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*Enchant: [Alignment] Antorbok Magormor - "project item"<br> This spell can fix broken items regardless what property she casts this spell with (Xel, Chat, Uly, Man) when casted on a weapon, the weapon becomes stronger. (with Mantorok the weapon becomes UBER strong..but takes a lot of power^^;)
*Enchant: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Antorbok Magormor</font> - "project item"<br> This spell can fix broken items regardless what property she casts this spell with (Xel, Chat, Uly, Man) when casted on a weapon, the weapon becomes stronger. (with Mantorok the weapon becomes UBER strong..but takes a lot of power^^;)
*Recover: [Alignment] Narokath Santak - "absorb self"<br> a recovery spell, if she uses Ulyoth's power it will give her more magical power (BUT IT USES MAGICAL POWER so it's a really stupid spell to use him ^^;), if she uses Chattur'gha it will give her more life energy, if she uses Xel'lotath it will recover her sanity.. if she uses Mantorok it will recover all three but not as much as if she would when using a single force.
*Recover: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Narokath Santak</font> - "absorb self"<br> a recovery spell, if she uses Ulyoth's power it will give her more magical power (BUT IT USES MAGICAL POWER so it's a really stupid spell to use him ^^;), if she uses Chattur'gha it will give her more life energy, if she uses Xel'lotath it will recover her sanity.. if she uses Mantorok it will recover all three but not as much as if she would when using a single force.
*Reveal Invisible: [Alignment] Narokath Redgormor - "absorb area"<br> this spell allows invisible objects to be revealed if used with the three evil god properties.. if casted with Mantorok, Elizabeth becomes invisible until the spell wears off (a 10 mins)
*Reveal Invisible: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Narokath Redgormor</font> - "absorb area"<br> this spell allows invisible objects to be revealed if used with the three evil god properties.. if casted with Mantorok, Elizabeth becomes invisible until the spell wears off (a 10 mins)
*Damage Field: [Alignment] Bankorok Redgormor - "protect area"<br> A field of energy surrounds the caster depending on how big the summoning rune is picked (3 runes the field is incredibly small^^;, 5 runes is bigger, 7 runes is huge and good enough to protect a group of people) once the field is raised..it acts like a barrier and protects from outside attacks and magic IT CAN be dispelled and it also wears off.. also the caster is able to cast more spells inside the barrier so it's a good way to prepare for casting spells that take a long time to pull off.
*Damage Field: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Bankorok Redgormor</font> - "protect area"<br> A field of energy surrounds the caster depending on how big the summoning rune is picked (3 runes the field is incredibly small^^;, 5 runes is bigger, 7 runes is huge and good enough to protect a group of people) once the field is raised..it acts like a barrier and protects from outside attacks and magic IT CAN be dispelled and it also wears off.. also the caster is able to cast more spells inside the barrier so it's a good way to prepare for casting spells that take a long time to pull off.
*Dispel Magick: [Alignment] Nethlek Redgormor - "dispel area"<br> like the name says, it dispells magic in an area.. the larger the rune group used, the stronger the dispelling is. If Mantorok is used..this spell is UBAR dispelling power but TAKES A lot of energy ^^;
*Dispel Magick: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Nethlek Redgormor</font> - "dispel area"<br> like the name says, it dispells magic in an area.. the larger the rune group used, the stronger the dispelling is. If Mantorok is used..this spell is UBAR dispelling power but TAKES A lot of energy ^^;
*Summon Trapper: [Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature"<br> only a 3 point rune group can be used to summon this creature. A trapper is a small scorpion looking monster that is blind and relies completely on hearing. It's small and can be used to go through tiny holes and such. It has only ONE attack..and that is a warp spell. It can warp a person/creature/thing into a strange nexus place that is full of monsters and other warp portals.. however a person can find a way back through the warps in the nexus so it's just really a way to stall a person rather than to kill them. Also, once a trapper is summoned, it is not permanently under the casters control..after a few minutes the trapper will go solo and dangerous if not disposed of after usage^^; Once the trapper uses it's warp spell, it dies. Mantorok CANNOT be used to summon a trapper.
*Summon Trapper: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Tier Aretak</font> - "summon creature"<br> only a 3 point rune group can be used to summon this creature. A trapper is a small scorpion looking monster that is blind and relies completely on hearing. It's small and can be used to go through tiny holes and such. It has only ONE attack..and that is a warp spell. It can warp a person/creature/thing into a strange nexus place that is full of monsters and other warp portals.. however a person can find a way back through the warps in the nexus so it's just really a way to stall a person rather than to kill them. Also, once a trapper is summoned, it is not permanently under the casters control..after a few minutes the trapper will go solo and dangerous if not disposed of after usage^^; Once the trapper uses it's warp spell, it dies. Mantorok CANNOT be used to summon a trapper.
