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[[Category: Non-Player Characters]] [[Category:Gubaba's Characters]]

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Akemi in modern-ish clothes. Placeholder picture
A.K.A. Princess of the South Demon Lands
Age 519
Voice Actor Orikasa Ai
Relatives Mirai Higurashi - cousin
Sessho-Maru - father
Rin - mother
Series Inu Yasha
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Akemi
  • Age: 519
  • Sex: female
  • Birthday: November 2
  • Parents: Sessho-Maru and Rin
    • Place of Birth: Feudal Japan in the South Lands
    • Nationality: Japanese/Youkai
    • Speciality: Hannyou
    • Hobbies: Reading, Flower arrangement, Adventuring
    • Likes: Her parents, Nice people, Butterflies
    • Dislikes: Injustice
    • Favorite Food: Cat
    • Least Favorite Food: Asparagus
    • Favorite Music: Shamisen
    • Favorite Sport: Climbing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: twin blades, Tenseiga (healing katana) and Toukijin (dual edged sword)
    • Level of Education: Noble training, she's the daughter of a demon lord so she has a lot of ettiquette training in particular.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Orikasa Ai

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'6
  • Weight: 125 lbs
  • Eyes: Gold
  • Hair: Silver
  • Special: White triangular dog ears on the top of her head and red stripes on her cheeks.


Akemi is a very curvy girl though she typically hides it all behind her thick proper clothing. Unless she's wearing the clothes native to the present timeline.. in that case, she favors sundresses and flowing, long outfits.


Kind and sweet with a sense of adventure, Akemi was mostly raised and taken care of by her mother Rin, a kind and lighthearted human woman who was raised and taken care of by the big and rather scary demon lord Sesshou-maru. However, whenever Akemi is faced with very very very VERY LIFE THREATENING WOUNDS..she goes into a blood riot sort of thing and becomes a ruthless evil..crazy chika..I'll explain this in the powers/abilities thing.


The Past

born from the union of Rin and Sesshou-maru.. yes ok ok I know what you are saying..but if Dark Schneider could do it..so can Sesshou-maru. (Rin was adopted by Sesshou-maru when she was young) but then when she got older she grew to love Sesshou-maru since he is really hot and stuff.. I mean look at all those fanfic writers after his butt! Anyway.. Sesshou-maru..grew to have a liking with rin..and accepted her to stay with him even though she was a human..

Anyways..from this Akemi was born! Though a half breed, Akemi was loved and taken care of by Rin very protectively. She would go on and on about how awesome and great her father (Sesshou-maru-sama) is. The kid grew with a kind heart which stemmed off from her mother's own kindness. However, all the tales of how great her father is caused her to want to catch his attention. So she would often strike out for adventure with her guardian Tanuki trying to be the valiant hero of the land..but from the cause of this she often got into more trouble than it was worth.. once even her father had to bail her out..which just earned her instead of attention..a big whap on the butt.

As she grew older, her attempts to become a great and wonderful warrior as her father improved vastly. She had earned a reputation as a good warrior from all of her work.. keeping the southern lands clean of evil youkai pests and the like. From the help of using the Tenseiga..which her father found useless (A sword with healing properties..and the ability to rise dead warriors back to life) and the Toukijin..(a dual edged cursed sword).

Anyways..as the story moved on.. one day during her travels she had left ahead without her fellow Tanuki friend..and came across a horrid battle field. The forest was ruined.. craters smoking with expelled energy scattered everywhere.. and up closer as Akemi further nvestigated..she found a pile of brutalized flesh left in the mess of the fighting ground. The flesh had an unmistakeable aura of utter evil emminating from it. Akemi frowned..knowing that this evil flesh..which was starting to move should not be left alone. She had to get rid of it..and get rid of it fast. So she did what she only knew to do. She consumed the flesh in order to let her own youkai powers control the evil and surpress it away.

After consuming it..she felt the evil trying to over take her..she fell to the ground, grabbing her throat and her stomach..eyes flashing red..but after a few minutes..laying on the ground with her harsh breathing.. she realized the feeling was gone. She had beaten the evil.

Akemi smiled and scrambled to her feet satisfied with a job well done.. she strapped her swords back onto her waist and began to head back home..but suddenly..before she could blink.. a flash came at her.

An arrow.

