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'''Stonewall Stance''': A defensive stance that centers on whethering the enemy onslaught to deal single, powerful counterattacks in the form of strikes or throws.<br>
'''Stonewall Stance''': A defensive stance that centers on whethering the enemy onslaught to deal single, powerful counterattacks in the form of strikes or throws.<br>
'''Featherlight Stance''': A stance that grants maximum mobility, the attacks from this stance being more about speed and precision than power.<br>  
'''Featherlight Stance''': A stance that grants maximum mobility, the attacks from this stance being more about speed and precision than power.<br>  
'''Zantetsuken Stance''': A high risk, high reward stance built for maximum offense, with little to no thought given to defense beyond dodging. Powered by aggression, anger or frustration.
'''Zantetsuken Stance''': A high risk, high reward stance built for maximum offense, with little to no thought given to defense beyond dodging. Powered by aggression, anger or frustration.<br>
'''Blitz Limit Breaks'''<br>
'''Blitz Limit Breaks'''<br>
*''Beat Rush'': Farrah delivers a quick flurry of focused attacks.<br>
*''Beat Rush'': Farrah delivers a quick flurry of focused attacks.<br>

Revision as of 22:49, 16 May 2015

Farrah Lockhart Strife
Age 19
Voice Actor
Relatives Cloud and Tifa (parents), Zack (twin), Sora (younger sibling)
Series Final Fantasy VII
Player Brandon
  • Name: Farrah Lockhart Strife
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: September 25
  • Parents: Cloud Strife, Tifa Lockhart
    • Place of Birth: Edge
    • Nationality:
    • Specialty: Hand-to-hand Combat
    • Hobbies: Snowboarding, gymnastics
    • Likes: Eating healthy, working out, spending time with friends and family
    • Dislikes: Extended periods of sedintary behavior
    • Favorite Food: Things considered "superfoods"
    • Least Favorite Food: Junk food
    • Favorite Music: Anything with a beat
    • Favorite Sport: Snowboarding
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Fighting gear, some momentoes from friends and family
    • Level of Education: high school
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'7"
    • Weight: 146 lbs
    • Eyes: Deep blue
    • Hair: Chestnut brown
    • Special: Eyes glow with mako energy


Slim and trim with noticable muscle tone, Farrah strongly resembles her mother, and could even pass for a younger version if not for her eyes. SHe wears comfortable and nonrestrictive clothing, tending towards baggier shorts or pants and light shirts and vests. Hair is kept out of face either by tying it low like her mom, or by wearing something on her head like a hat or bandanna.


Generally chipper and positive, Farrah likes to be casual with family and friends and to befriend people who aren't her friends yet. IF befriending work, she is cordial if not somewhat distant in conversation. She tries to avoid keeping secrets, unless they are harmful. When something actually gets her ire up, especially if people hurt those she cares about, her anger can be firey and righteous until she works it out. She finds negativity to be tiring, though, and tries to avoid it all together, in social situations at least.


Farrah was raised in the same vein of ethics and and morality as her brother Zack, thought tackling the issue different during her formative years, trying to just make friends with everyone and be the glue that held together people that normally would not be friendly to eachother. As time went on she spent large ammounts of her free time training her body with her mother as a fighter and more recreationally with her dad; learning snow boarding and some forms of exercise to keep in shape. Grew up fiercely defensive of her siblings, not that they ever needed it, and was a common face in her neighborhood as well as in Seventh Heaven. When her skills and body were up to it, she began working as a bouncer for the bar, her attitude and friendliness helping the business somewhat. Has a close relationship with every member of her family, going out of her way to cater the relationship to the person; for example she's taught herself that a lot goes unsaidbetween her and her dad, but that's okay beacuse it's still there.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abyssmal (-1)
  • Streetwise: Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)
  • Mixology: Amazing (+5)
  • Snowboarding: Incredible (+4)
  • Cooking: Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

Martial Arts: Extensively taught martial arts by her mother, and then continued development through adventuring and training with other people, Farrah's noq unique fighting style is built around three different stances, each with a unique set of tiered limit breaks.
Blitz Stance: An offensive stance that concentrates on dealing damage to the enemy with a constant barrage of attacks.
Stonewall Stance: A defensive stance that centers on whethering the enemy onslaught to deal single, powerful counterattacks in the form of strikes or throws.
Featherlight Stance: A stance that grants maximum mobility, the attacks from this stance being more about speed and precision than power.
Zantetsuken Stance: A high risk, high reward stance built for maximum offense, with little to no thought given to defense beyond dodging. Powered by aggression, anger or frustration.
Blitz Limit Breaks

  • Beat Rush: Farrah delivers a quick flurry of focused attacks.
  • Slash Kick: Farrah kicks up and over her head to perform a backflip, creating a vertical blade of energy that streaks along the ground, with a chance of the blade splitting on impact to do reduced followthrough damage to a couple additional targets.
  • Final Heaven: Farrah gathers all of her energy into her fist and slams it into a chosen enemy to release it for a tremendous impact blast. Full damage is only done to a single target, but the blast can cause splash damage to nearby foes.