*Shield Spell: [Alignment] Bankorok Santak - "protect self"<br> LIKE THE NAME says again! This spell summons a number of spheres that flow around the caster like a shield. Whenever the caster is attacked a sphere is sacrificed to protect the caster. 3-point rune group will summon 3 balls, 5 point summons 5 balls.. and 7 point rune summons 7 balls.  
*Shield Spell: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Bankorok Santak</font> - "protect self"<br> LIKE THE NAME says again! This spell summons a number of spheres that flow around the caster like a shield. Whenever the caster is attacked a sphere is sacrificed to protect the caster. 3-point rune group will summon 3 balls, 5 point summons 5 balls.. and 7 point rune summons 7 balls.  
*Summon Zombie: [Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature"<br> only a 5 point rune group spell. A zombie will be brought.. it moves slow as hell because it's a zombie ^^; but it can attack! Although not too great. Also the same thing applies to the trapper applies with the Zombie.. if it is not disposed of after it is used, control will be lost and the Zombie will try to kill everyone..including the caster. Mantorok cannot be used to summon a zombie.
*Summon Zombie: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Tier Aretak</font> - "summon creature"<br> only a 5 point rune group spell. A zombie will be brought.. it moves slow as hell because it's a zombie ^^; but it can attack! Although not too great. Also the same thing applies to the trapper applies with the Zombie.. if it is not disposed of after it is used, control will be lost and the Zombie will try to kill everyone..including the caster. Mantorok cannot be used to summon a zombie.
*Magickal Attack: [Alignment] Antorbok Redgormor - "project area"<br> An outwards blast of magical power with the strength depending on how strong the rune group is chosen. 3-point magical attack pretty much SUCKS.. 7 is OW..but takes a LONG time to cast ^^;  
*Magickal Attack: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Antorbok Redgormor</font> - "project area"<br> An outwards blast of magical power with the strength depending on how strong the rune group is chosen. 3-point magical attack pretty much SUCKS.. 7 is OW..but takes a LONG time to cast ^^;  
*Summon Horror: [Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature"<br> only a 7 point rune group spell. A horror is summoned which is a LARGE dangerous creature with 3 heads.. it's huge.. like 8' FEET tall huge. ^^; A horror has powerful attacks and is also able to shoot bolts of lightning from its heads.. like all the other summoned creatures, if it is not disposed of..it will go renegade and trust me THAT IS NOT GOOD with this creature. ^^; Mantorok cannot be used to summon it.
*Summon Horror: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Tier Aretak</font> - "summon creature"<br> only a 7 point rune group spell. A horror is summoned which is a LARGE dangerous creature with 3 heads.. it's huge.. like 8' FEET tall huge. ^^; A horror has powerful attacks and is also able to shoot bolts of lightning from its heads.. like all the other summoned creatures, if it is not disposed of..it will go renegade and trust me THAT IS NOT GOOD with this creature. ^^; Mantorok cannot be used to summon it.
*Magick Pool: [Alignment] Tier Redgormor - "summmon area"<br> Slowly regenerates Life force, Magic power, and Sanity depending on which force is used.. Mantorok will heal all three but LESS.
*Magick Pool: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Tier Redgormor</font> - "summmon area"<br> Slowly regenerates Life force, Magic power, and Sanity depending on which force is used.. Mantorok will heal all three but LESS.
*Bind: [Alignment] Bankorok Aretak - "protect creature"<br> Turns an enemy onto the casters side.. this meant for like.. low creatures.. not SUPER CRAZY BOSSES... and also one enemy at a time. ^^;
*Bind: <font color=green>[Alignment]</font> <font color=purple>Bankorok Aretak</font> - "protect creature"<br> Turns an enemy onto the casters side.. this meant for like.. low creatures.. not SUPER CRAZY BOSSES... and also one enemy at a time. ^^;
'''ENEMY INFORMATION''': This book contains a LARGE freaking encyclopedia of information on monsters and evils around the world there is a GOOD CHANCE that if there was a supernatural creature out and about.. it would have some information listed in the Tome of Darkness.
'''ENEMY INFORMATION''': This book contains a LARGE freaking encyclopedia of information on monsters and evils around the world there is a GOOD CHANCE that if there was a supernatural creature out and about.. it would have some information listed in the Tome of Darkness.
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[[Category: Characters]][[Category: Gubaba's Characters]][[Category: Vampires]]
[[Category:Non-Player Characters]][[Category: Gubaba's Characters]][[Category: Vampires]]

