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'''Goblins''': Generally small in stature, Goblins are known for their survival skills and relative agility. Goblins are both creative and intelligent, but are plagued by a general laziness, and the nature of scavengers rather than agriculture or hunters. As a whole, Goblins prefer to work off the efforts of other races, either gathering slaves when they manage to overthrow a village, or, more likely, raiding rural communities, stealing cattle and crops, then living off those as long as they can. They are the ultimate survivors, however, able to adapt to any climate, and known to resort to despicable ways to keep themselves alive, including groveling and cannibalism.<br>
'''Goblins''': Generally small in stature, Goblins are known for their survival skills and relative agility. Goblins are both creative and intelligent, but are plagued by a general laziness, and the nature of scavengers rather than agriculture or hunters. As a whole, Goblins prefer to work off the efforts of other races, either gathering slaves when they manage to overthrow a village, or, more likely, raiding rural communities, stealing cattle and crops, then living off those as long as they can. They are the ultimate survivors, however, able to adapt to any climate, and known to resort to despicable ways to keep themselves alive, including groveling and cannibalism.<br>
While other races think poorly of Goblins, they don't care, and have made their mark in the Largias continent by making themselves the ultimate Black Market. No one would ever admit to trafficking with Goblins, but with how prolific they are, and their utter cooperation with one another, Goblins are literally the best way to get exotic goods and rare finds, and Goblin merchants are known far and wide as the best source of outside information and curio from other parts of the continent. Furthermore, the [[Largias Magic|magic]] of Alchemy has long since been understood by Goblins, whose incredible digestive system is able to let them concoct and test potions and other such compounds, making them the best to get potions, poisons and other odd liquids from.. generally.<br>
While other races think poorly of Goblins, they don't care, and have made their mark in the Largias continent by making themselves the ultimate Black Market. No one would ever admit to trafficking with Goblins, but with how prolific they are, and their utter cooperation with one another, Goblins are literally the best way to get exotic goods and rare finds, and Goblin merchants are known far and wide as the best source of outside information and curio from other parts of the continent. Furthermore, the [[Largias Magic|magic]] of Alchemy has long since been understood by Goblins, whose incredible digestive system is able to let them concoct and test potions and other such compounds, making them the best to get potions, poisons and other odd liquids from.. generally.<br>
As a whole, the race is lazy, preferring to survive as described, not all Goblins feel like this. Several become adventurers in their own right, usually thieves or part of warrior bands. These Goblins are rare and not regarded in any way differently than their race, and are subject to ridicule from any other race who sees them. As with the rest of their race, Goblins are basically uncaring of what other people think of them. By and large, Goblins have no sense of pride, or shame. The most commonly encountered Goblins other than the marauders are Goblin Merchants, which generally have a network among the Goblin Nations to get almost anything one can desire, and ofer rare goods to everyone, from potions to rare art from the Southern Continent or even the [[Rankai Lands]].<br>
As a whole, the race is lazy, preferring to survive as described, not all Goblins feel like this. Several become adventurers in their own right, usually thieves or part of warrior bands, but many become spiritualists, a little like Orc Shaman, or priests of one of the Elemental [[Largias Religion|Gods]] (usually Earth or Fire). These Goblins are rare and not regarded in any way differently than their race, and are subject to ridicule from any other race who sees them. As with the rest of their race, Goblins are basically uncaring of what other people think of them. By and large, Goblins have no sense of pride, or shame. The most commonly encountered Goblins other than the marauders are Goblin Merchants, which generally have a network among the Goblin Nations to get almost anything one can desire, and ofer rare goods to everyone, from potions to rare art from the Southern Continent or even the [[Rankai Lands]]; Goblin Chemists are also relatively frequent, establishing laboratories in whatever abandoned hole they can find and concocting cheap and efficient potions of all kinds. They are basically the most scholarly and well researched among Goblins, and will teach others with the patience to learn.<br>
'''Hobgoblins''': One out of about 500 Goblins born is a Hobgoblin, who grows up faster, smarter, and stronger than his brethren. Hobgoblins are generally more clever and are naturally born leaders, tend to be more 'civilized' to a degree than their scavenger cousins, and are over all much more competent. They even have a sense of pride, as it were. While Goblins are generally great at surviving as a whole, those who gather around one or many Hobgoblins are generally more efficient, building lasting villages and getting somewhat organized. The Goblins almost naturally listen to the Hobgoblins as their leaders, unless these Hobgoblins are suicidally or sacrificially minded, in which case, they rebel.<br>
Most Hobgoblins end up being village leaders, or military commanders.. such as it were. While Goblin war parties have existed before, they are generally like a troupe of barbarian warriors. Armed, angry and willing to fight, but with basically no chain of command. Hobgoblins change that, establishing dominance based on strength or strategic ability, and generally being able to make the Goblins function better as a unified force.. somewhat. Most Humans, or Elves or Dwarves who have dealings with the Goblin nations are dealing with Hobgoblins, who are able to compromise and generally are able to think of more than their immediate and near-future survival only. They are also ambitious and less lazy than the rest of their race.<br>
Hobgoblins which don't become leaders or commanders tend to live lives of adventure, able to even learn most types of [[Largias Magic|Magic]], as well as using weapons, religion and other abilities, able to act as Humans or Dwarves. These are rare, however, as the majority of them are better served by having a village or community of Goblins serving under them, getting first share of the kill, their choice of women, and being generally 'The Boss'. The Goblin Emperor is, unsurprisingly, a Hobgoblin, and may be the most ambitious of them all.<br>
'''Hurgoblins''': Mistakenly called ''Bugbears'' by some, they are no more and no less than giant Goblins. Some Goblin chemists suspect that the Hurgoblins come from some mingling between Hobgoblins and Ogres back in the ancient days, but most agree the logistics are at best, odd. Whatever the case, one in about 2000 Goblins are born as Hurgoblins, and the mother generally doesn't survive. Hurgoblins are dim-witted, but even at a young age, have the strength and size of a fully adult Goblin. Hurgoblins are the 'large dumb thug' of the Goblin race, gifted with super-human (or Super-Retard) strength, and a naturally leathery hide, able to use almost any weapon, and being used as dumb muscle for any Goblin defense or invasion effort.<br>
While most Goblins lack in strength compared to Humans, and Hobgoblins are basically similar to them, the Hurgoblins tend to be over six feet tall, extremely large, and generally muscular rather than fat. They fit very poorly in most Goblin settlements, but are used as manual labor in peace time and front line warriors in war time. They have little in the way of self-preservation, unlike the rest of their race, and are seemingly fearless. This is mostly due to senselessness, being stronger and tougher than everyone their whole lives makes them essentially unable to tell when they bit off more than they can chew, so long as what they're fighting is of smaller or similar size to them. They will react to a Giant much the way any other would.<br>
This isn't to say Hurgoblins are completely incapable of learning, but the established Goblin race has very little reason to help them do that. They ARE slower-witted than their cousins, but can learn to fight really well, as if they were gifted at it. Again, the Goblin Chemists feel that they exist to help protect the race, which is otherwise generally weaker and less physically impressive than others, and the Hurgoblins can help with intimidation and combat. They are unable to find the faith to use Religion, and are unable to manipulate any magic, but the Hurgoblins are physically about on par with most Orcs.<br>
=Known Members=
=Known Members=

