becoming invisible, but with time and practice, she may be able to make whatever is in contact with her skin turn invisible as well (i.e. clothes).

Combination Attacks

  • Royal Heart Breaker:
Dual attack with Sailor Sirius and Sailor Moon. Sirius and Moon shout and sing the attack out together and each of them get a method of singing the song.
Sirius uses her headset, Sailor Moon will transform the Pretty Moon Wand into a microphone. At the end of the final verse a huge musical note with a heart on it blasts outwards at the target. WITH A RAINBOW.
Lyrics (Sailor Sirius in Purple and Sailor Moon in Blue):
“Higher heels and lipstick napkins, Lying is your latest fashion.”
“Diamonds are a girls best friend, As long as we’re not buying them.”
“Makeup, straightener, and a cell phone. That’s all a girl needs.”
“Give forgiveness to all, and trust to few.”
“Never go to bed angry. Stay up and fight.”
And then together the final verse:
“Because with love, it's going to be aaaaaall... RIGHT!~”


  • Loyalty (1): (+2 to rolls trying to persuade her away from Sagiko.) She is heavily devoted and loyal to Sagiko, to the point of blindly following her.
  • Acute Senses (1): +1 to hearing (While in Senshi Form) Her headset gives her insanely better hearing.
  • Daredevil (3): +2 to rolls risking her life. She's crazy and she knows it. She will risk herself to do something dangerous.
  • Iron Will (5): +3 to mind control resistance. Despite how strange she is, she has a strong personal will about her to resist mind control.

Unique Items

  • Sirius Star Wand: Aimi's transformation stick to change into Sailor Sirius.
  • Sirius Guitar: The magical instrument of Sailor Sirius. Has a keypad for piano use as well as a mouthpiece for playing jazz music or the like when she blows into it. Also has a setting to change from guitar to bass and back again.
  • Sirius Headset: This is a headset with a microphone that is on her head when she is in Sailor Sirius form. This headset normalizes sounds, giving her enhanced hearing, but at the same time will dampen sounds that would otherwise impair her.
  • Sirius Boots: Her laced knee high boots in senshi form, these platformers have roller blades that can magically appear and disappear as Sirius wills it.
  • Iteration One's Helix Bracelet: This bracelet gives the wearer the ability to sense magical auras, even if they aren't naturally attuned to any sort of magical sensing. The interior of the band has an inscription that reads, 'To thine own self be true.'.
    • Energy Shield: A spell that offers physical protection by using inner energy instead. Lasts as long as a person's spirit, chakra or mana can withstand assaults, and lessens impact and incoming damage.

Items Of Note

  • Axe: She has short handled double edged axe. When she henshins, this transforms into the Sirius Guitar. If she lacks the axe, the guitar will form out of nothing.
  • Roller Blades: She has a pair of roller blades. Has nothing to do with her senshi form.
  • Skateboard: She has a skateboard too. Has nothing to do with her senshi form.

Weaknesses & Flaws


  • Weakness to Water: The Devil's Fruit is a blessing and a curse. The sea rejects the user of a Devil's Fruit, rendering them in still water that rises up to their knees and higher. She is fine in running water (shower or rain) but will become weak and tired in something such as a bath tub.


  • Addiction (3): -2 to rolls if she has not had caffeine. She is addicted to coffee, soda and tea. Anything that has caffeine, she must have.
  • Compulsive Speech (aka Big Mouth) (2): Aimi is a bit of a bitch to people and doesn't know when to stop.
  • Disturbing Mannerism (2): Lactose Intolerant. She can't process lactose. She does try to eat and drink things that are reduced in lactose, but hey, accidents happen.
  • Hero Worship (1): (-2 penalty to any roll that forces her admit/realize anything bad about Sagiko.) She worships the ground Sagiko walks on.
  • Lifesaver (3): You revere all life and will not risk killing someone at all costs. Unfortunately, as a mercenary, this can sometimes be a problem.
  • Overconfident (1): She believes she can take the world on by herself.
  • Sensation Junkie (2): (D6 Roll to resist) She likes trying new things, even if they are bad for her.
  • Soft-hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.