Latest revision as of 00:58, 15 September 2014

Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
Elizabeth with the Tome of Eternal Darkness. Art by Cinnie.
A.K.A. Dhampire
Age 24
Voice Actor Sakakibara Yoshiko
Relatives Alucard Farenheights Tepes - Father
Marivel Armitage - Mother
Lacroix - Uncle
Series Castlevania/Wild Arms
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Elizabeth Marie Farenheights
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: March 9th
  • Parents: Alucard Farenheights and Marivel Armitage
    • Place of Birth: Romania WHEREVER THAT IS
    • Nationality: Romanian
    • Specialty: Dhampire
    • Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Studying the dark arts
    • Likes: knowledge, her father, to find a companion/friend, magic
    • Dislikes: stupid humans, EVIL
    • Favorite Food: fancy stuff/ blood
    • Least Favorite Food: none
    • Favorite Music: classical.. particularly fond of Beethoven's 9th Symphony
    • Favorite Sport: none
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Tome of Darkness
    • Level of Education: REALLY HIGH
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Sakakibara Yoshiko
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10
    • Weight: 135 lbs
    • Eyes: Striking Blue
    • Hair: Silvery Blonde
    • Special: elongated uh..whatever those front teeth are called.. incisors? I dunno.


I can draw a picture


relatively calm and collected.. but with a hint of madness, Elizabeth is a type of person(Dhampire whatever) that questions everything. She questions life, death, the purpose of how mankind functions as it does.. and craves knowledge like COOKIEMONSTER CRAVES cookies. She was raised with the knowledge that humans cannot understand the supernatural (and vampires) and go through different hardships than what she has to go through..so with that thought in mind, she believes that she can never really truly bond with them... and she was also raised to believe that vampires are EVIL AND BAD too.. OH NOEZ.


Alucard and Marivel met each other at the Inn originally and grew close to each other because of the fact that they were both vampires (Although Alucard is half). After many years of being together, eventually, because of the different magicks that flow through the Crimson Nobles' veins.. Marivel was gifted with a daughter whom they named Elizabeth. At this point, Alucard and his family had left the Inn and gone to Romania.. as Alucard wanted to be able to show Marivel the different sights of the world. Elizabeth was a very curious child, learning a lot from both of her parents... and luckily was able to walk underneath the son unlike her mother. Her mother was fine with this, staying home to read or rest while her daughter and Alucard ventured off. Things were fine until something went wrong and religious fanatics.. or just vampire hunters decided to burn down the lair that Marivel had been sleeping in. Elizabeth was still only a child.

Elizabeth was filled with hate because of this action but her father tried his best to explain to her that humans fear.. and with fear they will do things like this. But Elizabeth should understand.. that there still is a certain beauty and elegance that comes with humanity. Elizabeth, still not understanding, decided to no longer argue with her father about this. ..she decided that the only solace would come from her not interacting and mingling with these human murderers.

Pondering this more, Elizabeth went to go back to her studies.. wanting to ease the loneliness in her heart with books and scrolls. One particular evening, Elizabeth was studying late and passed out on her desk.. when she awoke she found herself in a dark long hallway.. the walls were grotesque and frightening.. on the ground were millions and millions of screaming faces.. there were statues all around her of different people.. a Malaysian girl.. an old timely looking general.. an Arabian prince..