Revision as of 18:56, 4 December 2014

Also Known As The Green Plague
Organization Type Race and Group
Leadership Goblin Emperor
Associated With Orc Keishing; Ogres.
Related To Largias Continent

Goblins are a race of scavengers, traders and generally considered a pest in the Largias Continent.


The history of the organization, mostly notable facts or important events.


The Goblins may seem disorganized and a little stupid, which isn't exactly accurate, but it's true that the majority of them are uneducated and brutal. They are primarily scavengers, surviving on whatever they can find. This isn't to say they don't have hunters or agriculture, but generally speaking, they get by from surviving off the labors of others. They are prone to violence and sadism, and are generally a lazy species, in the way that others view laziness. Goblins would rather wait and steal than put up with the hard labour and patience, which is the Goblins' greatest weakness. They lack the foresight and patience to work, which is what the Goblin Emperor, self-styled, has been trying to solve.
However, Goblins are survivors. Unlike practically every race, despite geographical and lifestyle differences, Goblins do not fight and are all, at the core, the same. They do not break out into petty infighting over territory, they do not wage war against Goblins. This seems less a decision or thought out process, but an instinctive thing. Goblins will fight and even kill.. and yes, eat each other, but only for survival. They will instinctively move to do what's best for their species, and that is, and has always been cooperation. Goblins are fiercely competitive, but they will only do so for survival, not for gaining over one another, or for no reason. Even Goblins merchants which make massive amounts of money will generally share the wealth with the race.. if they have to. But they are greedy, selfish and generally frugal, they will place the survival of their race above their personal interests.. eventually.
Recently, Goblins have begun organizing into a more coherent force, albeit still disparate, and still living in isolated pockets of 'Goblinism' as it were, there have been persistent rumors of a 'Goblin Emperor', who is an actual Hobgoblin which has decided to set down guidelines and rules for the Goblin race to follow in order to grow. It seems that he had been inspired by the Orcs' Keishig, Goblins come in three forms, though only two are generally seen, and one is exceedingly rare. The most common, and generally the 'true' form of the Goblins is just called that, Goblins. Their other more common form are those which are generally the leader of Goblin raiding parties, those that become warriors, and generally the overall leaders of the Goblin communities, the Hobgoblins. The third and rarest type of Goblin is generally born from Hobgoblins only, and has no actual name, though some have called them Bugbears, they refer to themselves as Hurgoblins, and are characterized for their low intellect and freakish strength.
Goblins: Generally small in stature, Goblins are known for their survival skills and relative agility. Goblins are both creative and intelligent, but are plagued by a general laziness, and the nature of scavengers rather than agriculture or hunters. As a whole, Goblins prefer to work off the efforts of other races, either gathering slaves when they manage to overthrow a village, or, more likely, raiding rural communities, stealing cattle and crops, then living off those as long as they can. They are the ultimate survivors, however, able to adapt to any climate, and known to resort to despicable ways to keep themselves alive, including groveling and cannibalism.
While other races think poorly of Goblins, they don't care, and have made their mark in the Largias continent by making themselves the ultimate Black Market. No one would ever admit to trafficking with Goblins, but with how prolific they are, and their utter cooperation with one another, Goblins are literally the best way to get exotic goods and rare finds, and Goblin merchants are known far and wide as the best source of outside information and curio from other parts of the continent. Furthermore, the magic of Alchemy has long since been understood by Goblins, whose incredible digestive system is able to let them concoct and test potions and other such compounds, making them the best to get potions, poisons and other odd liquids from.. generally.