The arrow stabbed through Akemi expertly and pinned her through the chest into a tree.. a few more arrows appeared stabbing into both arms, crucifying her there.. blood spilled down from her lips as she looked at her attacker.. Why was this done? A priestess..with flowing back hair stared at her coldly with dead eyes.

"The evil in you must be sealed forever. You with demon blood inside you.. it is a pity...you are with the doomed." These were the words spoken by the maiden..the last words heard in Akemi's sensitive ears before she fell into a deep..deep sleep.

While slumbering, Akemi dreamed of the words spoken.. the demon blood inside her. Was there a way for her to be healed of it? Was it really so bad? Her mother was so happy as a human..her father..although she felt that he loved her..he was always so cold and distant. Maybe being human was the right thing for her. As she knew about the powers of the Shikon no Tama (ok back then I think EVERYONE knew).. Akemi decided that perhaps instead of using it for evil as the youkai who plagued the land had done..perhaps she could use it to become a full human..

..of course this would have to wait..until she could awaken once more..


Akemi was soon awoken by a wandering priest who was able to absorb the power of the holy arrow. After slumbering for almost five hundred years, Akemi now found herself in present day Tokyo and at the castle.

Being quite unfamiliar with how things were done in this new time, Akemi was rather curious and tried to adjust to her new surroundings. She was happy to find that her cousin, Mirai, had also come to stay at the castle. Mirai was first worried that the rivalry that had happened between her father and Akemi's father would happen between them. Akemi assured her that she had no such wishes. Akemi also would talk to Mirai's boyfriend Sin. Sin was very kind to Akemi, trying to help her adjust to the new era that Akemi now found herself living. Akemi also tried to make friends with all the other tenants of the castle.. but Mirai always seemed wary of her speaking to Takeo. Mirai was very apprehensive about him but never really explained why and Akemi. One night in particular, Akemi rested outside as she didn't like to be in the castle because with her enhanced senses.. she could very clearly hear Mirai and Sin being affectionate.. Akemi found Takeo as he was playing some music, she listened to his melody and prompted a conversation.. and found out that he was actually a very nice young man, which was quite confusing to her since Mirai had warned her before.

From there, Takeo and Akemi spent a lot of time together. They spoke of decorum and he also tried to help her learn more of people in this era and get up to date with customs and history. Akemi was grateful and eventually started learning more about who Takeo really was. Akemi found out that there were problems happening in Takeo's homeworld. Very concerned and an advocate of justice, Akemi offered to help however way that she could.

Akemi accepted Takeo's invitation to visit his homeworld Jurai. Being there, she was one of the individuals who tried to help Takeo bring back order from chaos.. and once everything was settled, Akemi stayed there for a bit with Takeo. From there, Takeo and Akemi got even closer.. finally sharing their first kiss before Akemi retired to her room. Being very proper, but still having those demonic instincts.. Akemi was prepared to keep the relationship that was going between them nice and slow.. especially since she had heard briefly about the troubles in Takeo's previous relationships. He always seemed so happy she was apparently... 'sane'... in comparison to all the other girls he had been with.

Now in another whirlwind and torrent of times and realities being meshed together.. Akemi finds herself back at the castle again! Woo!


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

  • Current Events - Novice
  • Cooking - Good

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (In human form: Novice)
  • Athletics: Amazing (In human form: Novice)
  • Stealth: Incredible

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good
  • Streetwise
  • Intimidation: Incredible (In human form: Abyssmal)
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Good
  • Ettiquette: Amazing
  • Performance: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abyssmal
  • Investigation: Good
  • Medicine
  • Law
  • Occult
  • Politics: Amazing
  • Science

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abyssmal
  • Survival: Amazing
  • Empathy: Good
  • Animal Ken: Incredible

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)

  • Kendo - Akemi is somewhat versed in the art of dual blade combat which she can use her two sacred blades. She usually uses just one though.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items.)

Sankon Tetsusuo: Claws of Steel move she has..just like Inu-yasha did.. she doesn't have poison claws like her father since she's a hanyou but she can swing her claws with a extreme force of energy.

Claws of Blood: If akemi is wounded and bleeding..she can soak her claws with her blood and fling the blood out like daggers..that can cut through things like hot butter!

Poisonous Blood: Though she did not inherit the ability to melt people into goo, she has poisonous properties to her blood..so if she bleeds on someone or her claws of blood knicks somoneone or something..they get a poisoned effect.