Elizabeth gazed around herself, shocked..but the sight before her was what made her blood pound and boil in awe.. in front of her, past the hallway and resting on a large outstretched decaying hand.. was a book. THE book. Getting her thoughts together, Elizabeth found herself walking towards the book.. the hand holding it slowly outstretching its fingers to allow her to take it. She reached out and picked it up, the feeling of it was oddly smooth.. the screams of millions of voices intensifying around her and many flashes of peoples lives appeared in a blur in front of her eyes.. people who had held this damned book before her.. as finally everything around her went white.

Elizabeth awoke with a start, breathing hard for a moment..she rubbed her eyes..then gazed down on what she was sleeping, her mouth falling open. The book was there.. it came out of her dream. It was bound in human skin.. and she knew stories of this book.. it was the Tome of Darkness. It had chosen her.. but why? Deciding to keep it quiet for the moment.. Elizabeth stashed the book away.. then in private only used it to practice it's spells, knowing that this book was a spell casters DREAM come true. However, the more she noticed that she worked with this book.. the more she began to hear voices.. the more she felt like something was watching her.. that something evil was surrounding her. Realizing that this book was something dangerous and should never be placed in the hands of someone who cannot control it, Elizabeth decided to keep this book and protect it from anyone to would be wishing to use its power in the wrong way..or just too naive to know its true frightening abilities. She now knew why the book had chosen her to be the possessor.

After some time, Elizabeth decided to begin using her talents to see the world and practice/train etc etc. As she set off.. she had made it a personal plan to pay a tribute and visit the place where her parents had met. Her father had told her tales of the place and it piqued her curiosity. SO.. Elizabeth was off.. traveling mostly through Europe to start things off.. but during her journey through the area..she began to hear voices.. the same voices she was hearing when she was practicing using the Tome. The voices were calling her to a sacred place.. somewhere in the Alsace area located near France/Germany. Heading there, the voices became more and more insistent.. and she knew that something was wrong.. there was evil emanating from this place.. a great evil..and beyond that she could feel the presence of another like her. A vampire. Elizabeth continued for the presence..and eventually she found him. Prepared to do battle against this foe..who at the time seemed like he had come to desecrate this shrine..and for all she knew he could have been the source of all this evil growing here, a third party appeared. A swarm of maggoty infested zombies came for the pair, intent on taking them both out and cleansing the shrine themselves. Realizing that they now had a common enemy, Elizabeth and this vampire defeated the zombies quite easily.. and then Elizabeth used the Tome of Darkness to seal the area off. Now after the danger had passed, Elizabeth was able to have a proper introduction with this other vampire. Soma, which was his name, was also traveling like her to broaden his powers to defeat the Darkness.. he seemed to be annoyed that she had acquired the Tome before he had but she gave it no notice.. they talked some more over the next few days and left on good terms.

Now Elizabeth has been called to aid the PARADIGM operations, having recently acquired a mansion in Silent Hill.. so here she is.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Very Good (+3)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2)
  • Intimidation: Amazing (+5)
  • Leadership: Incredible (+4)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Occult: Amazing (+5) May have an extra bonus with Occult Library
  • Politics: Good (+2)

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

VAMPIRIC powers: Enhanced senses and strength: good hearing, seeing, taste, strength, speed.. all of that superness.. not as good as a full vampire but better than your average bear(Dhampire).


Elizabeth's specialty as a spell caster.. her magic is centered around the Dark Arts but she excells in using magic to control and having to do with the dead.

The Sepulchre Path:

  • 1- Insight: Can Stare into the Eyes of a Corpse, And see the last thing the corpse saw before it's death. Depending on how good you roll/are at it, you can see between one instant, or one full hour of the subject's life.
  • 2- Summon Soul: Allows the Necromancer to call forth the spirit of a dead person and converse with it. The Necromancer must know the name of the subject, and have an object of value from it, too. This will not work on Saints, Holy beings and Demons.
  • 3- Compel Soul: After summoning said spirit, the Necromancer can give it an order, which it must obey, if the Necromancer is stronger of will than the ghost. Depending on how powerful the Necromancer is, The spirit will obey either begrudgingly and half-assed, or to the best of it's ability. It cannot return to the lands of the dead until this task is completed. The Necromancer can compel a ghost multiple times during a single summoning.
  • 4- Haunting: The Necromancer can bind a spirit/ghost to a single location. The Ghost will then wander the area, unable to leave for either one day or one week, depending on the power of the necromancer. If the Necromancer actually FORCES the ghost, a lot (I.E., spends Willpower), it can be made to last for one year.
  • 5- Torment: This power allows the Necromancer to touch the Ghost, and do with it what he wants. This is the only known way to TORTURE a ghost, and if used hard enough, this power can destroy a ghost's essence forever, keeping them in limbo.

