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(Items Of Note)
(Flame Coating)
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:While she is unable to heat items from a distance, she can heat up a shuriken and make it reach peak heat and then throw it at an enemy or object. The object will lose its heat as it flies, cooling down only as fast as an item would from such extreme temperatures.
:While she is unable to heat items from a distance, she can heat up a shuriken and make it reach peak heat and then throw it at an enemy or object. The object will lose its heat as it flies, cooling down only as fast as an item would from such extreme temperatures.
=== Fukyō Waon (不狂和音, Dissonance) ===
:Using her flute, Ayame is able to perform many attacks with the power of the Fukyō Waon madouga.
=== Merits ===
=== Merits ===

Revision as of 07:11, 2 March 2015

Ayame Hokage
Age 17
Voice Actor [Murata Tomosa]
Relatives Kurei Hokage (Father)
Neon Uruha (Mother)
Series Flame of Recca
Player Soul
  • Name: Ayame Hokage
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: July 25th
  • Parents: Kurei Hokage & Neon Uruha
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Music
    • Hobbies: Singing. Guitar. Boardgames. Archery.
    • Likes: Soft music.
    • Dislikes: Injustice. Evildoers.
    • Favorite Food: Crab.
    • Least Favorite Food: Junk Food.
    • Favorite Music: Helix Bracelet from her mother.
    • Favorite Sport: Archery.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Guitar.
    • Level of Education: Middle School & Ninja Training.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Murata Tomosa
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'7
    • Weight: 128 lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black with Red Streaks.
    • Special: Golden hair pins for her twintails with thin red ropes weaved through her hair, as well as large bloodred earrings. Small beauty mark under her right eye on the outside of it.


She dresses in a pale creamy yukata with green trimming and violet flowers scattered upon it. The outfit ends in a green skirt and she also wears green laced up boots with black lacey leggings underneath. Her yukata is tied with a green sash. She has two katana on her back, as well as a matching unique green frail looking acoustic guitar that she keeps with her at all times. Her hair is raven black with red streaks mixed in with the addition of thin red ropes weave through. Aside from the slight red eyeliner, she seems to never wear makeup. On her left wrist is a bracelet of peculiar design.


Ayame is a caring individual who really feels for people she becomes close to, whether they are friend or even closer. She can be a little blunt at times with her words, saying what she feels is the truth. She has the mentality of do or don't, her views on what must be done skewed by how she was raised by her family, so she won't consider the righteousness or wrongness of a decision when she follows through with it on the spot, and likely not even come to regret it later at all. She'll do anything to protect her loved ones, even if it chances losing their friendship or affection later on.


Ayame is the second child of Kurei and Neon, coming nearly ten years after Kamen was born.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: +3
  • Athletics: +5 (+6 with graceful)
  • Stealth: +4
  • Subterfuge: +3
  • Streetwise: +2
  • Intimidation: +4
  • Leadership: +2
  • Expression: +2
  • Etiquette: +3
  • Performance: +5
  • Computers: +2
  • Investigation: +3
  • Law: +2
  • Occult: +1
  • Politics: +2
  • Driving: +2
  • Survival: +3
  • Empathy: +3
  • Languages: Japanese, English.

Special Abilities

  • Ninjutsu: (忍術) The Arts of the Ninja, the 18 disciplines of the shinobi. Ayame grew up being taught this very thing by her father, Kurei. As such, he has superior athletic and physical abilities, incredible sneaking skills, the ability to shadow others, resistance to hanging upside down and several other advantages, such as breathing techniques, meditation, the ability to wear a personality like a second skin and immense concentration. The 18 Skills of the ninja is what Ayame has studied.
  • Taijutsu: (体術) The Arts of the Body, the ninja 'Martial art'. Ayame has been trained in various forms of hand to hand combat by Kurei all her life, learning his specially forged combat technique, which takes from multiple schools of combat. This makes her able to switch from different types of melee attacks to defensive positions very quickly.
  • Utsusemi no Jutsu: The ninja substitution technique, taught to her by her father. It is the ability to subtitute yourself with a log, or any other available item, to trip an opponent's attack.
  • Multiple Bodies Technique: Kurei's technique learned from the Master Genjuro. Ayame learned this technique from her father, in which she makes 6 duplicates of herself, to move around at high speed and confuse the opponent. She usually masks his aura as best he can and moves around rapidly during this technique, making it harder for his opponents to spot him. These copies are illusionary, unable to affect or be affected by anything.
  • Multiple Bodies Technique - Advanced: She is able to make a body double, much like the normal technique, but it is fully solid and able to utilize her flame ability. She is only able to summon one of thse at any time.