Stonewall Limit Breaks

  • Heel Drop: Farrah parries an incomming blow and raises her leg high overhead before sending it crashing down onto her target.
  • Meteor Drive: Farrah uses her immense strength to pull an attacking opponent into a grapple and pull them into a jumping suplex, impacting with explosive power (does not do splash damage).
  • Burning Rave: Farrah unleashes his energy in a mighty flaming aura, before punching the ground with her fist, creating an energy wave that erupts and explodes the battlefield. Inflicts physical damage on all opponents.

Featherlight Limit Breaks

  • Mach Kick: A focused, high speed back-roundhouse kick, delivering a solid impact with her heel.
  • Dolphin Blow: A raising uppercut accompanied by water, modeled after a dolphin breaching the ocean's surface.
  • Different Beat: Farrah speeds onto the target, before making a myriad series of flipkicks into the sky, and finishes off the opponent with a crushing flying energy kick to send them crashing back down. Inflicts heavy physical damage on one opponent.

Zantetsuken Limit Breaks

  • Rock Breaker: Farrah strikes her hand into the ground, palm outwards and then rips her hand forward and up in a clawing uppercut motion, tearing up ground and damaging enemies in a cone in front of her.
  • Howling Fist: Farrah cocks her arm back, gathers her energies and punches forward, damaging enemies in a straight line in front of her with a line of pure force.
  • Arm of the Destroyer: Farrah's right arm fills with power, amped up by her anger and desire to win, and can be used in two ways. She can strike the ground and cause a massive blast of raw power all around her, akin to Akuma's Kongo Kokuretsuzan super from Street Fighter 3, or she can grapple an opponent and directly channel that energy into them (but this requires a successful and secure grapple) and would work akin to Shining/Burning Finger. The latter is not something Farrah will want to use often, she's still a bit soft hearted for that kind of thing.

Powers & Merits

Ambidextrous (2 pts)
Graceful (2 pts)
Concentration (1 pt): In combat, or during her hobbies, her focus is intense. Just.. not so much anywhere else.
Good Old Girl (2 pts): Is very good natured and friendly and most people can tell.
Culture Knack (3 pts): Her eager friendliness lets her adapt quickly to social situations and customs.

Unique Items

Ehrgeiz: A set of specialized fighting gloves and boots, given to her as a gift by her mother. Plated to deal extra damage with punches and kicks and to fortify blocks and parries. Macht is two gloves and each glove has three materia slots; two linked and one solo. Sieg is a pair of likewise plated boots, with no materia slots in them.
Throw-Counter: Linked on her left glove, she can throw objects with pinpoint accuracy, provided she can lift them. With counter she can catch projectiles (that can be caught) and immediately hurl them back.
Deathblow-HP Absorb: Linked on her right glove, she can make a single, powerful attack that can stagger an enemy and recover a small measure of her health in the process.
Barrier: Set in the solo slot on the left hand.
Earth: Set in the solo slot on the right hand.

Items Of Note

A worn plush chocobo from her childhood that she can't/won't part with; a fat, jolly looking thing in a top hat and monocle she affectionately calls Warkleby Kwehsworth III, Esquire, or Warkie for short.
A pair of expensive wraparond sunglasses, given to her as a gift.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Should never ever be allowed to operate complex machinery. It is by the grace of god she can use a cell phone without destroying it (often). Kitchen/restaurant equipment seems to be an exception to this......usually.
Otherworldly Taint (2 pts): Inherited the Mako blood from her pop
Inconvenient Alliance (1 pt): Tries to regulalrly train and spar with Rude of the Turks, whenever he is available.
Overconfident (1 pt): Her faith in her martial abilities borders on the absolute, leading her into a mentality of 'I won't think they can beat me until they pull it off.'
Airhead (1 pt): If left alone long enough, or if she's bored, she's prone to letting her brain go on constitutional off to La La Land, generally having missed everything that went on during when she finally snaps back to reality.
Offensive to Animals (1 pt): Chocobos especially dislike the poor girl.
Allergies (1 pt): Suits her fine, they make her sneeze, tear up, congest, etc

NPC(s) to go with char

CLoud and Tifa, Rude