The Bone Path:

  • 1- Tremens: This power allows the Necromancer to make the flesh of a corpse shift, just once. It'll either sit up, turn around, fall forward, open it's eyes, jump, or move, etc. This can't be used to attack, but it can be used to startle and surprise, or scare. This DOES NOT WORK on Vampires.
  • 2- Apprentice's Brooms: The Necromancer can make a dead body animate and perform a single function. Cadavers can be made to clean, carry things, attack or defend a location/person, but it's only that ONE command they'll follow. It takes dismemberment to make them stop, but they aren't any stronger than their bodies would let on. The bodies continue to decay. They'll keep going until they finish their task or get destroyed.
  • 3- Shambling Hordes: Zombies. Essentially, this will allow the Necromancer to raise LOTS of dead, which will stay and perform their function as long as it takes, or until destroyed. They continue to decay but will perform their functions even if the flesh falls off.
  • 4- Soul Steal: Can temporarily remove the soul from a target, provided the target has less willpower than the Necromancer's power. This only lasts for a few hours, however, but if it works, the soul is a ghost in the Necromancer's hands, and the body is an empty shell.
  • 5- Daemonic Possession: Despite what the name implies, this doesn't necessarily involve demons. This allows the Necromancer to insert a soul or spirit into a freshly dead body and inhabit it for the duration. The corpse is still mostly nothing more than a reanimated corpse, and it will decay after a w eek, but it can give a temporary body to a spirit or ghost. The body can't be more than 30 mins dead. The spirit has the same physical capabilities as the new body, but it's mental attributes remain the same as they were. This power WORKS on Vampires, but the body needs to be empty. And the 30 minute limit does not apply to them.

The Path of Thanatos: (She WILL NOT use any of these spells unless the situation COMPLETELY calls for it and will not permanently cripple ANY HUMANZ if she can help it as there are other ways to deal with them)

  • 1- Hag's Wrinkles: This allows the Necromancer the power to alter a body's apparent age, making them look older or younger than they are. This power works on vampires, or corpses if you want to disguise how old they were when they died.
  • 2- Putrefication: This allows the Necromancer to induce decomposition in an opponent. The faster the target moves once infected, the faster they decompose, until flesh and hair falls off the target. The only way to stop this is to stop moving completely.
  • 3- Ashes to Ashes: This allows the Necromancer to turn to heavy powder, making it immune to fire and sunlight. However, they also can't move. This is a purely defensive spell. The one flaw of this power, however, is that if the ashes are spread out, the vampire can't reform and will die. Especially if they're cleaned with water.
  • 4- The Whitering: This allows the Necromancer to Mummify an Opponent, one Limb at a time. If the Necromancer can touch the target's limb, they'll whither to the point of uselessness. This can be healed by supernaturals and vampires can get rid of it by spending blood, but humans are affected permanently. The affected limbs are useless and don't respond anymore. Note: Doing this on a target's head will send them into a coma. If the target is a Vampire, they'll have a shrunken head, but will be unable to use their powers.
  • 5- Infection: This will aggravate any wound caused to a target previously. I.E., will reopen scars, prevent healing (!) and cause severe bleeding. However, the Necromancer must first touch the target's wounded area. They can also slip in some of their own blood into the wound, causing further damage if possible (I.E., poison in blood, Acid Blood, Alien Blood, etc.) The Wound needs to be fresh or scarred, however, it won't reopen a scrapped knee that's fully healed since the character was a kid.

Necromantic Rituals: (Elizabeth knows them..but they take way too long to preform so she wouldn't use them unless the situation absolutely calls for it)

Call of the Hungry Dead: With a hair from a target, it allows the target to hear voices from the land of the dead, and conversations between ghosts. They may not know where this is from so.. they might very well think they're mad.

