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= Skills =  
= Skills =  
'''Physical Skills''': <br>
'''Physical Skills''': <br>
*Alertness: Amazing +5 <br>
*Alertness: Amazing +5 <br>
Line 76: Line 76:
'''Other Skills''': <br>
'''Other Skills''': <br>
Japanese Language <br>
*Japanese Language <br>
English Language <br>
*English Language <br>
Fishing: Very Good +3 <br>
*Fishing: Very Good +3 <br>
Survival: Good +2 <br>
*Survival: Good +2 <br>
= Special Abilities =
= Special Abilities =
'''Hayabusa Style Agility''': Though the Hayabusa seem to move in normal time for the most part, they have been shown to be able to have short bursts of speed that allow them to avoid bullets or missiles.
Hayabusa Style Agility: Though the Hayabusa seem to move in normal time for the most part, they have been shown to be able to have short bursts of speed that allow them to avoid bullets or missiles.
'''The Ninja Sense''': The Hayabusa seem to posses a 6th sense that allow them to locate both danger and obscure objectives.
The Ninja Sense: The Hayabusa seem to posses a 6th sense that allow them to locate both danger and obscure objectives.
Blink: Very short range teleportation, but easy to use
'''Blink''': Very short range teleportation, but easy to use
Guillotine Mk.II Throw: When flipping over an opponent Phase catches her enemy under the chin and uses the momentum and her whole body to throw enemies a long distance.
'''Guillotine Mk.II Throw''': When flipping over an opponent Phase catches her enemy under the chin and uses the momentum and her whole body to throw enemies a long distance.
Water Running and the Invisible path: Allows one to run on improbable surfaces like water, ice and sheer walls.
'''Water Running and the Invisible path''': Allows one to run on improbable surfaces like water, ice and sheer walls.
Flying Swallow: Allows the user to propel themselves into an attack even in mid air.
'''Flying Swallow''': Allows the user to propel themselves into an attack even in mid air.
Izuna Vault: A variation of the Izuna Drop (which Phase-4 was unable to master), after succeeding in the Guillotine Mk.II Blink is used to turn the horizontal momentum of the enemy into the iconic spinning pile driver of the Hayabusa Clan.
'''Izuna Vault''': A variation of the Izuna Drop (which Phase-4 was unable to master), after succeeding in the Guillotine Mk.II Blink is used to turn the horizontal momentum of the enemy into the iconic spinning pile driver of the Hayabusa Clan.
Art of Inazumi: Amplifies the electric field of the user so they can release electricity from there body strong enough to destroy boulders.
'''Art of Inazumi''': Amplifies the electric field of the user so they can release electricity from there body strong enough to destroy boulders.
Flying jump: A jump that allows the user to jump anywhere from hundreds to thousands of feet. Used in combination with the Flying Swallow by Ryu to fight Jets, Phase has yet to fully master this art.
'''Flying jump''': A jump that allows the user to jump anywhere from hundreds to thousands of feet. Used in combination with the Flying Swallow by Ryu to fight Jets, Phase has yet to fully master this art.
Torn Sky Blast: The only Mugen Tenshi Phase still uses due to Ryu's adoption of a similar attack. The user gathers Ki in their palm and fires it as an explosive at the enemy. Only known by the current heads of Mugen Tenshi.
'''Torn Sky Blast''': The only Mugen Tenshi Phase still uses due to Ryu's adoption of a similar attack. The user gathers Ki in their palm and fires it as an explosive at the enemy. Only known by the current heads of Mugen Tenshi.
= Powers & Merits = <br>
= Powers & Merits = <br>
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Code of Honor (1): <br>
Code of Honor (1): <br>
= Unique Items = <br>
= Unique Items = <br>
Lunar Staff: A master crafted weapon of seemingly magical durability. Other than that it is like any other staff. It hits people like any metal. Compatible with Izuna attacks.
Lunar Staff: A master crafted weapon of seemingly magical durability. Other than that it is like any other staff. It hits people like any metal. Compatible with Izuna attacks.
= Items Of Note =<br>
= Items Of Note =<br>
Small sword: A wakazashi used for her Flying swallow attacks. Also compatible with Izuna variants.
Small sword: A wakazashi used for her Flying swallow attacks. Also compatible with Izuna variants.
= Weaknesses & Flaws = <br>
= Weaknesses & Flaws = <br>
Phobia (1): Leadership and Crowds <br>
Phobia (1): Leadership and Crowds <br>

Revision as of 05:09, 23 October 2015

A.K.A. Hayabusa
Age N/A
Voice Actor Hoko Kuwashima
Relatives Kasumi (Psudo-Mother), Ryu (Psudo-Father)
Series DOA
Player Rei

  • Name: Phase-4
  • Age: N/A
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: N/A
  • Parents: Kasumi (Psudo-Mother), Ryu (Psudo-Father)
    • Place of Birth: DOATEC Cloning facility, Pacific Ocean
    • Nationality: Somewhat Japanese
    • Specialty: Ninpo
    • Hobbies: Fishing, stalking
    • Likes: Not being looked at, Spring, Non-competitive Swimming
    • Dislikes: Ninja, Mugen Tenshi Ryu, Justice obsessions, Team battle, Being seen
    • Favorite Food: Cereal
    • Least Favorite Food: Mushrooms
    • Favorite Music: Western
    • Favorite Sport: Olympic Wrestling
    • Most Valuable Possessions: The Lunar Staff (Gift from Hayabusa)
    • Level of Education: None
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hoko Kuwashima

  • Physical Stats
    • Height:5'"2
    • Weight: 106 lbs
    • Eyes: Red-Brown
    • Hair: Red-Brown
    • Special:

= Appearance =
Phase 4 physically resembles all of her of her cloned sisters and of course their model Kasumi. Unlike her sisters however Phase 4 seems to lack a lot of the femininity of her kind. Despite wearing the same tight body suits or traditional ninja garbs she often wears cloak to conceal most of her body. Even when wearing shorts or bathing suits it is highly irregular for her not to have a sweater or hoody on hand. Living in a ninja village though, she rarely strays from her shinobi attire. She also tends to wear her hair simply strait and let down, no style to it. Any lock that would cover her face is clipped away and the rest is left to hang free.