As a whole, the race is lazy, preferring to survive as described, not all Goblins feel like this. Several become adventurers in their own right, usually thieves or part of warrior bands, but many become spiritualists, a little like Orc Shaman, or priests of one of the Elemental Gods (usually Earth or Fire). These Goblins are rare and not regarded in any way differently than their race, and are subject to ridicule from any other race who sees them. As with the rest of their race, Goblins are basically uncaring of what other people think of them. By and large, Goblins have no sense of pride, or shame. The most commonly encountered Goblins other than the marauders are Goblin Merchants, which generally have a network among the Goblin Nations to get almost anything one can desire, and ofer rare goods to everyone, from potions to rare art from the Southern Continent or even the Rankai Lands; Goblin Chemists are also relatively frequent, establishing laboratories in whatever abandoned hole they can find and concocting cheap and efficient potions of all kinds. They are basically the most scholarly and well researched among Goblins, and will teach others with the patience to learn.
Hobgoblins: One out of about 500 Goblins born is a Hobgoblin, who grows up faster, smarter, and stronger than his brethren. Hobgoblins are generally more clever and are naturally born leaders, tend to be more 'civilized' to a degree than their scavenger cousins, and are over all much more competent. They even have a sense of pride, as it were. While Goblins are generally great at surviving as a whole, those who gather around one or many Hobgoblins are generally more efficient, building lasting villages and getting somewhat organized. The Goblins almost naturally listen to the Hobgoblins as their leaders, unless these Hobgoblins are suicidally or sacrificially minded, in which case, they rebel.
Most Hobgoblins end up being village leaders, or military commanders.. such as it were. While Goblin war parties have existed before, they are generally like a troupe of barbarian warriors. Armed, angry and willing to fight, but with basically no chain of command. Hobgoblins change that, establishing dominance based on strength or strategic ability, and generally being able to make the Goblins function better as a unified force.. somewhat. Most Humans, or Elves or Dwarves who have dealings with the Goblin nations are dealing with Hobgoblins, who are able to compromise and generally are able to think of more than their immediate and near-future survival only. They are also ambitious and less lazy than the rest of their race.
Hobgoblins which don't become leaders or commanders tend to live lives of adventure, able to even learn most types of Magic, as well as using weapons, religion and other abilities, able to act as Humans or Dwarves. These are rare, however, as the majority of them are better served by having a village or community of Goblins serving under them, getting first share of the kill, their choice of women, and being generally 'The Boss'. The Goblin Emperor is, unsurprisingly, a Hobgoblin, and may be the most ambitious of them all.
Hurgoblins: Mistakenly called Bugbears by some, they are no more and no less than giant Goblins. Some Goblin chemists suspect that the Hurgoblins come from some mingling between Hobgoblins and Ogres back in the ancient days, but most agree the logistics are at best, odd. Whatever the case, one in about 2000 Goblins are born as Hurgoblins, and the mother generally doesn't survive. Hurgoblins are dim-witted, but even at a young age, have the strength and size of a fully adult Goblin. Hurgoblins are the 'large dumb thug' of the Goblin race, gifted with super-human (or Super-Retard) strength, and a naturally leathery hide, able to use almost any weapon, and being used as dumb muscle for any Goblin defense or invasion effort.
While most Goblins lack in strength compared to Humans, and Hobgoblins are basically similar to them, the Hurgoblins tend to be over six feet tall, extremely large, and generally muscular rather than fat. They fit very poorly in most Goblin settlements, but are used as manual labor in peace time and front line warriors in war time. They have little in the way of self-preservation, unlike the rest of their race, and are seemingly fearless. This is mostly due to senselessness, being stronger and tougher than everyone their whole lives makes them essentially unable to tell when they bit off more than they can chew, so long as what they're fighting is of smaller or similar size to them. They will react to a Giant much the way any other would.
This isn't to say Hurgoblins are completely incapable of learning, but the established Goblin race has very little reason to help them do that. They ARE slower-witted than their cousins, but can learn to fight really well, as if they were gifted at it. Again, the Goblin Chemists feel that they exist to help protect the race, which is otherwise generally weaker and less physically impressive than others, and the Hurgoblins can help with intimidation and combat. They are unable to find the faith to use Religion, and are unable to manipulate any magic, but the Hurgoblins are physically about on par with most Orcs.

Known Members

A list of noteworthy people in the organization's history and present as well as their role.


Bullet points (use the asterisk) of facts about the organization, this section is fully optional. If there is no trivia, don't put in this section.