Eyes of the Grave: Takes two hours to cast. This makes the target experiences intermittent visions of it's own death. These happen without warning and can last up to a minute. The caster has NO IDEA what he's making the target see, but the target feels this is it's own death. They can interfere with what they're doing if they come suddenly. The ritual requires a pinch of earth from a fresh grave.

Unearthed Fetter: With the fingerbone of the skeleton of the spirit the necromancer is interested in, it becomes attuned to something the spirit holds dear, and will allow the Necromancer to track it. When he finds THAT, he can make the spirit do as he pleases, because without that fetter, it will lose ties to the real world.

Cadaver's Touch: By chanting for 3 hours and melting a wax doll in the shape of the target, the Necromancer turns the target into a corpse-like mockery of itself. As the doll loses the last of it's form, the target becomes cold and clammy. His pulse becomes weak and thready, his flesh pale and chalky. He becomes basically a walking, living dead man. This wears off only when the was resolidifies.

And more..: ..she knows other rituals but the others are pretty gruesome. She rather sticks with these, if they come into play.. I'll add them here.


  • Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.
  • Concentration (1): You are very good at focusing, and suffer no penalty for distractions, stress or having to repeat yourself often.
  • Well-Traveled (3): You are knowledgeable of the ways of the world from your travels and studies. Once per mission, you can roll against a difficulty 6 (just a die roll, no modifiers). If successful, the GM tells you information about the situation if it makes sense. (I.E., someone from Final Fantasy 4 world may have heard about the Eidolons and the Feymarch or the Red Moon, but probably wouldn't have heard about the Hellsing Organization.)
  • Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.
  • Occult Library (2): You own a decent collection of works on arcane lore, and if you have access to it, can lower difficulties/add dice when trying to solve an occult mystery and/or generally learn more about the occult. Having this library doesn't automatically mean you're an occult expert; it just means you have convenient access to some knowledge.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

Tome of Eternal Darkness Elizabeth possesses the Tome of Eternal Darkness, a book bound in human skin and written in blood. It possesses great and powerful magick and it has chosen her to be the owner and protector. She will not use this book unless she HAS to.. as whoever uses this book is taxed on their sanity.. they hear voices.. feel like they're being watched and generally feel like they're going crazy ^^; Elizabeth has to find a way to calm herself if things get too intense while using this book..which could even lead to her going to go feed (which her dad said is a NO NO).

Inside it has spells written that can draw power from four ancient gods: Ulyoth, Chattur'gha, Xel'lotath, and Mantorok. Ulyoth, Chattur'gha, and Xel'lotath are all EVIL ^^; Mantorok is neutral/good from what I've seen. The gods are all enemies of each other and one is ALWAYS stronger than the other.. so when certain spells are cast, certain properties can over take others. Ulyoth's properties are stronger than Chattur'Gha's.. Chattur'gha's properties are stronger than Xel'lotaths.. and Xel'lotath's properties are stronger than Ulyoths. Mantorok's property takes over them all..but it takes more power to use its spells. Ulyoth's power comes from magic, Chattur'gha's power comes from the life force, Xel'otath's power comes from sanity, and Mantorok's power comes from all three.

There are 3 summoning rune groups that can be chosen to cast each spell: 3 runes (weakest, fastest casting), 5 runes (medium stuff), 7 runes (strongest, but takes the longest to cast^^;)