= Personality =
Living with the Hayabusa clan and gaining the Hayabusa spirit and training has changed Phase-4's disposition quite a bit from her time in DOATEC. Though she has never delighted in killing, she is much more at peace with the necessity now. Her past life murder, though it was to an entirely different being to who she is now, still effects Phase-4's psychology to a degree. She gets nervous in wide open spaces during the day. This is especially problematic in crowded areas or on stages of any kind.

She tends not to look directly at people who are talking to her and also prefers not to be looked at directly. To this end, she watches people from afar and when she wants to help someone she stalks them to protect them rather than stands by their side in battle. The exception is when she is confronted with other ninja. Due to her death in a previous life Phase-4 is highly reactive to any other ninja presence and is liable to attack someone she suspects of being a ninja (excluding the Hayabusa tree ofcourse, including both Ayane, Momoji and any of their offspring). She especially despises the Mugen Tenshi ninjutsu, and though she knows it, Phase-4 would never use it unless she had no other choice.

= Background =
This Phase-4's story begins with the death of her predecessor. Though the being known as Phase-4 was gone, the Hayabusa revival technique was used to give life to the dead body. With this second chance at life, she also gained the unnaturally strong spirit of the Hayabusa. It was now as much a part of her as the genes stolen from the Mugen Tenshi. The new hybrid Phase for took on the name of her saviors as a token of gratitude and became simply known as Hayabusa to the village.

The first thing she set about doing was defining herself as a distinct personality from the killer weapon Phase-4. She began phasing out her ingrained Mugen Tenshi in favor of the Hayabusa style. Like the other Ninja of the clan she set out a Code for her life during her training, seeking to get rid of the taint she felt left on her by her previous life by trying to make her life at least passably noble.

Her resurrection wasn't unnoticed by everyone though. DOATEC was not keen on allowing a deadly weapon they manufactured walk the street. They where especially keen on her return to their control when they learned of her attaining of the Hayabusa training. It was not long before they sent the new generation of Alpha-152's to retrieve her. The Hayabusa village had played host to many tragedies, usually at the hands of selfish ninja looking to expand their powers. To not add to their problems Phase-4 went on the run.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing +5
  • Athletics: Very Good +3
  • Stealth: Incredible +4

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal -1
  • Streetwise: Abysmal -1
  • Intimidation Good +3
  • Leadership: Abysmal -1
  • Expression: Novice +1
  • Etiquette: Very Good +3
  • Performance: Abysmal -1

Mental Skills:

  • Medicine: Good +2
  • Law: Abysmal -1
  • Occult: Very Good +3
  • Politics: Abysmal -1
  • Science: Abysmal -1
  • Technology: Abysmal -1

Other Skills:

  • Japanese Language
  • English Language
  • Fishing: Very Good +3
  • Survival: Good +2

Special Abilities

Hayabusa Style Agility: Though the Hayabusa seem to move in normal time for the most part, they have been shown to be able to have short bursts of speed that allow them to avoid bullets or missiles.

The Ninja Sense: The Hayabusa seem to posses a 6th sense that allow them to locate both danger and obscure objectives.

Blink: Very short range teleportation, but easy to use

Guillotine Mk.II Throw: When flipping over an opponent Phase catches her enemy under the chin and uses the momentum and her whole body to throw enemies a long distance.

Water Running and the Invisible path: Allows one to run on improbable surfaces like water, ice and sheer walls.

Flying Swallow: Allows the user to propel themselves into an attack even in mid air.

Izuna Vault: A variation of the Izuna Drop (which Phase-4 was unable to master), after succeeding in the Guillotine Mk.II Blink is used to turn the horizontal momentum of the enemy into the iconic spinning pile driver of the Hayabusa Clan.

Art of Inazumi: Amplifies the electric field of the user so they can release electricity from there body strong enough to destroy boulders.

Flying jump: A jump that allows the user to jump anywhere from hundreds to thousands of feet. Used in combination with the Flying Swallow by Ryu to fight Jets, Phase has yet to fully master this art.

Torn Sky Blast: The only Mugen Tenshi Phase still uses due to Ryu's adoption of a similar attack. The user gathers Ki in their palm and fires it as an explosive at the enemy. Only known by the current heads of Mugen Tenshi.

= Powers & Merits =
Iron Will (5)
Nightsight (3)
Code of Honor (1):

= Unique Items =
Lunar Staff: A master crafted weapon of seemingly magical durability. Other than that it is like any other staff. It hits people like any metal. Compatible with Izuna attacks.

= Items Of Note =
Small sword: A wakazashi used for her Flying swallow attacks. Also compatible with Izuna variants.

= Weaknesses & Flaws =
Phobia (1): Leadership and Crowds
Intolerance (1): Ninja of Non-Hayabusa clanship (Ayane excluded)
Enemy (2): Alpha-152's are regularly sent to retive her
Isolated Upbringing (1): In cities she is lost

= NPC(s) to go with char =
Text goes here