Heightened senses: She's a half demon! so all those cool things apply..like faster..can smell things..hear things..see spiritual presences..regenerate and so on. This can also be a double-edged sword because she will be paralyzed by REALLY BAD SMELLING stuff or sounds.

Ear attraction: For some really wierd reason..people might want to rub her ears.

Blood Riot: When Akemi is wounded to near fatal porportions.. the evil flesh inside of her is permitted to take over causing her to become wild and unstable. She'll basically do the Iori blood riot thing.. but more of a conscious evil rather than an all out crazy psycho..which is not good. Don't worry..I'll be responsible with this. ^^;

Full Moon: On the night of the full moon, Akemi, like all other Hanyou(Half-Demon's) in the Inu-Yasha world turn human and lose all their special abilities until the morning of the next day. She prefers to go into hiding when this happens.


Clear Sighted (3): You are not fooled by illusions, and you get an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time you face one.

Acute Senses "hearing" (1): One of your five senses is incredibly sharp, and Alertness rolls involving this sense have a +1 Bonus. You must buy this merit separately for each sense

Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Dexterity rolls. Botches will still hurt, but it is possible to gracefully fall down, and you'll die before you look clumsy.

Innocent (2): You have an aura of childlike innocence (whether you really are or not). +1 Bonus involving Subterfuge or Manipulation.

Double-Jointed (1): +1 Bonus on any roll involving flexibility, or escaping.

Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)

  • Tenseiga - The sword has a special property in that it cannot harm any living beings, which is ironic for a sword. However its power lies in the fact that it can bring the recently dead back to life as well as healing the wounded. The literal translation of the kanji is "heavenly life fang" or "fang born out of heaven", but these are not necessarily accurate representations of the name's actual meaning.

Tenseiga allows a powerful wielder to see and slay the beings from the underworld, as well as bringing up to 100 beings back to life in one swing. And it should be noted, that the Tenseiga has a mind of its own, as at various points, it has been seen talking to Sesshomaru by telling him things like wishing to be drawn or giving him advice.

  • Toukijin - a sword forged from the fangs of Goshinki, an offspring of Naraku, and was wielded by Sessho-maru then passed onto Akemi for her adventures and safety. The Toukijin offers the following abilities. With normal swings the blade can cut air all around the person Akemi is fighting..though Akemi uses her power to supress it so that it's just a really strong sword since she wants to be FAIR.
    • Aura: When wielded by Kaijinbo, the sword constantly emits an intensely evil aura, so much that it ends up consuming Kaijinbo, body and all. The aura itself was so sinister that other demons were unable to go even near it, until it is succumbed by Sesshomaru. Akemi with the boosted ability of the consumed flesh is able to supress the evil aura of the sword.. that is why she will never let anyone else manage the blade or they can be consumed by the evil.
    • Kenatsu: Allows the Toukijin to cut a opponent without touching them. Tokijin fires a needles made of yoki which can pierce an enemy. The Kenatsu develops into a massive wave of yoki which is equal to the Wind Scar, Sessho-maru was able to produce a Kenatsu stronger than Wind Scar when Moryomaru angered him.
    • Souryuuha: When Sessho-maru charges yoki into the Toukijin and then releases as massive amount of youki in the form of blue arcs of lightning. Or if fully charged up, the blast comes into the form of a blue dragon made of energy.

Items Of Note

Her bone armor made from the bones of Youkai. If she is going out to battle, she wears that along with her traditional hakama and kimono. The bone armor allowed her to absorb more damage.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Enhanced Senses: strong smells and sounds can cripple her.

Full Moon: Akemi turns human for one night of the month, she is vulnerable at this time.

Holy Energy: Since Akemi is half-youkai, holy attacks can hurt her fairly badly.


Dark Secret "consumed evil flesh" (1): There's something about you which you don't want people to know, and it would be very bad if they did (or at least you think it would be).

Hero Worship "father" (1): You idolize absolutely idolize someone, and disobeying them requires an effort of will . You also are at -2 penalty to any roll that may force you to admit/realize that your hero may be in the wrong... if the GM feels you should roll for this

Otherworldly Taint "dog ears, demon eyes" (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are.

Geas "Evil Flesh Takeover" (3): Due to an ancient or not-so-ancient pact, or oath made during initiation into something, you have a supernatural taboo placed upon you. If you break it, you may be cursed for life, or lose your powers, or something else bad will happen. A 3-point geas will unlikely affect your everyday life; a 7-point geas is one where risk of breaking must be watched constantly.

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