  • Enchant: [Alignment] Antorbok Magormor - "project item"
    This spell can fix broken items regardless what property she casts this spell with (Xel, Chat, Uly, Man) when casted on a weapon, the weapon becomes stronger. (with Mantorok the weapon becomes UBER strong..but takes a lot of power^^;)
  • Recover: [Alignment] Narokath Santak - "absorb self"
    a recovery spell, if she uses Ulyoth's power it will give her more magical power (BUT IT USES MAGICAL POWER so it's a really stupid spell to use him ^^;), if she uses Chattur'gha it will give her more life energy, if she uses Xel'lotath it will recover her sanity.. if she uses Mantorok it will recover all three but not as much as if she would when using a single force.
  • Reveal Invisible: [Alignment] Narokath Redgormor - "absorb area"
    this spell allows invisible objects to be revealed if used with the three evil god properties.. if casted with Mantorok, Elizabeth becomes invisible until the spell wears off (a 10 mins)
  • Damage Field: [Alignment] Bankorok Redgormor - "protect area"
    A field of energy surrounds the caster depending on how big the summoning rune is picked (3 runes the field is incredibly small^^;, 5 runes is bigger, 7 runes is huge and good enough to protect a group of people) once the field is raised..it acts like a barrier and protects from outside attacks and magic IT CAN be dispelled and it also wears off.. also the caster is able to cast more spells inside the barrier so it's a good way to prepare for casting spells that take a long time to pull off.
  • Dispel Magick: [Alignment] Nethlek Redgormor - "dispel area"
    like the name says, it dispells magic in an area.. the larger the rune group used, the stronger the dispelling is. If Mantorok is used..this spell is UBAR dispelling power but TAKES A lot of energy ^^;
  • Summon Trapper: [Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature"
    only a 3 point rune group can be used to summon this creature. A trapper is a small scorpion looking monster that is blind and relies completely on hearing. It's small and can be used to go through tiny holes and such. It has only ONE attack..and that is a warp spell. It can warp a person/creature/thing into a strange nexus place that is full of monsters and other warp portals.. however a person can find a way back through the warps in the nexus so it's just really a way to stall a person rather than to kill them. Also, once a trapper is summoned, it is not permanently under the casters control..after a few minutes the trapper will go solo and dangerous if not disposed of after usage^^; Once the trapper uses it's warp spell, it dies. Mantorok CANNOT be used to summon a trapper.
  • Shield Spell: [Alignment] Bankorok Santak - "protect self"
    LIKE THE NAME says again! This spell summons a number of spheres that flow around the caster like a shield. Whenever the caster is attacked a sphere is sacrificed to protect the caster. 3-point rune group will summon 3 balls, 5 point summons 5 balls.. and 7 point rune summons 7 balls.
  • Summon Zombie: [Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature"
    only a 5 point rune group spell. A zombie will be brought.. it moves slow as hell because it's a zombie ^^; but it can attack! Although not too great. Also the same thing applies to the trapper applies with the Zombie.. if it is not disposed of after it is used, control will be lost and the Zombie will try to kill everyone..including the caster. Mantorok cannot be used to summon a zombie.
  • Magickal Attack: [Alignment] Antorbok Redgormor - "project area"
    An outwards blast of magical power with the strength depending on how strong the rune group is chosen. 3-point magical attack pretty much SUCKS.. 7 is OW..but takes a LONG time to cast ^^;
  • Summon Horror: [Alignment] Tier Aretak - "summon creature"
    only a 7 point rune group spell. A horror is summoned which is a LARGE dangerous creature with 3 heads.. it's huge.. like 8' FEET tall huge. ^^; A horror has powerful attacks and is also able to shoot bolts of lightning from its heads.. like all the other summoned creatures, if it is not disposed of..it will go renegade and trust me THAT IS NOT GOOD with this creature. ^^; Mantorok cannot be used to summon it.
  • Magick Pool: [Alignment] Tier Redgormor - "summmon area"
    Slowly regenerates Life force, Magic power, and Sanity depending on which force is used.. Mantorok will heal all three but LESS.
  • Bind: [Alignment] Bankorok Aretak - "protect creature"
    Turns an enemy onto the casters side.. this meant for like.. low creatures.. not SUPER CRAZY BOSSES... and also one enemy at a time. ^^;

ENEMY INFORMATION: This book contains a LARGE freaking encyclopedia of information on monsters and evils around the world there is a GOOD CHANCE that if there was a supernatural creature out and about.. it would have some information listed in the Tome of Darkness.

CREEPY ASS TALES: there are tales of those who have used the Tome of Darkness before Elizabeth.. they have some gruesome stories...and that's pretty much it.

Items Of Note

Tome of Eternal Darkness

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! -While she does not have the need for blood, she still at times craves it..

-She does not like sunlight, even though it won't kill her.. it bothers her^^;

-vulnerable to holy-ish type attacks. Also, warded Holy areas can block her access just like they can any other vampire.

-Powerful Odors: Especially Garlic and other purifying foods/smells, these can severely distract, incapacitate and destabilise Elizabeth. While it won't send her running (usually), it WILL cause her to feel sick and off-balance, as she isn't trained to resist powerful smells.