Powers & Merits

Flame Master

Like Kamen, Ayame has inherited the cursed flame of the family line. The flame is spiritual in nature and burns unnaturally hot, to the point where most normal fires can't compare to it. She can only control the flame while wearing a Tekkou, which are the earrings she wears at all times. If she removes these earrings, the flame will grow out of control and eventually consume her body unless she gets them replaced. This flame, however, grants her special ability. She is able to generate fire in her hand.
  • Superior Physical and Spiritual Capabilities: Able to harm demons and the like due to her flame, and move/hit at their level.
  • Superhuman Resistance to Fire and Heat: Ayame will burn much, much slower than she should. However, she is not immune to flame, not even her own, The advantage to this is that other mystical flame or flame-like attacks burn her much slower than they should, so a magical fireball will not hurt much.

Flame Coating

Ayame is unable to actually conjure her flame outside of her body. Instead, her fire empowers whatever she is holding, or burns it from the inside out. This gives her the ability to imbue her weapons with her unnatural flame, making it burn hotter while retaining it's full form as she fights.
Her steel swords are a perfect example from this; even if she raises the temperature to hotter than swords can naturally handle, the weapons she holds will not melt. On the other hand, if she tries to do this with an item inferior to certain types of metal, they will either melt or burst into flame, such as wood or weak metals.
This said, if she uses her flame on her swords and press the swords against another type of metal, she can use the swords to 'cut through' something. But, if she doesn't want to preserve the item she is holding, she can simply raise the temperature inside of it until it can't handle it and breaks down.
While she is unable to heat items from a distance, she can heat up a shuriken and make it reach peak heat and then throw it at an enemy or object. The object will lose its heat as it flies, cooling down only as fast as an item would from such extreme temperatures.

Fukyō Waon (不狂和音, Dissonance)

Using her flute, Ayame is able to perform many attacks with the power of the Fukyō Waon madouga.


  • Iron Will (5): +3 to mind control resistance.
  • Graceful (2): +1 bonus to all Athletic rolls.
  • Poison Resistance (2): You have an innate ability to resist the effects of many toxins. Whenever you need to roll to resist poisons, you get a +2 Bonus.

Unique Items

  • Hokage Tekkou: Earrings made especially for Ayame, she needs to wear these in order to control her flame ability. Without them, she is simply unable to use it properly and it could burn her up if she tries.
  • Shikigami (式髪, Hair Animator): An orb that turns strands of hair into weapons, like blades, by hardening them into needle-like objects. Ayame has a Shikigami implanted inside her body so she can also control the growth and movement of her hair. It has the kanji for 'Hair' (髪, Kami) written on it.
  • Kura-Ō (蔵王, Storage King): A small sphere that can store any one item inside. It has the kanji for 'Warehouse' (蔵, Kura) written on it. Ayame uses this to store her bow and arrows or her guitar in it.
  • Fukyō Waon (不狂和音, Dissonance): An orb madōgu that can store, amplify, and redirect sound waves to cut things, crush them, or cause explosions. It has the kanji for 'Sound' (音, Oto) written on it. Fukyō Waon can also store huge amounts of energy to the extent of infinity which can be used to do a very powerful self-destruct attack.

Items Of Note

  • Acoustic Guitar: Something she just keeps with her at all times, it is a guitar she plays when she wants to make herself feel better.
  • Flute: An ordinary flute that she carries on her body, which she uses to attack with the Fukyō Waon.
  • Twin Katana: She carries two katana on her back, which she is able to quickly draw to fight with if needed. They are normal steel katana made in Japan.
  • Compound Bow: She also carries with her a compound bow with a quiver of carbon arrows. These arrows are made specifically to withstand her flame.
  • Ayame's Gear: Kurei taught her to always be prepared for a tough situation.
    • Lockpicking Tools
    • Shuriken: She carries about thirty of these on her.
    • Kunai: She carries about twenty of these on her.
    • Smoke Dispensers: The modern ninja eggshell bomb.
    • Rope: A small length of rope.
    • Golden Hair Pins: They also work as needled weapons for stabbing.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Love Problems: She has issues with love and affection, either making her too close to someone or too distant. She knows of this issue, but sometimes finds herself unable to help how she feels at the moment. This makes her oftentimes seem overaffectionate.


  • Compulsive Speech (aka Big Mouth) (1): Talkative and a little blunt.
  • Curiosity (2): Resisting temptation requires a successful wits roll.
  • Masochist/Sadist (1): She enjoys pain and hurting others, though she tries to deny it entirely.
  • Twisted Upbringing (1): She doesn't have a scale of what is right or wrong when it comes to protecting people she cares for. Do what needs to be done.