-Sensory Overload: As before, it's simple to overwhelm Elizabeth's senses, though just 'screaming loudly' won't work, a powerful whitenoise or sudden flash of intense light can temporarily overwhelm Elizabeth, either blinding or deafenning her.

-Running Water: Elizabeth is able to swim and cross running water without taking much damage. It just hurts a hell of a lot and she'd really rather not. Note that this doesn't apply to stagnant water in the least, so she can bathe, shower and swim in a pool. She just has an aversion to the latter.

  • Weaknesses in dealing with the Tome of Darkness:

-HAS A CHANCE TO GO cuckoo if using the TOME of Darkness since it is very taxing on the sanity to be in the posession of such a book^^; (hears voices, feeling of being watched.. being surrounded by something abnormal and evil).

-if she's attacked while casting, the spell is nullified.

-Risk of summoning spells going out of her control and killing her. (this DID happen to one of the guys who used the Tome of Darkness previously.. and it was noted in one of the stories. Elizabeth is VERY on her guard because of this when she uses a summoning spell from the Tome)


  • Black and White (1): You see all situations in black and white, good and evil, etc. In situations where this limited, judgmental way of thinking may hinder your reaction to something or cause you to act socially inappropriate, your Social rolls are at -1 Penalty. In Elizabeth's case, she sees humans as a completely different entity than herself. She sees vampires as predators and humans as food.. and that is the way it is.
  • Intolerance (1): You have difficulty tolerating a specific thing or type of person, and are likely to snap at them and be dismissive. Fanatics.. idiots.. people who rush in without thinking.
  • Nightmares (1): You're constantly plagued by nightmares, which at the worst may indicate there's something nasty in your fate, and at the least will make you cranky and irritable most of the time. A particularly bad night may cause you to have a -1 penalty on all rolls. Being in constant presence of the Tome doesn't allow Elizabeth to sleep well. ...she also has nightmares about her mothers' death.
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. Way too pale. ...strange eyes. ...elongated fangs.
  • Haunted (2): A wraith is plaguing your existence for some reason. Maybe you're its murderer, maybe you have something it wants (like a Fetter), or maybe it just doesn't like you. Wraiths can do all sorts of weird things to you, move things around, possess you and your friends, inhabit your dreams or your refrigerator, etc... For Elizabeth, she is always haunted by the monsters associated with the Tome. They want to eat her.
  • Disturbing Mannerism (2): You have a habit or character trait which is peculiar, gross, or annoying. You may not even be aware of it-but boy, everyone else is. Penalties of social rolls are increased at the GM's discretion. She drinks blood. ..it tastes good.
  • Addiction (1): You are addicted to some substance, such as caffeine, nicotine, etc. You will start to crave the substance if you don't get it often enough, and have to spend time and money to counter it. The larger the flaw, the more dependent you are on the substance, and the worse things will happen if you don't get what you need. After jonesing for long enough all your rolls are at -1 Penalty. -2 if a three point flaw. A one point flaw will never incur penalties, but you should start RP'ing out how badly you need a drink or smoke and be easily distracted by that very idea. She does not REQUIRE it.. but she really likes the taste of blood.
  • Conditional Magic (1): There is a condition set to the functionality of your magical effects; they may work better or worse depending on certain circumstances, e.g. time of day, who you're doing the magic on, etc. Bonuses and Penalties can vary from -3 to +3 according to the circumstance; the degree of the flaw depends upon how rare or common the circumstance is. Without the Tome, Elizabeth cannot cast -any- spells from it. She can only use her necromantic rituals and her own vampiric abilities.
  • Echoes (1): Your supernatural nature affects the world around you; for example, if you are a "witch", milk sours in your presence or you cannot walk on hallowed ground. Severity of the flaw depends on how severe–and noticeable–the echoes are. This should be taken only by supernatural or cursed characters. There is little to no reason for Joe Dudeguy to make milk sour, but Billy Half-Demon might. Elizabeth keeps the Tome of Eternal Darkness with her in order to keep it out of the hands of those who would misuse it. ...and because of this, constant uneasy whispers and sounds seem to always follow her.

NPC(s) to go with char
